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Alle de Weerd
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Meet Y'ALL
On the 14th of February, YAL members and other young academics met while engaging in discussions about academia with an eye on the future and discovering how YAL can be a platform to empower young academics.
All-gender toilet Level
Level, Bargelaan 180, 2333 CW, Leiden
Study-information all courses
On the following page you can find an overview of all courses provided by the Department of Economics.
All-gender toilet Oort
Oort, Niels Bohrweg 2, 2333 CA, Leiden
All-gender toilet Sylvius
Sylvius, Sylviusweg 72, 2333 BE, Leiden
All-gender toilet Reuvens
Reuvens, Reuvensplaats 2-4, 2311 BE, Leiden
All-gender toilet Gorlaeus
Gorlaeus Building, Einsteinweg 55, 2333 CC, Leiden
All-gender toilet Wijnhaven
Wijnhaven, Turfmarkt 99, 2511 DP, The Hague
All-gender toilet Lipsius
Lipsius, Cleveringaplaats 1, 2311 BD, Leiden
All-gender toilet Reuvens
Reuvens, Reuvensplaats 2-4, 2311 BE, Leiden
All-gender toilet Plexus
Plexus Student Centre, Kaiserstraat 25, 2311 GN, Leiden
All-gender toilet Arsenaal
Arsenaal, Arsenaalstraat 1, 2311 CT, Leiden
All-gender toilet Snellius
Snellius, Niels Bohrweg 1, 2333 CA, Leiden
All-gender toilet KOG
Kamerlingh Onnes Building, Steenschuur 25, 2311 ES, Leiden
Study information on all courses
We offer a broad and diverse amount of courses. Below, you will find all the information about the courses offered by the Department of Business Sciences. If you click on a course, you will be redirected to the course guide.
Open to all, not known to all: sustaining practices with open educational resources in higher education
In higher education, Open Educational Resources (OER) are available for anyone to use, but they are not widely used.
ALL-IN meta-analysis
Science is typically a patchwork of research contributions without much coordination. Especially in clinical trials, the follow-up studies that we do fail to be the most promising.
Common Dwelling Place of all the Gods
Commagene in its Local, Regional and Global Hellenistic Context
All-gender toilet Matthias de Vrieshof
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All Gender toilet LUMC Research Building
LUMC Research Building, Einthovenweg 20, 2333 ZC, Leiden
All-gender toilet Willem Einthoven
Willem Einthoven, Kolffpad 1, 2333 BN, Leiden
All-gender Gorlaeus Faculty Office
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All-gender toilet Herta Mohr
Herta Mohr, Witte Singel 27A, 2311 BG, Leiden
All-gender toilet LUMC Education Building
LUMC Education Building, Hippocratespad 21, 2333 ZD, Leiden
All-gender toilet Anna van Buerenplein
Anna van Buerenplein, Anna van Buerenplein 301, 2595 DG, The Hague
All-gender toilet Academy Building
Academy Building, Rapenburg 73, 2311 GJ, Leiden
All-gender toilet Van Steenis
Van Steenis, Einsteinweg 2, 2333 CC, Leiden
All-gender toilet Beehive Student Centre
Beehive Student Centre, Turfmarkt 104, 2511 DC, The Hague
All-gender toilet Johan Huizinga
Johan Huizinga, Doelensteeg 16, 2311 VL, Leiden
All-gender toilet Old Observatory
Old Observatory, Sterrenwachtlaan 11, 2311 GW, Leiden
All-gender toilet P.J. Veth
P.J. Veth, Nonnensteeg 1-3, 2311 VJ, Leiden
All-gender toilet Oude UB
Oude UB, Rapenburg 70, 2311 EZ, Leiden
The alignment of galaxies across all scales
Galaxy intrinsic alignments induce a major astrophysical contamination to weak gravitational lensing measurements and need to be modelled and mitigated when extracting cosmological information from such measurements.
All-gender toilets Pieter de la Court
Pieter de la Court, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK, Leiden
Differences that make all the difference: Gender and Migration
Subproject of
Benefit for all – An ecosystem for a healthy lifestyle
The BENEFIT programme is a public-private ecosystem in a national consortium, aiming to support patients with cardiovascular diseases in their own home setting for a long-term healthy lifestyle.
All-gender toilet Matthias de Vrieshof 1
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We all BENEFIT: The Ecosystem for Healthy Living
The modification of risk factors and related health behaviors lies at the very core of adequate cardiovascular risk management, yet evidence shows that the majority of people with cardiovascular disease (CVD) fail to achieve a healthy lifestyle in the long term. The main objective of this project is…
Who did all the work? The hidden labour of colonial science
Investigating the contribution of interpreters, informants, hunters and guides in the making of colonial scientific knowledge.
All structures great and small: on copular sentences with shì in Mandarin
On the 2nd of September, Hang Cheng successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Hang on this achievement!
Stable single molecules for quantum optics and all-optical switches
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.A.G.J. Orrit
Turtles all the way down: multiscale simulations connecting star and planet formation
The formation of stars and planets happens over multiple scales, which can interact. In particular, planet formation happens in the dense, complex environment of star forming regions.
When not all are created equal: Financial markets and some vexing public international law issues
Rutsel Martha, former Minister of Justice of the Dutch Antilles, former General Counsel of Interpol and alumnus of Universiteit Leiden, elaborated on the position of states and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) in international financial law.
Not so smooth after all: resolving dust and gas structures in protoplanetary disks
A large diversity of exoplanetary systems has been found, but it is still unclear what drives this diversity.
Combined LC/MS-platform for analysis of all major stratum corneum lipids, and the profiling of skin substitutes
Ceramides (CERs), cholesterol, and free fatty acids (FFAs) are the main lipid classes in human stratum corneum (SC, outermost skin layer), but no studies report on the detailed analysis of these classes in a single platform.
Differences that make all the difference. Gender, migration and vulnerability (migration to the Netherlands 1945-2005)
The proposed project evaluates how the vulnerability of migrant men and women was constructed in political, public and media discourses, and how differences in the constructed vulnerability influenced the decision to migrate, the migration process, and the subsequent settlement process.
'This affects us all and concerns us all'
In the United States and around the world, the death of George Floyd has sparked fierce daily demonstrations against police violence and racism. What is the significance for our faculty?
‘It's all about curiosity’
The opening of the academic year will see the presentation of the LUS Teaching Prize to the best lecturer at Leiden University. Get to know the nominees. This week: Jan van Lith.
A healthy start for all
Many children have an unhealthy diet and do not get enough exercise. Sanne de Vries wants to help everyone get a healthy start in life.