Open Access easier for Leiden Researchers with a new Open Access policy
Leiden University has adopted a new Open Access policy that will easily allow Leiden researchers to accomplish 100% Open Access of peer reviewed articles. Based on the principles of Article 25fa of the Copyright Act (the Taverne amendment), authors can use LUCRIS and the Leiden Repository to make the published version of a short work of research that was in whole or in part funded by public money Open Access available with an embargo of six-months after publication.
National Taverne Pilot
In 2019, the Dutch Universities performed a successful test to determine the extent of Article 25fa of the Copyright Act in the national Taverne pilot. As a result of this pilot, the VSNU and the Board of the National Program Open Science (NPOS) established the key principles of the pilot, among which the defining of a ‘reasonable period’ as six months. The national pilot will now be extended with financial support from the government via NPOS and widely implemented. When a short publication is not yet Open Access, the Executive Board requests that researchers make use of this right on the condition that the author concerned does have an actual employment agreement with Leiden University.
What is a short piece of work?
The policy applies to the following short academic or professional publications: articles, book reviews, annotations, book chapters or conference papers.
How to proceed?
The actual workflow in LUCRIS remains the same. The people (authors and secretaries, etc) who currently register and upload in LUCRIS can continue to do so. Upon registration they can upload the publisher’s version and set an embargo for six months after online publication. The embargo will expire automatically and after six months the publication will be Open Access available. Selection of the ‘25fa Aw (Taverne)’ license is required upon uploading in LUCRIS. We recommend that these works are registered and uploaded immediately upon publication via LUCRIS into the Leiden Repository to ensure swift worldwide visibility and accessibility as well as an up-to-date publication list.
The proposed workflow enables easy uploading, as authors often have access to the publisher’s version of their work and will no longer have to search for the author accepted manuscript, the postprint. It is also possible to upload the publisher’s versions of older publications. Article 25fa of the Copyright Act also applies to previously published works. The advantages for authors are obvious: sustainable archiving of publications in the repository, improved findability though for example Google Scholar, and automatic listing on their personal pages on the University website. Authors who encounter problems in the uploading of publications that have been registered previously, can seek help at openaccess@library.leidenuniv.nl or from their Faculty LUCRIS support staff.
Opt out possibility
Authors can always make use of the possibility to opt out. They can apply to opt out by sending an email message to openaccess@library.leidenuniv.nl
The inclusion of Open Access in the terms of employment for Leiden researchers is part of a wide range of activities to stimulate Open Access; it is therefore in agreement with the Leiden Open Access policy and also with the Sector Agreement that was concluded in 2018 between the VSNU and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). The Dutch government aims to ensure that in 2020 100% of peer reviewed articles funded with public money will be Open Access.
Information and questions
You can find more information on our dedicated website page Publish Open Access in the Leiden Repository. The Open Access Team at the CDS will be happy to answer your questions via email: openaccess@library.leidenuniv.nl.