1,401 search results for “collective memory” in the Public website
Time and memory
A study concerning the collective memory in the region of the Bene lo Ya/ Ene lo I'ya, Sierra Norte, Oaxaca.
Memory and Identity
Research conducted in this group aims at furthering our understanding of how communities and individuals deal with social change, conflict and trauma through remembrance and commemoration as well as forgetting in the arts.
Reuse of Tombs in Eastern Arabia
The main focus of this research project is to investigate why people in Eastern Arabia chose to reuse ancient tombs and how this can be linked to collective memory.
Memory: concepts and theory
The terms ‘social’ , ‘collective’ or ‘public’ memory, are often contrasted with ‘private’, ‘individual’ or ‘personal’ memory. All these terms derive from a fairly new and interdisciplinary scholarly field that is often referred to as ‘memory studies’, and that according to some critics has developed…
Memory before Modernity. Practices of Memory in Early Modern Europe
This volume, edited by Erika Kuijpers, Judith Pollmann, Johannes Müller and Jasper van der Steen, discusses practices of memory in early modern Europe.
Memory in Early Modern Europe 1500 - 1800
For early modern Europeans, the past was a measure of most things, good and bad. For that reason it was also hotly contested, manipulated, and far too important to be left to historians alone.
A well-written submission, a logically built-up argument is easier for a judge to understand.
Memory and Identity
Memory and Identity is one of the six research themes of the LUCAS Modern and Contemporary cluster.
Pleadings & Memorials
The main objective of the Telders Competition is to challenge students to excel in international law, consequently testing their creativity and powers of persuasion orally and in writing in a friendly competition.
Exile memories
This subproject examines how memories of flight and persecution shaped new social and religious identities in the Netherlands.
The Arts of Memory. The Remembrance of the Armenians in Turkey.
This study is an attempt to reconstruct the muted violent past by breaking the monopoly of the Turkish state over the memory of the Armenian genocide.
Memory Wars in the Low Countries, 1566-1700
The Revolt in The Netherlands erupted in 1566 and tore apart the Low Countries. In Memory Wars in the Low Countries, 1566-1700 Jasper van der Steen explains how public memories of the Revolt in the Habsburg Netherlands in the South and the Dutch Republic in the North diverged and became the objects…
Memory in Antiquity Workshop
Memory boost: A novelty-exposure intervention to counteract memory decline.
This project aims to identify which aspects of exploring a novel environment produce beneficial effects on memory. The effects of novelty will be investigated across the lifespan, including children, adolescents and older adults.
Pleadings and Memorials
The main objective of the Telders Competition is to challenge students to excel in international law, consequently testing their creativity and powers of persuasion orally and in writing in a friendly competition.
Animaton and Memory
This book examines the role of memory in animation, as well as the ways in which the medium of animation can function as a technology of remembering and forgetting. By doing so, it establishes a platform for the cross-fertilization between the burgeoning fields of animation studies and memory studie…
Memory before Modernity
This synthesis brings together strands developed in the four studies, sets out memories of the Revolt and presents the Low Countries as a case study.
Slavery Memorial Year
During the Slavery Memorial Year, from 1 July 2023 to 1 July 2024, the Kingdom of the Netherlands reflected on its colonial and slavery history.
Memory Contested, Locality Transformed
Representing Japanese Colonial 'Heritage' in Taiwan
Krijn Rietveld Memorial Awards
In honour of Krijn Rietveld (1956 - 2018), Leiden University Fund and dsm-firmenich have created the Krijn Rietveld Memorial Awards to reward researchers who make extraordinary efforts to bring about an impact beyond scientific understanding in the field of life sciences, health science, biotech, or…
Gezinus Wolters
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
The Reflections of Memory
An account of a cognitive approach to historically informed staging.
Advancing Authoritarian Memory: Global China’s New Heroes
Rising geopolitical tensions are causing states and national elites to innovate their use of the past for present-day political ends. This is certainly true for the People’s Republic of China, which celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2024 amid mounting superpower rivalry, ideological tensions with the…
Transcription and the role of memory in contemporary music
What is the role of memory in contemporary music?
Cultural Memory of War and Conflict
From Apartheid in South-Africa to 9/11 in the United States: there is not a single culture that is not shaped by the memory of war or conflict. The minor Cultural Memory of War and Conflict focuses on how such memory cultures influence and shape societies today.
The Practice of Memory. Narrating the Revolt
This project asks how individuals and society dealt with personal memories of the Dutch Revolt: narrating, writing, explaining, understanding, and coming to terms with what happened by first and following generations.
“This is Roosevelt’s World”: FDR as a Cultural Icon in American Memory
This dissertation studies the construction of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a cultural icon in American memory, particularly by FDR himself.
Tales of the Revolt. Memory, Oblivion and Identity in the Low Countries, 1566-1700
This research project, that started in September 2008, aims to explore how personal and public memories of the Dutch Revolt in the seventeenth century evolved and interacted to create new political and cultural identities for the societies that eventually were to become the kingdoms of the Netherlands…
Memory, Modernity, and Children’s Literature in Japan
On 1 September 2022 Afke van Ewijk successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Reading Russian literature, 1980-2024. Literary Consumption, Memory and Identity
This month, the volume Reading Russian Literature, 1980-2024, edited by Otto Boele and Dorine Schellens, was published at Palgrave Macmillan.
to Silence: Silence as Empowerment in contemporary Dutch decolonial memory activism
In Dutch society’s discussions about remembering the colonial past, voice is often used as a metaphor for empowerment ('we must raise our voices'), whereas silence is often used as voice’s negative counterpart, signifying a loss or lack of power ('we will no longer be silenced'). Yet, silence is expressive:…
Indonesian-Dutch Literature Collective
The aim of the Indonesian-Dutch Literature Collective (which is allied to the Society of Dutch Literature (MNL)) is to support research into the literature of and about the Dutch Indies, from the era of the Dutch East India Company to the present. Starting in 1986, the collective has published its own…
of Minamoto no Yoshitsune in Visual Culture and Literature: Cultural Memory in Late Edo and Meiji Japan
This project examines changes in late eighteenth and nineteenth-century representations of the legendary twelfth-century general Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159-1189) and how they reflect not only developments in themes of representation, but also changes in the focus of early modern and modern Japan’s…
Non-Abelian metamaterials: emergent computing and memory
In the traditional theory of linear elasticity, superposition dictates that the response of a material does not depend on the sequence of the applied mechanical actuations.
Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire
An interdisciplinary study of the Persian Period
Retrieving the Past Glory: Social Memory, Transnational Networks and Christianity in Contemporary China
To address the relevance of Christianity to the ideological negotiations with the officially established authority, this research will be conducted by asking how the history enthusiasts negotiate the Christianity-related ideology through reconstructing the Christian past and reproducing religious histories…
The urge to collect
Where does the urge to collect come from? What are the explicit or underlying reasons for gathering large amount of objects?
The new Middle Eastern Library (MEL) will bring together the UBL's own Middle Eastern collections and the collections of the library of The Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO), which has been part of the Leiden University Libraries since 1st January 2018.
Commemoration and Community. Local memories of the Dutch Revolt, 1566-1700
This subproject examines the development of memory cultures, the meaning of memories of the Dutch Revolt, the multimedia aspect of the creation of a local memory culture, which artefacts were used to keep memories alive and the differences between local memory cultures in the Repubilc and the Southern…
Marvel at our rare collections.
Islam at 250: Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll
Islam at 250: Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll is a collection of original articles on the state of Islamic sciences and Arabic culture in the early phases of their crystallization.
Musems, Collections and Society | Yearbook 2020
In this Yearbook you will find some fascinating examples of what was done in 2021, not only by ourselves, but also by our international colleagues.
Embedded Remembering: Memory Culture of the 1965 Violence in Rural East Java
Grace Leksana defended her thesis on 26 May 2020.
The Politics of Memory in the Low Countries, 1566-1700
This subproject offers a political and transnational perspective on the development and uses of public memories of the Revolt in the seventeenth century.
Towards an Understanding of Kurdistani Memory Culture: Apostrophic and Phantomic Approaches to a Violent Past
This book presents a thorough analysis of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq’s memory culture, focusing particularly on commemorations and representations of the Anfal and Halabja atrocities.
The effect of an Emotional Working Memory training on emotion regulation capacities in Borderline Personality Disorder
Does an Emotional Working Memory Training show a beneficial transfer effect on emotion regulation (reappraisal) capacities in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder?
FDR in American Memory Roosevelt and the Making of an Icon
How was FDR's image constructed—by himself and others—as such a powerful icon in American memory?
Influence of dissociation on the neural correlates of Emotional Working Memory in Borderline Personality Disorder
How do dissociative states affect the ability to suppress emotional distraction (in the context of a working memory task) in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder?
Musems, Collections and Society | Yearbook 2021
In this Yearbook you will find some fascinating examples of what was done in 2021, not only by ourselves, but also by our international colleagues.
LOCVS. Memory and Transience in the Representation of Place From Italic Domus to Artistic Environment
This study links up the concept of place with memory, with the idea of transience and the transition from life to death.