2,355 search results for “journalism” in the Public website
Career prospects
After graduation you have a lot of opportunities: the field of science communication is very broad. You can also aim for a career in industry or research.
Southeast Asian Studies (MA) (60EC)
The MA Southeast Asian Studies at Leiden University explores Southeast Asia in-depth and from the perspective of its history, literature, media, culture, religions, philosophy or philology.
About the programme
The master’s programme offers two research-oriented specialisations where you can focus on Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory or Applied Mathematics. You can also combine Mathematics with education, management or science communication.
Pre-master’s programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA North American Studies, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the Master’s p…
History, Arts and Culture of Asia (MA) (60EC)
The MA in History, Arts and Culture of Asia is designed for students interested in taking a humanities-related approach to the study of countries or regions in pre-modern, modern or contemporary Asia.
Archaeology of the Lower Maroni River
The application of compliance archaeology techniques such as mechanical large scale excavations where large quantities of data are gathered in relatively little time (and relatively inexpensively) and a firm post-excavation research phase yielded a whole new body of archaeological evidence.
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 43/44
The End Of Our Fifth Decade. Corrie Bakels & Hans Kamermans (eds) (2012)
Prediction of binding kinetics
Supervisor: Gerard van Westen
Physicochemical analysis of allosteric binding pockets
Supervisor: Gerard van Westen
Extremely shy and genetically close
Investigating neurobiological endophenotypes of Social Anxiety Disorder
FluidKnowledge – How evaluation shapes ocean science. A multi-scale ethnography of fluid knowledge
FluidKnowledge will investigate the past, present and future of evaluating ocean science. Regarding the past, it will ask how research priorities in ocean science evolved until now. Which lines of inquiry became hot topics, and which died out? Who became global players, who ended up in the periphery?…
A family affair? Exploratory insights into the role of family members of those who joined jihadist groups
Since 2012, thousands of individuals have traveled from Western countries to join jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq. While much has been written about these individuals, only sparse attention has been paid to the social environment of these jihadist travelers and, more specific, the role of family members…
Explaining European Union Decision-Making: Insights from the Natural and Social Sciences (EUDINS)
How do processes of coalition-formation influence patterns of decision-making in the European Union?
China’s industrial carbon emissions: Historical drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy targets
Has the industrial sector in China effectively been decarbonizing in recent years, across different regions and subsectors, and is it plausible that it will reduce its CO2 emissions in conformity with national and internationally pledged emission goals?
School non-attendance in students with intellectual disability
Are the types of school non-attendance which have been evidenced in typically developing youth also found among children and adolescents with an intellectual disability (ID)? If so, which types are most prevalent and thus in greatest need of attention, and what factors (child, family, school/environmental)…
Re-envisioning nature: the representation of post-nuclear landscapes in contemporary art and culture
How does contemporary art and culture represent nuclear contamination in post-nuclear landscapes?
Mapping health and well-being research
Exploring the landscapes of mental health and cardiometabolic research.
Grants & Awards
Grants awarded to molecular physiology research
Trees and Securitization: The Politics of Afforestation in Israel's Negev/Al Naqab | Research Seminar
Lecture, Research Seminar
Material Aspects of Etruscan Religion
Proceedings of the International Colloquium Leiden, May 29 and 30, 2008
History and International Studies 1900-Present
Research in the History and International Studies 1900-present specialisation addresses the interconnectedness and interdependence of contemporary global political, economic and cultural developments from a multidisciplinary perspective which is rooted in the humanities.
Below you will find an overview of the publications of The Leiden Advocacy Project on Plastic.
Faculty of Humanities
Leiden University is a unique international centre for the advanced study of languages, cultures, arts, and societies worldwide, in their historical contexts from prehistory to the present.
Pieter Jakob Cosijn’s Correspondence and Scholarly Collaboration at the End of the Nineteenth Century
Pieter Jakob Cosijn (1840-1899) was Leiden University’s first Professor of Germanic and AngloSaxon Philology. A recognised expert in the field of Old English grammar and textual criticism, Cosijn corresponded with various prominent philologists and experts in his field, including Julius Zupitza, Arthur…
Narrative and Belief
How do religious narratives persuade their readers to believe their message? And how can it be that some readers even come to treat fantasy and science fiction as authoritative religious texts? These are the core questions treated in Markus Davidsen’s new book Narrative and Belief: The Religious Affordance…
Our researchers form a unique and interdisciplinary team who are active in various fields.
Robert Verpoorte
Emeritus professor at the Natural Products Laboratory, Institute of Biology, Leiden University - the Netherlands
Social Injustice, Disadvantaged Offenders, and the State’s Authority to Punish
Andrei Poama, Assistant Professor at Leiden University, published a piece in the journal of Political Philosophy about social injustice, disadvantaged offenders and the state's authority to punish.
About us
The Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden is the leading academic institute for Archaeology in the Netherlands, and one of the largest in the world. The Faculty is an international front-runner, in the top ten of the QS World University Ranking, at subject level.
Babesch Supplement 16
The Supplementa series of BABESCH is designed as a platform for thematic publications, in juxtaposition to the annual and varied mix of contributions offered by the journal itself. The thematic publications will include proceedings of colloquia, collections of particular studies by one or more authors,…
Governing Digital Platforms
This interdisciplinary project explores the promise and perils of human rights as a suitable framework for addressing the challenges posed by the governance of digital platforms.
Multidisciplinary approaches to the Amazonian past
A theme issue of the Royal Society Interface Focus journal about the human history of Amazonia, as seen through interdisciplinary collaborations among scholars from different research fields.
What is Designing Your Life?
Desinging Your Life helps students at Leiden University to design their life path and face the future with confidence. On this website, you find all you need to know about your Designing Your Life opportunities in Leiden.
investigating students' motivation and engagement in problem-based and case-based learning in indonesian higher education: A case of preparing
What is students’ engagement in problem-based learning (PBL) and case-based learning (CBL) in teacher certification programs?
Faculty of Archaeology
As a former (PhD) student of the Faculty of Archaeology, your relationship with the Faculty doesn’t end when you graduate. You will join an international community of Archaeology Alumni, working in a wide range of careers including academia, commercial archaeology, heritage policy, museums, the media,…
Using factchecks to combat misleading graphs
How can misleading graphs be effectively corrected, specifically for people with low graph literacy?
Linking crises: Connections between climate change and COVID-19 during American, Canadian, Dutch, and Lithuanian national elections (2020-2021)
The aim of this research is to understand the linking of crises for the combination of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.
South Asian Studies (MA) (60EC)
The MA South Asian Studies at Leiden University is designed for students with an interest in studying South Asia from a range of perspectives including its history, literature, art, media, culture, religions, philosophy and philology.
Career prospects
All students with a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Sciences are admissible to a PhD programme. Graduates of the master Biomedical Sciences have good career perspectives: 90% of our graduates finds employment within 6 months of graduation (source: WO monitor). You can fulfil different positions…
Summer School Science Communication
Are you a researcher looking to share your work with a broader audience? Do you want to strengthen your science communication skills and make your research more accessible? Then we have an interesting opportunity for you: a Summer School in Science Communication, jointly organized by the faculties of…
UNESCO Chair on Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science
This UNESCO Chair at CWTS aims to contribute to UNESCO’s agenda to foster diversity and inclusion in science. The chair has two main lines of work:
African Studies (MA)
The master’s in African Studies at Leiden University is an advanced area studies qualification that combines world-class scholarship with practice-based learning.
Summer School Science Communication
Are you a researcher eager to share your work with a broader audience? Do you want to develop your science communication skills and learn how to engage effectively with society? Then join our Summer School Science Communication in Leiden from 7–11 July 2025! Jointly organized by the Faculties of Science…
About the programme
The Research Master in Classics and Ancient Civilizations covers two years (120 EC) and provides intensive and comprehensive training across the entire range of present-day research on the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome and the Ancient Near East.
Professor by special appointment Saniye Çelik wins Woman in the Media Award: 'Important that women have a voice in public debate'
Saniye Çelik, Professor by Special Appointment of Diversity, Inclusion, and Policing at Leiden University, has received the Woman in the Media Award at Beeld & Geluid in Hilversum. She was selected as the winner by the jury from three female experts with the most votes.
Modern Perceptions of Ancient Religions
The aim of this Research Traineeship will be to analyze the underexplored reception of ancient religions in popular culture, taking Dutch spiritual magazines as a case study. There are five such magazines: Paravisie (1986- ), Paraview (1997- ), Happinez (2003- ), Bres (1965- ), and Prana/Mantra (1975-…
Courses in Academic English
To help you improve your skills in communicating about your research in English, the Graduate School has an in-house Academic English Lecturer.
Crisis and Critique Network
This network brings together scholars whose work explores how contemporary frameworks of crisis produce experiences of the present, rehash or disrupt established narratives of the past, and broker specific outlooks on the future. We collaborate in studying these crisis-scapes and exploring how they…
Lingua rises in Google Scholar-ranking
A linguistics journal based at Leiden University has risen to the ranks of the top-10 journals in the Humanities.
Four new editorial board positions for CML
Editors are essential for publishing and thereby sharing research findings. They serve the scientific community by editing, leading the peer review process and ensuring a high quality of journal publications. Recently, several researchers from CML joined the Editorial Boards of international scientific…