3,787 search results for “russian and social linguistics” in the Public website
Biographies De La Radicalisation: Des Messages Cachés Du Changement Social
La radicalisation est devenue un mot désignant notre monde en couleurs négatives. Ce livre cherche à comprendre ce que c'est que la radicalisation au Sahel et aux Pays-Bas?
Retrieving the Past Glory: Social Memory, Transnational Networks and Christianity in Contemporary China
To address the relevance of Christianity to the ideological negotiations with the officially established authority, this research will be conducted by asking how the history enthusiasts negotiate the Christianity-related ideology through reconstructing the Christian past and reproducing religious histories…
SIA-graph (Eurostars) – Social impact analysis graph
In this consortium CWTS (Leiden University) collaborates with two Swedish SMEs: Monocl AB and Recorded Future AB. Monocl AB delivers intuitive analysis software to Life Sciences professionals in support of strategic decisions and improvement of business performance. Recorded Future AB is an organization…
Digital Humanitarian Networks: Crisis Management as a Social System
Intelligence of the crowd, or in other words, intelligence of a large, random collective, exists mostly in social media platforms such as twitter. The collective does not comprise (at least not necessarily) experts on crises, just regular people mostly. Nevertheless, there is valuable intelligence to…
Ukrainian course to start soon: ‘Useful for contact with refugees’
The Academic Language Centre is organising an introduction to Ukrainian with the Russian Studies/Russian and Eurasian Studies programmes. This six-part course is meant primarily for people who are in contact with refugees from Ukraine.
Society Event: lots of inspiration exchanged about societal wellbeing and social sciences
How can social scientists contribute to a healthier society? That question was central to the Healthy Society Event on 9 June 2022, which successfully marked the start of a more conscious and intensive collaboration between the five Institutes of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences on education…
Death’s Social and Material Meaning beyond the Human
Death’s Social and Material Meaning beyond the Human is edited by Jesse D. Peterson, Natashe Lemos Dekker and Philip R. Olson
Contact-induced change in Dolgan
This study explores the role of linguistic data in the reconstruction of Dolgan (pre)history by analyzing contact-induced changes and using them to infer information about the nature of the contact settings in which they occurred.
Special Issue on The Social Impacts of Logging
This special issue of the International Forestry Review talks about how logging really affects society.
The nature of evidentiality
This project launches a research program into the theoretical status and the terminological basis of evidentiality systems.
Summer School in Languages and Linguistics is now open.
The Leiden Summerschool in Languages and Linguistics, including courses in Papyrology, is now open. BA/MA/PhD students are welcome to attend.
Introducing: Matthew Frear
In September 2013 I moved to Leiden from the UK to take up the position of Assistant Professor covering politics and international relations on the BA Russian Studies and International Studies programmes and the MA Russian and Eurasian Studies.
Olaf Simonse
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
NWA Project on Vulnerability and Social Media awarded to Gianclaudio Malgieri and eLaw colleagues
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has recently awarded a significant grant of 863,000 euros to the project proposal 'RESOCIAL' led by Dr Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies. This grant is part of the 'NWA Synergy Theme: Vulnerability and Resilience…
Geert Booij
Faculty of Humanities
Turan Hanci
Faculty of Humanities
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) is an independent institute within the Leiden University Humanities Faculty. A Management Team, consisting of an Academic/Scientific Director, a Director of Education and an Institute Manager, is responsible for the overall running of the institute. This…
A Semiotactic Approach to Modern Japanese
The aim of this research was to establish if Ebeling's semiotactic theory and method of semiotactic analysis, as described in his works Syntax and Semantics (1978), Een Inleiding tot de Syntaxis (1994) and Semiotaxis, over Theoretische en Nederlandse Syntaxis (2006), could be applied to Modern Japanese…
The unbearable lightness of clitics
On the 23rd of January, Anastasiia Ionova successfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Anastasiia on this achievement.
‘Kindersprache, Aphasie und allgemeine Lautgesetze’ revisited
The current project aims to revive the idea that sound inventories are structured according to a small set of universal principles by applying insights from current phonological theory and by making use of modern database technologies and data assessing methodologies.
Kin Enough, article by Irene Moretti in Social Analysis
Irene Moretti published the article Kin Enough in Social Analysis, The International Journal of Anthropology.
Welfare, social citizenship, and the spectre of inequality in Amsterdam
This article explores how notions of citizenship are negotiated in encounters between parents and youth care professionals in Amsterdam in the context of heated debates over citizenship and belonging. We draw on ethnographic research on Egyptian migrant parents’ interactions with the welfare state,…
The effects of burying beetle social behaviours on interspecific interactions
This ecological community has long been known to affect host biology, and their diverse roles have been further clarified in recent years following numerous studies of animal:microbiota interactions in diverse systems.
- Teaching Social Sciences and Humanities in Secondary Education (MA)
The social history of labor in the Iranian oil industry (1908-1954)
This PhD research sets out to unravel and explain the socio-structural and cultural impacts of oil-industrialization on the local Bakhtiari community in general and the industrial laborers it provided in specific.
Koen Caminada
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Chinese Final Particles and the Syntax of the Periphery
In this research, for the first time a detailed description as well as systematic and comparative analysis of the final particle system in Chinese are provided.
Word processing in languages using non-alphabetic scripts: The cases of Japanese and Chinese
This thesis investigates the processing of words written in Japanese kanji and Chinese hànzì, i.e. logographic scripts.
Mutual intelligibility of Chinese dialects: an experimental approach
This study examines the mutual intelligibility between all 225 pairs of 15 Chinese dialects, in two main branches, i.e., six Mandarin dialects and nine non-Mandarin (Southern) dialects.
Social Policy, Poverty, and Inequality in Ecuador 1980-2021 [Política social, pobreza y desigualdad en el Ecuador 1980-2021]
This book offers a detailed analysis of social policy in Ecuador, covering its evolution over the past four decades. It examines how social relations and institutional frameworks have influenced concepts of well-being, the implemented policies, and the outcomes achieved.
In Search of the Japanese Family: Modernity, Social Change, and Women's Lives in Contemporary Japan
This book project explores the changing dynamics of marriage and family life in postwar Japan based on an examination of the life histories of single mothers.
John Ash and the Rise of the Children's Grammar
Making extensive use of primary source materials this study contributes to existing scholarship in the field of eighteenth-century grammars and grammarians by providing an in-depth study of Ash’s Grammatical Institutes and its influence on other popular grammars for children.
The Phonology of Shaoxing Chinese
This thesis presents a thorough survey of the central aspects of the phonology of Shaoxing Chinese from a synchronic perspective and on the basis of recent theoretical phonological developments, with the secondary goal of casting some light on current issues in Modern Chinese (Mandarin).
Things hold together: Foundations for a systemic treatment of verbal and nominal tone in Plateau Shimakonde
This is a study of Plateau Shimakonde, a sub-dialect of the Makonde language which is spoken on the Makonde Plateau in northern Mozambique.
Multidominance, ellipsis, and quantifier scope
This dissertation provides a novel perspective on the interaction between quantifier scope and ellipsis. It presents a detailed investigation of the scopal interaction between English negative indefinites, modals, and quantified phrases in ellipsis. One of the crucial observations is that a negative…
Gradability in the nominal domain
This dissertation investigates whether and how gradability is manifested in the nominal domain, as well as the implications this could have for theories of the representation of gradability.
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences provides its ca. 5000 students with a thorough education in the social and behavioural sciences. The student population is very diverse and international in nature.
- Meet our staff
Quiet Rebels? A Social History of Political Rhetoric
Speeches and speech acts have been crucial in settling the question at the centre of every political debate: who gets what, when and where?
Biographies of Radicalization: Hidden Messages of Social Change
Sub-Saharan Africa has seen a significant rise in terrorist acts and radicalized youth since the appearance of Boko Haram in 2009 and the fall of Libya in 2012. This book investigates the deeper layers of radicalization in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is situated in a larger global tendency.
Olja Karmanova wins Faculty Teaching Prize 2023
The Humanities Faculty Teaching Award has been won by Olja Karmanova. The Russian lecturer was presented with the award during the opening of the faculty year.
Interpreting particles in dead and living languages: A construction grammar approach to the semantics of Dutch ergens and Ancient Greek pou
In this dissertation, the types of context Dutch speakers need to interpret the poly-interpretable word ergens ‘somewhere/anywhere’ are studied.
Field school in Kenya gives students experience of collaborative linguistic fieldwork
Descriptions of different languages help us understand what speakers of different languages share worldwide. At the same time, having descriptions of languages available can also change local education and open our eyes to cultural and linguistic diversity. But what if a language has not yet been (fully)…
Election as Honorary Member of the LSA
Prof. Dr. Willem Adelaar has been elected as Honorary member of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
Alumnus Jonathan works with Ukrainian refugees: ‘They still have a smile on their face’
When alumnus Jonathan Katzman started his master's programme in Russian and Eurasian Studies, he didn't foresee how useful those skills would be in the near future. Now, he manages a refugee centre for Ukrainians who have fled their war-torn country.
World Congress of African Linguists (WOCAL): A conference like no other
The 10th edition of the World Congress of African Linguists (WOCAL), hosted by Leiden University, will be held online from 7 – 12 June. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) researchers give us an insight into how important and special this event actually is.
Nine Leiden projects awarded first NWO Science Diplomacy Fund
The projects of nine researchers at Leiden University have received funding through the new NWO Science Diplomacy Fund. The Fund is for scientific activities that will improve relations between the Netherlands and other countries.
The dynamics of light verbs in the history of West Germanic languages
The main question of this research project concerns the extent to which light verbs in West Germanic languages participate in processes of language change.
Modelling phonologization: Vowel reduction and epenthesis in Lunigiana dialects
This dissertation provides a formal description of the relationship between diatopic/diachronic micro-variation and phonologization through analysis of the phonetic/phonological properties of unstressed vowel reduction and vowel insertion in two Northern Italian dialects.
World Congress of African Linguists (WOCAL): A conference like no other
The 10th edition of the World Congress of African Linguists (WOCAL), hosted by Leiden University, will be held online from 7 – 12 June. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) researchers give us an insight into how important and special this event actually is.