1,698 search results for “part 1521 19 30 diverse worden” in the Public website
Parts of LUCL have ground to a halt
The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics has been badly affected by the corona crisis: the research in the four labs and the fieldwork has come to a standstill. What are the implications?
Professor Joke Bouwstra elected as KNAW member
Professor Joke Bouwstra has been elected as member of the Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW, The Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences). This is a very prestigious recognition and a great honor for Joke. You can find the announcement by the KNAW below (short version) and as an attachment.
Versterking verantwoordingsketen
In maart 2024 is het wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de versterking van de verantwoordelijkheid van gecontroleerde entiteiten zelf rondom de accountantscontrole en de jaarverslaggeving uitgebracht. Dit boek bevat de uitwerking van een onderzoek voor het ministerie van Financiën opgesteld door de Afdeling…
Celebrating 30 years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the (Y)our Rights Festival
It is 30 years ago this month that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified. UNICEF is celebrating this on 20 November in collaboration with Leiden University and the Municipality of Leiden at the (Y)our Rights Festival in Leiden. Children, youths and adults will discuss children’s…
Part-time silence: children with selective mutism
Livia, aged 7, was in class four. She loved to chat and was good at reading aloud. At least, at home. At school she never read aloud and she hadn't spoken a single word. What was going on? Selective mutism was the subject of the inaugural lecture by Maretha de Jonge, Professor by Special Appointment…
Singing & Music
The Leiden Academic Course Center offers a large variety of short and longer music courses. The music category includes various Singing courses, but also courses such as Private guitar lessons and Musical. A number of courses are offered at different levels. Singing basics course is suitable for complete…
‘All students want to be seen and heard’
A safe place to discuss burning social issues such as racism with each other. The student workspace Space to Talk About Race and the Afro Student Association both meet this need and also organise many other activities. Three board members explain why this is necessary.
RKD Talk
Op donderdag 24 maart vertellen projectmedewerkers Marieke van Vlierden en Seppe Roels over de MARKS ON ART database, waarin merken op beeldhouwkunst, schilderijen en meubelen uit de periode 1300-1700 worden gedocumenteerd.
Van Winterfonds: PhD Vacancy
Het Van Winterfonds maakt in 2021 een promotieplaats mogelijk. Doel daarvan is de promovendus de gelegenheid te geven om een promotieplaats te verwerven voor een door haar of hem zelf ontwikkeld promotieplan. Aanvragen kunnen worden gedaan tot 15 maart 2021.
Keetje Hodshon Prijs 2023
De inschrijvingen voor de Keetje Hodshon Prijs zijn geopend. In 2023 is de Keetje Hodshon Prijs bestemd voor onderzoek op het gebied van de Historische wetenschappen, als aanmoedigingsprijs voor onderzoekers die in 2018 of daarna gepromoveerd zijn. Voordrachten dienen digitaal te worden ingediend uiterlijk…
Founding an Inclusive Space: Legacies of Alternative Archiving Practices in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom
The project ‘Founding an Inclusive Space’ investigates the histories of various LGBT+ archives in the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Purple Friday: ‘I try to give the community some support’
Purple clothing and a pride flag flying from all University buildings: Leiden University is once again taking part in Purple Friday. How do people experience this day? We asked some employees and students of the Faculty of Humanities.
Gianelle Vacca: ‘POPcorner The Hague makes us much more accessible’
Campus The Hague gained a new facility. On Thursday 17 February, POPcorner was opened, helping students find their way during their studies and within the university buildings.
Camille Lefebvre selected as one of the 30 finalists vying for a spot in scholarship of The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation
Camille Lefebvre has been selected as one of the 30 finalists vying for a spot in the 2022–2025 scholarship of The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.
NWA grant for health law as part of NWA Cure4life
Mirjam Sombroek, Aart Hendriks and Martine de Vries (LUMC) will work on mapping the ethical and legal aspects of gene therapy. The aim is to establish a best practice of how society can best deal with these therapies. For example with guidelines on how to regulate, reimburse and make these therapies…
Jenny Doetjes appointed Professor of Semantics and Language Variation
Dr Jenny Doetjes was appointed Professor of Semantics and Language Variation in February. During her professorship Dr. Doetjes wishes to focus on charting linguistic patterns between languages that, at first glance, seem to have little to do with each other.
Speakers store abstract information, irrespective of their language
The human brain stores not only individual words, but also all kinds of abstract information about these words. Research by Leiden linguists has shown that speakers have ready access to this information.
Leiden University considers establishing chair for Workplace Pride
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University is considering establishing a special chair for Workplace Pride. The professor appointed to this chair will study opportunities for improving the position of lesbian women, homosexual men, bisexuals and transgender people (LGBTs) in…
Jubileumcongres Nederlandse Boekhistorische Vereniging
Op zaterdag 23 september organiseert de NBV haar jubileumcongres in CODA Apeldoorn, rondom het thema ‘Technologie en transformatie’, tevens het thema van het Jaarboek 2023 dat deze dag gepresenteerd wordt. Er is ruimte voor posterpresentaties, in principe voor studenten/jonge onderzoekers, maar andere…
Oproep: vertel over je onderzoek(sidee)!
Zou je graag een hoofdstuk uit je proefschrift in informele setting willen bespreken? Heb je een onderzoeksidee dat je graag zou voorleggen aan vakgenoten? Neem dan contact op met ozsmed@hum.leidenuniv.nl. De Onderzoekschool organiseert sinds kort een seminarreeks waarin dergelijke onderwerpen in een…
Call - Van Gelderbeurs
Met de Van Gelderbeurs beoogt de Van Geldercommissie onderzoek naar en studie van geld en geldgeschiedenis in Nederland te bevorderen. De Van Gelderbeurs heeft een waarde van max. € 10.000 en kan ingezet worden voor onderzoeks- en/of educatieve doeleinden zoals bijvoorbeeld het maken van een (digitale)…
Studiemiddag - middeleeuwse aantekeningenboekjes
Op woensdag 12 oktober worden vier lezingen gehouden over een opmerkelijke verzameling aantekenboekjes uit de vroege elfde eeuw, thans bewaard in Leiden. Ze zijn vervaardigd door de Franse monnik Ademar van Chabannes. Ad van Els schreef er een diepgravende studie over: A Man and his Manuscripts. De…
CfP: Jaarboek Gelre
Het Historisch jaarboek voor Gelderland, de Bijdragen en Mededelingen Gelre nodigt studenten of net afgestudeerden uit om hun (scriptie)onderzoek, over een onderwerp dat raakt aan de geschiedenis van Gelre en Gelderland, in de vorm van een artikel aan een geïnteresseerd publiek te presenteren. Artikelen…
Radboud Studiedag Middeleeuwen
Dit jaar zal er een digitale editie van de Radboud Studiedag Middeleeuwen georganiseerd worden, waarin Radboud-onderzoekers toegankelijke lezingen zullen verzorgen rondom het thema 'Orde en chaos in de middeleeuwen'. De studiedag zal plaatsvinden verspreid over twee avonden, op woensdag 7 en donderdag…
Studiemiddag Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden
Op maandag 2 oktober 2023 zullen vier nieuwe delen in de reeks Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden (MVN) worden gepresenteerd. Naar aanleiding van deze mijlpaal organiseren het Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis en Cultuur van de KNAW en de MVN-projectcommissie een studiemiddag…
Implementation of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive Part I
In 2019, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Preventive Restructuring Directive (2019/1023), providing for minimum harmonisation of, among others, preventive restructuring frameworks (PRF). This book, published in February 2024, provides in-depth analyses of its implementation in seven…
Model painting with diverse techniques
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Studying with a disability
Around ten per cent of students have some form of functional disability, varying from ADHD or dyslexia to a physical handicap. Under a UN treaty, the Netherlands is obliged to provide better facilities for these students. What does Leiden University do for this group? Watch the video on Studying with…
LGBT+ Network: a platform for the like-minded
Leiden University has a new platform. On 19 September Vice-Rector Hester Bijl officially launched the LGBT+ Network.
Language gets people talking
Studying languages enables you to unearth a lot of valuable information about humans: it reveals our history and explains cultural differences and it even illustrates the process of learning new information. The University is sharing its knowledge of and passion for languages in various new ways, including…
‘The really hard part is thinking up a wrong answer.’
The topics of discussion included multiple choices questions, research on teaching, workload and many other things. On 29 October four new enthusiastic fellows were installed in the Leiden Teachers’ Academy and presented their research innovation projects.
Dorothea Samtleben: Nikhef's first female program leader
As of April 1, physicist Dorothea Samtleben is the first female program leader of Nikhef, the National Institute for Subatomic Physics. Samtleben will lead the Neutrino Physics group there. ‘This is an important step for Nikhef when it comes to diversity.’
Queer Salon, bringing together insiders and outsiders
Doctoral research on the history of the critical visitor and their efforts at founding alternative archives including LGBT+-focused, feminist, disability and digitizing projects, resulting in a traveling exhibition on findings (with audio-guides), popular and scholarly article, and a dissertation.
Queering the Museum: Contemporary Artists and Curators as ‘Critical Visitors’ and their Creative Interventions
Doctoral research on recent developments in museological practices by “critical” curators, interventionist artists, and personnel initiatives, focusing on ‘queering’ as an entrance point to broader intersectional issues; resulting in a report on the ‘Queer Baseline’ (to be launched in 2020), a popular…
Understanding the brain via language
Professor Jenny Doetjes at Leiden University researches similarities and differences in languages, specifically in the area of numerals and quantifiers. Her research provides insight into language patterns, bu also in the working of the human brain. Inaugural lecture on 26 January.
‘Brain scanners are bringing about a revolution in neurolinguistics’
Brain scanners have radically changed neurolinguistics. They are increasing our understanding of how the brain processes language. Professor Niels Schiller has produced a standard work on this.
Anti-Asian racism deserves much more attention
Racism and discrimination come in many different shapes and forms – in the Netherlands too. Verbal attacks, stereotypes and violence: some people are confronted with these on a daily basis. A group that is often not included in research and the debate on racism is people of Asian descent. The Diversity…
Part 2 of the study on the participation of children in youth care
As of 1 February prof. Mariëlle Bruning, dr. Stephanie Rap and Denise Verkroost LL.M. will start the second part of the research project concerning the participation of children in youth care.
Conversation leads to understanding: influence of peer-educators on thoughts about LHBT persons
A peer educator intervention can give pupils more knowledge and awareness about their LGBT peers, and sometimes also a more positeve view. This is the subject of Marieke Kroneman's dissertation. Defence on 15 September.
Tentoonstelling Fries Museum
De tentoonstelling 'Vrijheid, Vetes, Vagevuur' is tot en met 7 mei 2023 te zien in het Fries Museum. De tentoonstelling en de bijbehorende publicatie worden samengesteld door Diana Spiekhout, conservator terpencultuur en middeleeuwen. Spiekhout promoveerde in 2020 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen…
Voorstelling - Het Land van Belofte
Tussen 14 en 30 september 2022 wordt Het Land van Belofte gespeeld door Theatergroep De Kale. Het Land van Belofte neemt u mee naar de groteske verhaalwereld van middeleeuwse pelgrims naar het Heilig Land. Het Land van Belofte is gebaseerd op het zestiende-eeuwse tafelspel Schipper, Pelgrim en Post.…
Symposium: Kronieken 1400-1850 (VU Amsterdam, 4 oktober)
Op 4 oktober vindt op de Vrije Universiteit het symposium "Kronieken, 1400-1850" plaats. Dit symposium wordt georganiseerd ter ere van het verschijnen van de handelseditie van het proefschrift van Peter Bakker. Drie VU-historici belichten hun onderzoek naar dit onderwerp vanuit verschillende hoeken.…
Interactive symposium OpenUp wins Van Bergen prize
Not one, but two initiatives won this year's Van Bergen prize. The prize was awarded during the university's Diversity symposium on 22 January. One of the winners is OpenUp, an interactive symposium on coping with stress and fear. Students are invited to tell their stories. The Hague Campus' study advisers…
Parts of LUCL have ground to a halt
The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics has been badly affected by the corona crisis: the research in the four labs and the fieldwork has come to a standstill. What are the implications?
Blog Post | Diplomacy’s Response to the Coronavirus (Part II)
The previous blog post in this series discussed the role of international diplomacy during the coronavirus crisis. This post focuses on diplomacy and its challenges in post-corona times. Specifically, the blog post argues that diplomats will face a range of challenges following the Covid-19 pandemic…
Take part in group decision-making research at the social interaction lab
To easily take part in group decision-making research, Jörg Gross, Assistent Professor Social and Organisational Psychology, launched a platform that allows students at the social interaction lab. Sign up to receive invitations if you are interested in taking part in on-going scientific studies in the…
Judi Mesman receives NWO-Vici grant
LUC Dean Professor Judi Mesman has been awarded the NWO-Vici grant for her project on racial socialization within a family context.
Appointment Judi Mesman: Professor of the Interdisciplinary study of societal challenges
Prof. dr. Judi Mesman has been appointed professor of the interdisciplinary study of societal challenges, representing a shared chair between the Faculties Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) and Social and Behavioral Sciences (FSW) at Leiden University.
Erik Danen part of NWO Perspectief grant for organ-on-chip
A consortium of research groups, including that of LACDR professor Erik Danen, will use an NWO Perspective grant of nearly five million euros to build a universal standard for organ-on-chip models. They aim to stimulate the application of these chips in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry. Danen…
LIACS part of European consortium to boost industrial quantum computing
The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) is a proud member of the NExt ApplicationS of Quantum Computing (NEASQC) consortium, which recently received an ERC H2020 grant to stimulate the state-of-the-art in industrial quantum computing. LIACS contributes research and development of new…