6,411 search results for “also” in the Staff website
Wopke Hoekstra in gesprek met studenten over de NAVO-top
Wopke Hoekstra, outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Campus The Hague on 6 July to talk to students about the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius.
These tips (might) help you win the EC football pool
Are you keen to beat your friends or colleagues and win the European Championship football pool? Statistician Marjolein Fokkema has some tips that might increase your chances.
‘Using real-world data to enhance our healthcare system’
On 16 May 2022, Professor Michel Wouters from the Department of Biomedical Data Sciences at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), will deliver his inaugural lecture titled ‘Quality of Cancer Care: why the real world matters’. Wouters will use the opportunity to describe how quality registries…
Nog meer kennis over kinderrechten
Universiteit Leiden en Unicef werken al 10 jaar samen om kennis over kinderrechten uit te breiden en te verspreiden. Ze verlengen deze samenwerking.
How a local shaman can help fight climate change
Who knows more about environmental governance: a professor of natural resource governance or a local shaman in the remote uplands of Myanmar?
More legal firearms do not lead to more murders in Europe
A higher level of legal firearm availability does not lead to more violent deaths in Europe but does lead to more female deaths.
A call about: the Citizen Science Lab
Leiden is European City of Science in 2022 and this will be celebrated under the name Leiden2022. During Leiden2022, various activities will be organised, such as lectures, workshops, excursions and exhibitions. On the occasion of Leiden2022, Postbus 71 will be opened: the place to go if you have any…
Research: Tax and Customs Administration/Benefits needs to improve communication with citizens
The Dutch Ministry of Finance commissioned the scientific institute for economic research SEO Amsterdam Economics to investigate to what extent the benefits system and the provision of services have been improved in recent years. The aim of the research project is to determine whether the legal framework,…
As an organisation, how do you manage a crisis?
How do you manage a crisis? This is what Professor of Crisis Governance Sanneke Kuipers will address in her inaugural lecture.
Exhibition unveils Central Asian part of Silk Road
An exhibition at Oude UB takes visitors to the historical Silk Road. Old maps, clothes and jewellery reflect the rich heritage of the cities of Central Asia and their inhabitants.
Political Scientist Christina Toenshoff Wins Virginia Walsh Dissertation Award
Christina Toenshoff has been awarded the Virginia Walsh Dissertation Award for her PhD dissertation on corporate climate lobbying. The Leiden Political Scientist, according to the jury, ‘makes a significant contribution to the study of climate and business politics.’
NWO: PhDs in the Humanities (call 2025)
Investigating obsidian sources in Honduras with a Corrie Bakels Grant
Obsidian, a volcanic glass-like material, is often used for making tools by Mesoamerican societies. In Honduras, certain obsidian artefacts do not yet have a known provenance. PhD candidate Marie Kolbenstetter and Assistant Professor Dennis Braekmans were awarded a Corrie Bakels Grant to explore thus…
Kiem project on safety and dangers in the digital world results in new research network
No less than 33 project received a Leiden Kiem grant in 2023. How did they fare? Olga Bogolyubova shares experiences from her project ‘Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Safety and Danger in the Digital World’.
How to make AI systems learn better
Artificial intelligence systems are smart. They can recognize patterns better than humans, for example. Yet humans are still very much needed. How can you better steer those AI systems? LIACS lecturer Jan van Rijn wrote a book about this together with a number of colleagues. We asked him a few quest…
Introducing: Joshua Mentanko
Since 1 September 2022, Josh Mentanko is postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for History. Below he introduces himself.
Biology student Martijn Verkuilen wins Unilever Research Prize
Martijn Verkuilen is the winner of the Unilever Research Prize 2022. By transferring DNA from a plant into yeast, he made the first move to produce a new drug for type 2 diabetes. He collected his prize in Wageningen on 24 November.
Waarom batterijen van elektrische auto’s goed en slecht zijn voor het milieu
Grootschalige productie van batterijen voor elektrische auto’s zwakt de emissiereductie die door elektrisch rijden wordt behaald af.
Towards no more glass in the jam with better X-ray scanners
X-ray and CT scanners are widely used devices in research, diagnostics and the industrial sector. And yet they are not nearly as fast and accurate as we would like. Mathé Zeegers is researching the newest technique in the field at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science: spectral X-ray imaging.…
New publication ERC StG Safe & Sound: Safety and Exoskeletons
We are pleased to announce a groundbreaking research study delving into crucial aspects of safety and responsibility in the domain of personal care robots, explicitly focusing on robotic lower-limb exoskeletons.
Green light to build revolutionary new experiment at CERN to search for unknown particles
After many years of preparations, CERN has approved a groundbreaking new experiment: the Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP). Physicist Alexey Boyarsky was involved from the start. ‘We know there is physics that’s missing and we aim to find it.’
Justice and reconciliation in Libya focus of Leiden meeting
On 25-26 October 2022, a select group of high-level participants gathered in Leiden to discuss research on Libya’s national reconciliation and access to justice, and to explore implications for policy and law.
Talk and debate: how do we prevent science from harming the environment?
Sustainability researchers can play an important role in the energy transition. But what if their partners are not (yet) sustainable and science itself has adverse effects? This is the subject of an online talk by researcher Thomas Franssen on 16 December with a discussion afterwards. ‘Clean energy…
Antibiotic resistance: an economic problem universities could help to solve
Antibiotic resistance is an economic problem. Pharmaceutical companies cannot earn much from antibiotic research, so they do not invest in it. This makes it important that universities do so, says Ned Buijs.
Oncode Accelerator launched: patients at the centre of innovative cancer drug development
Providing each cancer patient with the right treatment remains a challenge. Oncode Accelerator aims to change this by innovating the way we develop cancer treatments, thus ensuring the patient is at the heart of the process.
Healthy University Let's Walk Week; are you still on the move?
A week after the kick-off of the Healthy University Let's Walk Week 2021, colleagues together already have made 7276 'ommetjes'. The Let's Walk Week was entirely devoted to getting and staying active for our personal, physical and mental health.
Keyring in your hand when walking down the street alone? 'Many women are always on guard'
A cover over your drink in the pub, deodorant as pepper spray or headphones to avoid hearing catcalling: many women use everyday objects to feel safer in public spaces. Student Anne van der Linden made an online exhibition about this.
Leiden's Austria Centre traveled to Berkeley, California for the Annual Convention of Austria Centers
The fifteenth Annual Convention of Austria Centers took place in Berkeley, California, USA in May 2023.
NWO grant for research on new type of global organisation
To what extent can global issues be solved by multistakeholder collaboration, a relatively new type of organisation? Jan Aart Scholte, the coordinator of the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) interdisciplinary research programme, has received a Dutch Research Council (NWO) grant…
Researchers discover how malaria parasite survives in mosquitoes
Researchers from Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) have discovered how malaria parasites escape the immune system of mosquitoes. The so-called QC enzyme changes proteins on the outside of the malaria parasite such that the immune cells are unable to recognise the parasite. As a result, the parasite…
State of affairs new conditions starter grants
Finance, Research
Cattle, rather than geometric shapes, determine how the Hamar see the world
Sara Petrollino, a university lecturer in linguistics, strongly believes that language influences the way we see the world. An NWO Open Competition (XS) grant will enable her to test this hypothesis among the Ethiopian Hamar people. ‘The idea that everyone thinks in geometric shapes is culturally de…
Impact factor for open access journal Research & Politics (RAP)
Research & Politics (RAP) is a peer-reviewed open access journal which focusses on research in political science and related fields through open access publication of the very best cutting-edge research and policy analysis. The journal achieved a high score for the impact factor, which puts it in 49th…
PhD Graduate Van Groesen: ‘Nothing is too crazy to try.’
In a world where bacteria are increasingly resistant to antibiotics, Emma van Groesen set out to find a solution. This month she obtained her PhD, after four years of research into new variants of the antibiotic vancomycin. With success.
Striking similarities in how humans and other primates search for food
How unique is the human capacity for learning and adapting to an environment? In field research – in the rainforest and Artis Zoo – primatologist Karline Janmaat is studying how humans and other primates adapt to their environment in their search for food. She will give her inaugural lecture as Professor…
NIAS grant for research into 19th century bohemians and their love for anarchistic assassins
It was a remarkable trend in 19th-century London: middle-class bourgeois bohemians falling in love with anarchism and its assassins. University lecturer Michael Newton has been awarded a NIAS subsidy to reconstruct the lives of three of these families.
Grants for fundamental research in Leiden
Three fundamental research projects at Leiden in physics, chemistry and medical science have received funding from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). They involve research on magnetic fields in the universe, the role of myeloid cells in cancer immunotherapy and the evolution of ancient proteins.
Jasper’s day
On January 1st Jasper Knoester started as our new dean. How is he finding it? What kinds of things is he doing and what does his day look like? In each newsletter, Jasper gives a peek into his life as dean.
Leiden researchers nominated for Klokhuis Science Prize
Socialising with other people is an important part of feeling good. What do children need from their surroundings to do this?
Urban Studies graduates: 'The field is interesting and relevant, and keeps expanding'
After years of hard work, Urban Studies graduates were presented with their diplomas. How do they look back on their studies? And what can we expect from them in the future?
Türkiye is a textbook example of an autocracy'
What is the state of democracy in developing and transition countries in 2024? Terrible, according to the BTI Transformation Index.
Four questions about why we’re holding a debate on our ties to the fossil fuel industry
On Wednesday 27 September we will be holding a debate for students and staff on our links with the fossil fuel industry in relation to the topic of sustainability. All students and staff of the university are cordially invited. If you’re still not sure about whether to attend, these four questions and…
Rint Sybesma: ‘I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone’
The Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) has a new Director of Education. Rint Sybesma was appointed with effect from 1 September. ‘I am looking forward to getting to know the institute even better.’
University couple marries ‘in front of all of Leiden’ on 3 October
They have known each other since they were small but Rianne and Tom first fell in love when working together at the university. That love culminated in a fairytale wedding amid all the revelry last 3 October.
Introducing: Sarah Nelson
Since 1 October 2022, Sarah Nelson is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for History. Below she introduces herself.
James Webb Space Telescope sees sand clouds on 'cotton candy planet' WASP-107b
A team of European astronomers has found a silicate-based weather system on a cloudy gas planet around the star WASP-107. It is the first time astronomers have found silicate clouds and rain. They also conclude that temperatures deeper in the atmosphere are rising rapidly. 'The presence of clouds has…
The Personnel Monitor results are in: what happens now?
The most problematic themes in the Faculty of Humanities are workload and social safety, according to the recently completed Personnel Monitor. What happens now?
Jasper's day
Jasper Knoester started on 1 January as our new dean. How is he finding it, what kinds of things is he doing and what does his day look like? In every newsletter Jasper gives us a peek into his life as dean.
The data doctor who wants to use artificial intelligence to improve healthcare
When can a patient be discharged from intensive care? Artificial intelligence can help answer this and other questions. But using such revolutionary technology in healthcare is not easy, as Anne de Hond has discovered.
Carlotta Rigotti participates in international workshop on image-based sexual abuse
As eLaw Postdoc researcher exploring the multiple intersections between law, gender, and technology, Carlotta Rigotti has recently participated in a groundbreaking international workshop focused on combatting image-based sexual abuse (IBSA) at the CAIS premises in Bochum, Germany.