Course reserves now available for education
Leiden University teachers that have requested course reserves for students at Leiden University Libraries (UBL), or have made books non-lendable for educational purposes, now have four ways to offer these materials to students at home.
1. Loan
Let us know if we can make books lendable again via uitleen@library.leidenuniv.nl. We recommend you only do this for small groups of students. We have noticed that students will connect with each other when resources are limited, and will share books amongst one another. The student registered in our system as the original borrower will remain responsible for the book for the loan period.
2. E-books
Search our catalogue to check whether the title in question is now available as an e-book. The last few days our staff has checked if print titles placed on the course reserves are available through our vendors as e-book. If possible an order for online access has been placed. The library will keep you updated about any changes to your course reserves, or contact your subject librarian.
3. Alternatives
Search our catalogue for alternative e-book titles, or see if enough titles are available on the same subject in e-book form. Notify your students if alternative titles are available.
4. Scans
In collaboration with the UFB Readers Online Service, we can scan (preferably) parts of books and make them available via the Readers Online Service. You will have to take copyright in consideration when doing this. For this purpose, you can use an (amended) UFB procedure, available on the UFB website. Deviating from normal procedure, UFB now offers these scanning services in this case only. UBL will deliver the book in question. Students can purchase scanned items through the Reader Online web shop in digital or printed form. Any costs due to copyright will be added to the reader’s purchase price. Leiden University’s Central Crisis team has decided these costs will fall on students as they did before.
We want to remind you that the publication of copyrighted books (chapters) on Blackboard or BrightSpace is prohibited.
Information and questions
You can find more information about the application of copyright when teaching online on our website.
If you have any questions about course reserves, send an e-mail to uitleen@library.leidenuniv.nl. Due to reduced staff, our capability to answer questions over the telephone is limited at the moment.