10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Crucial Dutch contribution to European X-ray telescope
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO allocates nearly € 19.5 million to a Dutch cluster that contributes to the development of an X-ray camera and spectrograph for the new European space telescope Athena. Leiden Observatory is one of the members of the cluster.
Multilingualism of Frisian children: Evelyn Bosma wins Keetje Hodshon Prize
Postdoc and linguist Evelyn Bosma receives the Keetje Hodshon Prize for her dissertation. For her research on the multilingualism of Frisian children, Bosma previously won the Klokhuis Science Prize and the Campus Fryslân Science Prize.
The language of Russian propaganda
In 2014 Russia entered Ukraine and occupied Crimea, and about two and a half years ago it began a large-scale invasion. For Ukraine, it’s a war. But Russia calls it a ‘special military operation’. Word choices of this kind affect how people look at issues. A Dutch Research Council (NWO) project led…
ECHO finalist Husna Jalal: We need to look past our differences
Every year, the ECHO Award is presented to students from non-western backgrounds who are committed to social improvement in the field of diversity and inclusion. One of this year's finalists is Leiden alumna Husna Jalal, who works for Afghan women's rights with her organization the Young Afghan Women’s…
Staying positive and connected: Work hubs and the alternative coffee date
'Getting used to things, doesn't necessarily mean it's getting easier. That's why we're incredibly impressed by what everyone has accomplished.' How do our institutes stay connected and motivated? Lenneke Alink (Pedagogical Sciences) and Ed Noijons (CWTS) share how pub quizzes and who's who games, new…
Leiden Law Cast: Victimisation of sexually transgressive behaviour with Maarten Kunst
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
En de nieuwe assessor is...?
De studentassessor: één student die als lid van het faculteitsbestuur aanschuift bij alle belangrijke overleggen en projecten. Zo wordt de student, een van de belangrijkste doelgroepen, vertegenwoordigd bij bestuurlijke besluitvorming. Assessor Julie Külsen draagt volgend collegejaar per 1 september…
In pictures: kick-off Healthy University Week
On Monday 28 October, we celebrated the start of Healthy University Week 2019. During this week, students and staff of Leiden University can follow workshops to help them adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Sign up for the Opening of the Academic Year on 2 September
The Opening of the Academic Year 2024 will be held in Pieterskerk on Monday 2 September. This year’s theme is ‘Science for Policy’. Students, staff and anyone else who is interested are welcome.
Five times more Covid vaccines from a vial with skin injection
Not ten but fifty Covid vaccines from one vial. This is possible if the vaccination is delivered into the skin rather than the muscle, research by internist and infectious disease specialist Anna Roukens from the LUMC has shown. EenVandaag reported on this important discovery, which could have huge…
Esther van Ginneken in NRC: 'Stop further austerity at prisons'
Cuts in the prison system threaten to be at the expense of security, including that of society, writes university lecturer Esther van Ginneken in an opinion piece in Dutch newspaper NRC.
Frits van der Meer and Gerrit Dijkstra on the increasing power of political assistants
Frits van der Meer and Gerrit Dijkstra of the Institute of Public Administration reflect on the increasing power of political assistants in the magazine “De Hofvijver”.
University to strengthen collaboration with The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Leiden University and The Hague University of Applied Sciences are going to increase their teaching and research collaboration. They signed a collaboration agreement to this effect on 8 May.
Walaeus Library part of UBL
Starting 1 November, the Walaeus Library, located in the Leiden University Medical Centre, is part of Leiden University Libraries (UBL).
Writing Performance
PhD candidate Lilo Nein investigates relations between texts and performances from the perspective of visual art.
Leiden Alumni win NVER 2016 Awards for Master Theses
The Europa Instituut is honoured to announce that two Leiden alumni received awards for their master theses at the annual meeting of the Netherlands Association for European Law (NVER) in Utrecht.
Virtual Exchange
Leiden University offers students the opportunity to follow online courses that award study credits, thus avoiding the necessity of travelling abroad.
Introduction to Air Law (Tenth Edition)
The world of aviation has moved on rapidly since the appearance of the ninth edition of this pre-eminent resource five years ago. Those developments pertain to market access and market behaviour by air carriers, including competition, new perceptions of safety and security, among others in relation…
Tommy van Steen 'Making children learn by exercising helps them on tests'
Children could do better at school if they exercise during their maths, English and science lessons, a study has suggested. Researchers reviewed 42 studies that looked at the benefits of physical activity in the classroom for youngsters.
Esteban Szmulewicz selected as Fellow for Salzburg Global Seminar
The Salzburg Global Seminar is an independent non-profit organisation founded in 1947 with a mission to challenge current and future leaders to shape a better world. It has had multiple programmes over time. Esteban Szmuleiwicz participated as a Fellow on the programme titled Health and Economic Well-being:…
Marcel Cobussen on 'Listening as a Multisensorial Experience' in The Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy
Marcel Cobussen wrote the essay “Listening as a Multisensorial Experience” for The Oxford Handbook of Western Music and Philosophy.
Maria Berghuis in EditieNL about PhD thesis: 'Prison visits are form of social control'
Prisoners who have little or no contact with the outside world are more prone to reoffend. What makes visits so important?
Winnie Gebhardt receives Honorary Fellowship
Health psychologist Winnie Gebhardt has been appointed as Honorary Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) in recognition of her exceptional contribution to the EHPS and the field of health psychology.
Laura Heitman has received two awards at the EFMC-ISMC 2018
Laura Heitman won the prize for Young Medicinal Chemist in Academia and the 2017 RSC MedChemComm prize.
More PhDs awarded to women than men in 2019
For the first time ever, more women than men have been awarded PhDs at Leiden University. In 2019, 226 women defended their dissertations as opposed to 207 men. More women were also awarded a distinction: seven of the thirteen ‘cum laude’ distinctions were awarded to women.
New Science Library Open
From study places to consulting collections and from a meeting with your faculty liaison to getting books after opening hours: the new Science Library offers it all. The library moved to a brand new location in the Gorlaeus building and will be open starting 15 April.
Michiel Tjepkema appointed professor at Open University
From 1 March 2023, Michiel Tjepkema has been appointed professor of government liability and mining damage at the Open University in the Netherlands. Tjepkema is a former associate professor at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law and remains affiliated to this department as a guest…
Wim Voermans on comments by FvD MP Van Meijeren: Sedition is prohibited
The Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) is to investigate whether comments made by 'Forum voor Democratie' MP Gideon van Meijeren about going to parliament to protest are punishable. How should the political centre in The Hague respond?
Programmes FGGA popular among employers
What is the top 50 most popular studies among employers? That's what career platform Magnet.me investigated for the second consecutive year. What does it show? The programmes of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs are well represented in the ranking.
Byvanck Professor Caroline Vout wins London Hellenic Prize for 2022 book
This year's London Hellenic Prize is awarded to Caroline Vout for her excellent study of representations of the human body in sculpture, Exposed: The Greek and Roman Body.
Trump's trade war introducing unilateral trade tariffs violates treaty
Terminating the Trade Treaty between the US, Mexico and Canada, as Trump intends, violates the treaty and also has implications for labour law, says emeritus professor of international labour law, Paul van der Heijden, in Dutch newspaper ‘Het Financieele Dagblad’.
Dean Joanne van der Leun accepts gift of tableau by Syrian artist
On Monday 13 July, the gift of the artwork Homs by Syrian artist Rabi Koria was officially accepted at the Kamerlingh Onnes Building. The tableau can be viewed in the KOG restaurant.
Joyce Esser gives lecture on American administrative law during virtual Res Publica study trip
The traditional Res Publica study trip took place this year from 20 to 24 April. Because of the coronavirus restrictions, the members of Res Publica – the faculty’s study association for constitutional and administrative law – travelled ‘virtually’ to Portugal, the United States and Singapore. Of course,…
Research Agenda United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice
On 20 November, Special Professor of United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice, Alanna O'Malley, presented her research agenda for the next 3 years. An ambitious agenda full of projects to gain more insight into the origin and functioning of the UN.
Leiden University turns the heating down by two degrees
The thermostat in Leiden University’s buildings will be turned down by two degrees. The temperature will also be adjusted in rooms that are cooled. This is the University’s response to the government’s call to use less energy.
Asielcrisiswet in strijd met Europese regels?
Voorafgaand aan de begrotingsonderhandelingen riep Marjolein Faber, Minister van Asiel en Migratie, officieel een asielcrisis uit. Is daarmee mogelijke wetgeving op komst? En gaat Brussel daarmee akkoord? Mark Klaassen, universitair docent bij het Europa Instituut, hierover aan het woord in Metro.
Business Liability Research Network (BLRN) online jaarverslag 2019, 2020
We are pleased to present the Business Liability Research Network (BLRN) online annual report 2019, 2020. In this double annual report, the BLRN reports on the main results for the years 2019 and 2020. The annual report includes a complete overview of the publications and events in the aforementioned…
New professor of Medieval History Philippe Buc: 'I am just like a shepherd'
A shepherd, but also a comparativist and historian with very broad interests. That is how Professor Philippe Buc describes himself. As of 1 August 2021, he will hold the chair of professor of Medieval History at the university. In an introductory interview, Buc introduces himself, his research and his…
Maartje van der Woude: 'VIVA400 nomination is acknowledgement and incentive'
Each year Dutch women’s magazine VIVA draws up a list of creative and enterprising women. This year our alumna and Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude has been nominated. The award ceremony is on 15 November.
Flash interview with alumna and brand new MP Mariëlle Paul
Starting as an MP during the Covid-19 pandemic and after the recent ‘role elsewhere’ debacle during the coalition talks for a new Dutch government, alumna Mariëlle is looking forward to making a real contribution in society.
What’s it like to be personal assistant to a teacher?
‘The pupils are enthusiastic and they miss you.’ That’s what a teacher from Haags Montessori Lyceum said in a mail to third-year student Resi Aarts (Bachelor’s in Physics) when she was unable to tutor the pupils one Friday. She and Sem Grootscholten (Master’s in Public Administration) support secondary…
North Korea: Disentangling a Gordian knot
The announcement by US President Donald Trump on 9 March in response to the invitation for a summit meeting with the North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong Un came as a big surprise. Media analyses vary from being very positive to almost cynically negative. However, according to researcher on Korea Koen…
Just to be sure... At any cost?
Security seems to most people a basic necessity of life, a prerequisite for a good life. But if you think about it a little longer and deeper, as political philosopher Josette Daemen has done, you realise that security sometimes comes at the expense of other important goods, such as freedom and equality.…
‘We have to continue talking about a healthy work balance’
The 2015 and 2018 Personnel monitors show that maintaining a good work balance remains difficult for staff at the Faculty of Humanities. Lecturer and researcher Judith Naeff and holder of the operational management portfolio Suzy Sirks have joined the Work Balance Steering Committee to examine the…
Lockdown impacted brain development in young people
What effect did the lockdown have on young people? Leiden researchers started a study of this in the first year of the covid pandemic. They discovered an impact on the development of the brain areas involved in social behaviour. The researchers published their discovery in Scientific Reports at Nat…
Why looted art lawsuits often fail (and what can be done about this)
There are as good as no clear rules for the return of stolen art. This means that rather than in court, many cases are decided in the political arena instead. In her PhD research Evelien Campfens suggests how this could change. PhD defence on 11 November.
Tips from lecturers for lecturers
In large numbers, lecturers from the History study programme responded to the call to share tips for online and hybrid education. Everyone can now take a look at these tips on the university website, says chair of education Kim Beerden.
In conversation with the head of the rodent facility
Before patients can take a pill, scientists often spend years in the lab developing and testing a candidate drug. That often includes experiments with laboratory animals. As head of the rodent facility, Ilze Bot and her colleagues ensure that these experiments are conducted in an ethically responsible…
The Power of Evidence unravelled in new research programme
Governments and public sector organisations consider evidence-based or evidence-informed policymaking as one of the pillars of good governance. That is to say: policies that are informed by scientific knowledge, expertise and evidence. In the research programme 'Power of Evidence', Valérie Pattyn and…
Young people’s experience of mental health problems help improve medical training and practice
LUMC Curium and the Dutch National Youth Council (NJR) have been working on integrating young people’s lived experiences of mental health problems in medical research and training. The aim is to broaden doctors' and researchers’ perspectives and improve the care offered.