903 search results for “russian and space linguistics” in the Staff website
Online access to medieval manuscripts improved
Do you frequently search the catalogue of Leiden University Libraries (UBL) for western medieval manuscripts? Then you must have noticed important changes lately. Some 1800 summary catalogue records in Dutch were replaced by more elaborate descriptions in English. Furthermore, the catalogue interface…
A call about: cybersecurity
Aram Segaar, Corporate Information Security Officer in the Information Management Department, works every day with his team to create and maintain a secure working environment at Leiden University. October is ‘Cybersecurity Month’. Aram explains how the university stays safe and the conscious (and unconscious)…
Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference - Call for Papers
This is a call for papers for the upcoming tenth issue of the Journal of the Lucas Graduate Conference (JLGC), intended to be published by the end of this year.
AI for humanities: ‘Especially as a humanities student, you have the tools to work with this’
While humanities once mainly involved books and archives, nowadays we can’t imagine life without AI. Next semester a new faculty-wide course will be introduced, taking you along with this development. University lecturer and course coordinator Yann Ryan tells us more about it.
Emeriti professors organise symposium: 'it’s a shame if our knowledge goes to waste'
When professors become emeriti, it usually does not mean they stop working. The Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) will therefore soon have a first: a symposium is going to be organised where all the speakers are emeriti professors. 'Science will always be part of you are.'
Opportunity LExS Scholarship - Research Master African Studies 2024-2026
Leiden University offers one full Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS) to an African candidate interested in the two-year Research Master African Studies programme (ResMA AS); thus non-EEA/non-EFTA* applicants. LExS is a prestigious scholarship and includes a fee waiver up until the statutory…
Honorary doctorates for Belgian virologist Marc van Ranst and German Arabist Beatrice Gründler
Leiden University is awarding an honorary doctorate to virologist Marc van Ranst. Van Ranst has been one of the main advisers of the Belgian government during the Covid pandemic. German Arabist Beatrice Gründler will also receive an honorary doctorate for her work in the field of Oriental Manuscript…
Four Vici grants for Leiden University researchers
Four researchers from Leiden University have been awarded prestigious Vici grants the Dutch Research Council (NWO) has announced. The honoured applications are from researchers at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden Observatory, the LUMC and the Faculty of Archaeology.
New SSH laboratories in Sylvius Building
On the second floor of the Sylvius Laboratory, new labs are being built for researchers of the Faculties of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Humanities. After a successful tender construction has recently started.
In memoriam: Dr Andrzej Antczak (1956-2024)
On February 28th of this year Dr. Andrzej Tadeusz Antczak died of cancer after a long battle. Until his retirement in 2023 Andrzej was attached to the Faculty of Archaeology as an Associate Professor in Caribbean Archaeology. From 2017 until 2020 he was the Head of the Department of World Archaeology,…
How is the Steering Committee Perspective 2028 doing? 'Advice expected by the end of April'
If we continue with our current policies, the Faculty of Humanities will face a financial shortfall in 2024 and subsequent years. The Perspective 2028 Steering Committee, led by Manon van der Heijden, has been established to advise on potential measures that can be taken to improve the financial sit…
SSH labs: ‘Researchers are amazed at what we have here’
Just outside Leiden city centre is the Sylvius building. This building of the Faculty of Science houses no fewer than 25 labs where FGW and FSW scientists conduct their research.
These are the nominees for the Faculty Teaching Prize 2021
Every year, an outstanding lecturer receives the Faculty Teaching Prize. Lecturers are nominated by students and a jury decides who will receive the prize. The prize is awarded during the official opening of the academic year on 8 September. This year, students nominated four candidates. We spoke to…
Governing Polarized Societies (GPS): new research programme to be launched
Researchers from the Institute of Public Administration and the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at FGGA are launching a new research programme: Governing Polarized Societies (GPS). The programme will focus on the way in which governments are dealing with the increasing polarisation in society.…
Reporting from ESOF: ‘How can we use science to solve the next crisis?’
From global warming to the decolonisation of knowledge. At the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) in Leiden over 500 speakers from 60 countries have come together to discuss the big themes of our times. Why have the delegates come?
Producing ammonia with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions: this novel solution shows it’s possible
Using biomethane to produce ammonia, a crucial chemical in agriculture, could drastically reduce the climate impact of the process. In a study published in One Earth, researcher Robert Istrate shows it’s even possible to make ammonia production net-zero or carbon negative.
Essi Pekonen and Ingmar Jansen win Political Science bachelor’s thesis prizes for 2022
October and November not only bring a number of proud Political Science graduates, it is also the season to determine who wrote the best bachelor’s thesis. For 2021-2022, fifteen theses were nominated. During the various graduation ceremonies the two final winners were announced: Essi Maria Teresia…
A new look at Kant, Fichte and Hegel
When you think of political philosophy, you think of Immanuel Kant, Georg Hegel and Johann Fichte. Both philosophers are considered great representatives of German idealism. University lecturer in Continental Philosophy Marie Louise Krogh has received a Veni subsidy to delve deeper into the German idealists…
Mapping the universe with a NWO grant of 3.1 million
With the new Euclid satellite, scientists are going to map a large part of the sky. The satellite ofthe European Space Agency (ESA) will soon give them a better view of the galaxies and matter in the universe. Professor of Galactic Astronomy Koen Kuijken and a team of Dutch scientists are receiving…
Herta Mohr: Headstrong female scientist in a man's world
As a twelve-year-old girl, Nicky van de Beek became intrigued by the tomb chapels in Saqqara, Egypt. Now she is doing her PhD on them, just like another Leiden Egyptologist decades earlier. Herta Mohr persevered with her research during World War II. Now she is the namesake of the first Leiden building…
Guest lecture on Deterrence in the era of Great Power Competition
During the guest lecture on 9 February, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Rob de Wijk and Frans Osinga discussed the situation in Ukraine and Taiwan. The crises in eastern Ukraine and the increasing tensions around Taiwan highlight the challenges the West faces in deterring aggression in the new era of key dynamics…
MIVD director Peter Reesink delivers first Arthur Docters van Leeuwen annual lecture: ‘Collaboration is essential’
On 10 December, the Intelligence and Security Research Group of ISGA had the honour of hosting Vice Admiral Peter Reesink for the inaugural Arthur Docters van Leeuwen Lecture.
University energy campaign: ‘Warm yourself, not the world’
Sky-high energy prices and a climate that keeps getting warmer: it’s clear that we have to turn down the heat. Sustainability Day on 10 October will mark the start of our five-month Energy Campaign and we’ll be making the switch. Sustainability Coordinators Aranka Virágh (Real Estate) and Marlies Nijemeisland…
Meet the members of the Cultural Anthropology OLC 2021-2022
Benjamín Maldonado, Orestes Kyrgiakis, Roos Capel and Iskra Cvitković are the new student members of the Programme Committee (OLC). The board advises the Executive Board and the Faculty Board about educational matters, such as the determination of the Course and Examination Regulations and the evaluation…
The internet has many bosses. It’s chaotic but it works
Governance of the internet is chaotic, says Professor Jan Aart Scholte. Can we learn from this relatively new form of governance?
Cybercrime: who is the perpetrator?
There is no such thing as the quintessential cybercriminal. It can be a Russian gang or the boy next door. What we do know is that cybercrime is an enduring societal problem that can affect every one of us. ‘We do not know enough about the criminals’, says Professor of Governing Cybercrime Rutger Le…
In conversation with Ben Smulders: from Leiden Law School student to top civil servant at European Commission
Alumnus Ben Smulders has worked for the European Commission for the past 33 years. ‘The discipline and depth that I experienced during my student days has helped me through various stages of my professional career.’
Oekraïne conferentie 75 universele verklaring v
Universele Verklaring voor de Rechten van de Mens en het Genocide verdrag, 75 jaar Oekraine
Wars in Ukraine and Gaza could soon affect our approach to the North Pole
The Houthis are attacking ships in the Red Sea. Rerouting via South Africa is expensive, whereas the Arctic route only takes a week. Once a no-go zone, this route might be a more realistic option. Mind the nuclear submarines, though…
Words and Warning Messages: Communicating Deterrence in Theory and Practice
LUCIR Talk: Ghost Army - Snapshot of the Wagner Group’s Operations and Structures
This was 2021! An overview of Humanities in the news
Online, hybrid, on campus... It was an unpredictable year, also for the Faculty of Humanities. Luckily, there were also non-corona related stories. Let's review 2021 with this list of the most-read news articles per month.
Renske Janssen is the winner of the LUCAS Dissertation Prize 2021
The LUCAS Dissertation Prize has been awarded to Dr. Renske Janssen for her PhD thesis Religio Illicita? Roman Legal Interactions with Early Christianity in Context.
SSH labs: a place to be inspired by your colleagues
The new SSH labs will offer great opportunities for FSW and FGW staff engaged in experimental research. The labs will be a place of inspiration, not only because of the state-of-the-art equipment, but also as a result of the increased interaction with colleagues in other disciplines.
Multilingualism in young children is a good thing: 'Languages support each other'
During Leiden City of Science 2022, Janet Grijzenhout and Hannah De Mulder will put multilingualism in the spotlight by organising multilingual storytelling afternoons. They hope to show parents that raising children multilingually is achievable as well as beneficial.
Minimalism in Malay Verbal Art: towards a cognitive poetic approach of allusion in Malay
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Egyptian Diaspora in Paris – Between the Language and Resistance
Lecture, This Time For Africa! series
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: Meaning or what? The semantics of ChatGPT
Descolonizando Tiempo, Espacio y Conocimiento
PhD defence
UMW Research Seminar
Lecture, UMW Research Seminar
Descolonizando Tiempo, Espacio y Conocimiento
PhD defence
Bringing Archives to Life: Exploring legacy materials, digital tools, and data utilization
Conference, Workshop
Roots, branches and LHEAf
Conference, Final conference
- Methods in Dialectology Workshop Series 2023
Ethnonyms as windows into the past: untangling past and present contacts in Ngamiland, Botswana
Lecture, This Time for Africa! series
Speech levels and Verbal Art in languages of Indonesia
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
Awapit Verbs
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
In Memoriam Midas Berkenveld
With great shock, we have learned of the sudden passing of Midas Berkenveld. Midas was a second-year Biology student; in 2022, he had already successfully completed his bachelor's degree in Linguistics.
Announcement Fellow Program 2022 'The Iranian Highlands'
For 2022, The Iranian-German project 'The Iranian Highlands: Resilience and Integration of Premodern Societies' announces the second round of fellowship grants. The fellowship is open for both iranian and non-iranian researchers, especially in archaeology but also in other interdisciplinary fields focussing…
Funding for science communication on deaf community and on losing your way
Two Leiden University science communication projects have been awarded a WECOM grant through the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA). One project is a study of the history of the deaf community in the Netherlands and the other is of a condition that causes people to lose their way.