1,035 search results for “als” in the Public website
Organisational & Entrepreneurial Behaviour
The research group Organizational & Entrepreneurial Behavior investigates the behavior of individuals and groups who start, work in, or lead organizations, in order to inform organizational practice. By focusing on the behavior of (groups of) employees, entrepreneurs and leaders, the main levels of…
Localising global garment biographies
Discover the effects of clothing value and lifespan on buyer-user-producer relationships through collaborative research with Localising Global Garment Biographies.
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Education at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Mapping Historical Leiden: A Dynamic and Digital Atlas (Phase 1 & 2)
The map application includes information from old and new buildings archaeological projects. This makes it possible to investigate whether water facilities (wells, cisterns) and waste facilities (cesspits, sewers) were the privilege of Leiden’s wealthy elite in the late 16th and 17th centuries or whether…
Poetry, rhythm, and meter
Knowledge and culture subproject 4:
Cognition in the digital environment laboratory
To develop a new generation of brain science (and train scientists) focused on explaining complex real-world behavioural patterns.
Psychophysiological responses to stress and stress management
The major aim is to determine the psychophysiological responses to stress and stress-management interventions and to examine the role of stress and stress-related psychophysiological mechanisms (e.g., cognitions, behaviors, and physiological stress responses) in both healthy and medical populations.
- Advanced 2D Materials of Borophene for Mutationally Preserved Geno-sensing of Sexually Transmitted Disease
‘If we want to be really inclusive, we need to step outside our comfort zone’
The experiential expertise of people with a disability needs to be integrated in diversity & inclusion policy. This message was the common thread at the annual Diversity & Inclusion symposium. Students and staff members engaged in conversation about how the university can become more accessible.
Reflections from the field: Linking the past with the present through pickling, fermenting, and food preservation in Gdańsk, Poland.
PhD candidate Ola Gracjasz writes about fermentation practices in Gdańsk, Poland.
From urban food organizations to food policies
Comparing gazes between Turin and other cities in the global north.
Welmoet Wels wins the faculty Jongbloed thesisprize 2015
The world is full of wars, and no war is without its dead. What happens to the bodies of fatal casualties of armed conflict? The winner of the faculty Jongbloed Thesis Prize 2015 is Welmoet Wels (Public International Law). Her thesis Dead body management in armed conflict: paradoxes in trying to do…
The knowledge, comprehensibility and appreciation of gender-neutral pronouns in Dutch and French
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
Seasons of Interdisciplinarity
The Seasons of Interdisciplinarity are an initiative by the Young Academy Leiden that started in 2021.
Strategic research into and development of best practice for, predictive modelling on behalf of Dutch Cultural Resource Management
Are predictive archaeological maps a reliable tool to play an important role in the spatial planning? One of the goals of this project was to develop best practices for the production and application of the models.
The formation of Islam: The view from below
By examining the impact of Islam on the daily life of those living under its rule, the goal of this project is to understand the striking newness of Islamic society and its debt to the diverse cultures it superseded. Questions will be the extent, character, and ambition of Muslim state competency at…
Tales of the Revolt. Memory, Oblivion and Identity in the Low Countries, 1566-1700
This research project, that started in September 2008, aims to explore how personal and public memories of the Dutch Revolt in the seventeenth century evolved and interacted to create new political and cultural identities for the societies that eventually were to become the kingdoms of the Netherlands…
Turning over a new leaf: Manuscript innovation in the twelfth-century renaissance
How did the medieval manuscript develop as a physical object during the Twelfth Century Renaissance and what do these changes tell us about the intellectual culture of the period?
News in a Glasshouse: Media, Publics, and Senses of Belonging in the Dutch Caribbean
PhD defence
Reedijk Symposium 2024: Covalent Inhibitors for the Proteome-wide Identification of New Druggable Targets for Antibiotics
- Integration of 2D Materials for Application in Electronics
Rick Honings
Faculty of Humanities
Rik van Gijn
Faculty of Humanities
New method of detecting rapid virus development
Physicists, including Leiden researcher, Sanli Faes, have devised a new technique for studying processes at microscale rapidly and extremely precisely. This new method will make it easier to develop antiviral medication. And it doesn’t stop there. Publication in ACS Nano.
Greater focus on pre-Islamic heritage
War and terrorism overshadow interest in the pre-Islamic heritage of the Arabic peninsula. The new Leiden Centre for the Study of Ancient Arabia aims to make the general public more aware of the ancient history of this region.
Movements of steroid receptors inside the cell nucleus unraveled
Advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques have revealed how steroid receptors move inside the nucleus. The results were published by a team from Leiden University and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, led by IBL-researcher Marcel Schaaf.
In the media: Martijn Nouwen's research into EU tax body
In het onderzoek van docent Martijn Nouwen wordt voor het eerst aan het grote publiek blootgelegd hoe de ‘geheime’ Europese Gedragscodegroep er niet in is geslaagd om verschillende vormen van schadelijke belastingconcurrentie uit te bannen.
Plastic nanoparticles make larval zebrafish hyperactive
Nanoplastics influence the behaviour of larval zebrafish, says new research by the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) and the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML). The researchers observed that a certain type of nanoparticles leads to stress reactions in the sugar balance, resulting in hyperactivity…
Tailored medicines
Medicines do not follow the one size fits all principle, because genetic differences can influence their efficiency. That is what research by PhD candidate Julia Hillger shows. She defends her PhD dissertation Take it Personal on Thursday 7 December.
Radio astronomers bypass disturbing Earth's atmosphere with new calibration technique
An international team of researchers led by astronomers from Leiden University (the Netherlands) has produced the first sharp radio maps of the universe at low frequencies. Thanks to a new calibration technique, they bypassed the disturbances of the Earth's ionosphere. They used the new method to study…
Halo of gas shows how exoplanets are slowly losing their atmosphere
Twee teams of astronomers, including from the universities of Amsterdam and Leiden, have discovered how hot gas giants are surrounded by large halos of thin helium gas, an indication that they are slowly losing their atmosphere. The helium, that was recently seen for the first time by the Hubble space…
Research on climate change and sustainable livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalayas
Anthropologist Erik de Maaker has received a grant from the Himalayan Universities Consortium worth USD 37.000, along with researchers from Yunnan Minzu University (Kunming, China), Sikkim University (India), the Royal University of Bhutan (Thimpu, Bhutan). The grant, to be used in 2018/2019, is meant…
Non-invasive DNA-labeling tool opens doors for new research
Dutch researchers have developed a new tool to label DNA for studying chromosomes in live cells. The tool is non-invasive and can be applied in culture but also in living organisms, such as zebrafish embryos. The team published their findings in the journal Nucleic Acids Research.
Irma Mosquera Valderrama new PhD Dean
On 1 January Irma Mosquera Valderrama succeeded Jean-Pierre van der Rest as PhD Dean, completing the changes to the team of PhD deans at Leiden Law School.
James Webb Space Telescope sees sand clouds on 'cotton candy planet' WASP-107b
A team of European astronomers has found a silicate-based weather system on a cloudy gas planet around the star WASP-107. It is the first time astronomers have found silicate clouds and rain. They also conclude that temperatures deeper in the atmosphere are rising rapidly. 'The presence of clouds has…
Sabine van der Asdonk wins Gratama Science Prize 2021
For her research into complex family problems, an assistant professor in Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies Sabine van der Asdonk has won the Gratama Science Prize 2021, a prize for talented young researchers from the universities of Leiden and Groningen. The jury praised Van der Asdonk’s excellent…
Planeetvormende schijven evolueren verrassend vergelijkbaar
Our solar system probably evolved in the same way as most of the other planetary systems around us. This has been shown by German-Austrian-Dutch research on more than 870 planet-forming disks in the Orion cloud A. The five researchers, including three from the Leiden Observatory, published their findings…
First measurement of isotopes in atmosphere of exoplanet
An international team of astronomers have become the first in the world to detect isotopes in the atmosphere of an exoplanet. It concerns different forms of carbon in the gaseous giant planet TYC 8998-760-1 b. The research will be published in the scientific journal Nature on Thursday.
Matthias Haentjens appointed as Professor of Civil Law
Starting 1 January 2023, Matthias Haentjens has been appointed as Professor of Civil Law at Leiden University. His expertise lies in the field of property law, insolvency law, and private international law.
Ron Sela will be the Central Asia Visiting Professor in May 2017
Ron Sela, Associate Professor of Central Asian History in the Department of Central Eurasian Studies at Indiana University – Bloomington, will be the Central Asia Visiting Professor from 19 until 25 May 2017. Ron Sela will deliver a guest lecture and a master class within the Central Asia Initiative…
Journalistiek in Irak tweegesprek met Judit Neurink en Sakir Khader
LUCIS organiseerde op woensdag 4 maart een speciale avond over journalistiek in Irak. Journaliste Judit Neurink en programmamaker Sakir Khader vertelden over hun ervaringen en recente werkzaamheden in het land. De avond stond onder leiding van Wendelmoet Boersema (politiek redacteur van dagblad Trou…
PhD candidate Vincent Walstra features his research and academic work in various media
It is always a pleasure when a young academic can reach out to the broader public and discuss his/her research's societal relevance and impact. Our own Vincent Walstra has been doing very well on disseminating his work and featuring in various media. This is a list of his recent publications and int…
Remembering Olivier Nieuwenhuyse with a festschrift: ‘He would have loved this book’
On November 16 a festschrift in honor of Dr Olivier Nieuwenhuyse was presented in a moving event at the Faculty of Archaeology. Professor Bleda Düring, a personal friend of Nieuwenhuyse, was one of the initiators. ‘If he had been here, he would have loved this book.’
Gebruiker proof of concept toegang Digitaal Magazijn KB
Voor deze use case zoeken wij een gebruiker die voor onderzoeksdoeleinden interesse heeft in de auteursrechtelijk beschermde collectie van de KB en ons kan helpen met het opstellen door wensen, noden en ervaringen te delen.
Research proposal focused on the topic of military operations wins this year’s research conference
In the course ‘Research Design CSM’ Dr. Elke Devroe and Moniek Akerboom organized this year a competitive research conference where students of the Master Crisis and Security Management (CSM) presented their research design in order to gain some (fictive) funding on their proposal.
Unique carbon-14 measurements published in Science
The distinguished academic journal Science published an article about an important and extensive series of measurements made by the Centre for Isotope Research (CIO) of the University of Groningen. The measurements concern the dating of a lake bed sediment in the Suigetsu Lake in Japan.
Ron Sela will be the Central Asia Visiting Professor in May 2017
Ron Sela, Associate Professor of Central Asian History in the Department of Central Eurasian Studies at Indiana University – Bloomington, will be the Central Asia Visiting Professor from 19 until 25 May 2017. Ron Sela will deliver a guest lecture and a master class within the Central Asia Initiative…
Why plants in wetlands are highly productive
Environmental scientists in Leiden have found that the so-called leaf economics spectrum for plants can not only be applied to terrestrial ecosystems, such as forests and grasslands, but also to wetlands. Furthermore, they showed that wetland plants generally have a fast-return strategy, meaning they…
Here is how we can increase the effectiveness of global environment protection
Researchers from the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) identified six top priorities where environmental interventions can make the most difference. By doing so, they hope to help researchers and policymakers make the most out of the limited, available resources to protect people and the pla…
Leiden Archaeology Field School 2022 has begun in Oss
With the start of June, the annual Leiden Archaeology Field School has begun. Like last year, the Field School takes place in Oss. Every week, a group of 25 first year students gets to learn the ins and outs of a professional excavation.