6,405 search results for “also” in the Staff website
Maximum number of Open Access articles in Springer journals reached
Library, Research
Jointly into the quantum future
The second quantum revolution is in full swing, bringing all kinds of new technologies to within reach, and offering many opportunities as well as challenges. Leiden and Delft decided to join forces.
Renovation access bridge Oude Sterrenwacht
Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law proud of Sarah Deaney and Eline van Slijpe
On Tuesday 12 January 2021, the Leiden Law School thesis prizes were awarded at the New Year’s event.
From tunnel vision towards an open view. Lessons from the North/South metro line on compensation of damages
An article by Georgina Kuipers has been published this month in Dutch journal Overheid & Aansprakelijkheid (Government and Accountability). It deals with policy introduced in response to damage caused by the construction of the Amsterdam North/South metro line and its aim to rebuild trust. The title…
Why do we like winners so much?
Hardly anyone in the Netherlands ever watches skeleton racing. But we’ll soon be glued to our TV sets when ‘our’ Kimberley Bos slides down the track at the Olympic Games. All because she stands a good chance of winning a medal. Why do we like winners so much?
A healthy start for all
Many children have an unhealthy diet and do not get enough exercise. Sanne de Vries wants to help everyone get a healthy start in life.
Academia in Motion: the University is making headway towards better academic practice
Leiden University is pressing ahead with Open Science and Recognition & Rewards! This is the key message of the new Academia in Motion steering group.
CADS Alumna Eva Schouten in Duurzame Jonge 100 (Sustainable Young 100)
The Duurzame Jonge 100 (Sustainable Young 100) is an annual election for young entrepreneurs, young professionals and students who show that a sustainable future is possible. The 100 most inspiring people in the field of sustainability are chosen from all participants and appear on the list. This year,…
Judi Mesman appointed as distinguished professor.
The Executive Board has appointed Judi Mesman as third Leiden University professor.
Leiden University extends collaboration with Asian Development Bank
Leiden University will set up further activities with the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Leiden University supports the Caribbean Center for Children’s Rights
Prof. Ton Liefaard and Chrisje Sandelowsky-Bosman visited Curaçao to launch de Caribbean Center for Children’s Rights and present research.
'How is the faculty more than the sum of its parts?'
As Head of Academic Affairs, Pieter Schipper is the dean's right-hand man. It was therefore Jasper Knoester who asked Pieter to join the core group: a group of colleagues from all parts of the faculty that shapes the strategy process. 'I really enjoy playing a role in this,' says Schipper. 'It's a great…
NUFFIC awards Van Vollenhoven Institute grant to train Indonesian law lecturers in socio-legal approaches
NUFFIC’s Orange Knowledge programme, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, awarded a grant to the proposal of Jacqueline Vel, Adriaan Bedner and Leiden alumnus Fachrizal Afandi just before the Christmas holidays.
Call for contributions: UNA supported activities Johannesburg
Network analysis library igraph receives two grants
igraph, an important open source network analysis library, will receive two grants of $400,000 (approximately €340,000) over the course of the next two years.
Statistics for the benefit of the patient
Marta Fiocco has been appointed as of 1 April as professor of applied mathematics, in particular medical statistics. Fiocco's appointment is at the Faculty of Science and at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC). She conducts research into 'personalised medicine', tailor-made medicines for cancer…
Rafal Matuszewski awarded grant for workshop on adolescence and sexual maturity in historical and cross-cultural perspectives
When are you (sexually) mature? A KNAW grant will enable associate professor Rafal Matuszewski to organise an interdisciplinary workshop on this question.
Sarah Giest Vice-Chair of the Young Acadamy Leiden
As every academic year, the leadership team of the Young Academy Leiden (YAL) is changing. Sarah Giest, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, will be the new Vice-Chair. Annemarie Samuels, Asssociate Professor at Social Sciences, will be the new Chair. The Young Academy Leiden…
Naomi Rebekka Boekwijt: ‘This novel is a plea for human assistance’
Philosophy alumna Naomi Rebekka Boekwijt returns to Leiden University on 20 June to present her latest novel Stemmen (Voices) in Plexus. ‘I wanted to show that things could be done differently in psychiatric care.’
Covid graduates sign their names in the Sweat Room
Many students who graduated during the pandemic were unable to celebrate their graduation in style. To make up for this, they were given the chance to sign their name in the Sweat Room on Friday 26 May.
Applications open: Una Europa One Health Summer School for PhD candidates
New SSH laboratories in Sylvius Building
On the second floor of the Sylvius Laboratory, new labs are being built for researchers of the Faculties of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Humanities. After a successful tender construction has recently started.
Vote Niki!
UMCs join forces to increase pandemic preparedness
Four university medical centres, including the LUMC, are joining forces to increase pandemic preparedness in the Netherlands.
Interview Bram Slütter
Bram Slütter
Special lecture Jan Vleggeert: 'A citizen's perspective on conflicts of interest'
When Professor of Tax Law Jan Vleggeert delivered his inaugural lecture in Leiden University’s Academy Building on 30 October 2020, only 30 people were allowed to attend due to coronavirus measures. On 10 June 2022, Vleggeert was therefore given the opportunity to deliver a lecture to a much larger…
Getting to grips with invisible interests
With the childcare benefits scandal in the Netherlands, certain interests in society were hidden for long to politics and governance. With the farmers’ protests, on the other hand, the major economic and political interests at stake were hidden for long to society. In her inaugural lecture on 16 September,…
Four Leiden researchers awarded Rubicon grants
Four promising young researchers will be able to conduct two years of research at a university abroad thanks to a Rubicon grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The Leiden laureates are Renske Janssen, Girija Josh, Anne van der Meij and Yana van der Weegen.
Documentary - Restoring the eleventh-century Arabic manuscript De Materia Medica
Water damage, old restorations and copper corrosion in some illustrations. De Materia Medica has been through a lot over the centuries. The manuscript dates from 1083 AD and is one of the oldest illustrated Arabic manuscripts in the world. Due to intensive use, De Materia Medica was no longer in good…
Outline agreement: we need one another
It has been preying on people’s minds: the outline agreement and its proposed cuts to higher education. Although the content is not yet set in stone − the outline agreement will be developed into a coalition agreement − we are certain that Leiden University should also expect substantial cuts.
Soulmates in Empire? Van Vollenhoven and the Colonial Contradictions of Grotius
On Thursday 14 October, Dr Martine van Ittersum gave the first lecture of the Van Vollenhoven Institute’s year-long workshop 'Reconsidering the Socio-Legal Gaze'. Attended by over 40 people, her lecture, entitled 'Van Vollenhoven and Grotius: Soulmates in Empire' examined Grotius’ influence on Cornelis…
Heating and cooling with a clear conscience on the Science Campus
Leiden University is taking a major step forward in the energy transition with the expansion of the thermal energy storage (TES) in the Gorlaeus Building. This expansion is needed to be able to heat and cool all the new and renovated buildings on the Campus Square of the Faculty of Science sustainably.…
Force judges to listen to parents before placing children in care
Parents are not always heard before their children’s placement in care is extended. They can only have their say if they ask the judge for a hearing themselves. ‘It should be the other way round,’ says Mariëlle Bruning, Professor of Child Law in a ‘De Nieuws BV’ broadcast.
Valentina Carraro offers recommendations on strengthening the UN system
At an international high-level conference, Valentina Carraro, Deputy Coordinator of the interdisciplinary programme Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) presented her research on human rights in the UN Human Rights Council and Treaty body systems. One of the most practical recommendations…
Frans de Haas appointed Scientific Director - Change Manager at the Mathematical Institute (MI)
Frans de Haas, professor of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Director of the Dutch Research School of Philosophy, will join the management team of the MI on a temporary basis, in any event until 1 January 2022, in the role of Scientific Director-Change Manager.
Annual agreements become function-based contracts
Human resources
Leiden City of Science 2022: preparations are in full swing!
In 2022, Leiden will be the European Capital of Science. An enthusiastic team from our Faculty is already busy planning the activities. Today we speak with Marin Visscher. As a project coordinator, he seeks the connection between university and society.
Heritage expert Ian Lilley holds commemoration speech at Netherlands-Australia War Memorial
Professor Ian Lilley, the Faculty of Archaeology’s Willem Willems Chair in Archaeological Heritage, was invited by Her Excellency Mrs. Marion Derckx, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Australia, to present the 2022 commemoration speech for Netherlands Memorial Day on May 4th at the Netherlands-Australia…
Lecturer receives doctoral grant for research into witness protection
Doctoral Grant for lecturer to research witness protection at the international courts.
De dag van Jasper
Jasper Knoester startte op 1 januari als onze nieuwe decaan. Hoe gaat het met hem, wat doet hij precies en hoe ziet zijn dag eruit? In elke nieuwsbrief geeft Jasper een inkijkje in zijn leven als decaan.
Temporary 'viewing wall' gives a glimpse of next phase of Gorlaeus Building
You probably already noticed: work on the next phase of the Gorlaeus Building is in full progress. Are you curious to see what it will look like? Then come to the atrium of the Gorlaeus Building. A temporary 'viewing wall' makes it look as if you are looking into the new part of the building.
Humanities Campus Think Tank: learning from the work environment in the Arsenaal
Ten participants and two observers from the Faculty Council and the University Council attended the third and final meeting of the Humanities Campus Think Tank.
Archaeologists Involved in Ambitious Study on Past Land Use
To increase the accuracy of climate models, it is crucial that they include past human land-use and human-driven vegetation changes. Here archaeology can make an important contribution. Current models are based on reconstructions of past vegetation. However, their accuracy is limited because it does…
Alenka Prinčič appointed as Head of Centre for Digital Scholarship at Leiden University Libraries
From March 1, Alenka Prinčič will be the new Head of the Centre for Digital Scholarship (CDS) at Leiden University Libraries. Her expertise in the areas of Research Support, Research Infrastructures and Open Publishing as well as her longstanding experience as a manager are excellent starting points…
Expansion of Johnson & Johnson on the Leiden Bio Science Park
On Friday 29 November, Leiden University transferred leasehold land to pharmaceutical company Janssen Biologics B.V., a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, in preparation for a new building on the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP). The healthcare company is expanding further on the park with extra laboratories…
Saying goodbye to Prof Carsten de Dreu on 18 June
After eight years as professor at the Institute of Psychology, Carsten de Dreu is making the move to the University of Groningen, where he has been appointed to the chair ‘Foundations of Cooperation and Social Organisation’. On 18 June, he will bid farewell to colleagues at Leiden University.
Leiden University wins the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition
The Leiden University team representing the International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) won the World Finals of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition that took place in Paris on 20 September 2022.
Publication on the design of multifunctionalized nanoparticles
Despite considerable progress in the design of multifunctionalized nanoparticles (NPs) that selectively target specific cell types, their systemic application often results in unwanted liver accumulation. The exact mechanisms for this general observation are still unclear.
Anja Rüten-Budde wins the C.J. Kok Jury Award for best thesis
Statistician Anja Rüten-Budde has won the C.J. Kok Jury Award 2020. Her PhD thesis resulted in an app which helps patients with soft tissue sarcoma and their doctors to make well-considered choices about the treatment. ‘Her work is interdisciplinary and directly relevant for society,’ the jury state…