574 search results for “construction heritage” in the Student website
Leiden biologists find nanoplastics in developing heart
Nanoplastics can accumulate in developing hearts, according to a study by biologist Meiru Wang from Leiden University. Her research on chicken embryos sheds new light on how these tiny plastic particles pose a threat to our health.
A peek inside art objects: new algorithm makes CT scan more accessible
An X-ray scanner, some small metal balls, and a newly developed algorithm. That is all you need to make a 3D model that enables you to look inside art objects without dismantling them. Thanks to the research of Francien Bossema (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer…
Why North Korea and Southern Africa are dependent on each other
North Korea may seem like an isolated country but it has strong ties with African regimes. This alliance, which trades in arms despite international sanctions, is increasingly operating out of the liberal world order’s sight, PhD candidate Tycho van der Hoog warns.
Surprise: No methane on the night side of exoplanet WASP-43b
The night side of exoplanet WASP-43b, to the surprise of astronomers, does not appear to contain methane. It is likely that extreme winds do not allow enough time for methane to form in detectable amounts. This is the conclusion of an international team of scientists, with Leiden and Amsterdam contributions,…
Populistist parties use parliamentary instruments differently
Populist parties in national parliaments have a different style of working from their colleagues in other parties. They often vote against Cabinet proposals, but do not ask more questions about Cabinet activities. This is the finding of Leiden research in different European countries.
Part-time work in schools: ‘Students get to see how great teaching really is’
Given the teacher shortage, secondary schools could use an extra pair of hands. Alfrink College in Zoetermeer is glad to have students from the university helping out in class. ‘We hope students will see how great it is to work in teaching.’
PhD research: Was there already Dutch-Dutch and Belgian-Dutch in the past?
What developments preceded modern Standard Dutch? PhD candidate Iris Van de Voorde conducted research on ‘pluricentricity’, or the idea that language norms arise in different places and spread outwards from there. PhD defence on 19 April.
Meet the new student representatives in the Education Committee Archaeology
Education, Organisation
Thesis on public policy in vulnerable neighbourhoods wins FSW thesis prize 2023
With 'The unruly reality of a new government: Navigating between networks and serving in a 'vulnerable' neighbourhood', Mony Klaus has won the FSW Thesis Prize 2023. Written as part of the Master's programme in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, the thesis examines how a new government…
Chasing gravitational waves: damping vibrations in underground Einstein Telescope
Leiden scientists and companies receive 1.37 million euros to develop technology for the Einstein Telescope. This underground telescope will measure gravitational waves and must therefore be extremely sensitive. To that end, the consortium conducts research on the damping of vibrations at temperatures…
‘I work with go-getters who know what needs to be done’
Her office is a bit tucked away in a corner of the building, but her department is always buzzing with activity. Since May 2024, Renate Rijbroek has been our new Head of Facility Management. There was no slow start: ‘We are working hard towards the official opening in September.’
Research Opportunities for Masters Students
Costanza Franceschini discusses the Sea-ing Africa project, offering unique anthropological research opportunities in Ghana and Morocco for Masters students.
As new Professor of Social Cognition and Decision, Lotte van Dillen studies how we make choices in an information-overloaded world
Due to technological and societal developments, we are being flooded with more information than our brains can process. How does this affect our decision-making, both as individuals and as a society? And can we learn to make better choices? This is what Lotte van Dillen will explore with her profess…
Thijs Brocades Zaalberg: 'How does the discourse on war influence practice?'
As a student, Thijs Brocades Zaalberg was primarily interested in diplomacy surrounding conflicts. Through research on peace operations and subsequently the fight against guerrillas, he became increasingly involved with the most violent aspects of colonial warfare. Per 1 September 2024 he is appointed…
Several Leiden Science students excel and win KHMW Young Talent awards
A true shower of awards for students from the Faculty of Science during the annual KHMW Young Talent Awards ceremony. On Monday, 25 November, no less than nine first-year students received a prize for the best academic results in their first year. In addition, there were graduation prizes for master’s…
Call for abstracts: Inaugural Leiden Public Ethics Undergraduate Conference
Research Seminar Europe 1000-1800
Lecture, Research Seminar Europe 1000-1800
For Posterity
Meijerssymposium 2024
Caribbean Literature - A Reading List
Caribbean literature holds a unique position in the world. Literature produced in the Caribbean region is extremely diverse, not only because of the wide variety of languages spoken, but also due to distinct colonial legacies that exist in the archipelago. Despite cultural specificities, the region…
Intercultural Picnic: Snack - Story - Solidarity
LUCDH Pilot Project Symposium 2024
Symposium and Workshops
Witches and Snowflakes: Nurturing Feminist Ethnography in Times of Crises
Lecture, Research Seminar
The Role of Culture in Atrocity Prevention
Book launch “Style en Society in the Prehistory of West Asia – Essays in Honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse”
Conference, Book launch
EAMENA (Endangered Archaeology of the Middle East and North Africa): One database to rule them all?
Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Lecture, Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Circulation as Relational History
Lecture, Annual Leiden Terra Incognita Lecture
- Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (CIEL) Seminars
Curator Ruurd Halbertsma: ‘Surely we can’t just sweep away antiquity?’
Like many others, Ruurd Halbertsma has had a rollercoaster of a year. His museum, the National Museum of Antiquities (RMO), was closed for a long while because of the lockdown. Visitor numbers picked up again from September, but it the next few weeks will be tense now the hospitals are full again. Halbertsma:…
Seven projects receive funding from JEDI Fund
More focus on diversity in Antiquity, workshops for students with disabilities, and a card game to share stories about diversity: these and other projects will receive funding from the JEDI Fund in 2023.
‘We moeten diversiteit minder vieren, het moet vanzelfsprekend zijn’
Op welke manieren kan inclusieve communicatie ervoor zorgen dat mensen zich welkom voelen? Hierover ging het D&I-symposium van Universiteit Leiden.
Fifty years of teaching and research in Egypt: ‘Visit to Cairo a highlight for students’
The Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC) is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Thousands of students and researchers from eight partner universities in the Netherlands and Flanders have been able to gain valuable experience in Egypt through the institute. Good reason for a celebrat…
Knowledge on/in African societies: re-opening the paths
Lecture, Adriaan Gerbrands Lecture
- Culture and Politics Event Series
- Meeting of Helping Hand - Mutual Aid Group for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students
- Meeting of Helping Hand - Mutual Aid Group for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students
- Meeting of Helping Hand - Mutual Aid Group for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students
- Meeting of Helping Hand - Mutual Aid Group for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students
- Meeting of Helping Hand - Mutual Aid Group for Disabled and Chronically Ill Students
Digital Archaeology Group Meeting
SAILS Lunch Seminar
Lecture, seminar
Celebrating Naga Culture: Authenticity, Indigeneity and Modernity
Undisciplined Collections
Archaeozoology is essential to modern environmental management
Museumnacht Leiden 2022
Understanding human migrations requires a long-term perspective
Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Opening LeidenGlobal Photo Exhibition: Crafting Cultures
CMGI Brown Bag Seminar
Lecture, CMGI Brown Bag Seminar