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Research ecosystem
The chain that supplies patients with new medicines consists of various complex links: from fundamental research to clinical tests and production. This entire chain is represented in Leiden. Leiden University, the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), and the companies on the Leiden Bio Science Park…
Jed Wentz
Jed Wentz is a University Lecturer at the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts of the Leiden University. He earned a PhD from the docARTES programme and his doctoral thesis Gesture, Affect and Rhythmic Freedom in the Performance of French Tragic Opera from Lully to Rameau explored how historical…
Our students and public and private organisations have much to offer each other. To connect students with organisations, FGGA facilitates this through an internship and traineeship platform: TRAIL.
Student motivation and achievement in lower secondary education in a context of differentiated talent development
This project aims to analyze and increase student motivation and achievement during the first three years of secondary school with an intervention that focuses on development of students’ talents.
Between expectations and opportunities: urban youth navigating duress in a globalized southern Nigeria
This project looks at the ways in which youth in southern Nigeria navigate their lives in a context of experiencing long-term socioeconomic uncertainty and political insecurity (duress).
Studying for your PhD
Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University’s different disciplines.
Computational Drug Discovery
Research in this group, headed by Gerard van Westen, focusses on computational methods integrated in different parts of the drug discovery process. More specifically, topics include innovative treatments for cancer, selectivity modeling, translational research, allosteric modulation, drug resistance…
Stay Connected
Stay connected with Leiden University College by making sure your contact information is up to date. Below you can adjust your contact information and the different forms of how you can stay informed about the activities at LUC.
Study Archaeology at Leiden University. Learn about a full range of theoretical, analytical and field methods from some of the world's leading archaeological researchers.
For students
Students are an important part of the Una Europa community.
Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden
Africa has a population of 1.5 billion. In 30 years’ time, this will be 2.5 billion. The continent’s impact on the global economy, but also on the environment, will therefore increase drastically. Researchers from the African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) have been aware for decades of the crucial role…
Examining the sustainability aspects of biotechnology, especially those related to the production of ethanol from biomass.
Diplomacy and Global Affairs
The research group Diplomacy and Global Affairs focuses on international diplomacy, international organisation, global, transnational, multi-level and comparative governance. Among key research topics are the European Union and the United Nations, EU current enlargement policy, rule of law in the EU,…
Legitimacy and efficacy of litigating interest groups in public law
Interest groups play an important role in democratic society.
Different Travel Modes
The following page offers tips for more sustainable travel options, such as taking the train or bus, and highlights online tools that can help you plan eco-friendly trips and find affordable tickets.
Streetcorner design in Accra, Ghana
Consumer societies are a global presence, and marketing practices have spread to all corners of the world. However, the loud and glaring performances of the big advertising companies and the hegemony of shopping malls makes us forget that there are many different markets, and many merchants who have…
Social and emotional competence in children and adolescents who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH)
How does having limited access to the social world affect Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) children’s emotional development? And in turn, how do impairments in emotional functioning affect social development and the development of psychopathology?
FAIR Surveys Project
This project aims to contribute to the improvement of documentation and archiving standards (conform the FAIR principles) for systematic Mediterranean archaeological field survey.
Institute for Philosophy
The philosophers at the Institute for Philosophy develop new perspectives and insights not only on topical themes such as immigration and climate change, but also on more fundamental philosophical questions.
Nationalism: A World History
A global perspective on the nature and evolution of nationalism, from the early modern era to the present.
Leiden Observatory
With each discovery that is made, the universe reveals a fraction of its secrets: the most distant galaxies and quasars, the atmosphere of exoplanets, evidence of dark matter, complex molecules in space. This is what fills the days and nights of the researchers from the Leiden Observatory and their…
BIOMOT: Motivational strength of ecosystem services and alternative ways to express the value of biodiversity
Do sustainability values play a role in motivating people to act for biodiversity in successful projects and in successful leadership action? And how could these values be incorporated in current economic valuation methods?
COMET. Human Subject Research and Medical Ethics in Colonial Southeast Asia
Investigating epistemic and ethical practices in medical experimentation on humans in the colonial period in Southeast Asia.
Experiencing Fragments
The fragmentary is everywhere: we encounter fragments in social media (Tiktok, Twitter), in personal memories from our childhood, and in traditions from our cultural heritage.
Netherlands Institute Morocco
Morocco and the Netherlands have a strong bond. The modern community of Dutch people with Moroccan roots is part of a shared history spanning four centuries of social and academic exchange. As an institution that functions at the heart of Moroccan society and the university system, the Netherlands Institute…
Promoting international criminal justice
How should the international community of states respond to genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity? How can the perpetrators of international crimes be brought to justice? How can international crimes be prevented? How can the international community of states promote international consensus…
PathOS - Open Science Impact Pathways
PathOS aims to contribute to a better understanding and measurement of Open Science impacts and their causal mechanisms. This is pivotal in order to develop effective OS policy in the EU (European Union). It will do so by collecting concrete evidence of OS effects, by studying the pathways of OS practices,…
Study associations
The Faculty of Science has multiple study associations, which organise both study-related and social activities for students.
The Hague Program on International Cyber Security
Taking the changing landscape of international cyber security and cyber conflict as a point of departure, The Hague Program on International Cyber Security focuses on the various modes of governance that states and other actors can bring into play to deal with and shape the strategic changes and challenges…
Functions of autophagy in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger
What are the functions of autophagy in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger?
BAT: Breaking the Transmission of Anxiety in the Family
Parents may pass anxiety onto their offspring by exposing them to anxious behaviors in novel situations. Just as the parents’ anxious signals lead to anxiety, parents’ confident signals can ward off anxiety in the offspring. This project is seeking a new way to break anxiety transmission in the family…
Persia and Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire
The Persian Empire (539-330 BCE) was the first world empire in history. At its height, it united a territory stretching from present-day India to Libya - and it would take 2,000 years before significantly larger empires emerged in early modern Eurasia. This territorial sweep is both a source of fascination…
About us
The Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law provides academic education and performs research in the field of financial law.
Islam and history
Understanding the history of Islam and Muslim societies sheds a clear light on the complex and changing social structures of the Middle East, including the current trouble spots whose effect spreads all the way to Western Europe.
Reintegrating delinquents with an extremist background: evaluation of the Dutch approach
How to minimalize the chance of recidivism for extremist prisoners.
Managing a remote team
Managing a remote team calls for a different leadership style.
Archival scribes and archival practice during the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid periods
The focus of my research project are the archival scribes who wrote private legal documents in ancient Babylonia. Thousands of such records from the first millennium BCE have survived to this day. These documents were written on clay in cuneiform script, using Akkadian language. My sources are selected…
Join a student in one of their real classes
Study information, Student for a Day
Inventing anchors? The function of ‘Greek models’ within the process of innovation in Early Roman Drama
To what end and how does Plautus constantly underline the Helleni(sti)c provenance of his art? How does this aspect relate the author’s originality?
Pleidooi voor een lekenrenaissance
On 5 February 2019, Alain Vannieuwenburg defended his thesis 'Pleidooi voor een lekenrenaissance'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. P.B. Cliteur.
For organisations
The Honours Academy works closely with partner organisations where students carry out practical assignments. In addition, the Honours Academy collaborates with schools to realise Pre-University education.
Unlocking the doors of the Leiden treasure rooms
Which plants are depicted, described or collected in these century-old objects? Who made these objects, where and for what purpose? What is their scientific and societal relevance today?
Tell Ibrahim Awad
Update : August 2017 Dr Willem van Haarlem
Academy of Creative and Performing Arts
The arts and science: for years, they were seen as opposite extremes. One calls on emotion and the other on reason. The Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) proves that nothing could be further from the truth. ACPA is where the knowledge and expertise of Leiden University and the University…
Of Marks and Men
Daniel Soliman defended his thesis on 15 September 2016.
Topic: Placebo effects
The effects of many treatments are determined, to a significant degree, by factors other than the medicine or treatment itself. For example, placebo effects can be equal to the effect size of for example antidepressants or painkillers. Contributing factors are the trust placed in the doctor, the expectation…
The development of the Proto-Indo-European syllabic liquids in Greek
Ancient Greek was spoken in a large number of different dialects. Although we do not find direct evidence for syllabic liquids in any of our sources, comparative evidence shows that these sounds must have been present in Proto-Greek, and that they were retained until comparatively recently in the prehistory…
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) offers courses at both bachelor’s and master’s level. There are also minors, online learning and courses for professionals.
Citizenship in a Digital Age
This Research project is funded by the 7th European Community Framework Programme, with additional funds from NWO Aspasia grant, and in collaboration with University of California, Berkeley.
Institute of Biology
Nature is a never-ending source of inspiration for the researchers at the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL). Based on a better fundamental understanding of nature, they are able to seek solutions in the area of health and biodiversity. The theme of IBL is ‘Harnessing biodiversity for health.’