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Workshop Report: The Stigma of ‘Underdevelopment’ in Heritage Production
On Friday 11 October, the workshop on “The Stigma of ‘Underdevelopment’ in Heritage Production” took place in the beautiful building of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology. The workshop was organized by Jasmijn Rana (CADS) and John Hanna (TU Delft)…
Positive representations on ordered Banach spaces
Promotor: A. Doelman, Co-promotor: M.F.E. de Jeu
Working at the Faculty of Science
Working for a top faculty? Discover the vacancies at the Faculty of Science and apply immediately.
Discoveries at Leiden Science
From the largest numbers to the smallest molecules and from the oldest galaxies up to the latest algorithms, explore our standout discoveries and most inspiring collaborations from the past year!
Leiden involved in three out of five Physics Vrije Programma grants
NWO has assigned Physics Vrije Programma grants to five collaborations of physicists. Leiden University is involved in three of them.
Highly Accurate Simulations and Benchmarking of Molecule-Surface Reactions
Heterogeneous catalyzed processes are highly significant to the chemical industry. Dissociative chemisorption (DC) of molecules on surfaces is always considered as a step with a high degree of rate control for heterogeneous catalysis.
8th wall formula about the Van der Waals-equation for gases
Despite the rain and awful weather, the painting job has been finished within a week. The Van der Waals-state equation is the eighth Leiden wall formula.
The robust qubit: the Zen particle
A couple of years ago, theoretical physicist Carlo Beenakker tracked down the Majorana particles and inspired Leo Kouwenhoven from TU Delft to try to create them in a superconducting nano-structure. He succeeded in doing so in 2012, and the news made headlines around the world. But a lot of work still…
The most stable microscope in the world
Making the most vibration-free, cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope in the world. A bold mission, but one that PhD candidate Irene Battisti successfully executed together with the Fine Mechanical Department. The new microscope might shed light on how unconventional superconductivity works. PhD Defence…
Many important topics in computer science, such as the correctness of software, the efficiency of algorithms and the modeling of complicated systems, depend on sound theoretical underpinnings. In the Theory group, we study these fundamental building blocks and develop verification methods to prove system…
Robert Smit receives his PhD with distinction. ‘I am happy to be back in the lab’
An all-optical transistor, a molecule-sized sensor and a new kind of single-photon source for quantum communication. All dreamed applications of fundamental physics that are one step closer thanks to Robert Smit. On 12 June, he defended his PhD thesis with distinction.
Suppressing a Sea of Starlight: Enabling technology for the direct imaging of exoplanets
Promotor: Christoph U. Keller, Co-promotores: Matthew A. Kenworthy, Frans Snik
Laboratory studies of Water Ice in Space
Astronomical observations of cold regions in the universe show a rich inventory of ices. Part of these ices may end up on planets like our own, but in that journey they will be exposed to considerable amounts of radiation.
Applications of AdS/CFT to strongly correlated matter: from numerics to experiments
What physics controls the properties of quantum matter, such as how electrons flow inside high-temperature superconductors? This question has captivated the physics community and industry for decades, in part due to the great technological potential such materials have, but also because they have resisted…
Carlo Beenakker Group - Theoretical Nanophysics
Our world is shrinking, or at least our electronic devices are. From PCs to mobile phones: everything is smaller and thinner. The smaller the chip, the better it can conduct electricity and pass on information.
Programme structure
The programme guarantees a thorough experience on the frontlines of physics research AND data science. It focuses on research areas where these fields overlap and in the process provides practical training of communicative and computer skills.
Leiden physicists in the media on Nobel Prize
The 2018 Physics Nobel Prize is awarded to Arthur Ashkin, Donna Strickland and Gérard Mourou for their research on optical tweezers based on lasers. Leiden physicists comment in the following media.
Physical reality of string theory demonstrated
String theory has come under fire in recent years. Promises have been made that have not been lived up to. Leiden theoretical physicists have now for the first time used string theory to describe a physical phenomenon. Their discovery has been reported this week in 'Science'.
How deep is a mirror?
Light reflects from a mirror, but where exactly does this reflection happen? Well, it depends, Martin van Exter and Corné Koks discovered. Their precise calculations, published in Optics Express, are important for designing optical cavities for quantum communication.
Leiden chemists improve electrochemical production of sustainable chemical building blocks
If you could convert CO2 into building blocks for other molecules with the help of electricity, you could make the chemical industry considerably more sustainable. Leiden chemists have unravelled a fundamental part of this process and applied this knowledge in a real device, as they write in Nature…
Lattice models for Josephson junctions and graphene superlattices
In this thesis we study quantum transport phenomena on the nanometer scale, in two classes of materials: topological insulators with induced superconductivity and graphene superlattices.
Agnieszka Kazimierczuk
M. Revello Lami-
Faculteit Archeologie
DANS KDP grant to publish five centuries of coin production figures
In the project ‘Coin production in the Low Countries: 1334-1789’, Leiden University, the International Institute of Social History, and Het Nederlands Economisch-Historisch Archief, team up to create a website that provides access to five centuries of coin production figures.
Research on product safety and liability for AI by Gitta Veldt and Tycho de Graaf
A recently published article, Productveiligheid en aansprakelijkheid voor AI (Product Safety and Liability for AI), by Gitta Veldt and Tycho de Graaf examines the European Commission’s proposed Artificial Intelligence Regulation.
FET Open Grant for Many Photon Entanglement
The Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) is the coordinating partner in the Qluster research project, which was awarded a 2,9 million euro FET Open grant by the European Union. The three-year project, which started on 1 December 2019, aims to produce many photon entanglement to aid quantum communication…
How the world can achieve climate goals with clean hydrogen production
Hydrogen can help to solve the climate problem. At least, if we start producing it in the right, clean way. Leiden researchers mapped out the global environmental impact of hydrogen production and looked ahead to 2050. They published their work in Energy & Environmental Science.
Six modes of co-production for sustainability - Marja Spierenburg in Nature Sustainability
In a recent publication in Nature Sustainability, an international team led by Josephine Chambers from Wageningen University, and including Marja Spierenburg from the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University, have developed a practical tool for researchers and…
BRAIN appoints University of Leiden as partner for BEC-Enabled production strain development
BRAIN Biotech and the Leiden University will jointly develop an Aspergillus based production strain with high yield and thus contribute to a bio-based circular economy. The cooperation is based on BRAIN´s molecular tool BEC.
Huub Rottgering
Leiden Institute of Physics
Research at the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) is foundational and curiosity driven. All our scientists share a desire to increase the knowledge of the world around us, in an open atmosphere of inquiry from which innovative ideas emerge that provide applications and value for society.
Spinoza prize for Jan Zaanen
Jan Zaanen, Professor in Theoretical Physics of condensed material, has been awarded a Spinoza prize. His pioneering ideas about the collective behaviour of quantum particles and high temperature superconductivity have often given him the reputation of being something of a rebel.
Outreach and Science Communication
To strenghten ties with the public, press, other academics and wider society, LION employs an outreach officer.
The holographic glass bead game: from superconductivity to time machines
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. Zaanen & Prof.dr. K.E. Schalm
Scientists discover how to improve the production of antibiotics and enzymes in soil bacteria
A team of researchers at the Institute of Biology Leiden, in collaboration with scientists from Utrecht University, has discovered a novel approach to improve the production of antibiotics and enzymes in the soil bacteria Streptomycetes.
Sense Jan van der Molen appointed as Professor Physics of Condensed Matter
As of 1 June, Leiden University has appointed Sense Jan van der Molen as Professor Physics of Condensed matter. He investigates the unique electronic properties that arise when atomic thin layers are stacked on top of each other into new materials.
Chemical functionalization of the graphene surface for electrical and electrochemical sensing application
Advanced sensing techniques require graphene with high quality and well-controlled surface chemistry.
Impact of plant hormones on growth and development of actinobacteria
Plants are colonized by an astounding number of microorganisms that can provide different life-support functions, including nutrient acquisition and protection against (a)biotic stresses like drought or pathogen attack.
Call for papers: Power, Silence and the Production of History in Africa
The production of history is a process of power. This is particularly relevant in Africa, where during both the colonial and the post-colonial era history has been written by hegemonic regimes. This historiography has in turn (re-)produced structures of domination, social exclusion and division.…
Awards and Grants 2023
On this page you will find an overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2023, as well as special appointments at Leiden University and other institutions.
On transport properties of Majorana fermions in superconductors: free & interacting
Majorana fermions in superconductors are the subgap quasiparticle excitations that are their own antiparticles.
Master's application and admission
Find out how to apply for Physics and Classical/Quantum Information at Leiden University by following our step-by-step guide.
High-resolution integral-field spectroscopy of exoplanets
This thesis describes the implementation and on-sky demonstration of high-resolution integral-field spectroscopy for extreme adaptive optics systems that are used to find and characterize exoplanets.
Government pledges millions for economic growth
The government is investing 646 million euros and has set aside a further 3.5 billion to drive economic growth in the Netherlands. Much of the National Growth Fund will be used for scientific innovations. Leiden University is involved in three of the projects.
Teaching Assistant Prize for Michał Pacholski and Koen van Deelen
To improve our teaching and reward excellent teaching assistants, the institute offers a Teaching Assistant Prize to the best teaching assistant of the semester.
Psycholinguistic research
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Efficient targeting of the Trichoderma genome for industrial protein engineering
The research is aimed at development of an efficient gene targeting method that allows controlled integration of DNA at a preselected site in the Trichoderma genome.
Horizontal gene transfer and spreading of biosynthetic gene clusters and antimicrobial resistance
Biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) for natural products are widespread in microbial genomes, and they are rapidly exchanged. This research assesses the factors that control the spread of BGCs and resistance genes in nature. This includes risk assessment for the spread of engineered DNA in nature.
Programme structure
The master's specialisation Applied Cognitive Psychology consists of three main parts: the mandatory and elective courses, a thesis and an internship.