1,035 search results for “als” in the Public website
Will student running association Currimus supply the winning team once again?
Ever since the first edition of the Science Run, the Leiden Student Running Association Currimus has delivered the winning team or the fastest runner. Now the event is back, the new batch of students must uphold the honour. The board is also forming a team: ‘During the upcoming training session, we…
Louise Verboeket wins faculty Jongbloed thesis prize 2016-2017
The thesis “De publieke prijs. Een onderzoek naar de verdeling van publiek geld via prijsvragen” (The public prize. A study of the allocation of public funds by way of competitions) was awarded the faculty Jongbloed prize 2016-2017 on 12 January.
Herman Paul appointed Professor of History of the Humanities
The Executive Board has appointed Herman Paul (Institute for History) as Professor of History of the Humanities. He will take up the role from 1 January 2019.
Seven Leiden researchers win €1.5m Vici grant
Seven Leiden researchers have each been awarded a Vici grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). This will enable them to form a research group and develop their own innovative line of research.
Tradities van Gezag en Gezag van Tradities
Op 9 juni jl. vond in de rechtenfaculteitskamer van het Leidse Academiegebouw een workshop plaats over tradities en aanpalende concepten, zoals politieke cultuur, spelregels en constitutionele conventies. Tijdens de bijeenkomst presenteerden en bediscussieerden juristen, historici, politicologen en…
Prizes for students
Ups and downs for students from year 12 and/or vwo 6 who are selected for the Academic Challenge and the Dutch version of this challenge, the ‘Wetenschapscongres voor vwo’.
Willemijn Aerdts on Dutch news website NOS.nl on enlisting Dutch intelligence services in the fight against organised crime
On Tuesday 24 September the Marengo trial, also known as the trail against the so-called Mocro Maffia, continued behind closed doors after the fatal shooting of barrister Derk Wiersum. The main suspect is Ridouan Taghi. He is believed to be residing abroad along with several accomplices.
Theory in Practice: researching race in the Dutch legal archive
On Thursday 23 November, Professor Betty de Hart delivered the lecture ‘Exploring the Legal Archive on Race: Methodological Challenges’ as part of the lecture series ‘Reconsidering the Socio-Legal Gaze’ organized by the Van Vollenhoven Institute. Over 40 people attended the lecture, held online due…
Visit ambassadors to the University Library Special Collections
Special visit of seven ambassadors of the Arabic-speaking world to the University Library
New textbook An introduction to Public International Law
On 3 March 2022, Cambridge University Press published An Introduction to Public International Law, a co-authored textbook led by Cecily Rose.
LUC The Hague at the first World Class The Hague event
25 selected LUC students were present at this year’s first World Class The Hague event with speeches from King Abdullah from Jordan, Pauline Krikke (Mayor of The Hague) and Mark Singleton (Director of the International Centre for Counter Terrorism and former diplomat). King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima…
Rina Visser: Art becomes a process
On 1 November 2018, Rina Visser-Rotgans obtained her doctorate with her thesis on ‘Veranderend kunstenaarschap. De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken’ (Artistry evolving. The function and definition of the artist in participational practices of art). Rina’s research…
Universities adopt national measures to combat threats made to academics
Academics are increasingly facing threats, harassment and hate speech following public appearances. The Dutch universities – united in the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) – is now adopting a number of national measures, from a zero-tolerance policty to psychosocial help for vic…
Colonial Bureaucrats, the Metropole and the making of the 1875 East Indies’ Land Alienation Prohibition
On Thursday 9 December, Dr Upik Djalins presented an online lecture, entitled 'The Colonial Bureaucratic Network versus the Metropole: The Origin Story of Land Alienation Prohibition in the 1870s East Indies'.
Jorinde van de Vis wins For Women in Science Rising Talent prize
Jorinde van de Vis wins the For Women in Science Rising Talent-prize for women in science, for her PhD thesis in cosmology and particle physics.
Breast cancer patients remember more information if doctors show empathy
Patients with incurable breast cancer remember more information about their treatment if their doctor is more empathetic during consultations. These are the results of research by psychologists from Leiden University in collaboration with Nivel research institute. Publication in Patient Education and…
Leiden archaeologists held an open day in Oss to celebrate 50 years of collaboration
On May 4, 2024, from 10.00 to 16.00 hours, a festive day took place in Oss, celebrating the fact that staff and students of the Leiden Faculty of Archeology have been doing fieldwork in and around Oss for 50 years in good collaboration with the municipality of Oss, the local heritage and archaeological…
Jelle van Buuren discusses the death of Aboe Bakr Al-Baghdadi in Dutch newspaper de Stentor
Jelle van Buuren, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, discusses the death of Al-Baghdadi and whether this could also mean the end of IS.
Call for abstracts Symposium: "Absence as artistic strategy in contemporary art" , 11 June 2025
The symposium will be held on 11 June 2025 from 10.00-17.00 and is organized as a starting point for the publication of an edited volume – a selection of symposium attendants will be invited to submit book chapters.
A new view on planet formation
Many hot, rocky planets outside of our own solar system started out as large, gaseous Neptunes. This is what astronomers at Leiden University contend in a recent online publication.
Judi Mesman in Dutch media on gender neutral toy stores
A manifest was signed in France this week on gender neutral displays in toy stores, in the hope of preventing stereotypes and gender based prejudices. Minister van Engelshoven was rather taken with this French idea and called on toy manufacturers to evaluate their current toy collections. Which evoked…
A close view of a light-stress sensor in photosynthesis
Plants use sunlight to perform photosynthesis, but with too much light they have to dim their activity and protect their cells against photo damage. The protein PsbS acts as a light-stress sensor and plays a key role in this process. Article in Nature’s Scientific Reports.
Astronomer Joe Callingham testifies against killer stars in new show on Discovery Channel
On Friday evening 17 September, Leiden astronomer Joe Callingham can be seen in a new series on Discovery channel. Killers of the Cosmos is about different deadly dangers lurking in the depths of space. Asteroids, cosmic debris, electromagnetic weapons… The show takes a film-noir approach to these threats,…
Frits van der Meer and Gerrit Dijkstra Discuss Parliamentary Inquiry as an Instrument
It seems that the Dutch Tax Offices’ Benefit Fraud Scandal has still not come to an end. New skeletons keep falling out of closets which has resulted in a parliamentary inquiry. But is such an inquiry the proper instrument to make sure that no stone is left unturned?
Public Event International Day of Women & Girls in Science
This event is in Dutch. De Verenigde Naties hebben 11 februari uitgeroepen tot International Day of Women & Girls in Science. De Universiteit Leiden viert deze dag met een open publieksevenement met vrouwelijke topwetenschappers van haar bètafaculteit. Iedereen is welkom vanaf 13:30 uur in het Kamerlingh…
free e-pub: The Field of Musical Improvisation.
Prof. dr. Marcel Cobussen has published a free e-pub: The Field of Musical Improvisation.
Video: Leiden archaeologists digging in Oss
Leiden archaeologists have been digging into the municipality of Oss’s past for 50 years now and students have gained their first experience of fieldwork there. What is the result of half a century of research and teaching? Archaeologist Richard Jansen and his students take us to the largest excavation…
New vegetation models can improve climate change predictions
A new study in Nature Plants has explored the most important organising principles that control vegetation behaviour. The insights from this study can be used to improve predictions on climate change. Leiden scientists Peter van Bodegom and Nadia Soudzilovskaia participated in the study.
Eight Meijers prizes awarded
On Thursday 10 January the annual Meijers prizes were awarded for the best published article, of each faculty research programme, written by Assistant Professors or other academic staff members. The winners received a certificate and a sum of money to spend on research.
NVIC students Embassy visit
On November 9th, the students of NVIC visited the Dutch Embassy. Marwan Khalil and Imane Makouri, two students, share their experience:
Engineering innate immunity for therapy
Immune system defends our body against pathogens and cancerous cells, but excessive immunity can in turn lead to tissue damages and diseases. For example, scratching the surface of the eye ignites an immune response that aims at preventing infection but can also lead to edema, angiogenesis and eventually…
Abels and Van Buuren on the mistakes made by the AIVD in the Haga Lyceum affair
In response to an news article that appeared in Dutch newspaper the 'NRC
Anatomically modern humans reached China well before settling in Europe
In Nature researchers at Leiden University and Utrecht University show how 47 teeth from Southern China indicate that anatomically modern humans where present at least 80,000 years ago in the region. This is 40,000 years earlier than in Europe.
The Europa Institute organises its annual PhD Day in a new online format
On Friday, June 12th, the Europa Institute held its annual PhD Day.
Knowledge exchange visit: Morocco as an intermediary between Africa and the Netherlands
Strengthening the cooperation between Moroccan, other African, and Dutch institutions for higher education. This was the focus of a two-day seminar at NIMAR (Netherlands Institute Morocco) in Rabat in July, during which scholars of the African Studies Centre Leiden interacted with colleagues from NIMAR…
Saying goodbye to Prof Carsten de Dreu on 18 June
After eight years as professor at the Institute of Psychology, Carsten de Dreu is making the move to the University of Groningen, where he has been appointed to the chair ‘Foundations of Cooperation and Social Organisation’. On 18 June, he will bid farewell to colleagues at Leiden University.
450 years of Leiden University: anniversary wishes from students, staff, and alumni
During the Opening of the Academic Year 2024-2025, we asked guests for their wishes and ideas for Leiden University's anniversary year in 2025.
Congratulations, Dr. Philip Purnell!
On 28 January 2025, Philip Purnell successfully defended his PhD thesis at Leiden University, titled
Anthropological Research on Solidarity Economy in Croatia: the case of CSA.
CBI Lecture: Chemical Probes for Precision Medicine
- Fast-Kinetics Charge Storage by 2D Layered Materials
MCBIM Colloquium: Supramolecular systems based on CO2 and metal waste material: from fundamental investigations to recycling plant
Organisational & Entrepreneurial Behaviour
The research group Organizational & Entrepreneurial Behavior investigates the behavior of individuals and groups who start, work in, or lead organizations, in order to inform organizational practice. By focusing on the behavior of (groups of) employees, entrepreneurs and leaders, the main levels of…
Mapping Historical Leiden: A Dynamic and Digital Atlas (Phase 1 & 2)
The map application includes information from old and new buildings archaeological projects. This makes it possible to investigate whether water facilities (wells, cisterns) and waste facilities (cesspits, sewers) were the privilege of Leiden’s wealthy elite in the late 16th and 17th centuries or whether…
Language socialization in deaf families in Africa
Across cultures, parents help their children master the social and linguistic codes needed in adult life. Recent research on language socialization found important cross-cultural differences, pointing out the need for more diversity for a full understanding of this process. Deaf communities form…
NEXUS 1492. New World Encounters in a Globalising World
What are the immediate and lasting effects of the colonial encounters on indigenous Caribbean cultures and societies and what were the intercultural dynamics that took place during the colonisation processes? How can the study of indigenous Caribbean histories contribute to a more sophisticated awareness…
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Education at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
- Publications
Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe, 1200-1600
What can we learn from how maritime conflicts were managed in the past? What significance did Maritime Conflict Management have in shaping the standards of diplomacy and international law in pre-modern Atlantic Europe (1200-1600)?
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.