10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Education and Child Studies (MSc)
The master's programme in Education and Child Studies is an academic programme that focuses on the link between theory, research and practice.
Career prospects
In the Master’s programme in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences of Leiden University you are trained for a scientific career in drug research and development.
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The future is Brightspace
Brightspace will fully replace Blackboard in academic year 2020-2021. Following evaluations of students and lecturers’ first impressions of Brightspace, the project team now plans to make this digital learning environment more user-friendly.
Extra information activities
Are you still unsure which master's programme suits you best? Why not dive deeper into the programmes, experience lectures and ask all your questions to teachers and current students? Try one of our extra information activities.
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Continuing your studies
The master’s programme in Archaeology at Leiden University is the most diverse in the Netherlands. There are several regional and thematic focus areas and research is incorporated in the education programme. Join our international classroom: half of the students come from outside The Netherlands, as…
- Application
Continuing your studies
The master’s programme in Archaeology at Leiden University is the most diverse in the Netherlands. There are several regional and thematic focus areas and research is incorporated in the education programme. Join our international classroom: half of the students come from outside The Netherlands, as…
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
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Vertalen Engels-Nederlands
A language degree does not prepare you for a job as a translator, a fact unknown to graduates and their clients. Perhaps just as well, because many language graduates do become translators. The minor Vertalen Engels-Nederlands (Translation English-Dutch) offers you the opportunity to become acquainted…
- Information activities
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Service desk Pieter de la Court
Pieter de la Court, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK, Leiden
JWG Leiden
The Jeugdwerkgroep is a national astronomy association for young people who are interested in astronomy. The Leiden section organizes a monthly meeting in the Old Observatory Leiden.
Digital Activism in Asia: Good, Bad, and Banal Politics Online
This article introduces the special issue on ‘Digital Activism’ by exploring some of the trends in social media activism and scholarship thereof. The authors ask to what extent this literature helps us understand Asian forms of online activism, which forms of activism have relatively done well, and…
From wolf to dog
Morphometric and morphological differences have been used extensively in the past to study domestication of the wolf and the origin of dogs. Certainly before genetic testing was performed, these methods were the only means to diverge both groups. But still now, when aDNA cannot be extracted, morphometry…
Stop! Hey, what's that sound? the representation and realization of Danish stops
On the 11th of January, Rasmus Puggaard-Rode successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Rasmus on this achievement!
Tracing Technology: Forty Years of Archaeological Research at Satricum, Rome 25-28 October 2017
With the resumption of archaeological investigations at Satricum (Borgo LeFerriere, Latium), in 1977, a broad array of themes, methodologies and analytical approaches have been pursued. A common thread is technology, which encompasses all social, economic and cultural aspects of human agency.
Towards automated identification of metabolites using mass spectral trees
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Hankemeier, Co-promotor: Dr. Theo Reijmers
Light Weighed: On the Statistics and Systematics of Weak Gravitational Lensing
In astronomy, the interpration of observations and measurements plays a crucial role: we rely purely and fundamentally on the information that reaches us as observers. And 80% of all matter in the universe is undetectable directly.
Service desk Campus The Hague
Wijnhaven, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP, The Hague
The library of the Papyrological Institute is the most complete facility for papyrological studies in the Netherlands.
PhD Committee
The PhD Committee is a bottom-up initiative that aims to create an open, active, and fun environment for all PhD candidates at Leiden University’s Faculty of Archaeology.
Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger: life and work with special attention paid to basso continuo
The thesis presents a new perspective on Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger (ca.1580-1651), who is nowadays only famous for his works for theorbo and lute, his remarkable output of vocal music of all genres being still mostly neglected from musicologists and performers.
Don't Blink: Detecting transiting exoplanets with MASCARA
This thesis describes the Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA), which consists of two small robotic telescope designed to detect exoplanets around the brightest stars in the sky.
LUCRIS/GSM Graduate School Management
The Graduate School Management (GSM) module is a registration and monitoring system for PhD candidates and their supervisors. All information is stored uniformly and made accessible in one place. The GSM module is part of the LUCRIS system. Converis is the software behind LUCRIS.
Physics implications of shape on biological function
Shape and biological function are tightly connected. Physical descriptions are used to connect the shape of a biological system with its function.
The Texture of the Lexicon
In this volume, Ray Jackendoff and Jenny Audring embark on a major reconceptualization of linguistic theory as seen through the lens of morphology. Their approach, Relational Morphology, extends the Parallel Architecture developed by Jackendoff in Foundations of Language (2002), Simpler Syntax (2005),…
Mesoporous silica nanoparticle-based protein delivery systems for biomedical applications
Promotor: A. Kros
The curators and conservator share fascinating stories about physical objects from the Special Collections through regular blog posts.
Experience Day Archaeology
Study information
Children’s Rights in International Commercial Surrogacy
On 26 juni 2018, Claire Achmad defended her doctoral thesis 'Children’s Rights in International Commercial Surrogacy: Exploring the Challenges from a Child Rights, Public International Law Perspective'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. Dr. Mariëlle Bruning.
PhD Confidential Advisor
As a PhD candidate, you can experience problems in the relationship with your supervisor or co-supervisor, with your immediate superior, colleagues or other PhD candidates. If you are unable to solve these problems, you can turn to a confidential advisor for PhD candidates.
The details of past actions on a smartphone touchscreen are reflected by intrinsic sensorimotor dynamics
Unconstrained day-to-day activities are difficult to quantify and how the corresponding movements shape the brain remain unclear. Here, we recorded all touchscreen smartphone interactions at a sub-second precision and show that the unconstrained day-to-day behavior captured on the phone reflects in…
Servicedesk W&N
Gorlaeus Building, Einsteinweg 55, 2333 CC, Leiden
Research Support Portal & Leiden Open Science
Leiden University offers support in the different stages of your research lifecycle.
Contact us
The LUCL Office coordinates the day-to-day running of the institute. It is responsible for handling general enquiries and can assist with all practical matters concerning LUCL and its staff.
Gorlaeus Bicycle Storage
Currently, the construction is underway for a large, covered bicycle parking facility with space for nearly 3000 bicycles. In the summer of 2024, the Gorlaeus bicycle parking will be ready for use.
University Elections
This year, there are elections for the student and staff sections of the University Council and the student section of all faculty councils. You decide who represents you to university management. What topics and viewpoints are important to you? By voting, you ultimately have a say in university policy.…
Non-take-up of social support and the implications for social policies
This dissertation takes an important step in understanding the phenomenon of non-take-up of social support and what it means for contemporary social policies.
Social Justice Expertise Center (SJEC)
Developments in globalization and industrialization continuously push governments, international organizations and NGOs to reexamine the opportunities available to people at all levels of society to attain basic socioeconomic necessities. Research into existing social justice initiatives has shown a…
Important information
Below you will find important information for new and current PhD candidates at the Institute for Philosophy.
Ecosia at Leiden University
The Leiden University Green Office has some great news: you can now make the most environmentally-friendly search engine - Ecosia - your default on a public LU computer!