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Lustrum boat
With thanks to our sponsor Rondvaart Leiden, a special lustrum boat will be sailing throughout 2025. Via a booking system, staff and students can plan a boat trip, with private skipper, to tour Leiden and see the city from a different perspective.
Occupational Health Psychology (MSc)
In the specialisation Occupational Health Psychology, part of the Master in Psychology, you will integrate knowledge of several disciplines in psychology, with a clear focus on workers and their work setting.
Leiden/Africa Partners: Fair Partnerships and Equal Exchange in Education
Study information
- Swedish 2
- Spanish 3
- Spanish 2
- Swedish 3
- Swedish 4
Compulsory matching
BSc Security Studies is a bachelor’s programme with a compulsory matching module.
- Spanish 1
- Swedish 1
Are you interested in taking up an extra challenge during your master’s programme? You can develop your persenol leadership style or study abroad. Would you like to experience education at Leiden University up close before starting your master’s? Apply for one of our Summer School programmes.
Are you interested in taking up an extra challenge during your master’s programme? Have you thought about applying for our Summer School programme or are you interested in developing your personal leadership style?
Student life
Your time in Leiden is about more than just studying. Some of your best experiences will come from being part of our vibrant and diverse student community, and from living in the beautiful city of Leiden.
Are you interested in taking up an extra challenge during your master’s programme? Have you thought about applying for our Summer School programme or are you interested in developing your personal leadership style?
Student life
Your time at Leiden is about more than just studying. Some of your best experiences will stem from being a part of our lively and diverse student community, as well as from life in the beautiful city of Leiden.
Student life
Your time at Leiden is about more than just studying. Some of your best experiences will stem from being a part of our lively and diverse student community, as well as from life in the beautiful city of Leiden.
Study of a Russian doctor and innovator in troubled times
Ambroise Paré, Thomas Sydenham and Herman Boerhaave: all were great medical innovators in their time. We know far less about the 19th-century Russian physician and scientist Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov. PhD candidate Inge Hendriks researched him in Dutch and Russian archives and collections. She discovered…
NWO Internationalisation in the Humanities grant for dr. Maria Boletsi
The project aims to explore the history of the concept “barbarism” in Europe from the 18th century to the present. Responding to the contemporary popularity of the term “barbarism” in political rhetoric and the media, and the lack of reflection on the implications and legitimacy of its use, the project…
Twenty lecturers awarded Senior Teaching Qualification
It was time for a celebration in the Faculty Club on 11 December. Twenty driven lecturers were awarded their Senior Teaching Qualification by Vice-Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl.
Reflecting on Professor Carrie Vout's Masterclass on Classical Art
From March 27 to 31 Byvanck Professor Carrie Vout gave the intensive masterclass Classical Art - Definitions, Politics, Limits. This special lecture series was open to students and PhD candidates in Archaeology and Classics. One of the attendees, Nicky Schreuder, on the class: 'It was a critical and…
Jelle van Buuren discusses the death of Aboe Bakr Al-Baghdadi in Dutch newspaper de Stentor
Jelle van Buuren, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, discusses the death of Al-Baghdadi and whether this could also mean the end of IS.
‘You gain a better understanding of why people migrate to certain places’
Migration and diversity are key factors in one of the most fundamental transformations of society today. Students study this phenomenon in the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus master’s specialisation in Governance of Migration and Diversity.
ESOF 2022: The future of work
Opportunities and challenges of digitalisation, the platform economy, and flexibilisation of European labour markets.
Astrid Van Weyenberg wins Faculty Teaching Prize 2022
University lecturer Astrid Van Weyenberg has won the Faculty of Humanities Teaching Prize. ‘Astrid is a lovely person who can teach well.'
New Code of Conduct on Integrity from 1 November
The Executive Board has adopted a new Code of Conduct on Integrity for staff. This new code encompasses all the existing regulations within Leiden University, including in the field of research, behaviour towards students and purchasing. 'This Code of Conduct is a very clear statement,' commented Rector…
Rein Dool painting to move to more public space in the Academy Building
The Rein Dool painting depicting board members of Leiden University will be moving soon to the Reception Room in the Academy Building, where more people will be able to see it.
2017 editions of annual report and sustainability report published
Leiden University's 2017 annual report has now been published. This year for the first time the University has also published a separate sustainability report. Leiden University is the first university to produce a separate report on the progress of its sustainability policies.
Folded DNA unravelled
Leiden physicist Maarten Kruithof has discovered how our DNA is infallibly able to fold itself and to unfold again. In his dissertation he demonstrates how DNA is folded in a single long, very flexible spiral.
Arco Timmermans Discusses Social Lobby in Dutch Media
Together. If we look back on the corona crisis some time from now, that will have been the keyword in the political communication, says Arco Timmermans. Having allies is imperative, especially in these times.
Jelle van Buuren Discusses the Terrorist Attacks in France on RTL Nieuws and NOS
On 29 October a terrorist attack occurred in Nice. On the same day assaults also took place at the French consulate in Saudi Arabia and in the city of Lyon. How is it that France is so frequently targeted by extremists?
Technique from new cars helps with surgery selection Parkinson's disease
When parking in reverse, your car skids off just a little, hitting the wall of the parking garage. On the car dashboard, a warning light immediately starts blinking. This technique from new cars can also be used for another purpose, namely in the treatment of Parkinson's disease patients.
Building a sustainable future: 'Combine the forces of natural and social sciences'
The United Nations has declared May 22 the International Day for Biological Diversity. A moment of global reflection on everything on Earth and its indispensability. Anthropologist Marja Spierenburg stresses the importance of the interaction between natural and social sciences in addressing sustainability…
Leiden University to limit fossil fuel ties
Leiden University no longer wishes to collaborate with fossil fuel partners that are not demonstrably committed to achieving the Paris Agreement targets. Exceptions will be made only if a collaboration demonstrably contributes to the energy transition. This proposal by the Executive Board was discussed…
New professor fosters multidisciplinary approach to arthrosis
Arthrosis needs a multidisciplinary approach, says Professor Jaap Harlaar. He brings experts from different university medical centres together to unravel the secrets of this condition and thus improve its treatment. This new Medical Delta professor was appointed as Professor of Clinical Biomechanics…
Subsidie voor onderzoek naar de invloed van experts
Johan Christensen, universitair docent bij het Instituut Bestuurskunde, heeft 1,2 miljoen euro subsidie gekregen van de Research Council of Norway. Christensen is co-leider van een project genaamd INFLUEX dat de invloed van experts gaat onderzoeken. Naast Christensen maakt ook Valérie Pattyn van het…
A message from the Executive Board
These are turbulent times at Dutch universities. We have all seen what has been and is still happening at various campuses in the country. Protests, demonstrations, occupations. Situations and scenes that deeply affect us all.
Exhibition marks 100 years of Indonesian Student Association in the Netherlands
The Indonesian Student Association in the Netherlands, ‘Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Belanda’, has teamed up with the Indonesian embassy in The Hague and Historia.ID magazine to create an exhibition to mark the association’s 100th anniversary. The student association, which was founded in Leiden, played…
LIC welcomes new Chinese CSC PhD students
New Chinese CSC PhD’s are welcomed at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry. On the 28th of September 2012 a three week introduction program started especially for this new incoming group of scientists.
A word from the NVIC director
Dear friends of the institute,
Anchrit Wille on Dutch news website 'Europa Nu' on confirmation hearings for the future European Commissioners
The last names for the future European Commissioners were made public at the beginning of September 2019 and also which candidates have been put forward for the new European Commission by the different member states.
Decolonisation in art: 'That darkness says: up to here and no further'
It was not light, but its absence that caught Stephanie Noach's attention a few years ago. With her research on darkness in art, she aims to show how darkness can question and sometimes even undermine colonial imagery.
Leiden has highest percentage female first year students Physics & Astronomy
The bachelor education programmes of Physics and Astronomy in Leiden combined have the highest percentage female first year students in The Netherlands, according to numbers published by the Dutch Journal of Physics.
Leiden Disability Studies Lunch
On 13 June the first Leiden Disability Studies Lunch was organized upon the initiative of the ERC Rethinking Disability team, based in the Institute for History. Its aim was to allow students and staff members from across various institutes of the Faculty of Humanites and also from other faculties to…
Help track coronavirus with the LUMC’s COVID Radar app
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) has just launched its COVID Radar app. Users of the app are asked to regularly complete a short questionnaire about their health, regardless of whether they are ill or not. This will give the researchers a good idea of the current spread of coronavirus in the…
Markus Davidsen wins 2021 Impact Prize
Markus Davidsen, assistant professor of Religious Studies, is the winner of the 2021 Impact Prize. He is receiving the prize of 1,000 euros for the material he has developed for religious education in secondary schools.
Faculty of Humanities joins 'Hidden Disabilities Sunflower'
A hidden disability can make studying a considerable challenge, partly because of the disability itself, but also because others may not realise that extra support is justified. To overcome this problem, the Faculty of Humanities is introducing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.
New transmission microscope for low-energy electrons
Physicist Daniël Geelen has developed a new microscope that uses low-energy electrons. Those are less harmful to biological and organic materials. Geelen defends his PhD thesis on May 31st.
New LeidenGlobal activities for Leiden2022
With Leiden2022 drawing nearer, LeidenGlobal is busy developing extra activities to demonstrate the knowledge that is present in Leiden and to create interaction with a wider audience. With this valorisation, the partnership between several cultural and academic institutions in Leiden matches the theme…
Leiden student associations join together on online platform
The Local Chamber of Associations (PKvV) has launched an online media platform that brings together all 24 Leiden student associations. It developed the platform over the past months in conjunction with Leiden University, University of Applied Sciences Leiden and Leiden Marketing.