2,771 search results for “executive bart cml in” in the Public website
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus can play an important role in global challenges
Annetje Ottow, president of the Executive Board of Leiden University, has been the new chair of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) strategic alliance for just two months. What does she want to achieve during her two-year chairmanship?
Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl on Palestine event: ‘Let’s have an academic debate with room for different perspectives’
There’s been a lot of commotion about the ‘Apartheid in Israel’ panel discussion being cancelled. The organisers, Students for Palestine, wanted to hold this at Leiden University’s Wijnhaven building in The Hague on 21 March. The Executive Board would only allow the event to go ahead if guarantees…
Martijn Ridderbos reappointed vice-chairman
Martijn Ridderbos has been reappointed vice-chairman of the Executive Board of Leiden University by the Board of Governors.
Hall of Fame 2021
In 2021 many of our students and staff won fantastic prizes and were awarded important research grants. This is our traditional review of these successes as the end of one year marks the beginning of another.
Management and organisation
Leiden University consists of seven faculties, each managed by a dean.
Debate on painting of cigar-smoking white men
The brief removal of Rein Dool’s ‘cigar-smoking white men’ painting generated a storm of reactions last November. Students, staff and alumni reflected on this at a symposium on Friday 26 May.
Painting removed from wall in spontaneous action: ‘We are going to discuss this and reach a decision’
During a meeting at the University on 10 November, staff spontaneously removed a painting by artist Rein Dool from the wall in one of the meeting rooms in the Academy Building, reversed it and placed it on the floor. A tongue-in-cheek action with a serious undertone. This has led to a lot of commotion…
Mayor Heijkoop feels like an ‘ambassador’ for the university
Leiden Mayor Peter Heijkoop visited the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and the Faculty of Science on Monday,
Information evening Executive MSc Cyber Security
Study information
Leiden Law School
Leiden is the place for Law
Who are the Squatters? Mapping and documenting squatting in Leiden as a cross-over project between Public History and Academic Research
This project sets out to map, document and analyze instances of squatting in Leiden from 1970 to 1990, in order to set up an online Digital Archive of Squatting in Leiden. This archive will function as an online resource for academic research, as well as a starting point for public activities such as…
Security and threat
Polarisation in our society is on the rise. What makes people increasingly radical? How do we protect ourselves from extremist, terrorist or criminal threats, be they physical or in the cyber world? And what role do intelligence services play in this?
Protest against classroom scanners at Lipsius building
On Tuesday a few dozen students and staff from Leiden University protested on the square in front of the Lipsius building against the classroom scanners that have been installed in buildings and lecture halls. They are demanding that the scanners be removed.
A thousand participants in Dies for alumni
The Dies Natalis for alumni on 11 February was an online event. Almost 1,000 alumni tuned in to Bastiaan Rijpkema’s interview with Annetje Ottow, who had then been President of Leiden University’s Executive Board for all of three days. Alumni are part of her portfolio on the Executive Board.
Semi-partitioned Scheduling and Task Migration in Dataflow Networks
Promotor: Ed F. Deprettere, Co-promotor: Todor P. Stefanov
Collegecolumn: Cyberveiligheid is een verantwoordelijkheid van ons allemaal, maar hoe doen we dat?
Het zal niemand ontgaan zijn dat de digitale dreigingen blijven toenemen. Uit monitoring door onze cybersecurity-experts blijkt dat er continu wordt geprobeerd om ook onze systemen binnen te dringen. Wat doen wij daartegen en hoe kan jij als medewerker bijdragen aan onze cyberveiligheid?
Universiteit Leiden onderzoekt eigen slavernijverleden
Het College van Bestuur laat door een postdoc een eenjarig vooronderzoek doen naar het koloniale en slavernijverleden van de Universiteit Leiden.
Urbanization brings benefits like housing and jobs but also challenges like biodiversity loss. CML's Urban research program uses science to create sustainable cities, focusing on the built environment (circular economy, urban mining) and enhancing urban nature for biodiversity and human benefits.
Ontveld denken - verblijven in een unheimische wereld
Lange tijd wisten we ons thuis in een wereld die we meenden te hebben. Het bestaan in deze vertrouwde wereld vormde onze existentie, die we op een eigenlijke wijze op ons namen. Thans is de wereld echter niet meer wat hij was, en zijn we ook zelf niet meer wie we waren. ‘De wereld is weg’, zo dichtte…
Symposium on technology and privacy should offer new insights
Video conferencing from your sitting room and algorithms on social media that know your interests: new technology is an increasingly integral part of our lives. At the same time there is a growing call to protect our privacy, and this is causing friction, at the University too. In part because of the…
René Kleijn appointed Professor of Resilient resource supply
The energy transition ranks high on the European policy agenda, but what does it take to get there? René Kleijn researches how we can extract, use and reuse raw materials in a responsible way. Since 1 March, he has been appointed professor of Resilient resource supply.
Innovative knowledge projects start in The Hague
The Municipality of The Hague called on researchers to come up with a proposal for an innovative research project on problems big cities face such as energy transition. Four of the five projects that have been granted funding come from researchers from Leiden University.
How can we banish racism from education?
A safe haven for students, more bicultural staff and more powers for diversity officers. In a national expert meeting at Campus The Hague, administrators, diversity officers, students and staff discussed urgently needed measures.
Southeast Asia in Transition (SEAtrans)
SEAtrans: an interdisciplinary research project that aims at studying the dynamics and processes of transitions in society-nature interactions in Southeast Asian societies.
- Admission & Application
BIOMOT: Motivational strength of ecosystem services and alternative ways to express the value of biodiversity
Do sustainability values play a role in motivating people to act for biodiversity in successful projects and in successful leadership action? And how could these values be incorporated in current economic valuation methods?
Autism and higher education
How can we improve quality of life and study success in young, high-functioning adults with autism?
First SAILS Professor appointed
We are very honoured to announce that on the 1st July Bart Custers has been appointed Professor of Law and Data Science and has thus become the first Professor in the new 'stimuleringsprogramma' SAILS.
Lone Actor Terrorist Attack Planning and Preparation: A Data‐Driven Analysis
This article provides an in‐depth assessment of lone actor terrorists’ attack planning and preparation.
Globalization and Modernity in Asia: Performative Moments
Much has been said regarding the global flows of information that are characteristic of modernity; it has been frequently stressed that these conduits are so deeply embedded that local or national environments may be imagined as having a global span. Thus, while we are now well aware that the imagination…
Patterns of Living in Southern Africa, 1780s to the present
Southern Africa has a rich tradition of social history, one inspired by the tumultuous changes that have regularly convulsed the region from the 1780s onwards. Scholars have always sought to understand what these changes meant for everyday life and emphasised a perspective of marginal groups, how these…
Global Challenges
Global Challenges is the research programme of the Leiden Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology.
Teaching Prize
Each year, the Leiden University Student Platform (LUS) presents the Leiden Education Prize.
Reintegrating Terrorists in the Netherlands: Evaluating the Dutch approach
This article presents an in-depth evaluation of a specialized reintegration initiative within the Dutch Probation Service focused on individuals convicted or suspected of involvement in terrorism.
The Turn of the Soul
The Turn of the Soul: Representations of Religious Conversion in Early Modern Art and Literature
Towards Open and Reproducible Terrorism Studies: Current Trends and Next Steps
In recent years, the use of primary data in terrorism research has increased. In order to maximise the benefits of this trend, we want to encourage terrorism scholars to implement open science practices more systematically. This article therefore presents different avenues towards open and reproducible…
From Criminals To Terrorists And Back?
The second and final report on the Netherlands‘ crime-terror nexus has analysed all fourteen profiles of individuals arrested in 2015 for offences of terrorism.
Digital Activism in Asia: Good, Bad, and Banal Politics Online
This article introduces the special issue on ‘Digital Activism’ by exploring some of the trends in social media activism and scholarship thereof. The authors ask to what extent this literature helps us understand Asian forms of online activism, which forms of activism have relatively done well, and…
e-SIDES (ethical and societal impact of data sciences) is a Coordination & Support Action (CSA) part of the Horizon 2020 programme.
Vamping the Stage: Female Voices of Asian Modernities
Announcement of the publication of Vamping the Stage: Female Voices of Asian Modernities, the first book-length study of women, modernity, and popular music in Asia (University of Hawai'i Press, 2017).
Transforming Innovations in Africa
The authors in this volume explore how external innovations (products, technologies, services, institutions and processes) have been appropriated in African societies in order to be acceptable and relevant to local conditions, expectations and demands.
Dynamic testing and excellence
Unfolding potential
Reintegrating jihadist extremists: evaluating a Dutch initiative
In 2012, the Dutch National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism and the Dutch Probation Service launched a reintegration project for offenders on probation or parole who were (suspected to be) involved in jihadist extremism or terrorism. The initiative's primary goal was to reduce the chance…
What sets extremists who use terrorist violence apart from those who do not?
This paper contributes on an increasing body of work on radicalisation. It specifically focuses on what distinguishes individuals whose behavioural radicalisation includes involvement in terrorist violence from those whose behavioural radicalisation does not.
Vox Populi, Populism as a Rhetorical and Democratic Challenge
This timely and engaging book examines the rise of populism across the globe. Combining insights from linguistics, argumentation theory, rhetoric, legal theory and political theory it offers a fully integrated characterization of the form and content of populist discourse.
End of the Lone Wolf: The Typology that Should Not Have Been
This research note argues that the “lone wolf” typology should be fundamentally reconsidered.
The institute has six secretariats for the various departments and is located at the Kamerlingh Onnes Gebouw.
Escher and the Droste effect
Artful Mathematics: The Heritage of M. C. Escher
Becoming a European Homegrown Jihadist
The book addresses the question “How and why do people become involved in European homegrown jihadism?
The Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences has the responsibility for all PhD candidates in the field of social and behavioural sciences. The School's themes are anthropology, education and child studies, political science, psychology and science and technology studies..