10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Erik-Jan Zurcher at the helm of LIAS
From 1 June onwards, Erik-Jan Zurcher, professor of Turkish Studies, will be the new academic director of the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS). We asked him about his plans.
Leiden Law Team scores at Telders International Law Moot Court Competition
The Leiden University Team became the runner-up at the finals of the 42nd Edition of the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition, which was held at the International Court of Justice at 25 May.
Opening Minor Sustainable Development
The new CML minor Sustainable Development started on Monday 7 September 2009 with an official opening by the Vice-Rector Prof. Rietje van Dam.
Times of reflection
There are plenty of reasons to look back on a very successful year. TRI Leiden has made great progress with its various projects and activities. This has been achieved with the much valued input of many experts involved in the projects and Leiden Law School students.
6 november: Master's Information Day Campus Den Haag
The Master’s Information Day Leiden University – Campus The Hague will be held on 6 November. The presentations will be given at the Schouwburgstraat 2 in The Hague.
Hui Deng wins ICRS Award at an international meeting in Poland
Hui Deng (MSc.), a PhD-student in the department of Molecular Physiology, has received an award for the best oral presentation during the 26th International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) conference with more than 300 participants in Bukovina, Poland. Hui Deng presented her work on “Rapid and…
Female birds sing more often than previously thought
IBL-researcher Katharina Riebel, together with international collaborators, published a remarkable finding in Nature Communications on the prevalence of female birdsong.
Free online linguistics course: Miracles of Human Language
Language is a little bit like owning a mobile phone. We use it all the time, but we don’t really understand how it works. Where is language located in our brain? Do all humans have language? These and many other questions will be answered by professor Marc van Oostendorp in the MOOC Miracles of Human…
Dutch universities and Elsevier initiate open science partnership
The Dutch universities, university medical centres and Research Council have reached an agreement with Elsevier Publishing on a national open science partnership. The partnership includes open access publishing and reading services for Elsevier journals and open science services for disseminating and…
Leiden University has highest ratio of female professors
Leiden University has the highest percentage of female professors of all the Dutch Universities. At 24 per cent, Leiden is well ahead of the other universities in the Netherlands.
Masterstudent Public Administration wins Ben Pauw Thesis prize
The Ben Pauw thesis prize for the best Master’s thesis in the area of Public Affairs was won by student Esther Mangelsdorf of the Institute of Public Administration.
External communication pool of the Dutch Government visits CPL
On Thursday evening, 7 December, the Centre for Professional Learning (CPL) gave the government's external communication pool a glimpse of what there is to learn about Public Affairs and the scientific research that is being done about it within the Faculty of Governance & Global Affairs.
Open Day Success
The Open Day of Leiden University, on the 8th of this month, was a success again: 483 prospective students came to find out what Leiden has to offer. The Institute of Biology Leiden was also present.
Suzan Stoter new Dean of Leiden Law School
Prof. Suzan Stoter will be the Dean of Leiden Law School at Leiden University as of 1 January 2024. The Leiden University Executive Board has appointed her for a period of four years. Stoter succeeds Joanne van der Leun, who, together with the other members of the Faculty Board, brought great verve…
2022 LPICT Rosalyn Higgins Prize - Submissions now open!
In light of her outstanding and inspiring achievements in the field of international dispute settlement, the Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (LPICT) named a Prize in honour of H.E. Rosalyn Higgins in 2019.
Celebrating the International Day of Light in the Old Observatory
On 16 May the first International Day of Light was celebrated all around the globe. Initiated by UNESCO, organisations in 87 different countries set up a total of more than 600 events to embrace the vital role of light and related technologies in science. In the Old Observatory in Leiden visitors could…
Suzanne van der Pluijm to be Science Faculty’s new Executive Director
Suzanne van der Pluijm will be appointed Executive Director and Member of the Board of the Faculty of Science with effect from 1 June 2022. She succeeds Ed van den Berg, who has held this position on an interim basis since 1 September 2021 .
Child Cancer Fund subsidises statistical research
Marta Fiocco, professor in the Mathematical Institute, has received a grant for analysing data on chemotherapy in children suffering from leukaemia. The work involves developing and applying new statistical methods that will help determining the optimal dose of chemotherapy.
Sustainable demolition of old labs under way
Leiden University has started the sustainable demolition of the old LCP building of the Faculty of Science.
Criminologen plaatsen vraagtekens bij beroemde levenslooptheorie
How do perpetrators of notorious crimes integrate in society after their imprisonment? Marieke Liem and Daan Weggemans investigated this in in-depth interviews with ten Dutch convicts for murder, paedophilia and terrorism.
'A toast to resilience': faculty New Year’s event 2022
On Tuesday 11 January 2022, the new year at the faculty was ushered in with an online event. Dean Joanne van der Leun toasted the new year and of course the annual Meijers prizes and thesis awarded were presented.
Launch of the Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics
International scholarly publisher Brill has released the most complete and up-to-date reference work on the Chinese language available today. Prof.dr. Rint Sybesma oversaw the project as Editor-in-Chief.
Renewable Energy Directive raises concerns over impact on developing countries
In 2009, the European Union adopted the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), mandating Member States to obtain 10% of all transport fuels from renewable sources by 2020.
SBB team wins Philips Innovation Award
On Monday May 8th, two Leiden Startups took part in the finals of the Philips Innovation Awards. One Leiden venture, Levels Diagnostics, was selected as the winner of the €10.000,- price in the category of ‘Rough Diamonds’.
Tax professionals under fire: 'I'm regarded as shady'
Tax lawyers are under fire in the public eye. They are held directly responsible for tax evasion by multinationals. Assistant professor Elody Hutten is researching how tax professionals deal with this criticism and was interviewed about it by the Financieele Dagblad.
Nieuw stageplatform Trail is live
Onze studenten hebben zowel publieke als private organisaties veel te bieden. Om studenten en organisaties beter aan elkaar koppelen heeft FGGA een nieuwe stagebank ontwikkeld. TRAIL: De nieuwe stagebank van de Leidse Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs.
A look back: LRS meeting @Archaeology
On May 8, all research support professionals of the Leiden Research Support Network were welcomed at the Faculty of Archaeology for an inspiring event.
Join the Humans of Humanities film premiere in Trianon!
The humanities consist of various academic fields. But what is the common ground of all these different academics and students? And why does their work matter so much in today’s world? Watch the trailer of Humans of Humanties, the new documentary film about the Leiden Faculty of Humanities. Will you…
Mid-Term Review 2019
As part of our quality control system, we will host the Mid Term Review (2016-2018) on 28 June 2019. In this exercise, our faculty research programmes will be evaluated by an external committee and assessed against the criteria of: scholarly quality, societal relevance and viability.
Field School 2023: We are back in Oss!
Monday, 3 April, the yearly field school for all first-year students at the Faculty of Archaeology will start. The municipality of Oss is welcoming our 120 students and provides an excellent practical learning stage for the basic skills they will need to master for their professional careers.
Welcome 2019-2020 students!
A warm welcome to the students of the Master’s Programme in European Law 2019-2020. This year, we expect around 60 students who will start this LL.M. programme, organised by the Europa Institute. Our faculty staff is excited to meet you and to teach you all aspects of European Law.
Herring, 3 October & Alumni worldwide
Do you remember the 3 October celebration during your study time in Leiden? And do you miss it every year, while living abroad?
PVV manifesto plans unconstitutional
Almost two weeks after the general elections in the Netherlands, negotiations between the leaders of the four parties who were expected to form a new coalition government are still not going smoothly. Ronald Plasterk, appointed as ‘scout’ to explore possible alliances, has said he will need one more…
Celebrating the International Day of Light in the Old Observatory
On 16 May the first International Day of Light was celebrated all around the globe. Initiated by UNESCO, organisations in 87 different countries set up a total of more than 600 events to embrace the vital role of light and related technologies in science. In the Old Observatory in Leiden visitors could…
Blowing the whistle on the government cuts
Hundreds of students and staff from Leiden University gave a ‘whistle concert’ on 11 December against the planned cuts to higher education. Similar protests were held in other student cities on the same day.
New publication: The best interests of the child in EU family reunification law
Mark Klaassen and Peter Rodrigues have published a journal article on the role of the best interests of the child in EU family reunification law in the European Journal of Migration and Law. They conclude that even though the Court of Justice of the European Union has often referred to the best interests…
Nominees announced for LUS Teaching Prize
Els de Busser (Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs), Ayo Adedokun (LUC The Hague) and David Fontijn (Faculty of Archaeology) have been nominated for the LUS Teaching Prize 2020-2021.
Eric De Brabandere over rol EU in kwestie rond Westelijke Sahara
Marokko zegt het contact met de Duitse regering op. Volgens Marokkaanse media is ministeries en andere overheidsinstanties per brief gevraagd direct de samenwerking op te schorten met de Duitse ambassade in Marokko.
Yet another minister resigns: 'Moral democratic compass is lacking'
Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (VVD) has resigned as Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management with immediate effect. She has decided to take up a position outside politics and will become chair of the lobby organisation for the energy sector, Energie Nederland.
Students meet alumni at digital meeting place in Corona time
The International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) has always been proud of its network, and most notably its alumni. These unprecedented Corona times mean that the students have not had the same opportunities as in past years to meet and engage in personal relationships with that alumni-base,…
Graduate film Marleen Oostenrijk on local television
‘Over leven in Aarlanderveen’ , the film that Master's student Marleen Oostenrijk made for her graduation project of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, will be screened 22-28 February at the local television station Studio Alphen. The film portrays the liveability of the village Aarlanderveen…
Call for proposals SAR conference 2016
The International Conference on Artistic Research, organised by the Society for Artistic Research, will take place in The Hague on 28 & 29 April 2016.
The impact of influential people and political parties on important issues
Looking back on 2024, Elon Musk and his impact on the global stage, political developments in the Netherlands and the war in Ukraine come to mind. These and other topics were discussed in ‘De Jortcast’, a podcast hosted by Jort Kelder on Dutch radio offering ‘radio therapy against hypes and hysteria’.…
Ban on 'boas' wearing religious symbols not yet possible
It is becoming increasingly common for large Dutch municipalities, including the Municipality of Amsterdam, to allow special enforcement officers to wear religious symbols such as the kippah and headscarf. Dutch Minister of Justice Dilan Yesilgöz and PVV party leader Geert Wilders are opposed to this…
Brechtje Paijmans is 'Mr.' of the week
Since 1 November 2022, Brechtje Paijmans is endowed professor of Conflict Resolution and Legal Protection in Education. Dutch trade journal Mr. interviewed her about her appointment.
Successful conference Kirchheiner Chair 'Government and citizens: A matter of trust'
On 1 September, the conference of the Kirchheiner Chair ‘Government and citizens: A matter of trust’ took place. In a packed hall in the beautiful Old Observatory of Leiden University, under the inspiring leadership of Willemien den Ouden, a debate was held on the role of the Dutch National Ombudsman,…
Pressure on function of checks and balances in Parliament
Polls conducted by I&O research point to a political landslide. What's in store for the Netherlands? The polls show that the new party of MP Pieter Omtzigt is well-positioned for the upcoming election, with an expected 31 seats, but only 3 for the Christian Democratic Alliance (CDA) party. It is obvious…
eLaw hosts INFORM workshop for the judiciary
On Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th of December 2018, eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, will host a two-day workshop for the judiciary on the new EU Data Protection Law that came into force earlier this year.
Honours Summer Course: Law, Power and Inequality
Have you ever wondered what law has accomplished in different countries and jurisdictions? If it even has accomplished anything at all, or that it are all promises of a better world? And have you ever thought about the role of law in the war on terror, in climate change, in emancipation and protection…
Record number of first-year students for Leiden Biology
150 new Biology students have arrived in Leiden. This is more than ever and we seem to settle among the big three Universities for Biology in the Netherlands.