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Admission requirements
Whether you are eligible for admission to a Political Science master’s programme depends on your previous education and your command of the English language. The detailed entry requirements are listed below.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Welcome to the website of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) team. DEI team at LACDR works towards embracing the beauty of differences in genders, religions, nationalities, and other characteristics of all humans.
Better reading comprehension
How can we help children and adults to acquire better reading comprehension? Paul van den Broek and his colleagues at the Brain and Education Lab are searching for an answer to this question by investigating reading and the related brain activity.
Prof. G. Rozenberg
LIACS prof. Grzegorz Rozenberg is one of the world leaders in research on Theoretical Computer Science and Natural Computing. He is often called the guru of Natural Computing.
Host-Microbe Interactions in Plant Sciences
Plant Sciences' contribution to the Host-Microbe Interactions research theme is to dissect how microorganisms and microbiomes interact with the plant host and the insects on those plants, and how these insights may be harnessed to improve plant growth and health, by steering microbiome composition and…
Moving Romans. Urbanisation, migration and labour in the Roman Principate
To what extent was labour-induced migration important to the functioning of the towns and cities of Roman Italy?
For students
Students are an important part of the Una Europa community.
FAIR Surveys Project
This project aims to contribute to the improvement of documentation and archiving standards (conform the FAIR principles) for systematic Mediterranean archaeological field survey.
Leiden Institute for Area Studies
To truly understand complex regions such as the Middle East and Asia, you have to know their culture, history and local societies inside out. Driven by curiosity for other cultures, the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) provides an understanding and analysis of current and historical…
Lawmaking Politics Under Democratic Decline in Indonesia (LAMPU)
How has democracy’s decline affected law making processes, enabling powerful stakeholders’ influence while minimalizing the protection of public interest and the environment?
- In short: ten steps to the doctors degree
Vision and Imaging
On the basis of the characteristic aspects of a picture, certain computers can tell us what the picture is showing. They can learn this in the same way that young children are able to learn to recognize images. Further improving these techniques opens the way to a whole range of new applications. Biology…
Develop your competences
Creating an open and learning organisation requires strong leadership. HRM Learning & Development offers various training courses with a focus on the different leadership roles. In the coming year, they will further expand this offering.
Working with dashboards: the influence of teachers’ knowledge and skills on acting with dashboards in education
Which basic characteristics and skills and knowledge influence the use of and actions based on real-time student data presented on a teacher dashboard in primary education?
Computational Drug Discovery
Research in this group, headed by Gerard van Westen, focusses on computational methods integrated in different parts of the drug discovery process. More specifically, topics include innovative treatments for cancer, selectivity modeling, translational research, allosteric modulation, drug resistance…
The Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) is an internationally oriented institute for research and education in biology. We are part of the Faculty of Science at Leiden University.
Interreligious Encounter in a West African City: A Study of Multiple Religious Belonging and Identity Among the Yorùbá of Ogbómòsó, Nigeria
How has interreligious encounter in Ogbómòsó created multiple religious belongings and identities among individuals and groups?
Links to various Digital Humanities organizations and resources, mainly in English.
The research
Through this research, we aim to gain a clear understanding of perceptions of safety in Leiden. The results will provide us with information about current perceptions. As Leiden’s City Criminologist Marianne Franken explains: ‘This research really focuses on Leiden’s residents. That’s why want to ask…
Tessa Verhoef: 'An algorithm still has a lot to learn from human interaction'
If an algorithm has to learn to understand language, simply having a lot of data doesn’t help much. Like us, a computer has to learn the language in interaction with others. Tessa Verhoef is fascinated by how this interaction works.
Studying for your PhD
Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University’s different disciplines.
Realising the right to reproduce with assistance in South Africa
On 10 november 2021, Carmel van Niekerk-Jacobs defended the thesis 'Realising the right to reproduce with assistance in South Africa'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.J. Sloth-Nielsen and Prof. T. Liefaard.
ARC (art_research_convergence)
ARC (art_research_convergence) is an outreach initiative of Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts, and the University of the Arts The Hague, for the active communication of artistic research.
Public Outreach
The Astronomy & Society Group provides the focus for Leiden Observatory’s aim to engage the public with the wonders of the universe and share the scientific, technological, cultural and educational aspects of astronomy with society.
Medieval and Early Modern History: Europe in its Global Context
Leiden’s Institute for History has an exceptionally strong expertise in premodern European history in its global context, with specialists whose interests cover virtually the whole continent. We have a strong track record in leading larger research teams and work together with colleagues across Europe…
National Law Sector Plan
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, in consultation with the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), provides funding for the Netherlands National Law Sector Plan, part of the domain ‘Social Sciences and Humanities’.
As an alumnus you can continue to use your ULCN account.
Study Archaeology at Leiden University. Learn about a full range of theoretical, analytical and field methods from some of the world's leading archaeological researchers.
Stay Connected
Stay connected with Leiden University College by making sure your contact information is up to date. Below you can adjust your contact information and the different forms of how you can stay informed about the activities at LUC.
Dutch Coastal Plains
The physical landscape is the setting in which human activities take place. Landscape and site context during human occupation is one of the areas of concern for the geoarchaeologist. A detailed stratigraphical study -both on- and off-site- clearly enhances the interpretation of the archaeologists,…
Jed Wentz
Jed Wentz is a University Lecturer at the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts of the Leiden University. He earned a PhD from the docARTES programme and his doctoral thesis Gesture, Affect and Rhythmic Freedom in the Performance of French Tragic Opera from Lully to Rameau explored how historical…
NestWacht - Citizen Science research with schools and communities on the impact of climate change and urban pollution on birds and their breeding
The NestWacht project is a Citizen Science collaboration between Science Centre Delft, Naturalis, and the Citizen Science Lab of Leiden University to engage individuals, families and primary schools in Leiden and Delft in scientific research on the impact of climate change on nature in their city, and…
Student motivation and achievement in lower secondary education in a context of differentiated talent development
This project aims to analyze and increase student motivation and achievement during the first three years of secondary school with an intervention that focuses on development of students’ talents.
XIII Annual Convention of the Austrian and Central European Centers, 22nd – 25th October 2019 in Vienna
Impressions by Dr. Lilian Ruhe
Social and emotional competence in children and adolescents who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH)
How does having limited access to the social world affect Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) children’s emotional development? And in turn, how do impairments in emotional functioning affect social development and the development of psychopathology?
Our students and public and private organisations have much to offer each other. To connect students with organisations, FGGA facilitates this through an internship and traineeship platform: TRAIL.
Improving psychological research
When psychologists repeated a hundred studies in 2015, their results differed in two-thirds of the studies. ‘Research into research is not a luxury but a necessity,’ says Professor of Methodology and Statistics of Psychological Research Mark de Rooij. ‘My aim is to improve psychological research, to think…
Between expectations and opportunities: urban youth navigating duress in a globalized southern Nigeria
This project looks at the ways in which youth in southern Nigeria navigate their lives in a context of experiencing long-term socioeconomic uncertainty and political insecurity (duress).
Between the Wheat & the Waves: a mid-late Anglo-Saxon Settlement in a coastal setting
By comparing the archaeological evidence at Sedgeford and other sites located on both English and Continental coastal zones, what evidence is there for a shared maritime culture between these North Sea communities? Also if evidence is found, can we reveal to some extent a separate coastal identity to…
Group behaviour: one for the team
Researchers at Leiden study group behaviour. One of their findings is that when people make sacrifices for another member of their group, it is probably instinctive. Insights of this kind enable us to better understand and influence the social processes in a neighbourhood or company.
LUCAS’ Medieval and Early Modern (MEM) cluster brings together expertise in the fields of art, literature and media. It focuses on the arts in society in Europe and beyond during a vast period of time, from the 7th through to the 18th centuries CE.
Research ecosystem
The chain that supplies patients with new medicines consists of various complex links: from fundamental research to clinical tests and production. This entire chain is represented in Leiden. Leiden University, the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), and the companies on the Leiden Bio Science Park…
Africa in the world
The emergence of new players on the world market such as India, Brazil, China, Turkey and the Gulf States gives Africans more choice in who they work with and under which terms. At the same time, African multinationals are choosing to work with regional partners and are thus furnishing old political…
A Finger in Every Pie: Transnational networks in the debates over British free trade, 1660-1730
The role of transnational, non-institutional networks in the opening up of British transatlantic trade at the end of the 17th/beginning of the 18th century
You can now register for SIP2021. Due to corona, this year's edition will take place online. Closely read the conditions of registration and register using the link below.
Different Travel Modes
The following page offers tips for more sustainable travel options, such as taking the train or bus, and highlights online tools that can help you plan eco-friendly trips and find affordable tickets.
Streetcorner design in Accra, Ghana
Consumer societies are a global presence, and marketing practices have spread to all corners of the world. However, the loud and glaring performances of the big advertising companies and the hegemony of shopping malls makes us forget that there are many different markets, and many merchants who have…
Ancient Worlds network
The Ancient Worlds Network brings together staff and graduate students in LIAS working on the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern world.
The Leiden University Graduate School of Humanities promotes the quality of our PhD candidates' selection, supervision, assessment, and training. Together with the Faculty institutes, the Graduate School of Humanities provides the organisational infrastructure within which PhD candidates participate…
Normativity and its sources: Agency, interaction and conflict in a globalizing world
Are there general principles or values that should govern our actions as moral agents and/or as political subjects?