2,771 search results for “executive bart cml in” in the Public website
Cyber Security (MSc)
The executive master’s programme in Cyber Security of Leiden University takes a multidisciplinary approach that helps you develop effective and sustainable solutions for cyber risks and threats.
The programmes offered by the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in The Hague are closely linked to the defining image of The Hague as a city of international justice, peace and security as well as the centre of Dutch public administration and international governance.
Book about villa in Bandung shows links between the Netherlands and Indonesia
A new book about Villa Isola in Indonesia reveals some of the shared history of the Netherlands and Indonesia. The book was presented on Thursday to Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, and Mr Mayerfas, ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in the Netherlands.
Walkout on 13 May
A national walkout will be staged on Monday 13 May. Leiden Scholars for Palestine has called on students and staff from Leiden University to meet at 11.00 at the Lipsius building in Leiden and the Wijnhaven building in The Hague.
Our history
As an educational and research institution Leiden University is seeking to understand its own relationship with the colonial and slavery past.
Quantum computation with Majorana zero modes in superconducting circuits
Promotor: C.W.J. Beenakker, Co-Promotor: A.R. Akhmerov
Tonal Bilingualism: The Case of Two Closely Related Chinese Dialects
Tonal bilinguals of two closely related Chinese dialects are amazing people. They handle two tonal systems in their mind; their two vocabularies are from closely related dialects, and they write translation equivalents with common Chinese characters. Their unique language situation makes their mind…
Climate Call
In 2019, LUGO started a petition demanding an ambitious sustainability vision for 2030. This petition was formulated based on what LUGO deemed achievable rather than based on the restrictions of the present. We believe that sustainability should be one of the core values of the next central policy…
Climate Call
In 2019, LUGO started a petition demanding an ambitious sustainability vision for 2030. This petition was formulated based on what LUGO deemed achievable rather than based on the restrictions of the present. We believe that sustainability should be one of the core values of the next central policy…
A Tale of One City: Actors of Globalization versus Bakufu Hegemony in Early Modern Nagasaki, c. 1571-1800
On 24 October 2023 Jurre Knoest successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Circular economy essential to keep the earth turning
A circular economy in which all resources are reused is a prerequisite for a sustainable world. As EU president, the Netherlands can give a firm impetus to this economic shift. This is the message of Leiden Professor of Industrial Ecology, Arnold Tukker, in his inaugural lecture on 26 February.
- Project group
The City Is Ours: Squatting and Autonomous Movements in Europe from the 1970s to the Present
Squatters and autonomous movements have been in the forefront of radical politics in Europe for nearly a half-century—from struggles against urban renewal and gentrification, to large-scale peace and environmental campaigns, to spearheading the antiausterity protests sweeping the continent.
- Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law
Online price discrimination, justice and regulation
The data-driven economy allows for the collection and processing of large amounts of data. Such data can be used to optimize profits by (dynamically) differentiating prices for different consumers.
Pluralism within Parameters : towards a mature evaluative historiography of science
Historiography of science is in its current self-image a non-evaluative discipline. Its main goal is to understand past processes of knowledge formation on their own terms. In the last few decades this approach has greatly improved our understanding of the phenomenon of science. Yet, something strange…
Pots, Farmers and Foragers
Pottery traditions and social interaction in the earliest Neolithic of the Lower Rhine Area
Global Fields and Their L-functions
Artin L-functions associated to continuous representations of the absolute Galois group G_K of a global field K capture a lot of information about G_K as well as arithmetic properties of K.
Dynamic Testing and Excellence
If gifted children are experts in using strategies, why do they experience problems with learning? Why do they underachieve?
Clavis Aurea? Structure-enabled approaches of identifying and optimizing GPCR ligands
Promotores: A.P. IJzerman, H.W.T. van Vlijmen
Legal and policy aspects of space big data
On 27 May, Dimitra Stefoudi defended the thesis 'Legal and policy aspects of space big data: legal implications of the use of large amounts of space data – regulatory solutions and policy recommendations'. The doctoral research was supervised by Steven Truxal and Bart Custers.
Peer feedback on academic writing
Feedback from fellow students on academic writing is as informative as that of teachers.
Adverse childhood experiences, education, and involvement in terrorist violence
Examining mediation and moderation.
Policy Effectiveness through Configurational and Mechanistic Lenses: Lessons for Concept Development
Valérie Pattyn, Assistant Professor at Leiden University, researched
EU privacy and data protection law applied to AI
On 23 April, Andreas Häuselmann defended the thesis 'EU privacy and data protection law applied to AI: unveiling the legal problems for individuals'. The doctoral research was supervised by Gerrit-Jan Zwenne and Bart Custers.
About Us
The Centre for Computational Life Sciences
- Events
Ambassadors visit Leiden: ‘Knowledge knows no borders’
Over 30 ambassadors strengthened their ties with researchers and university leaders in a recent visit to Leiden University. Cross-border collaboration (both literal and figurative) was the theme of presentations and a tour of the Hortus botanicus.
Leiden’s slavery past laid bare
The Mapping Slavery project will place markers that tell the story of Leiden’s slavery past. Why is this important and what does it mean for today’s society? Before the markers are placed, a panel came together on 24 March to discuss the slavery past of not only the city but the University too.
Sustainable fishing in one of Malawi’s biggest wetlands
The Elephant Marsh is one of the biggest wetlands in Malawi and many of the country’s inhabitants rely on it for their small-scale fishing catch. To make their small fisheries sustainable and future-proof, the government has to support the fishing community and not impose too many regulations. This…
Electric car batteries can help drive the clean electricity transition
As early as 2030, batteries in electric vehicles could fully meet the need for short-term electricity storage around the world. By connecting them to the power grid they can provide their stored energy, improving energy security and enabling renewable technologies in cleaning the grid.
Diploma requirements
To be eligible for Governance and Sustainability at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
61st Leiden-London Meeting on the EU’s strategic autonomy
On Saturday 25 June, the Europa Institute of Leiden University hosted the 61st Leiden-London Meeting, an annual event organized jointly by the Europa Institute and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL). This year’s meeting had “Interdependence, cooperation and strategic…
Executive Power and the Crisis of Modern American Democracy
Risks to Health and the Environment Related to the Use of Lead in Products
The aim of this project was to estimate emissions from lead products-in-use for the past, the present and the future and assess the development of toxicological risks associated with these products.
Data Centres for Natural Recources and Products
Creating information portals for support of European environmental policy.
Services on Environmental Statistics and Accounts
What is the best way to combine the environmental and economic data and how can we create an operational system to do so, thereby supporting the delivery of data to the Data centres on Products and Resources?
- Vacancies
Diversity symposium 2021: small steps can increase inclusion
‘Culture change takes time,’ said Vice-Rector Hester Bijl at the closing panel of the University’s Diversity Symposium on 26 January. She talked about the road to a diverse and inclusive university. The symposium provided plenty of concrete examples of small steps that can already be taken.
LeiCenSAA organization
The executive tasks of LeiCenSAA are performed by the director of LeiCenSAA, Ahmad Al-Jallad. He is assisted Marijn van Putten who oversees the office.
Old tradition of ‘golden PhDs’ reinstated
Black-and-white photographs filled with solemn young men and distinguished professors line the walls of the Grand Auditorium. Young women are missing from the photos; women rarely obtained PhDs 50 years ago. And this article is about that group, the PhD candidates between 1966 and 1972, who were invited…
Sculptures provide more diverse view of University’s history
Three new initiatives will provide a more diverse view of Leiden’s academic history, literally and figuratively: a historical study on the background of students and scientists, a new book about the Academy Building, and two new sculptures of female scientists, Ewine van Dishoek, Professor of Molecular…
The whole world knows the way to the Leiden institute in Morocco
A delegation from Leiden University visited the Netherlands Institute Morocco (NIMAR) in Rabat at the end of February.
Policing Studies
The research group Intelligence and Security has been augmented with a team Policing Studies as part of the collaboration agreement with the Dutch National Police. This team is tasked with creating a more academic foundation for the current knowledge surrounding policing studies in the Netherlands,…
The Cyber Security Governance research group contributes significantly to the educational programmes at Leiden University. By integrating cutting-edge research into the classroom, we ensure that students engage with the latest developments in the field of cyber security, governance, and ethics.
Reverse Party Favoritism in Times of Pandemics: Evidence from Poland
In this paper, Kantorowicz argues that reverse party favoritism exists. He exploits the fact that during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic crisis, the Polish government was keen to launch postal voting in the presidential elections scheduled for May 2020.
The Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology is one of five research institutes of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The Institute is dedicated to high-quality, interdisciplinary education and research concerning culture and development.
Colliding interests in mergers and acquisitions
In recent years, the scope of interests to consider in mergers and acquisitions has increased significantly. This has been driven by new regulatory requirements. The different stakeholders have different interests, at times these interests can collide, or even conflict. Balancing these colliding and…
Our vision of diversity
Leiden University endorses inclusiveness and diversity. It is open to all those who wish to study or work here, and to develop their full potential. The University is an open community where everyone who wants to contribute to its ambitions and to all that it stands for will feel at home and have equal…
- Facilities