5,332 search results for “russian and science linguistics” in the Public website
A glimpse into my research between Bayesian Optimization and Mechanics
Marco Cinelli
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
“Armez-vous des sciences”? The Creative Lives of African Universities
Lecture, Annual Leiden Terra Incognita Lecture
- Symposium on collaboration and decompartmentalization. How do we connect science and practice?
HLA epitopes in kidney transplantation: from basic science to clinical application
PhD defence
'Climate issues and sustainability should be part of every study programme'
Having lectures on sustainability when you're a first-year student of Law, or a course on climate change when you're studying Public Administration may sound odd, but that is just what Associate Professor in Environmental Sciences Thijs Bosker wants to see happening. Together with his colleague Paul…
Dick Stufkens Prize 2020 awarded to physical chemist Mark Koenis
The Dick Stufkens Prize 2020 for the best PhD thesis of the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry has been awarded to Dr Mark Koenis. Koenis graduated 21 February with the distinction cum laude on his thesis 'Advanced Spectra Analysis to Determine Complex Structure and Chirality'. He describes…
Teaching Prize winner Ayo Adedokun: teaching is a calling
‘Teaching is not merely a profession; it’s a calling.’ These were the words of Ayo Adedokun on winning the LUS Teaching Prize at the opening of the academic year on 6 September. The prize is for the best lecturer of the year.
Office for International Education and internationalisation
Internationalisation is an important pillar of the Strategic Plan of Leiden University and Leiden Law School. The driving force behind internationalisation at our faculty is the Office for International Education (known as BIO). The Head of BIO is Anette van Sandwijk. Now the current political climate…
Launch meeting Leiden Islam Academy: gathering knowledge and meeting people
The launch meeting of the Leiden Islam Academy on 7 December in the Academy Building drew just the right audience: a diverse group of people who were all in some way engaged with Islam. This was just what the directors of the Academy, Maurits Berger and Fatiha Azzarhouni, were hoping for.
Symposium report: get out of your silo and become a better scientist
How do you set up a successful collaboration between science and practice? That was the main theme of the final meeting of a triptych of symposia on how Leiden University can improve inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration.
Discovery of unknown translation of René Descartes’ 'L’homme' in Leiden Bibliotheca Thysiana
From time to time, manuscripts that have remained hidden for centuries turn up in library collections and archives. In the archives of the 17th-century Bibliotheca Thysiana at the Rapenburg in Leiden, kept in the Leiden University Library, Rotterdam researcher Erik-Jan Bos discovered a hitherto unknown…
With this app, students learn to recognise an argumentative error from that aunt over Christmas dinner
In this ‘Educatips’ column, Psychology lecturers share their most important lessons about teaching. This month: Zsuzsika Sjoerds and Sebo Uithol teach students critical thinking with their app 'Family Dinner'. With success: 'The old exams have become too easy.'
How mathematician Hendrik Lenstra completed an unfinished artwork by Escher
Twenty years onwards, in a review of an Escher exhibition in Italy, Nature Physics writes about it again: Leiden mathematicians helping Escher out. A reconstruction of how emeritus professor Hendrik Lenstra tracked down a 44-year-old problem.
Lecture series ‘Museum Talks’ kicked off
Major renovations, much-discussed exhibitions and current museum related questions. ‘If you want to know what is happening in the art and museum sector in a very up-to-date way, then the 'Museum Talks' lecture series is the thing for you’, says Professor of Art History and organiser Stijn Bussels.
‘Today’s refugees are tomorrow’s Dutch citizens’
From virtual education to a friendly meeting place where refugees and Dutch students can get to know one another. Investing in refugees is in the interest of the whole of our society. This was the message of the students who opened the Academic Year of Leiden University on 5 September.
When Will We Realise We Are All in the Same Boat?
Part One: Casting off, Amsterdam
Helen Pluut new chair of Young Academy Leiden
Young Academy Leiden brings together young researchers, gives them a say in policymaking and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration. Chair Tom Louwerse is passing on the baton to Helen Pluut. ‘Sharing your knowledge and experience with colleagues from other faculties and institutes is so valuable.’…
Five Comenius Teaching grants for Leiden lecturers
Three lecturers from Leiden University have been awarded a €100,000 Comenius Teaching grant within the Senior Fellows programme. A further two lecturers have been awarded a €50,000 grant within the Teaching Fellows programme. The grants will enable the lecturers and their project teams to realise an…
Klaas van Leest receives Dick Stufkens Prize 2021
The Dick Stufkens Prize 2021 for the best PhD thesis of the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry (HRSMC) has been awarded to Klaas van Leest for his thesis 'Open- Shell Cobalt Complexes with Redox-Active Ligands; Electronic Structure and Nitrene Transfer Reactivity'. Van Leest, who is now…
Meijersprijzen en scriptieprijzen uitgereikt tijdens nieuwjaarsreceptie
Op dinsdag 10 januari 2022 zijn tijdens de facultaire nieuwjaarsreceptie de jaarlijkse Meijersprijzen en de scriptieprijzen uitgereikt.
Alternative Perspective 2028: Mark Rutgers and Casper de Jonge in discussion
Under extreme pressure and in agreement with the Faculty Board, the programme chairs, represented by a core group, have worked over recent weeks on additional recommendations based on the Perspective 2028 plan. On 1 December they presented their Alternative Perspective 2028 to the Faculty Board. The…
Growing diversity of Dutch population not immediately visible at universities
The intake of bachelor’s students from classic immigration countries whose prior education was in the Netherlands does not reflect the growing diversity in society. This is according to data from Statistics Netherlands.
Angus Mol and Aris Politopoulos are the winners of the fourth LUCAS Public Prize 2022!
On Tuesday 12 April Angus Mol and Aris Politopoulos have been awarded the fourth LUCAS Publieksprijs.
In memoriam Jan Zaanen 1957-2024: The universe in a speck of rusting copper
This Thursday, January 18th 2024, our esteemed colleague Jan Zaanen passed away. Jan was one of our star scientists, larger than life, with an unabashed, boisterous drive for the best of physics at the Institute Lorentz, at the Leiden Institute of Physics and in the full international scientific community.…
Leiden Law Cast: Law and computers with Professor Jaap van den Herik
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Looted art returned to Sri Lanka: ‘It was a job tracing what came from where'
A cannon, a sabre, guns: these Sri Lankan objects had been in the Rijksmuseum for centuries. In early December, they were returned to Sri Lanka. Associate Professor of Colonial History Alicia Schrikker led the research that formed the basis for the restitution and published a volume on the findings…
Skeleton research provides insight into culture of Caribbean Indians
Archaeologist Hayley Mickleburgh studies how bodies decompose. This helps with the reconstruction of changes in the burial rituals of Caribbean Indians.
Scaliger medal presented to LERU President Kurt Deketelaere
The first Scaliger Medal was presented on 19 September to Leuven Professor Kurt Deketelaere, President of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). He received the award in recognition of his tireless commitment to promoting European research.
‘Young Academy Leiden wants to stand up for young researchers, especially in difficult times’
Young Academy Leiden (YAL) will change its board this month and welcome seven new members. Outgoing chair Julia Cramer and incoming chair Rachel Plak look back at the highlights of the past year and discuss YAL’s plans for the coming period.
Seven Leiden professors elected new members of KNAW
Seven Leiden professors have been elected as members of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). In total 23 new members will be inaugurated on Monday 13 September.
Lights out, stars on: Daan Roosegaarde on Seeing Stars Leiden
‘What if we switch off all the lights one evening? That idea crossed my mind from time to time. And when I mentioned it to a taxi driver one day, he said: “Oh, you mean: lights out, stars on!” That’s not completely true, of course, because the stars are always on, but his phrase summed up the idea n…
In Memoriam - Bas Edixhoven
On January 16, 2022, our respected and beloved colleague Prof. dr. Bas Edixhoven passed away after a short period of serious illness.
Blog Post | Bridging the Gap: Time for an EU-NATO Strategic Dialogue on Defense Tech
To stay secure, the transatlantic community must take on emerging and disruptive technologies together.
Network of student well-being officers create connections
It’s an important theme at the University and beyond: student well-being. Even before coronavirus, research showed that loneliness and the pressure to succeed were causing particular problems for students, and these problems have only increased since the pandemic. Work is underway to improve the sit…
‘It will be much easier without the British’
The year 2020 should finally be Brexit year. The United Kingdom is set to leave the European Union on 31 January, at midnight Dutch time. Legal scholar Joris Larik from Leiden University College The Hague explains why he is not advocating remain.
Dick Stufkens Prijs 2019 awarded to electrochemist Thom Hersbach
The Dick Stufkens Prize 2019 for the best PhD thesis of the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry (HRSMC) will be awarded to Thom Hersbach. In his thesis, Hersbach presents a thorough analysis of cathodic corrosion. His comprehensive research, on which he graduated with the distinction cum…
Gravitation funding for five projects with Leiden researchers
The Advanced Nano-electrochemistry Institute Of the Netherlands (ANION) consortium will receive 23.6m euros in Gravitation funding for research on important electrochemical processes for energy transition. An additional four consortia with members from Leiden have also been awarded funding.
Improving Nature’s Antibiotics to Overcome Resistant Bacteria
Lecture, NGL-lezing
IBL Spotlight - Host-Microbe Interactions
LED3 Lecture: Organoids to model human health and disease in vitro
- IBL Spotlight - Evolution and Biodiversity
- Society, Art & Technology: The Future of AI is Human
CANCELLED: LCN2 Seminar: Algorithms for Network Visualization and beyond
LED3 Lecture: Harnessing the Chemistry of Natural Product Biosynthesis
- OSCoffee: Close the Black hole - a quick scan of possible academic heritage
Anglophone Islam: English-language Islamic curriculum in post-Apartheid South Africa
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Workshop Phi and Agree
- Public graduation presentation, Lal Avgen
An Introduction to the Arabic Language History and Origins
Alumni event, Lunch webinar