75% of Leiden University publications now Open Access available
Researchers of Leiden University (excl. LUMC) are collectively using the Leiden Repository to make their publications Open Access available. They have, thereby, shown 75% Open Access publication of peer-reviewed articles to be an attainable goal for the 2017 and 2018 years. This has greatly increased the visibility and international accessibility of new Leiden University publications. The Centre for Digital Scholarship (CDS) at Leiden University Libraries (UBL) helps researchers with the Open Access publication process.
UBL helps Open Access publishing
Leiden researchers are increasingly expected and required to publish their work Open Access. In the past year, researchers have been informed about the possibility of publishing Open Access and were coached its guidelines. Moreover, they were helped with the publication of their 2017 and 2018 articles in the Leiden Repository. In addition, articles that were already Open Access available were added to the repository by the UBL, as were Open Access versions of articles obtained through their authors.
Taverne Pilot
Dutch Universities have jointly started a pilot under the umbrella of the VSNU to provide Open Access with the impulse it needs to flourish, under the banner: ‘You share, we take care’. In fact, for a select group of authors, the published version of short publications are now made available in their respective university repositories six months after the official publication date, thanks to the Taverne amendment. This, off course, in close co-operation with the authors involved.
Leiden Publications in 2019
At the moment, an estimated one-third of 2019 peer-reviewed publications have been registered in LUCRIS and almost half of these are Open Access available. Both the Dutch government and the European Union aim at 100% Open Access publishing in 2020. As of December 2017, Leiden University policy has been aimed at the Open Access publication of all peer-reviewed work produced by its academic staff through the Leiden University Repository. To further the visibility and accessibility of Leiden University publications, all academic staff is requested to register and upload their work in LUCRIS after publication. This means that, in the near future, all Leiden University publications will be Open Access available worldwide, for everyone!
Need Help?
Do you need advice or help publishing Open Access? Contact CDS via openaccess@library.leidenuniv.nl For more information about Open Access at Leiden University see our webpage. Take a look at our video about Open Access.