3,458 search results for “medical history” in the Public website
Social and emotional competence in children and adolescents who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH)
How does having limited access to the social world affect Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) children’s emotional development? And in turn, how do impairments in emotional functioning affect social development and the development of psychopathology?
Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome. Rhetoric, Criticism and Historiography
Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome: Greek culture in the Roman world.
Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Μodern Theory, Literature and the Arts. Vol. 1: From the Enlightenment to the Turn of the Twentieth
Barbarism: from the 18th century to the present.
A Finger in Every Pie: Transnational networks in the debates over British free trade, 1660-1730
The role of transnational, non-institutional networks in the opening up of British transatlantic trade at the end of the 17th/beginning of the 18th century
Cities of Roman Asia Minor
The main research objective is to map the cities of Roman Asia Minor in terms of location, size, urban amenities and juridical status, with the specific aim to understand the reasons how this urban settlement pattern arose.
The forgotten history of Dutch slavery in Guyana
When we think of the history of Dutch slavery, the areas that spring to mind are primarily the Antilles and Suriname. However, until the end of the eighteenth century there were also Dutch plantation colonies in neighbouring Guyana. Bram Hoonhout’s book ‘Borderless Empire’ describes this forgotten h…
Modified caffeine molecules help medical research move forward
Before researchers can develop targeted drugs, they need to know exactly how a disease works. Biochemist Bert Beerkens created molecules that allow them to find out. He used caffeine as the basis for new molecules that enable research into certain receptor proteins on cells.
Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimal Scheduling
Multi-objective optimization is an effective technique for finding optimal solutions that balance several conflicting objectives. It has been applied in many fields of our world, because practical problems usually have more than one desired goal. For example, developing a new vehicle component might…
Dangerous Cities: Mapping crime in Amsterdam and Leiden, 1850–1913
To what extent did the street patterns in urban districts influence crime patterns?
The Struggle Within: “Moral Crisis” on the Ottoman Homefront During the First World War
Cigdem Oguz defended her thesis on 13 June 2018
What crime reporting can teach us about women’s history
How can you learn about women’s history if they are under-represented in historical sources? Look at news coverage of crime, says Clare Wilkinson, PhD candidate in gender and history. ‘Historical crime reporting offers a glimpse into forgotten groups.’ The doctoral defence will take place on 23 Apri…
Alba, General and Servant to the Crown
This book on Alba is edited by Maurits Ebben, Margriet Lacy-Bruijn and Rolof van Hövell tot Westerflier. Each of its fifteen chapters are dedicated to developing a new understanding of a sometimes misunderstood figure in European history.
Eight professors receive double appointment simultaneously
Delft, Nov. 15th, 2022 – Today, eight professors were simultaneously inaugurated as ‘Medical Delta professors’ at Leiden University, LUMC, TU Delft, Erasmus University and/or Erasmus MC. With an appointment of two or more of these five academic institutions, they combine technology and healthcare in…
Jan-Bart Gewald
Jiyan Qiao
Faculty of Humanities
La llamada del pasado: claves de la teoría de la historia
A Spanish translation of Herman Paul’s 'Key Issues in Historical Theory' has appeared under the title 'La llamada del pasado: claves de la teoría de la historia'.
Forced Choices: Migration, Identity, and Belonging in the South Tyrolean Option (1939-1955)
Lecture, LIMS seminar / Austrian Studies Seminar
Leiden University places sixth in QS Ranking Classics and Ancient History
The faculty of Humanities scores well in the anual QS World Universities Ranking By Subject list. This year we have placed sixth in the category Classics and Ancient History.
Ideology and Christianity in Japan
Ideology and Christianity in Japan shows the major role played by Christian-related discourse in the formation of early-modern and modern Japanese political ideology.
Book recommendation from ... Meike de Goede
Every month a member of the Institute for History tells about a book that inspired him or her. Afterwards, the pen is passed on to another colleague. This month dr. Meike de Goede tells about the book 'Between Tides' by Valentin Mudimbe. The novel, little known beyond the circles of Africanists and…
The Sung home : narrative, morality, and the Kurdish nation
This dissertation gives an ethnographic account of Kurdish dengbêj narrative from a theorethical perspective.
Islam, Colonialism and the Modern Age in the Netherlands East Indies
A Biography of Sayyid ʿUthman (1822–1914)
Intersections: Yearbook for Early Modern Studies
This series of publications brings together new material on wellconsidered themes within the wide area of Early Modern Studies.
Newly appointed Art History professor, Minna Valjakka: 'Art teaches us more than you may think'
On 1 January Minna Valjakka was appointed Professor of Contemporary Art History and Theory from a Global Perspective. Valjakka sees her appointment as 'extremely topical' because of the discussions about the decolonisation of the arts: 'Art teaches us not just about art, but also about contemporary…
The Life and Death of the Shopping City: Public Planning and Private Redevelopment in Britain since 1945
How have British cities changed in the years since the Second World War? And what drove this transformation? This innovative new history traces the development of the post-war British city, from the 1940s era of reconstruction, through the rise and fall of modernist urban renewal, up to the present-day…
A Contemporary Past – Looking Back and Forward
Exhibition, Photo exibition
Anne Heyer
Faculty of Humanities
Claire Weeda
Faculty of Humanities
Leonor Alvarez Francés
Faculty of Humanities
Patrick Gouw
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Kai Hebel
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Willem Heiser
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Michel Doortmont
Bastian Still
Paul Hoftijzer
Faculty of Humanities
Willem Zwalve
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Stefano Bellucci
Faculty of Humanities
Simon Willmetts
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Thomas Maguire
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Kate Brackney
Faculty of Humanities
Cisca Hoogendijk
Faculty of Humanities
Maria Zisimopoulou
Faculty of Humanities
Leonor Faber-Jonker
Aad van Mastrigt
Faculty of Humanities
Laurens van Apeldoorn
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Pursuing Whiteness in the Colonies: Private Memories from the Congo Freestate and German East Africa (1884–1914)
Pursuing Whiteness in the Colonies offers a new comprehension of colonial history from below by taking remnants of individual agencies from a whiteness studies perspective. It highlights the experiences and perceptions of colonisers and how they portrayed and re-interpreted their identities in Afric…
The Future of the Dutch Colonial Past: Curating Heritage, Art and Activism
This book provides an overview of critical scholarly reflections on the history of Dutch slavery and colonization, as well as how this translates into critical cultural practices.
S. Valdez
Faculty of Humanities
The Social World of Babylonian Priests
This thesis, conducted in the framework of ERC Starting grant project BABYLON (PI: Caroline Waerzeggers), presents an investigation into Babylonian society, focusing on the city of Borsippa during Neo-Babylonian and early Persian rule (c. 620-484 BCE).
documenting squatting in Leiden as a cross-over project between Public History and Academic Research
This project sets out to map, document and analyze instances of squatting in Leiden from 1970 to 1990, in order to set up an online Digital Archive of Squatting in Leiden. This archive will function as an online resource for academic research, as well as a starting point for public activities such as…