3,125 search results for “joost van den” in the Public website
Programme Committee Biology
The Programme Committee Biology (Opleidingscommissie Biologie, OCB) consists of four teaching staff members and four students, and is assisted by the study adviser. The OCB has an independent position within the Biology education program. Because of its composition, the OCB is the most important organ…
EScience event
Self-Steering Committees
Within Una Europa, academic collaboration takes place in interdisciplinary Self Steering Committees (SSCs)
Marnix Medema new visiting professor Van der Klaauw chair
The Institute of Biology Leiden has a new visiting professor as of the first of May. Bioinformatician Marnix Medema holds the Van der Klaauw chair for a year and looks forward to scientific collaborations and to boost the bioinformatics education.
Stéphanie van der Pas receives Willem R. van Zwet Award
On 29 March Stéphanie van der Pas receives the Willem R. van Zwet Award during the Annual Meeting of the Netherlands Society of Statistics and Operations Research.
Executive Cyber Security Master still on trend
Four years ago, the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) first started with an executive master’s programme called Cyber Security. The programme proved to be a huge success and has continued to develop. This academic year, Els de Busser was appointed as Educational Director and Chantal de…
The information below concerns courses that our group teaches in Leiden.
Vacatures Raad van Advies
De Raad van Advies bestaat uit leden die een binding hebben met de faculteit. Daarnaast zijn zij goed thuis in de wereld van de advocatuur, de rechterlijke macht, de overheid en het bedrijfsleven. Het faculteitsbestuur gebruikt de adviezen van de Raad van Advies bij de beleidsontwikkeling van de faculteit…
Professionals successfully complete Public Affairs Course
20 Professionals have successfully completed the Centre for Professional Learning (CPL) course ‘Public Affairs’ this week, congratulations! The course consists out of five modules with different themes and helps professionals to (continue to) practice influence in a dynamic environment by gaining more…
Call - Van Gelderbeurs
Met de Van Gelderbeurs beoogt de Van Geldercommissie onderzoek naar en studie van geld en geldgeschiedenis in Nederland te bevorderen. De Van Gelderbeurs heeft een waarde van max. € 10.000 en kan ingezet worden voor onderzoeks- en/of educatieve doeleinden zoals bijvoorbeeld het maken van een (digitale)…
Aankondiging promotie van Joanka van der Laan (Groningen)
Promotie van Joanka van der Laan: "Enacting Devotion: Performative Religious Reading in the Low Countries (ca. 1470-1550)" Promotoren: Prof. dr. B.A.M. Ramakers en Prof. dr. S. Corbellini Plaats en datum: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 26 augustus, 16.15 Vanwege de coronamaatregelen is het aantal…
Meijers Prizes, Van Wersch Springplank prizes and Thesis Prizes awarded at New Years’ reception
On Thursday 10 January a number of prizes were presented to researchers and students.
Third Van Eyck Symposium
On Saturday 2 November the third Van Eyck Symposium shall take place
Lezingenreeks Abdij van Park
Op vijf donderdagavonden vanaf 29 september wordt een lezingenreeks over het onderzoek en de restauratie van de Abdij van Park georganiseerd.
Neoplatonism, the philosophy of the commentators
This project studies the theory and practice of moral education in the (Neo)Platonic tradition.
Dag van de Medioneerlandistiek
Bijna vijf jaar na de laatste ontmoeting hopen we opnieuw samen te komen met alle medioneerlandici. Ditmaal wordt de Dag van de Medioneerlandistiek georganiseerd in Nijmegen door de Radboud Universiteit, op vrijdag 24 maart. Het thema luidt: ‘De medioneerlandistiek en de wereld van nu’.
Van Winterfonds: PhD Vacancy
Het Van Winterfonds maakt in 2021 een promotieplaats mogelijk. Doel daarvan is de promovendus de gelegenheid te geven om een promotieplaats te verwerven voor een door haar of hem zelf ontwikkeld promotieplan. Aanvragen kunnen worden gedaan tot 15 maart 2021.
Archaeology and the application of Artificial Intelligence
Case-studies on use-wear analysis of prehistoric flint tools
- Contact
launch with Leopoldine Prosperetti (independent scholar) and referent Joost Keizer (University of Groningen)
Nominees bachelor thesis prizes Political Science 2023
The nominees for the IRO thesis prize 2023 and the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg-prijs 2023. Who wrote the best bachelor theses in Political Science?
Nominees bachelor thesis prizes Political Science 2022
The nominees for the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg-prijs 2022 and the IRO Thesis Prize 2022. Who wrote the best bachelor thesis in Political Science?
Denk en doe mee op het Just Peace Festival in Den Haag
Den Haag is de stad van vrede en recht. Rondom deze thema’s organiseren culturele en maatschappelijke organisaties het festival. De Universiteit Leiden is nauw betrokken bij de organisatie. Universitaire medewerkers en studenten doen bijvoorbeeld mee aan de Vredesloop, Marieke Liem van het Institute…
Pre-Trial Detention in the Dutch Juvenile Justice System
On 25 January 2018 Yannick van den Brink defended his doctoral thesis titled ‘Voorlopige hechtenis in het Nederlands jeugdstrafrecht’ (‘Pre-trial detention in the Dutch juvenile justice system’). The doctoral research is supervised by Professor Ton Liefaard and Professor Mariëlle Bruning.
Veni Marijn van Putten
LUCL PhD researcher Marijn van Putten has received a Veni grant by the science funding agency NWO.
Introducing Lucien van Beek
Lucien van Beek studied Comparative Indo-European Linguistics at Leiden University, focusing on Ancient Greek. As of February 2015, Van Beek will be project manager at Ineke Sluiter’s Greek-Dutch dictionary project.
Suzanne van der Pluijm to be Science Faculty’s new Executive Director
Suzanne van der Pluijm will be appointed Executive Director and Member of the Board of the Faculty of Science with effect from 1 June 2022. She succeeds Ed van den Berg, who has held this position on an interim basis since 1 September 2021 .
Stageplaatsen Rijksmuseum van Oudheden
Het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden zoekt twee stagiairs (v/m) voor het project ‘Het jaar 1000’, voor de periode september t/m december 2021. In dit project wordt Nederland in Europese context in de 10de en 11de eeuw bestudeerd. Deadline: 15 april 2021.
PhD Nathan van Kleij
On 12 March (at 14.00) Nathan van Kleij will defend his dissertation at the University of Amsterdam. The title is: "Beyond the Façade: Town Halls, Publicity, and Urban Society in the Fifteenth-Century Low Countries". It will be streamed online. Interested parties can obtain a link by mailing to: pro…
Museums and collections
Leiden and The Hague are home to a wide range of museums and collections.
PhD Candidate Robbert van Eijk measures privacy component in online advertising
You check out Facebook to see if one of your friends or someone in your family has done something interesting. Your attention is drawn to a holiday advert. That’s a coincidence, you think, because just before you went to Facebook you had been searching internet for a holiday destination. But this is…
Kennemerland in metaalvondsten
Duizenden metaalvondsten die door detectorzoeker wijlen Herman Zomerdijk zijn gedaan in de regio Kennemerland schetsen een uniek beeld van Noord-Holland door de eeuwen heen. Hij zocht en verzamelde decennialang historische metalen objecten in Noord-Holland en bouwde zo een unieke metaalcollectie op.
Education and Organisation Development
Promotie: de impact van het Internationaal Strafhof op landenniveau
Het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) in Den Haag bestaat sinds 2002, met als kerntaak het vervolgen van personen die verdacht worden van genocide, misdaden tegen de menselijkheid en oorlogsmisdaden. Wat zijn we opgeschoten met bijna twintig jaar ICC? Promovenda Marieke Wierda onderzocht de impact van het…
Career College schouwburgstraat Den Haag
Career and apply for jobs
Three new professors Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
Appointment of three professors represents jewel in the crown of 15-year partnership between Leiden University and the University of the Arts The Hague.
This faculty is the perfect fit for me!
From 1 September Erwin Muller will be the new Dean of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) in The Hague. What makes him the right person for the job? And what can the Faculty expect in the next few years? ‘Quality and content are crucial. Some growth figures are worryingly high.’
Voorstelling - Het Land van Belofte
Tussen 14 en 30 september 2022 wordt Het Land van Belofte gespeeld door Theatergroep De Kale. Het Land van Belofte neemt u mee naar de groteske verhaalwereld van middeleeuwse pelgrims naar het Heilig Land. Het Land van Belofte is gebaseerd op het zestiende-eeuwse tafelspel Schipper, Pelgrim en Post.…
News Kids on the Block: Mendeltje van Keulen opens European Law master
On 12 September the students of the European Law Master gathered in the Lorentzzaal for the festive opening of their programme.
Bart Schuurman in de Volkskrant about the conviction of IS fighters
The Netherlands sees thorny dilemmas placed with regard to the conviction of returning IS fighters. The Netherlands, like the other EU member states, does not respond to the Kurds' wish to take back 'their' Syrian people. Bart Schuurman, terrorism expert, states that an international tribunal, flanked…
Little Amal in The Hague
During the week of 15 November, Little Amal, the larger-than-life doll visited The Hague. Naturally she received a warm welcome by Leiden University during her visit. Little Amal (art project The Walk) was invited by Amare.
More than 500 students at 2nd edition Campus The Hague Career Event
Wednesday afternoon April 10th the 2nd edition of the Campus The Hague Career Event took place, organised by Career Service. More than 500 students and recent graduates from three faculties were in Wijnhaven to attend workshops and to network with employers.
Kluitersprijs for excellent students Minor Intelligence Studies
Twenty three students who obtained excellent results in the minor Intelligence Studies received the annual Kluitersprijs.
Introducing: Paul van Trigt
Since 1 February 2016, Paul van Trigt is postdoctoral researcher in the project Rethinking Disability: the Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Global Perspective at the Institute for History.
Awards and Grants 2021
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2021, as well as special appointments at Leiden University and other institutions.
Rule of Law and Development
On 18 May 2011, Dr. Ben Knapen, Minister for European Affairs and International Cooperation, delivered the annual Van Vollenhoven Lecture on “Rule of Law and Development”.
Journals Van Vollenhoven Institute digitized
As part of Metamorfoze, the national digitalization project for the preservation of paper heritage, journals of The Van Vollenhoven Institute’s library have been digitized.
Centre for Art, Literature and Law (CALL)
The center studies the many ways in which issues of law and justice are dealt with in art and literature with a focus on liminal issues and cases. These are issues and cases where law comes to the limits of what it is capable of dealing with and art and literature explore the implications of what is…
Utopia: Universal Three-dimensiOnal Passport for process Individualization in Agriculture
Agricultural foods naturally vary in their detailed internal structure. To facilitate early detection of health hazards due to contamination or disease, predict maturity and minimize wastage, it is critical to take into account the internal characteristics of each individual product, as these enable…
Politics, Culture and National Identities 1789-present
Politics, Culture and National Identities investigates a wide range of national political cultures in Europe and the Americas in the 19th and 20th centuries.