842 search results for “dat or hard hearing” in the Student website
Studying with a hearing disability
Having a hearing disability is a health condition that can impact your learning at Leiden University.
Adva Eichengrün
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Zijian Li
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Shannon Yuen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
How AI and wearable technology help create more inclusive environments for children
Can we reshape school playgrounds through data and design? By using AI and wearable sensors, data scientist Maedeh Nasri discovered ways to create environments where children, including those with ADHD and autism, can connect, play, and grow.
Evelien Broekhof
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Yung-Ting Tsou
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Brenda De Sousa da Silva
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
'When a deaf child suddenly hears and learns to talk, this also has a huge impact.'
Professor Johan Frijns treats people with hearing loss, conducts research on hearing implants, and gladly shares his knowledge about electrical stimulation of the nervous system.
Mensenrechten overal anders geïnterpreteerd. Hoe kan dat?
Hoe kan het dat universele mensenrechten wereldwijd niet hetzelfde in de praktijk worden gebracht?
Funding for science communication on deaf community and on losing your way
Two Leiden University science communication projects have been awarded a WECOM grant through the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA). One project is a study of the history of the deaf community in the Netherlands and the other is of a condition that causes people to lose their way.
Boya Li
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
The self-employed hard hit by coronavirus crisis
Self-employed workers’ hours have significantly decreased during the coronavirus crisis. Their average hours worked decreased most at the start of the crisis, by more than five hours per week. And it was difficult to return to their pre-crisis hours in the quarters that followed. This is the conclusion…
Hard work pays off: a festive graduation of the LLP
Early July was the graduation ceremony of the Leiden Leadership Programme,: a moment to reflect and celebrate the outcomes of eight months’ hard work. Leiden’s Marekerk was filled with colourful music and some wise pieces of advice: ‘Find the path that suits you best.’
‘Listen carefully when students ask a question, to hear the question behind the question’
‘Rudy van Vliet is always willing to go that extra mile to help us,’ is what students say about him. The lecturer in the Computer Science bachelor’s programme not only teaches his regular courses but also offers additional classes to prepare students for programming competitions. His dedication to students…
‘Hoogsensitiviteit is geen klinische diagnose, maar een persoonlijkheidskenmerk dat je kunt benutten’
Do you often feel drained after a day at the office? The new SPS Monitor measures how sensitive you are to various stimuli. Psychologist Véronique de Gucht developed the questionnaire. 'I want to demystify high sensitivity.'
Hard chews: why mastication played a crucial role in evolution
We do it every day but barely give it a thought: chewing our food. But the ‘simple’ process of masticating food may have played a crucial role in the evolution of our jaws, facial muscles and teeth.
University working hard to create a safer work and study environment
Since the demonstration over a year ago on the Wijnhaven campus, Leiden University has developed plans and initiatives to create the safest possible work and study environment for our university community. The Executive Board would like to explain what has happened since and what else we can expect…
Incoming exchange forms and transcripts
Incoming exchange Erasmus forms, transcripts, grades and credits
‘Ik vond het leuk dat je helemaal vrij bent in het onderwerp waarover je wilt gaan schrijven'
Tijdens de Dies Natalis worden elk jaar de Leidse Universitaire Scriptieprijzen uitgereikt. Elke faculteit selecteert hiervoor haar beste scriptie. De beste scriptie van FGGA is geschreven door Leah Beekhuizen met de titel: ‘De lusten of lasten van radicale collega-belangenbehartigers’
Six reasons why it’s hard to lead a healthier life
We know we should do it, and we often want to, but… Why is it so hard to live a healthier life? Professor of Behavioural Interventions in Population Health Marieke Adriaanse explains.
Claartje Levelt: ' Students sometimes ask questions I have to think hard about'
Claartje Levelt is professor of First Language Acquisition. She researches how babies and toddlers learn their mother tongue. Besides her work, she enjoys being involved with music.
Vitaliteit, Leefstijl, en een Gezonde Omgeving
Wil jij bijdragen aan vitaliteit en gezondheid in Leiden Noord? Doe dan een Master onderzoek rond thema's als eenzaamheid, gezondheid en leefstijl of gezond gedrag in de publieke ruimte. In samenwerking met Leren met de Stad en Incluzio, voer jij jouw onderzoek uit op de locatie van Leren met de Stad…
Parents are too hard on themselves: teens more positive about their parenting
Although it can be a challenge at times, parents should keep communicating with their teens. Also about how they parent. Research by developmental psychologist Loes Janssen shows that parenting can be perceived quite differently by family members and mood plays an important role. Parents often parent…
Do you have a hard time with uncertainty? This may influence how you perceive the world
Always taking the same route to work, going for that one dish in restaurants and going on the same holiday each summer: this may ring a bell for those who don’t like uncertainty. Researchers are now discovering that this aversion affects how we understand the world.
5 years Quantum Rules lab: ‘The best part is when you hear the penny drop with a student’
Quantum Rules lab van Leiden Universiteit biedt proefjes en experimenten voor middelbare scholieren om te leren over kwantum natuurkunde. Henk Buisman vertelt over het 5 jarige jubileum.
Thirza is the new student member of the IB: 'I want to hear the opinions of less outspoken students'
Since 1 September, fourth-year student Thirza van 't Rood has been the new student member of the Institute Board at Cultural Anthropology. Her first task is to organise the elections for the programme committee. Her mission for the coming year is also to collect the opinions of less outspoken students.…
van vele uitdagingen voor veiligheidsregio: ‘Goede mensen hebben we hard nodig’
Tijdens het tweede college in de reeks van drie over het Nederlandse crisismanagementsstelsel, staat de vluchtelingencrisis centraal. Hans Zuidijk, directeur van de Veiligheidsregio Hollands-Midden, is vrijdag 2 juni een van de gastsprekers en licht alvast een tipje van de sluier op waar hij het over…
Tap Dance beginners
Arts and leisure
A lifeline for Leiden research – TB solution a step closer thanks to this Indonesian university
Herman Spaink knows of many substances that may help combat tuberculosis. Lab space to study them safely is very limited in Leiden. A brand-new lab at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia will soon provide a solution. About time, says Spaink, ‘The disease is on the rise and is becoming less sensitive…
Stand for election
Do you want to represent the interests of the students and staff? Then why not stand for election?
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Alumnus Willem van der Muur: ‘I wanted to work somewhere I could make an impact’
Willem van der Muur worked at the Van Vollenhoven Institute as a PhD candidate from 2013 to 2019. After completing his doctorate he left for Indonesia to work for the World Bank. There, he is leading a project to register land rights.
Friendship crucial in intelligence service cooperation
Secrecy can be detrimental to a relationship, but in the intelligence world, it is actually a basis for trust. What do relationships and trust really mean in this 'hard and seemingly shadowy' world? PhD candidate Pepijn Tuinier investigated it. The finding: social relations play a much more important…
Carolien Rieffe
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Studying with a disability
Studying with a disability may require additional time and effort. Find out what support is available at Leiden University and consider what might be helpful in your particular situation.
Safe use of IT
Safe use of IT
Safe use of IT
Safe use of IT
Safe use of IT
Safe use of IT
A Conversation on Helen Thompson's 'Disorder: Hard Times in the 21st Century'
Lecture, PCNI Research Seminar
Punishment or refuge? ‘Women sometimes aimed to be convicted’
Over a thousand women ended up in a State workhouse between 1886 and 1934. This was a place for vagrants, beggars and drunkards: people who were said to be too lazy to work. Who were these women who were sent there? PhD candidate Marian Weevers found out.
First photo of black hole at the heart of our Galaxy
Finally we know for sure that there is a black hole at the centre of our own galaxy. Today, astronomers unveiled the first ever photo of Sagittarius A*, a super-massive object at the centre of the Milky Way. This picture could only be taken thanks to the cooperation of telescopes worldwide.
Commitment (NL/EN)
Career and apply for jobs, Study support
‘If we want to be really inclusive, we need to step outside our comfort zone’
The experiential expertise of people with a disability needs to be integrated in diversity & inclusion policy. This message was the common thread at the annual Diversity & Inclusion symposium. Students and staff members engaged in conversation about how the university can become more accessible.
Application and admission
The LDE Sustainability Honours Programme is open for enrollment to motivated second- and third-year bachelor's students of Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasumus University. Additional requirements can be found below.
Application & admission
The LDE Space & Society Honours programme is open to motivated second- and third-year bachelor's students of Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University. View the additional requirements below.
Saturday's Information Fair
Saturday's information fair in Leiden is the ideal place to gather information about going abroad during your studies, or being an international student at Leiden University.
Classical Ballet advanced
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Classical Ballet intermediate/advanced
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure