614 search results for “long term presentation” in the Public website
Jingmin Long
Fu Long
Feiteng Long
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Jennifer Doekhie
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Long term dynamics of stochastic evolution equations
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: O. van Gaans
Less government, but who is thinking long term?
On the 18th of November the article: 'Minder overheid, maar wie denkt er na over de lange termijn? (translation from Dutch: 'Less government, but who is thinking long term?') written by prof. dr. Frits M. van der Meer was posted on Mejudice: 'an independent forum for discussions aiming to stimulate…
Small changes for long term impact: optimization of structure kinetic properties: a case of CCR2 antagonists
Promotor: Prof.dr. A. P. IJzerman, Co-Promotor: Dr. L.H. Heitman
What is the effect of long-term exposure to engineered nanomaterials (ENMS)?
Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are widely used, and nanotechnological innovations grow with rapid pace. Studies on nanotoxicology have demonstrated that chemical toxicology as well as particle toxicology should be accounted for in predicting the safety of ENMs.
Transitioning From Military Interventions to Long-Term Counter-Terrorism Policy
These three repors are part of a research project that assesses how military interventions can best prepare the ground for an effective long-term counter-terrorism policy. Three different cases have been studied, and they have each provided the input for the policy relevant recommendations that are…
Transitioning from Military Interventions to Long-Term Counter-Terrorism Policy
In December 2014, Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs with the Australian National University’s Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy and the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, commenced a research project to assess how (temporary) military interventions can best prepare…
Long-term observation of protein dynamics via thermal-snapshot single-molecule spectroscopy
This dissertation revolves around the design and implementation of novel instrumentation and related measurement techniques, at the single molecule level, for use in biophysical research. Chapter 1 presents an introduction to the field of fluorescence-based single molecule measurements. In particular,…
Role of epigenetics in long-term health effects of early life stress
Can epigenetic changes explain associations between early life stress and health outcomes?
New History of Fishes. A long-term approach to fishes in science and culture, 1550-1880
From 1550 onwards, a great interest in the natural world developed across Europe. This interest was not only stimulated by a growing knowledge of local flora and fauna, but also by the import of numerous exotic animal and plant species. Think, for instance, of researches and collectors like Gessner…
analysis of different dimensions of the desistance process among long-term prisoners in the Netherlands
On 5 September 2019, Jennifer Doekhie defended her thesis 'Dimensions of desistance: A qualitative longitudinal analysis of different dimensions of the desistance process among long-term prisoners in the Netherlands'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. P. Nieuwbeerta.
Terms and conditions studios
Terms of use with regard to the use of LAK studios in Lipsius.
Long Island, Antigua
Long Island, an islet of Antigua in the northern Lesser Antilles forms the major source for flint in the Lesser Antilles. A survey by Hofman, Hoogland and van Gijn in 1989 has indicated the presence of various raw material sources. Test-excavations at the major flintknapping site of Flinty Bay show…
Of Love and Longing
Diede Farhosh-van Loon defended her thesis on 18 October 2016
- Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions studio rentals
Terms of use with regard to the use of LAK studios in Lipsius.
From military intervention to long term counter-terrorism policy
The question of how military interventions can best transition to a long term counter-terrorism policy forms the core research question of three interlinked reports. This research project has been completed with support of NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Programme. Leiden University researchers…
On the Term 'Environmental Refugee': Normative Assumptions and Empirical Realities
The authors compare assumptions about normative utility of the term 'environmental refugee' with empirical evidence compared to 'environmental migrant'.
Unmasking the Term 'Dual Use' in EU Spyware Export Control
This article illustrates how the term 'dual use' has become associated with a broader dichotomy between ‘legitimate’ and ‘illegitimate’ purposes.
Analyse conceptuelle et traductibilité des termes de maladie dioula
Ce livre est une étude pionnière portant sur l’analyse conceptuelle et la traductibilité des termes de maladie dioula jusqu’ici non abordées par les recherches antérieures. Le Dioula est une langue mandé parlée au Burkina Faso. L’étude présente les représentations de la santé, de la maladie et du corps…
Optimization of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers
This thesis covers several aspects of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers and its applications to quantum chemistry and material science.
Sander van Kasteren
Presenting the NVIC (long version)
Please have a look at the long version of our promo video
Terms and conditions of enrolment, payment and cancellation
Terms and conditions of enrolment, payment and cancellation for open registration language courses organised by the Academic Language Centre.
Presentations related to this chair.
The parabolic Anderson model and long-range percolation
Promotor: Prof.dr. F. den Hollander
Liposome-based synthetic long peptide vaccines for cancer immunotherapy
Promotores: Wim Jiskoot; Ferry Ossendorp
Fiscal Policy and the Long Shadows of History
In this paper, Kantorowicz aims to track the persistent effect of former partitioning borders on property tax rates in Poland.
Graduation presentation
A compulsory part of every graduation project is a public presentation of the thesis work and its results.
Presentation formats
Please find below information regarding oral and poster presentations.
Theatre & Presentation
The Leiden Academic Course Center offers various theater and presentation courses. For the performing arts courses it is possible to participate in the final presentations at the end of the semester to experience what it is like to be on stage. You learn how to stand, move and change into a role with…
Marieke Liem: ‘On the meaning of life for long-term prisoners’
Marieke Liem wrote a contribution for DJIzien, a magazine published by the Dutch Custodial Institutions Agency (Ministry of Justice and Security), about her meetings with long-term prisoners. ‘For my research on long-term prisoners I made numerous visits to Dutch prisons. During these visits, I came…
Book presentations
Now and then we organise book launches to present the latest publications, both academic and popular, in our broad field.
learning: on the design, trainability and noise-robustness of near-term algorithms
This thesis addresses questions on effectively using variational quantum circuits for machine learning tasks.
- Seminars & Presentations
Video clips Academic Presenting
The Academic Language Centre has developed 10 video clips on Academic Presenting. Watch them below for a good start to your studies!
Women of the present
What better way to represent women in the present than to ask them? The Museums Matters Class decided to ask Leiden’s Leading Ladies to loan an object which they felt encompassed their time here, from those in their undergraduate to one of the 23 female professors, with many positions in between.
Nostalgia for the Present
Ethnography and Photography in a Moroccan Berber Village
Presentations and Lectures
Members of our research team give different types of presentations and lectures.
Workshops, Demos & Presentations
On this page you can find more information about the various workshops, demos, and presentations that will be taking place in the afternoon.
Teachers’ interpretations of their classroom interactions in terms of their pupils’ best interest: A perspective from continental European pedagogy
This thesis comprises four closely related interpretative studies and set out to answer the compound question: ‘How do teachers interpret their classroom interactions in terms of their pupils’ best interest?’
China’s long march to national rejuvenation: toward a Neo-Imperial order in East Asia?
In tracing the deeper historical roots of what Xi Jinping contemporarily frames as a “Chinese dream” of “wealth and power,” the article discerns key actors, events, and organizing principles in a long process toward restoring China’s deemed rightful place in the regional system.
Genomics applications of nanopore long-read sequencing for small to large sized genomes
In this thesis I highlight the applications of Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) sequencing. This technique is a relatively new approach in the sequencing field, where nanopores are embedded in a membrane, DNA molecules are pulled through nanopores and an electrical current serving as the sequencing…
Postdoctoral Researcher in Ancient Near Eastern Studies (fixed term 2 years; 1,0 fte)
Humanities, Institute for Area Studies
Care conferences for long-term forensic patients: demand greater than supply
Care conferences for long-term residents (15+ years) in forensic mental health care are widely appreciated by all parties involved. Research by Leiden University shows that the demand for these meetings is so great that the supply cannot be met within the desired time frame.
A long-term perspective on human niche construction and alteration of ecosystems
Dr. Katharine MacDonald (Faculty of Archaeology) sketches the background to a recent paper in Science Advances, co-authored by her and other members of the Liveable Planet team.
Recording presentations Online Open Day
On this page you'll find the recordings of the programme presentations held at the Leiden University Bachelor's Online Open Day of 7 October 2023. Perhaps you joined this event and would like to rewatch the presentations or are curious about ones you didn’t see the first time around. Or you haven't…