1,749 search results for “relating life” in the Public website
Call for Papers: Humanities and International Relations Graduate Conference
In our rapidly evolving and interconnected world, the study of International Relations has expanded beyond conventional disciplinary boundaries. Leiden University’s MA in International Relations program (MAIR - Humanities), with its emphasis on humanities-oriented and multidisciplinary perspectives,…
Gjalt Huppes
Reinout Heijungs
Rene Kleijn
An inside view from the International Relations MA
'After my BA International Studies I decided to do the MA International Relations, and that proved to be a good choice,' Mats Radeck (23, Trier, Germany) says. He is in the last phase of the MA, working on his thesis on
New film about the life of Ben Telders (1903-1945)
Shortly before Remembrance Day, a new film was launched about the life and legacy of Ben Telders. Telders was professor of Dutch Law at Leiden University at the start of the Second World War; he was imprisoned in a concentration camp on account of of his protest against the Nazis.
Is there anybody out there? On the quest for extraterrestrial life.
Leiden Professor of Astronomy Mike Garrett is searching for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. In his Kaiser lecture on 23 April he will discuss how far science has progressed in this quest.
Collective Labour Rights and Collective Labour Relations of China
On Thursday 11 January 2018, Xiang Li will defend her doctoral thesis: “Collective Labour Rights and Collective Labour Relations of China”. The defence will take place at 11:15 hrs at the Academy Building of Leiden University, Rapenburg 73. The supervisors are Professor Guus Heerma van Voss and Professor…
How life online influences young people
Young people spend a lot of their time online. Even so, we still know very little about how this intensive use of social media influences their development. Brain researcher and Spinoza Prize winner Eveline Crone from Leiden University and media psychologist Elly Konijn (VU) describes what the research…
Freedom to choose your own life partner
Professor Kees Waaldijk presented the report on the LawsAndFamilies Database to Pearl Dykstra, member of the High Level Group of Scientific Advisors of the European Commission on 25 April. This comparative study shows that in European countries same-sex partners are increasingly gaining equal rights.…
In Search of the Japanese Family: Modernity, Social Change, and Women's Lives in Contemporary Japan
This book project explores the changing dynamics of marriage and family life in postwar Japan based on an examination of the life histories of single mothers.
What are the life-cycle environmental impacts and risks to human health and ecosystems of a III-V/Si PV system? How can these be expected to change when the system is deployed at industrial scale? What are the most favourable recycling scenarios?
How do adolescents and parents experience parenting in daily life?
How adolescents perceive parenting is related to their mood. Differences between the perspectives of parents and adolescents are also of importance for adolescents’ mood. That is what research by Loes Janssen and her Leiden University colleagues in Clinical Psychology shows. Open Access publication…
The end of life as a subject for debate
Most students do not have to deal with death on a daily basis. A Bachelor Honours Class about this specific topic seems to be a special experience: the discussions about end-of-life care are tough, and students are broken out of their comfort zone. They nevertheless agree upon one thing: these are all…
Life after the Grand Jamboree: Wrapping-up iGEM
‘A challenging rollercoaster, but also a very bonding and insightful experience,’ that’s how the team of iGEM Leiden 2022 wraps up their participation in the iGEM contest. The contest for synthetic biology climaxed during the Grand Jamboree in Paris. The team ended up in the top 10 of over 360 teams…
Conference Anglo-Dutch Relations (6-8 January 2022, Oxford)
Contacts between English and Dutch speakers had a profound impact on the literary landscape and book culture of England and the Low Countries. This conference crosses conventional chronological, linguistic, geographical and disciplinary boundaries to explore the cultural history of relations between…
Anticipating an unwanted future: euthanasia and dementia in the Netherlands
This ethnographic exploration of anticipation published in the Journal of the Royal Anthropology Institute draws on fieldwork among people with dementia and their families in the Netherlands.
Blog Post | International Society and Uncertainty in International Relations
The ongoing conflicts between the United States and its allies and Russia and between the United States and its allies and China reflect both the anarchical nature of the international system and the uncertainty with which decision-makers and diplomats have to deal with in attempting to solve the conflicts…
Materials Innovative Technologies Assessment (MIN-TEA)
How can prospective LCA be streamlined in a way that its practical application in research and technology development increases?
Chen Li
Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
Hunting for life’s building blocks at minus 250 degrees Celsius
James Webb life’s building blocks
The European Union and the United Nations in Global Governance
Madeleine O. Hosli, Professor of International Relations, wrote this book in which she analyses the complex relations between the European Union (EU) as a regional organization and the United Nations (UN) as an international, global governance institution.
Research on blurred work-life boundaries during COVID-19
Together with physiotherapist and lifestyle therapist Jaap Wonders of SMC Rijnland, Helen Pluut conducted research during the first COVID-19 wave on the experiences of working people. The reason for the research was the compulsory situation of working from home many people found themselves in. One of…
Podcast: Urban Life in Catalonia in the 14th Century with Jeff Fynn-Paul
Most of us know that Venice, Genoa, and Florence were major Mediterranean powers during the Renaissance. But did you know that in terms of trade and sea power, Barcelona was probably more powerful than two of these three?
Blarel, India-Israel at 25: Defense Ties
Why did India develop a strong military partnership with the state of Irael, after having ignored it for 42 years? How could both countries develop defense ties in spite of limited political leadership involvement? Finally, what are the prospects for defense relations as India grows to become one of…
Topic: Aging and neuropsychological rehabilitation
Cognitive decline (amongst other problems with attention, concentration, memory) is a common symptom in patients with a variety of brain disorders and has been related to healthy ageing as well. People suffering from cognitive deficits are often significantly hampered in their day-to-day functioning…
Audiovisual research provides new insights into how migrants navigate major life events
NWO-funded audiovisual research into the experiences of migrants during major life events has culminated in new insights that can further our understanding of complex migration dynamics. The completion of this five-year project was marked with a roundtable event including international guests.
to canvas: interactive artwork brings the world between our cells to life
What’s really happening in the space between the cells in your body? With the Collagen Canvas project, students from Leiden University invite you to explore this question by blending science with art. This interactive artwork immerses you in the dynamics of the extracellular matrix—the invisible structure…
LEGITIMULT - Legitimate Crisis Management and Multi-level Governance
LEGITIMULT examines how Covid-19 measures by governments impact multilevel governance and democratic governance in 31 European countries
Why Minor Powers Risk Wars with Major Powers: A Comparative Study of the Post-Cold War Era
Through a range of case studies spanning the post-Cold War period in Iraq, Moldova and Serbia, this book studies asymmetric conflicts where warring sides exhibit vast power differentials.
Europe as A Global Actor? – The Common Security and Defence Policy in Question
My research project aims to analyze reasons of the European Union’s (EU) inadequacy to develop a strong Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) with regard to the role of main EU member states, namely Germany and the United Kingdom (UK) and find the answer of how the EU overcome the CSDP question…
Quality of life is sometimes more important to the elderly than a cure
Geriatrics needs to radically change. This is what Simon Mooijaart will say in his inaugural lecture.
Improving the treatment of newborn babies with life-threatening sepsis
Coen van Hasselt’s pharmacology group collaborated on a study recently published in the renowned Lancet Infectious Diseases. The international team mapped the antibiotic treatment of the life-threatening inflammatory reaction sepsis in newborn babies. They did this for low- and middle-income countries,…
COFUND grant for 18 Post-docs working on the Origin and Evolution of Life
The European Union has awarded a COFUND grant to a consortium of researchers from the universities of Groningen, Leiden and Eindhoven for a collective fellowship programme called ‘oLife’. The 6 M€ programme, which is co-financed by the participating universities, will recruit and train 18 post-doctoral…
Grant for research into stress-related disorders
Disruption to the gut flora can affect your mental health. How could this knowledge be used to prevent stress-related disorders? This is what psychologist Laura Steenbergen will investigate with the aid of a project grant from the Leiden University Fund (LUF) and the Gratama Foundation.
Exhibition opening: Life in Death: The Middle Kingdom at Deir el-Bersha
On Thursday the 15th of March, an exhibition displaying funerary masterpieces of Deir el-bersha was opened at the Egyptian museum on the occasion of 120 years of archaeological research at the site. The exhibit runs until 15 April.
A coalition of the unwilling? Chinese and Russian perspectives on cyberspace
The Hague Program for Cyber Norms, a research program at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, published its second policy brief, in which Dennis Broeders, Liisi Adamson and Rogier Creemers explore aspects of the relationship between China and Russia in cyberspace.
- Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series
Mapping historical marine life: Johannes Müller is researching the history of ecosystems
The underwater world around present-day Indonesia has changed greatly in recent centuries as a result of human activity. University lecturer Johannes Müller has been awarded an NWO XS grant to map the history of the Indonesian ecosystems.
Papyri: the written residue of daily life during the formative period of Islam
How did people experience Islam on a day-to-day basis in the early centuries of Islam? That's where the papyri come in, says professor of Arabic Petra Sijpesteijn in the fourth video of the Leiden | Islam interview series.
Guiding safe and sustainable technological innovation under uncertainty: a case study of III-V/silicon photovoltaics
A framework for prospective/ex-ante life cycle assessment (LCA) and ecological risk assessment (ERA) of emerging technologies is developed and applied to a case study of III-V/silicon photovoltaic panels.
Marieke Liem: ‘On the meaning of life for long-term prisoners’
Marieke Liem wrote a contribution for DJIzien, a magazine published by the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (Ministry of Justice and Security), about her meetings with long-term prisoners. ‘For my research on long-term prisoners I made numerous visits to Dutch prisons. During these visits, I came…
Does migration lead to more political and ideological related crime?
No evidence found that increasing migration leads to an increase in politically and ideologically motivated criminality. Migration flows have, however resulted in increased polarisation in the Netherlands.
Esteban Szmulewicz publishes an article on intergovernmental relations
Szmulewicz, a PhD candidate at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, has written an article on intergovernmental relations (IGR) from a multidisciplinary perspective, considering law in the text and law-in-action, while analysing paradigmatic cases as well as comparative perspecti…
Project LAWKI (Life As We Know It) by the collective ARK / Roosje Klap winner Gouden Kalf 2022
Project LAWKI (Life As We Know It) by PhDArts candidate Roosje Klap (ARK) won a Gouden Kalf Award 2022 for the Best Digital Cultural Production.
Putting life into Neolithic houses with an NWO subsidy: ‘We will bring detail in our image of past domestic activities’
Archaeologist Annelou van Gijn received an NWO Archeologie Telt grant to investigate domestic craft and subsistence activities of late Neolithic peoples in the coastal area of the Netherlands
Institutional sources of legitimacy in multistakeholder global governance at ICANN
This article investigates the sources of legitimacy in multistakeholderism as a major alternative approach to intergovernmental global governance.
- Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series
- Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series
- Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series