262 search results for “ronald family” in the Public website
Ronald Teske
Veiligheid, Gezondheid en Milieu
Ronald Grootveld
Ronald Kluivers
ICT Shared Service Centre
Ronald Schouten
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Ronald Romeijn
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Ronald Cramer
Ronald Kon
Faculty of Humanities
Ronald Walthaus
ICT Shared Service Centre
Ronald Petrarca
Faculty of Humanities
Ronald van Os
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Ronald Bahamondes Álvarez
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Ronald van Luijk
A family affair? Exploratory insights into the role of family members of those who joined jihadist groups
Since 2012, thousands of individuals have traveled from Western countries to join jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq. While much has been written about these individuals, only sparse attention has been paid to the social environment of these jihadist travelers and, more specific, the role of family members…
Family and Friends Day
The family and friends of staff who work at many of the larger University faculties or departments are welcome to come and take a look behind the scenes on Family and Friends Day.
Leiden Science Family Day
On Sunday 8 October 2023 the Faculty of Science of Leiden University opened its doors to everyone who is curious to explore the world of science. More than 750 people took a look behind the scenes, watched exciting demonstrations, stepped into the shoes of a scientist at numerous workshops and got to…
Mrs. Naunakhte & Family
The Women of Ramesside Deir al-Medina
Book publication Ronald Cramer: a world premiere
Ronald Cramer, in cooperation with Ivan Damgard and Jesper Nielsen (Aarhus University) have recently published the first book ever written on “quantum-secure multi-party computation”. The authors have spent six years to finish this comprising book.
VICI-grant for Ronald Cramer
Ronald Cramer (CWI/Leiden) has been awarded a VICI-grant by the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research (NWO) for his research on the mathematical fundaments of secure computation.
ERC Advanced Grant for cryptographer Ronald Cramer
Ronald Cramer has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for his proposal 'Algebraic Methods for Stronger Crypto'. He will receive 2.5 million euro for research in the upcoming five years.
Footprint family: Concepts, classification, integration, and benchmarking against planetary boundaries
How to bring together different footprints into an integrated family and what are the synergies? What are the roles of inventory analysis and characterization in measuring individual footprints and how these affect a footprint family? How to benchmark environmental footprints against related planetary…
Ronald Cramer inaugurated as KNAW Member
On 30 September 2013 Ronald Cramer, head of the Cryptology group of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and a professor of cryptology at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University, was inaugurated as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
Leiden and the Dutch Royal Family
Leiden University and the Dutch Royal Family maintain ties that go back to 1575, when William of Orange founded the University. Many members of the Royal Family have studied in Leiden and several have received an honorary doctorate.
Ronald Cramer appointed ‘Fellow of IACR’
Prof. dr. Cramer (Leiden University / Centre for Mathematics & Computer Science) is appointed as ‘Fellow of IACR’. This was announced by the International Association for Cryptologic Research on 8 April 2013.
Language socialization in deaf families in Africa
Across cultures, parents help their children master the social and linguistic codes needed in adult life. Recent research on language socialization found important cross-cultural differences, pointing out the need for more diversity for a full understanding of this process. Deaf communities form…
The Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies research group conducts innovative high-quality research aiming to gain knowledge about deviant developmental trajectories of vulnerable children, adolescents, and families, about how to prevent problematic development and how to intervene when necessary.
Prof. dr. Ronald Cramer interviewed about data security by Volkskrant
Saturday 13 February 2016 the daily newspaper Volkskrant published an article based on interviews with Professor Ronald Cramer and Harry Buhrman.
Cryptanalysis research of prof. Ronald Cramer in WIRED
The American magazine WIRED recently published an article on ‘quantum-safe public key encryption’.
Lies Punselie
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Michelle Michels
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies Leiden University
The program group Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies of the Institute of Education and Child Studies deals with the developmental processes of vulnerable children, young people and families.
Living on the Other Side: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Migration and Family Law in Morocco
What are the rights of migrants in Morocco and how do this receiving state and migrants deal with them in practice?
Language socialization in deaf families in Africa
Across cultures, parents help their children master the social and linguistic codes needed in adult life. Recent research on language socialization found important cross-cultural differences, pointing out the need for more diversity for a full understanding of this process.
Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies lab
Biological and behavioural measurements of parent-child interactions.
Profiling Endophenotypes in Social Anxiety Disorder – a family study
The key question addressed in this family study is whether the psychophysiological and neurocognitive abnormalities often reported in SAD patients are heritable and can thus be found in family members of SAD patients as well. Determination of heritability of these deficiencies is essential for endophenotyping.…
The 3Generation study: Stress and Emotions in a Family Context
What is the role of neuronal emotional reactivity in the intergenerational transmission of abuse?
The Leiden Family Lab study on Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety runs in families, but the neurobiology underlying this genetic vulnerability is until now largely unknown. The unique Leiden Family Lab study on Social Anxiety Disorder (LFLSAD) aims to broaden our knowledge with respect to this genetic susceptibility.
In Search of the Japanese Family: Modernity, Social Change, and Women's Lives in Contemporary Japan
This book project explores the changing dynamics of marriage and family life in postwar Japan based on an examination of the life histories of single mothers.
The role of the interleukin 12 family in atherosclerosis
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Kuiper, Co-promotor: Saskia C.A. de Jager
Family, Work and Household in Late Medieval Iberia
Family, Work, and Household presents the social and occupational life of a late medieval Iberian town in rich, unprecedented detail. The book combines a diachronic study of two regionally prominent families—one knightly and one mercantile—with a detailed cross-sectional urban study of household and…
The right to family unification : between migration control and human rights
The central question in this book is whether there is a human right to family unification.
BAT: Breaking the Transmission of Anxiety in the Family
Parents may pass anxiety onto their offspring by exposing them to anxious behaviors in novel situations. Just as the parents’ anxious signals lead to anxiety, parents’ confident signals can ward off anxiety in the offspring. This project is seeking a new way to break anxiety transmission in the family…
The program group Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies is located in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Leiden University near Central Station.
Professorial Families in German-speaking Europe, 1860-1930
How was the Scholarly Self cultivated in professorial families of the humanities, in German-speaking Europe between 1860 and 1930?
Ronald Stark and Amina Helmi join the management of NOVA
The directorate of the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy (NOVA) has two new members. Ronald Stark (currently at NWO) will be the new Executive Director of NOVA from 1 September. Amina Helmi (Professor of Dynamics, structure and formation of the Milky Way at the University of Groningen) will…
Straightjacket: Same-Sex Orientation under Chinese Family Law
‘Visibility and secrecy are both valuable tactics and should not be antagonized in LGBT movements, ’ says Jingshu Zhu. Zhu defended her dissertation on Wednesday 21 February.
Within the bachelor's program of Education and Child Studies, we include the minor Kindermishandeling en Verwaarlozing: een levensloopperspectief and several other courses.
Prof. dr. Ronald Cramer appointed member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW)
Ronald Cramer, Professor at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University and researcher and head of the research group Cryptology at ‘Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the national research center for mathematics and computers science in the Netherlands, is appointed as a member of the Royal…
Marije Meijer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Arakelov inequalities and semistable families of curves uniformized by the unit ball
The main object of study in this thesis is an Arakelov inequalitywhich bounds the degree of an invertible subsheaf of the direct image ofthe pluricanonical relative sheaf of a semistable family of curves.
Negotiating Conversion and Family Law in eighteenth century Dutch Colonial Sri Lanka
What was the function of the Dutch Protestant Church in Sri Lankan society? Why did people relate to the Church and how did conversion influence their life course?