1,512 search results for “neuro cognitive functions” in the Public website
Do internationally adopted children in the Netherlands use more medication than their non-adopted peers?
Adoptees in the Netherlands generally do not use more medication than their non-adopted peers.
The Nature of the Workmen's Marks and Their Interaction with Writing
The project concerns the nature, the usages and functions of pictographic systems in relation to writing in societies with (restricted) literacy.
Distracted consumption and compensatory mechanisms
A research into the consumption experience and consumption behaviour.
Formal Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics
The research programme Formal Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics brings together LUCL researchers who focus mainly on formal theoretical and experimental linguistics.
Using smartphone behaviour to understand healthy ageing and neurological disease
Leiden University researchers and their collaborators report the development of new research frameworks that use day-to-day smartphone behavior gathered from a large sample of healthy people to help understand aging, and how aging alters with epilepsy and stroke. These reports occupy two back-to-back…
Choosing health: how do we encourage that?
Fundamental research teaches us how our brain decides to eat one more sweet, instead of doing exercise. A public information campaign about healthy lifestyle has little impact on the decision, as Professor of General Psychology Bernard Hommel is aware. However, he does know what works. But the question…
Eveline Crone in the media
In the Dutch media lots of articles have recently appeared based on interviews with Eveline Crone about the adolescent brain.
Fusing electrical stimulation, wearable robots & humans to restore and enhance mobility
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Associate Professor at eLaw, contributed to 'Cyber–Physical–Human Systems', a book exploring the latest developments in interactions between cyber–physical systems and humans.
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Children in court proceedings should be heard at much younger age
On 2 March 2020 the report Kind in proces: van communicatie naar effectieve participatie (Children in proceedings: from communication towards effective participation) was published. This multidisciplinary research report is the outcome of an inspiring collaboration between various departments at Leiden…
Investigating structure and function of the dopaminergic midbrain - with a special focus on the human VTA
PhD defence
Birte Forstmann
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Performance information and issue prioritisation by political and managerial decision-makers: A discrete choice experiment
This article explores the concept of issue prioritisation within the context of public administration research, focusing on decision-making processes.
The E-Primer
The updated E-Primer expands its proven combination of simple explanations, interesting tutorials and fun exercises, and makes even the novice student quickly confident to create their dream experiment in E-Prime 3. E-Prime is the leading software suite by Psychology Software Tools for designing…
The social brain in middle childhood
A neurobiological perspective on individual differences in social competence
Learning and Behavior Problems in Education: Challenges and Solutions
The program group Learning and Behavior Problems in Education: Challenges and Solutions strive to find solutions to the learning and behavior challenges faced by preschool and elementary-school children, youth, and young adults in education. In doing so, the group focuses on cognition and behavior and…
About the conference
The Co-Align Conference 2023 will be held on 16 May 2023 at Leiden University.
The group is involved in training in areas of diagnostic skills, treatment/prevention/intervention, neuropsychological assessment, behavioral observations, clinical interviewing, knowledge of intellectual disability, autism, ADHD, psychosis and aggression.
Scrum in secondary chemistry education
This thesis explored the question whether Scrum methodology might function as an appropriate scaffold to enhance students’ learning and to support teachers in context-based secondary chemistry education.
Developing drawing skill: Exploring the role of parental support and cultural learning
Drawing is one of the most unique human behaviours. Like language, drawing is a mode of communication and a cognitive tool that from an early age allows us to interact with others. Is the early development of drawing skill influenced by the social environment? If so, how?
Education highlights
These aspects make the Media Technology MSc program unique:
About the programme
The two-year Creative Intelligence & Technology MSc programme (previously Media Technology) includes mandatory core courses, accent courses, electives, a field trip, a public exhibition, as well as a personal Graduation Research Project.
Creative Intelligence Lab
The Creative Intelligence Lab (CIL) is an interdisciplinary research lab that connects researchers with different backgrounds across the cognitive and computer sciences. It is affiliated to the Media Technology MSc program. Researchers and students from the Media Technology group play a large role in…
Paul Natorp’s reformulation of the Kantian distinction between intuition and concept
The goal of our research is to analyze Natorp’s redefinition of the distinction between intuitions and concepts in relation to his conception of the method of philosophy. We will exhibit the connection between the way in which Natorp redefines the Kantian dichotomy and his conception of the method of…
The Body and Embodiment: A Philosophical Guide
Perfect for use at advanced undergraduate and graduate level, this is the first text to offer students a unified narrative regarding the place of the body in Western thinking. The book investigates the ways in which the fact of human embodiment makes the notion of ambiguity central to all major areas…
Health, Medical and Neuropsychology
The unit Health, Medical and Neuropsychology offers eduction and conducts research on related fields of Health, Medical and Neuropsychology.
The Institute of Psychology is part of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Extra curricular
Would you like to create an extra challenge for yourself? Leiden University gives you plenty of room to do so.
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
Would you like to create an extra challenge for yourself? Leiden University gives you plenty of room to do so.
Continuing your studies
If you want to follow a full academic programme, the next step after obtaining your bachelor’s is a master’s degree (MA) at a Dutch or international university. And there may be no better place for your further master’s study than Leiden University!
Required documents
Along with your application, you will need to submit a variety of documents. The online application portal will let you know exactly which documents are required. Generally speaking, students need to submit the following documents:
- Meet our staff
Perception of multidimensional speech sounds in humans and songbirds
Do humans and zebra finches share cognitive mechanisms that are important for speech perception?
Student teachers’ practical knowledge, discipline strategies, and the teacher-class relationship
Social aspects of the learning environment, also called classroom climate, are important for students’ cognitive and affective learning outcomes. In this thesis the classroom climate is operationalised by means of two components: the teacher-class relationship and classroom discipline.
The 3Generation study: Stress and Emotions in a Family Context
What is the role of neuronal emotional reactivity in the intergenerational transmission of abuse?
Lab facilities Social and Organisational Psychology
Observational, cognitive and physiological measurements in social contexts.
Currently, Navigation Lab Leiden works on three main themes: navigation ability, spatial abilities, novel techniques in neuropsychology.
Healthcare robots and AI
Healthcare robots and AI is a project that investigates the legal and regulatory aspects of healthcare robot and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies
The Texture of the Lexicon
In this volume, Ray Jackendoff and Jenny Audring embark on a major reconceptualization of linguistic theory as seen through the lens of morphology. Their approach, Relational Morphology, extends the Parallel Architecture developed by Jackendoff in Foundations of Language (2002), Simpler Syntax (2005),…
Imagining Communities. Historical Reflections on the Process of Community Formation
In his groundbreaking Imagined Communities, first published in 1983, Benedict Anderson argued that members of a community experience a
Syntacticians study how words combine into larger units (phrases and sentences) in human languages and how the combinatorial possibilities determine word order and grammatical relations between parts of a sentence.
Issue prioritisation decisions by local politicians: the role of order effects and justification requirements
In this article, Amandine Lerusse, investigates how the order of performance information affects local politicians’ issue prioritisation decisions.
Relating to the end of life through advance care planning: Expectations and experiences of people with dementia and their family caregivers
Dementia is widely considered a progressive condition associated with changes in cognitive capacities, which promotes the idea that people with dementia need to anticipate end-of-life care preferences. There is a growing body of interventions meant to support advance care planning (ACP) for people with…
Dynamic testing and excellence
Unfolding potential
Clinical Psychology Lab
Psycho-physiological reactions to stress.
The Palaeoproteomic Identification of Pleistocene Hominin Skeletal Remains:
Towards a Biological Understanding of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Transition
Genetic syndromes
Relative pitch in music and language
Knowledge and culture subproject 1:
Differentiated instruction in practice
A teacher perspective