3,145 search results for “russian and space linguistics” in the Public website
A Grammar of Ghomara Berber
This dissertation provides a grammatical description of Ghomara Berber, a Berber language spoken in North-West Morocco by about 10.000 people. The grammar consists of a description of the phonology, the morphology and the syntax. In the appendices a number of texts and a wordlist are included. The data…
Flat but not shallow. Towards flatter representations in deep semantic parsing for precise and feasible inferencing
Simulating human language understanding on the computer is a great challenge. A way to approach it is to represent natural language meanings in logic, and to use logical provers to determine what does and does not follow from a text. What logic is best to use and how natural language meanings are best…
On the nature of preverbal Focus in Greek. A theoretical and experimental approach
This thesis aims at contributing to our understanding of the semantic and prosodic properties of object foci in Greek, employing theoretical and experimental tools.
Die biblisch-hebräische Partikel נָא im Lichte der antiken Bibelübersetzungen. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer vermuteten Höflichkeitsfunktion
My research addresses the function of the much-debated particle -nā in Biblical Hebrew, often translated with “please”, from the point of view of the most important ancient Bible translations (Greek, Syriac, Latin). It combines textual criticism, translation technique, discourse pragmatics, and the…
The Syntax of Heads and Phrases - A Study of Verb (Phrase) Fronting
This dissertation defends the existence of a type of movement that has so far been considered not to be possible, namely, movement of a bare head to a specifier position over arbitrarily long distances.
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Living room KOG: a space to relax and connect
The Student Living Room at the KOG will soon officially open its doors. All Leiden Law School staff and students are welcome to come and see this new space during the official opening event on Tuesday 23 May at 12.00 hrs. A free lunch will be provided for all, we’ll raise a toast with a glass of bubbles,…
‘Building blocks for life' may originate in space
Amino acids are the building blocks for life on earth. They may originate in space and reach the Earth via comets and meteorites. Daniël Paardekooper examined part of this hypothesis. PhD defence on 5 July.
Engaging GiCheon as a Technology of Self in Contemporary Korea
This project embarks on empirical analysis of popular psycho-physical practices in contemporary Korea.
Dutch MH17 mission spied on by Ukrainian and Russian Intelligence Services
Dutch agents, military personnel, prosecution personnel and diplomats in Ukraine have been spied on by intelligence services from Ukraine and Russia after the MH17 disaster. Reliable sources reported this to RTL Nieuws. The espionage by Ukraine is very sensitive, because it is highly unusual that espionage…
Beyond the Safe Space: Spring Podcast Competition 2023
The Leiden University Green Office is pleased to announce its Spring Podcast competition -- Beyond the Safe Space -- on the theme: the Planetary Boundaries.
Matthijs Westera
Faculty of Humanities
Alumnus Adrian Young gives lecture on cultural heritage to AHK students
On Monday 9 May, IIASL alumnus Adrian Young gave a very satisfying cross-disciplinary session between law and the arts, on the preservation of heritage in space.
Speech intelligibility problems of Sudanese learners of English. An experimental approach
This dissertation aims at discussing the nature and the linguistic factors assumed responsible for speech intelligibility problems of Sudanese learners of English.
View the Humanities Master’s Open Day presentations
Many thanks for visiting the Master’s Open Day on Friday 15 March! We hope that you enjoyed the day and that all your questions were answered.
Marian Klamer receives NWO Vici-grant
Linguist Marian Klamer, associated with Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, is one of the 31 scientists to receive a NWO Vici-grant for her researchproject 'Language as a time machine'.
Marina Terkourafi
Faculty of Humanities
Morena Skalamera
Faculty of Humanities
Career prospects
Find out more about the career opportunities after finishing the Air and Space Law programme. The programme prepares you for a successful career..
Niels Schoubben
Faculty of Humanities
Martine Bruil
Faculty of Humanities
Dimitra Stefoudi
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Öykü Kurtpinar
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Talent for languages test: National Linguistics Olympiad puts language sense to the test for high school students
How would you convert Egyptian hieroglyphs into Latin script? And what is actually the correct translation of dishes on a Vietnamese menu? On Saturday 28 January, high school students from all over the Netherlands will come to Leiden to ponder a series of language-related puzzles. Their goal? To win…
How language reveals what you're really saying: 'Interesting if it's language-independent'
In a conversation, you provide all sorts of information to the listener. For example, you can indicate that you're certain about something, or that you heard it through someone else. Associate Professor Jenneke van der Wal has been awarded a Vici grant to investigate whether the way people do this is…
Lifestyle Enclaves in the Instagram City?
Commentators and scholars view both social media and cities as sites of fragmentation. Since both urban dwellers and social media users tend to form assortative social ties, so the reasoning goes, identity-based divisions are fortified and polarization is exacerbated in digital and urban spaces.
Students meet alumni at digital meeting place in Corona time
The International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) has always been proud of its network, and most notably its alumni. These unprecedented Corona times mean that the students have not had the same opportunities as in past years to meet and engage in personal relationships with that alumni-base,…
Object shift in the Scandinavian languages: syntax, information structure, and intonation
This thesis discusses the constructions relevant to Object Shift from the intonational perspective, by presenting experimental data from all the Scandinavian languages.
Le tifinagh au Niger contemporain: Étude sur l’écriture indigène des Touaregs
In this dissertation a large corpus of letter signs and texts gathered during fieldwork in Niger, and to a lesser extent Mali and Burkina Faso is used to show the graphemic diversity of the traditional script of the Tuaregs, tifinagh, and to analyze the orthographic system.
Galaxies have bipolar gas outflows far into intergalactic space
For the first time, astronomers have observed in three dimensions that gas from spiral galaxies is blown upwards and downwards at high speed, far out of the galaxy. They thereby confirm the theory of galaxy evolution: that star-forming galaxies create intergalactic gas flows by discharging gas along…
Brenda Assendelft
Faculty of Humanities
Literature and Spaces of Conflicts: The Lebanese War Novel as Urban and Architectural History
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
A day in the life
What is it like to study International Studies in The Hague? Read how Vincent, student of International Studies, spends his day on average.
Gabriel Paiuk on The Construction of an Imaginary Acoustic Space
On 23 March a Sonology concert took place in the Arnold Schönbergzaal at the Royal Conservatoire, dedicated to Gabriel Paiuk’s The Construction of an Imaginary Acoustic Space, a composition for ensemble and electronics performed by New European Ensemble.
What do we define as urban green space?
When do we define a piece of nature in the city as a park? And when is something a tree or shrub? It may seem obvious, but in scientific literature the definitions vary quite a bit. That makes comparisons difficult. Environmental scientist Joeri Morpurgo looked at the differences and designed a general…
Positive representations of algebras of continuous functions
If X is a locally compact Hausdorff space, then a representation of the complex C* algebra C_0(X) on a Hilbert space $H$ is given by a spectral measure that takes its values in the orthogonal projections on $H$.
Letters confiscated from Dutch ships now online
More than a thousand 17th- and 18th-century Dutch letters from seized ships are now available online. The letters are a gold mine for researchers wanting to study the everyday language used by men and women during this period.
Pushing the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres down to temperate rocky planets in the era of JWST
One of the key discoveries in exoplanet research over the past decade is the abundance of small planets in our Milky Way. Despite their high numbers, our understanding of their atmospheres remains limited, and it is unknown if they possess atmospheres at all.
Third oldest Papiamento text discovered
Leiden University researchers have discovered by chance a note from 1783 in Papiamento. They are working on a linguistic study on confiscated Dutch letters. The ‘Letters as loot’ project is headed by Professor Marijke van der Wal.
André Gerrits
Institute for History
Close call for Leiden Law team
The LLM Advanced International Civil and Commercial Law programme (ICCL) got off to a successful start last year. As a result of the academic bonds forged between staff and students Ilya Kokorin (ICCL student 2014-15) and Jeroen van der Weide (ICCL lecturer) took part in a competition for best comparative…
Lesson from Ukraine: Stop Appeasing Russia’s Trojan Horse, Serbia
Political Scientists Harun Cero and Arlinda Rrustemi (Leiden University) argue that the Russian invasion of Ukraine could present a chance for Bosnia and Kosovo to finally remove Russian influence, which has been growing and blocking these countries for years. The West should shift away from appeasing…
Shocks in space: student Adriaan explores the universe around protostars
Protostars, data science, and the James Webb Space Telescope—Adriaan Janssen’s curiosity knows no bounds. As a double bachelor’s student in Physics and Astronomy, he has truly found his calling, underscored by his nomination for the title of Leiden Science Young Talent 2024.
S. Valdez
Faculty of Humanities
Alisa Lavrenchenko fled Kyrgyzstan and has now been nominated for an award
At the age of 16, Alisa Lavrenchenko fled to the Netherlands with her mother. She is now taking a Master’s in Russian and Eurasian Studies at Leiden University. For her support of Ukrainian refugees, she has earned a nomination for the UAF Award for refugees and their professional and academic achie…
About us
The International Institute of Air and Space Law, founded in 1985, collaborates with many world-class academic institutions.
Institute of Public Law
The institute that focuses on Public Law is as broad as the field itself. The Institute of Public Law has six departments, each with its own research agenda.
The Lazy Mindreader: a new perspective on “mindreading” from the study of language and narrative
How is social cognition shaped by our knowledge of language and stories?
Get the most out of your Air and Space programme at Leiden University by taking part in our extracurricular activities.
Basis reduction for layered lattices
Promotor: H.W. Lenstra