1,512 search results for “neuro cognitive functions” in the Public website
Speech Prosody is the biennial meeting of the Speech Prosody Special Interest Group (SProSIG) of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA).
Language and self-regulation in XXY
The role of language in self-regulation and social behavior in children with an extra X chromosome
Classics (800 BCE - 600 CE)
This research cluster aims to analyse and interpret the formation and transmission of Graeco-Roman culture by exploring the relationships between cultural products (texts, objects, practices) and their societal and historical contexts.
LIBC Support
The LIBC is a network focusing on science valorisation and outreach, stimulating interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and expertise on topics related to brain and cognition. Get to know the support team.
Over Babylab
Our research is done at two different locations.
Parenting, Child Care and Development
The programme group Parenting, Child Care and Development studies how parents and other educators affect children's development, well-being and health. The emphasis is on the child's social, emotional and cognitive development and prevention of problems in these areas.
Psychology Lab on Wheels
The mobile lab, the Psychology Lab on Wheels, brings science to the general public!
Sleep & ADHD
Lab facilities Health, Medical and Neuropsychology
Psycho-physiological studies for health and disease.
Applied Psychometric and Sociometric Modeling
This research team is concerned with the measurement and modelling of behaviour, cognition, and unobserved traits (e.g., latent variables, missing data). Central aims include the distillation of a complex set of features into lower-dimensional representations (e.g., factor analysis, IRT), determining…
Language Diversity in the World
This research profile area brings together descriptive, historical and theoretical linguistics, as well as psycho- and neurolinguistics.
About us
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) is a reputable institute in the field of linguistics, offering excellent research and education opportunities covering a broad range of languages of the world.
De wereld van taalwetenschap
Taal als sleutel tot het begrijpen van de mens.
About us
The section Developmental and Educational Psychology consists of more than 45 people, who are mainly involved in education and research.
Coping With the Gods
Inspired by a critical reconsideration of current monolithic approaches to the study of Greek religion, this book argues that ancient Greeks displayed a disquieting capacity to validate two (or more) dissonant, if not contradictory, representations of the divine world in a complementary rather than…
- Study Programmes
Pregnancy changes brain structure
Brain researcher Elseline Hoekzema has discovered that the structure of the brain changes during pregnancy, particularly those areas related to social functions. These changes persist for at least two years after the mother gives birth. Publication in Nature Neuroscience on 19 December.
Disclaimer: Manuscripts related to the Resilience Center are for academic purposes only and are not intended for mass distribution or copying. Please refer to applicable laws for fair use, including copyright holders' restrictions on publications.
Ovalbumin coated pH-sensitive microneedle arrays effectively induce ovalbumin-specific antibody and T-cell responses in mice
The aim of this work was to study the applicability of antigen-coated pH-sensitive microneedle arrays for effective vaccination strategies. Therefore, a model antigen (ovalbumin) was coated onto pH-sensitive (pyridine-modified) microneedle arrays to test pH-triggered antigen release by applying the…
The importance of relating to others: why we only learn to understand other people after the age of four
When we are around four years old we suddenly start to understand that other people think and that their view of the world is often different from our own. Researchers in Leiden and Leipzig have explored how that works. Publication in Nature Communications on 21 March.
Research themes
LUCAS hosts a wide variety of research. Here we outline some of the most important research themes.
Distance-based analysis of dynamical systems and time series by optimal transport
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel
Ab initio molecular dynamics calculations on reactions of molecules with metal surfaces
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.J. Kroes
Syncing up for a good conversation: Cognitive mechanisms of conversational alignment
Lecture, LACG Meetings
Max Boot
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Yena Kim
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
The Institute of Psychology is committed to play a prominent role in teaching and research at the national and international level.
Markus Davidsen
Faculty of Humanities
Taking care of your health
Health is a wonderful gift, both for humans and for society. If we are able to prevent both physical and mental illnesses, we can spare a lot of suffering and fight rising health costs. Social scientists and physicians in Leiden are working closely together to conduct research on the human mental, behavioural…
Language Use in Past and Present
The research programme Language Use in Past and Present brings together linguists within LUCL whose central focus is both on actual language data, including language use in earlier stages of the language, and, taking a variationist perspective, on language change in various aspects.
Robots that empathise with humans
If we want to build robots and computer systems that are not only smarter but also possess more social skills, we first need to find out more about how humans interpret information. Max van Duijn and Tessa Verhoef conduct research at the intersection of cognitive science and AI.
Topic: Psychological factors in Itch and pain
Since itch and pain can be very burdensome, especially when individuals suffer from (either of) these symptoms chronically, it is important to know the factors by which these sensations are influenced. It becomes more and more clear that psychological factors play an important role in the experience…
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Creative Intelligence & Technology (previously Media Technology) at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Hanneke Hulst discusses blind spots and the importance of collaboration
Hanneke Hulst explaines how she is trying to bridge the gap between science and health care. ‘For a neuroscientist to actually contribute to solutions for patients, you have to work across disciplines.’
Brain changes underlying social anxiety: numbers count!
In a recent mega-analysis, researchers from Leiden University aimed to clarify the contradictory findings of research into social anxiety disorder. They found that to obtain reliable research results having the largest possible sample size is important. Publication in NeuroImage:Clinical.
The institute hosts criminal lawyers and criminologists who engage in high-quality scientific research that is also relevant for society.
Prediction of human (CNS) target site concentrations in health and disease
Prediction of human (CNS) target site concentrations in health and disease In the vision of Prof. de Lange we will only be able to predict human (central nervous system, CNS) target site concentrations and effects if we perform systematic, condition-dependent, integrative, and strictly quantitative…
Elk jaar organiseert het LIBC in samenwerking met de gemeente Leiden een Publieksdag over hersenonderzoek.
Multilingualism of Frisian children: Evelyn Bosma wins Keetje Hodshon Prize
Postdoc and linguist Evelyn Bosma receives the Keetje Hodshon Prize for her dissertation. For her research on the multilingualism of Frisian children, Bosma previously won the Klokhuis Science Prize and the Campus Fryslân Science Prize.
- Social and Behavioural Sciences
Computational optimisation of optical projection tomography for 3D image analysis
Optical projection tomography (OPT) is a tomographic 3D imaging technique used for specimens in the millimetre scale.
Language and the core knowledge system of number
Knowledge and culture subproject 2:
Depression and Suicide Prevention
Our mission is to improve the description, prediction, understanding and the prevention and treatment of mood disorders, including unipolar and bipolar depression, as well as suicidal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. To tackle this ambitious mission, we focus on several research streams.
Group behaviour: one for the team
Researchers at Leiden study group behaviour. One of their findings is that when people make sacrifices for another member of their group, it is probably instinctive. Insights of this kind enable us to better understand and influence the social processes in a neighbourhood or company.
Our people
Some examples of AI-research done at Leiden.
Determinants of and Interventions in Chronic Fatigue.
What are the most important perpetuating factors of chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome, and which interventions are effective in influencing these factors?
Topic: Persistent physical symptoms
Persistent somatic symptoms are long term symptoms that lack a clear medical explanation. These symptoms have a high prevalence where most people know someone who experiences such symptoms or they experience such symptoms themselves. Symptoms can vary greatly in and between people. While one person…
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
The research carried out within the unit Health, Medical and Neuropsychology investigates the psychological factors of health and disease, and the development of innovative treatment.
Poetry, rhythm, and meter: Textsetting
Knowledge and culture subproject 4: