149 search results for “also” in the Organisational structure
Michela Piccin
Faculty of Humanities
Internal and external communication
Bij het communicatieteam van de rechtenfaculteit kun je terecht voor advies, ondersteuning, artikelen, mededelingen, agendaberichten, website vragen, social media en de Leiden Law Blog.
ICT & Education
The Department ICT & Education of the Cleveringa Institute helps lecturing staff with the use of ICT applications to support teaching. The Department is also responsible for the digital teaching environment Blackboard. For advice about the possibilities using ICT in your teaching, please contact…
Language facilities
Non-Dutch-speaking students and staff can also be elected members of participation bodies. To support these members in their role, the University offers a range of language facilities. It is important that all members of participation bodies have access to the information they need and are given enough…
Local Consultative Body
The Local Consultative Body is a form of consultation between the employer (the Executive Board) and unions. The Executive Board is represented by the member who holds the HRM portfolio and University employees are represented by three unions. These unions also participate in negotiations on the…
Employee Councils
Employee Councils are composed of staff members who represent the University staff. The employee council serves a body for consultation, information, communication and advice. In its work, the employee council follows the Employee Council Regulations, adopted by the Executive Board. The Employee Council…
Knowledge security
International cooperation brings opportunities, but it also involves risks. The university is therefore taking steps to ensure that we engage in safe, responsible international cooperation in the area of knowledge sharing.
Student Charter
The student charter informs Leiden University student of what they can expect from the university and what the university expects from them. The charter is, in fact, a compilation of the rights and obligations of students. It also provides a summary of the facilities available to students. Most importantly,…
Programme Committees
To assure the quality of the study programmes, the Faculty has developed a quality assurance system, of which the Programme Committee (PC) is the most important body. Every study programme has its own PC. You can contact the members of the PC at any time if you have questions or complaints about the…
Internship agreement form
When students do an internship, Leiden University in principle uses an internship agreement from the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL). This is a standard agreement for research universities. The UNL internship agreement states what the internship organisation and the university offer by way of…
Executive Board
The Executive Board is responsible for the efficient and effective management of the whole University.
Committee on Teaching
The standing Committee on Teaching advises the Faculty Board – on request or on its own initiative – about all aspects of the Faculty’s education policy. It also fulfils the role of Department Teaching Committee for the core curriculum courses: it analyses the student evaluations and provides the Faculty…
Department of Teacher Education
ICLON provides various programmes leading to a teaching qualification for secondary education valid in the Netherlands.
FLO - ICT in Education
The Future Learning Office (FLO team) supports the use of ICT systems and tools in education within this faculty. FLO is, among other things, the first point of contact for Brightspace and is responsible for the Weblectures in the lecture halls. If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. You can…
Educational Service Centre
The Educational Service Centre (OSC) of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs oversees the student and course administration and the faculty-level support for all educational administration and content systems at our faculty. The OSC is also responsible for organising all education-related…
Composition of University Library Employee Council
The Employee Council represents the staff of the University Library and holds regular consultative meetings with management. The proper functioning of the organisation is the main objective here. To the best of our ability, we speak up for the interests and well-being of our staff members and seek…
Faculty Board
The faculty is headed by the Faculty Board, consisting of the Dean (research portfolio and also chairman), a board member with the portfolio education (also Deputy Dean), a board member with the portfolio of financial management and a student member (the assessor). The Faculty Board is responsible for…
Customer Relations
The Customer Relations department is responsible for the contact with users and clients of ISSC services. Service Managers maintain the contacts with our customers, conclude SLAs and ensure that the Business Service Catalogue (BSC) is kept up to date. The ICT Process Tools section within the DevOps…
Who owns my intellectual property?
Any intellectual property that you may generate within employment of Leiden University of LUMC is owned by Leiden University or LUMC. Since 2010, Leiden University has issued official regulations on working for third parties which state the rules on several topics involved, like the sharing of net proceeds…
Honours and Excellence
As an Honours College, LUC holds high academic standards for all its students. Every single member of our community has already demonstrated something special about themselves, something that sets them apart from their peers. You have been selected because we believe in your potential. LUC offers an…
Student counsellors
Leiden University’s student counsellors assist students in matters concerning regulations and legal provisions.
LAK Course office
The LAK Course Office organises courses in drama and theatre, singing, dance, literature, visual arts and photography. The aim of the LAK (Leids Academisch Kunstcentrum) is to offer students the opportunity for artistic development alongside their academic pursuits. Courses are organised with Leiden…
Department of Research
The department of research is responsible for organisational and policy support of research within Leiden Law School. The department manages the registration of faculty research and is responsible for (internal) evaluations for the purpose of research assessments. The department provides…
Research Policy and Support
The Research Support team is available to help researchers navigate the key areas of their work. We guide researchers through grant application complexities, helping them navigate various funding opportunities effectively. Our team also offers expert support in securing and managing your research data…
The (public) minutes of the meetings of the Faculty Board are available (in Dutch) on the J drive under: J:\Departments\LAW\FDR\Vergaderingen bestuurlijke gremia\Faculteitsbestuur (FB) - verslagen (openbaar). See also the Dutch website.
Web editors Political Science
The web editors of the Institute of Political Science write, edit and maintain information on the websites. We like to contribute to making your research more visible and to generating publicity for your events. Also, we gladly update, finetune information on, e.g., the websites for (prospective)…
Staff members in the Faculty Council are elected for 2 years, students for 1 year. For the elections for the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, a candidate system is used. This means that seats are allocated directly to persons. More information about the election system…
Information Management & Facility Management
The Department is responsible for: information management facility management ICT The department provides advice on software and hardware and related purchases. It also advises on accommodation and ICT and facility projects. In addition, the department is in charge of contract management and for developing…
BKO committee
The BKO committee evaluates the BKO file. The committee also considers applications for exemption from the BKO training programme. These applications only apply to lecturers with extensive teaching experience. More information can be requested from the administrative secretary.
Centre for Linguistics
The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) is one of the institutes within the Faculty of Humanities. The Institute unites the linguistic research and teaching at Leiden University. LUCL is also responsible for the Academic Language Centre as well as for most language teaching within the Faculty.…
By-laws Institute of Political Science
See also › BSc and MSc programme rules and regulations
Institute Office
The mission of the Institute Office is to ensure optimal support for the administration, teaching, staff and students of the Institute of Psychology. The duties of the Institute Office broadly consist of: Secretaries Administration, Operations & Committees. Education & Student Affairs Research…
Student parties
Students can stand as candidates during university elections via a party. On this page, the student parties present themselves.
Nomination procedure
Nomination is open to managers and colleagues of team members. Also, programme committees can nominate.
Plexus Student Centre and University Shop
Plexus is the Latin word for nerve centre: it means both a collection and a meeting point. The goal of Plexus is to offer optimal services to students of Leiden University. Within Plexus can be found the Student Information Centre help desks, the University Shop, lecture rooms, meeting facilities, a…
Internationalisation and Community
There are many Liberal Arts & Sciences colleges in the world, but we posit that LUC is unique, both in terms of our globally conscious focus and also due to our increasingly diverse community. We contend that part of what makes LUC exceptional and distinctive is its global profile and we take pride…
Language buddy
Members of participation bodies can be supported in their work by a language buddy. A language buddy is someone who can help board/council members to understand and speak the language used during meetings (usually Dutch). This may be another board/council member or a student or University employee.
Agreements for meetings
There are several ways in which the participation body can support board/council members who do not speak Dutch or do not speak it well. In addition to the translation tool and a language buddy, agreements can be made with the chair or secretary to help non-Dutch-speaking members before, after and during…
Department of Bachelor's Education
De Afdeling Bacheloronderwijs ABO bemenst het werkgroeponderwijs en borgt de kwaliteit van het lesgeven van het werkgroeponderwijs in de bacheloropleiding psychologie.
Exam Support
Team Toetssupport Cleveringa onderwijs tentamen hulp
The Study Advisors
The study advisers form an important link between the Faculty of Law and the student. They encourage and advise students in setting goals and making responsible choices.
Sectoral Regulation on Reporting Suspected Malpractice Dutch Universities (Whistleblower Policy 2025)
The Dutch universities attach to having a proper and coherent integrity policy and, as part of this, a proper procedure for reporting suspected malpractice regard to the Whistleblowers Protection Act and the EU Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (Directive EU 2019/1937),…
Support Research, Laboratories & Education
The Support for Research, Laboratories and Education (SOLO) Department offers FSW staff support, advice and training in the use of ICT in education and research. In collaboration with the institutes, SOLO offers discipline-specific support in the field of research data management. SOLO also offers help…
Institute Council
The Institute Council advises the Board of the Institute of Public Administration on issues related to staff and management concerning the Institute. It may also play an advisory role in relation to the staff matters in the Faculty Board and Council. Composition Institute Council Dr. A. Afonso,…
University management
The Executive Board is responsible for the efficient and effective management of Leiden University. The Board of Governors monitors the Executive Board and appoints its members. The Executive Board regularly consults the University Council, which advises the Executive Board and has a say in important…
Research fellows
Research at Leiden Law School is organised in research programmes. All researchers at Leiden Law School take part in one of its research programmes and become research fellow.
Unions in the Local Consultative Body
Three unions represent Leiden University employees in the Local Consultative Body. The union delegation has at least six and no more than eight members who are appointed by their own unions: Unions Internal members External members AOb Nicole van Os (chair) Prof. dr. R.E. Breuker Mr. A. Charifi…
Employer Copyright Regulations
The Employer’s Copyright Regulations outline Leiden University’s copyright policy for different types of research and teaching output. They explain that the employee owns the copyright on publications (as defined in the Regulations) and the employer – Leiden University – owns the copyright on other…
Regulations on Working for Third Parties
The Regulations on Working for Third Parties (log in required) describe the correct way to acquire funding from third parties. They apply not only to research activities but also, for instance, to teaching and to services provided in the public arena. The Regulations specify how you…
Support Faculty Board
The Department Bestuursondersteuning (Administrative Support) supports the Faculty Board, the Faculty Bureau, the Faculty Council and the faculty as a whole in the policy and decision-making cycle, the meetings that go with it and administrative communication to prepare and follow up on it.…