1,108 search results for “recognition read” in the Public website
Special recognitions
Every year, the World Cultural Council grants special acknowledgements to five to ten young researchers or scholars of the host country who have achieved outstanding performance in the fields of science, education or arts.
Age-Related Changes in Emotion Recognition Across Childhood
Accurately recognising others’ emotions is a fundamental social skill, relevant for navigating the social world from early childhood. Children’s ability to do represents a milestone in their socioemotional development and is associated with a number of important psychosocial outcomes. Many individual…
Indefinite integration through recognition based heuristic search
Towards a framework that integrates content-based and process-based accounts of mathematical thinking
Recognition of Foreign Bank Resolution Actions
Op 17 November 2020, Shuai Guo defended his thesis 'Recognition of Foreign Bank Resolution Actions'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. R.D. Vriesendorp and Prof. M. Haentjens.
Abstract patterns and representations: the re-cognition of geometric ornament
On May 17th, Arthur Crucq succesfully defended his doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Arthur on this great result.
Digital reading applications bring color to reading
A hot topic in educational sciences is whether and how reading medium (paper vs. screen) affects reading comprehension. Especially in the media – but also in schools – their appears to be a preference for texts presented on paper: Paper texts are thought to induce a more intensive reading strategy,…
The recognition process of youth with problematic anxiety in general practice
Do general practitioners recognize children with or at risk of problematic anxiety and is there a pattern that might help differentiate those with and without anxiety disorders in general practice?
Early recognition and intervention of stress and anxiety in the classroom
How can we facilitate the early recognition of stress and anxiety in the classroom and collaborate with schools in providing low-threshold interventions?
(Non)recognition of legal identity in aspirant states: evidence from Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria
Ramesh Ganohariti will examine legal identity in three post-Soviet aspirant states and outline four common scenarios in this article.
Digital tools for sign language research: towards recognition and comparison of lexical signs
On the 9th of April, Manolis Fragkiadakis successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Manolis on this achievement!
Paul van den Broek
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Arnout Koornneef
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Marit Guda
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Marga Sikkema-de Jong
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Expression and Recognition of Emotion in Native and Foreign Speech: The Case of Mandarin and Dutch
This study investigates the perception and production of emotional prosody by native and non-native listeners and speakers, i.e. Chinese and Dutch listeners and speakers, including Dutch L2 learners of Chinese.
Guilherme D'Andrea Curra
Faculteit Archeologie
Christine Espin
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Suzanne Mol
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Pyrrole-based photoswitchable anion receptors
The main goal of this thesis is to achieve advanced control of binding properties in bis-pyrrolic and macrocyclic pyrrolic receptors by light.
Better reading comprehension
How can we help children and adults to acquire better reading comprehension? Paul van den Broek and his colleagues at the Brain and Education Lab are searching for an answer to this question by investigating reading and the related brain activity.
Resources & Readings
Below are resources which provide a short primer on the subject of active learning.
Marja Oudega
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Liza van den Bosch
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Marianne van Dijken
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
influence of an improved school library and individual feedback on reading motivation
Platform for Postcolonial Readings
The Platform for Postcolonial Readings brings together researchers, especially junior researchers, in Belgium and the Netherlands interested in issues of globalization, inter/transculturality, diversity and inclusivity, intersectionality, and postcoloniality. We are an open group (do join us!) and meet…
Read about science & research
Scientific research is the main focus of our program. We expect new students to understand what it is and how it works.
Robust Estimation using Aggregated Data for Urban policy making (READ-URBAN)
Read-Urban was a first project to investigate whether policy recommendations can be made with the aid of linked data collections and data science and to gain experience with the success factors for such a process.
Reading Rubbish
Using object assemblages to reconstruct activities, modes of deposition and abandonment at the Late Bronze Age dunnu of Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria.
Reading the Dental record
A dental anthropological approach to foodways, health and disease, and crafting in the pre-Columbian Caribbean.
New paradigm for visual recognition
Leiden University computer scientists Yu Liu, Yanming Guo and Michael Lew are a step closer to their ultimate goal: search engines with visual recognition. Their publication of a new algorithm for fusing multi-scale deep learning representations has been received with great enthusiasm. No other algorithm…
HJD Diplomacy Reading Lists
Since 2006, HJD has made an important contribution to shaping diplomatic studies as an international academic field. Our new HJD Diplomacy Reading List presents a diverse collection of analyses categorized into forty-five topics published in HJD over the years. We hope these lists prove a valuable resource…
Watch, listen and read
Sources for those who want to familiarise themselves with the region.
Leiden University partner in research on handwriting and image recognition
The Leiden Centre of Data Science and the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science are part of a consortium that will carry out research on making illustrated and handwritten archives digitally accessible. The project is funded by NWO.
Promoting reading skills through electronic books for grade 1 students
What is the effect of practicing with electronic books on reading skills for grade 1 students?
Monthly Reads | Project 0100
Each month we will be spotlighting material we have been reading, or that have been recommended to us that relate to AI and a particular theme.
Executive deficits, behavioural problems and early reading development
This study tests whether behavioural problems at a young age are related to early reading and mathematics development.
Marianne Maeckelbergh honoured with WCC ‘Special Recognition Award’
Marianne Maeckelbergh, an anthropologist affiliated with Leiden University’s Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Developent Sociolog, has been awarded a WCC ‘Special Recognition Award’. This awards brings Marianne Maeckelberg official recognition as ‘young outstanding researcher’.
Bart Custers discusses facial recognition on Nieuwsuur
Despite a lack of specific legislation on this issue, Dutch Minister of Justice and Security Dilan Yeşilgöz is allowing the national police force to experiment with facial recognition technology.
Does feedback targeting text comprehension trigger the use of reading strategies or changes in readers' attitudes? A meta-analysis
Our previous meta-analysis (Swart et al., 2019) had shown that feedback targeting text comprehension given when students perform a reading task positively influences learning from text. So far, differences in the effects of feedback were explained by design features, such as the timing and richness…
Reading Cicero's Final Years
This volume contributes to the scholarly debate regarding the reception of Cicero and focuses on one particular moment in Cicero’s life: the period from Caesar's death (March 44 BCE) up to Cicero’s own death (December 43 BCE).
3 Humanities scholars receive Special Recognition Award
The international World Cultural Council (WCC) has awarded Nadine Akkerman, Victoria Nyst and Alicia Schrikker with Special Recognition Awards given to young scientists at the university organising the award ceremony. Leiden University organises the 34th WCC award ceremony this year.
Executive deficits in relation to early reading and math development
Spring Event 2022: Poetry Reading and Clotheswap
The month of May saw LUGO host its Spring Event, which consisted of a poetry reading and clotheswap! The event took place on May 10th at Rapenburg 100, in Leiden, from 17.30 to 20.30, and included free vegan snacks provided for by the Green Kitchen.
An Update and Expansion of a Meta-Analysis on Shared Book Reading
Anne Helder
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Video clips Academic Reading and Writing
The Academic Language Centre has developed 19 video clips on Academic Skills. The videos are divided into three categories. Watch them below for a good start to your studies!
Critical Readings on Global Slavery (4 vols.)
These four volumes offer students and researchers a rich collection of published works on the history of slavery works by some of the most preeminent scholars in the field.
Shape Analysis for Phenotype Characterisation from High-throughput Imaging
We have studied shape with a particular focus on the zebrafish model system. The shape is an essential appearance of the phenotype of a biological specimen and it can be used to read out a current state or response or to study gene expression.
Elise Swart
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen