6,405 search results for “also” in the Staff website
Studying ferritin: ‘we hope this will eventually give more insight into Alzheimer's’
Martina Huber, Jacqueline Labra Munoz research Alzheimer's disease. They study ferritine, iron storage in the brain. An inbalance of iron could play a role in this form of dementia.
Gerrit Dusseldorp joins Liveable Planet Interdisciplinary Programme: ‘Archaeologists can provide the time-depth perspective’
With the retirement of Wil Roebroeks, Gerrit Dusseldorp will take his place as the archaeological representative in the Liveable Planet Interdisciplinary Programme as an Associate Professor. An expert on the behaviour of early human hunter-gatherers, he will look at the interaction between humans and…
From collagen to canvas: interactive artwork brings the world between our cells to life
What’s really happening in the space between the cells in your body? With the Collagen Canvas project, students from Leiden University invite you to explore this question by blending science with art. This interactive artwork immerses you in the dynamics of the extracellular matrix—the invisible structure…
As many as a hundred ideas in minor Living Education Lab
Students presented the prototypes of educational tools they made in the first ten weeks of the new minor Living Education Lab. We asked two students and a teacher about their first experiences in this minor.
Students build software for real customers
Students gain practical experience while clients receive a solution to their software needs: the student software company LUDev hits two birds with one stone. ‘Through LUDev, students learn what else is involved in software development besides programming.’ Interested? You can now submit new projects…
Participation in the Cultural Diversity Barometer: more insight into diversity among staff
Diversity and inclusion are core values for Leiden University, and our aim is to offer all staff and students equal opportunities. As the University lacks adequate information about the cultural diversity of our staff, this spring we are taking part for the first time in the Cultural Diversity Barometer.…
Lars van Doorn speaker at ESOF2022: ‘A great opportunity in many ways’
From 13 to 16 July, Leiden will host the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), the largest multidisciplinary scientific conference in Europe. Lars van Doorn from Leiden Law School will give a presentation.
Looking at the person beyond the blood clot
How can we improve the treatment of thrombosis, reduce the disease’s impact and spend less money while we’re at it? This is what Erik Klok, Professor of Internal Medicine and an internist, is researching. He will discuss it in depth in his inaugural lecture on 10 March.
What's the status on the Programme Standards?
In the autumn, the programme boards submitted Development Plans. The plans were then analysed by the Educational Advice and Quality Assurance (O&K) team. This analysis shows that the programme boards have taken a serious look at their curriculums. The study programme Religious Studies offers a glimpse…
Pressure on River Management Leads to more Frequent Flooding
In his new book 'Flooding and Management of Large Fluvial Lowlands', Paul Hudson Associate Professor of Physical Geography at Leiden University College in The Hague, examines human impacts on lowlands rivers. The past twenty years the pressure on large fluvial lowlands has increased tremendously because…
Studying and being chronically ill: how do you manage that? | Leiden University
Third-year cultural anthropology student Claire van Helder (24) says she can't be kept still. She has her own blog, is active on Instagram and recently started a YouTube channel. She is a member of the student party LVS, elected to the faculty council and will become the president of WDO in September.…
Implications of the German Elections; interact with experts and join the event
Five questions about the event ‘Germany after the Elections: implications for Foreign Policy and European Security’ answered by one of the experts at the event: Joachim Koops. Come by at the Spanish Steps in Wijnhaven on Friday 15 October or join the event online (link below).
Alumnus Asa Splinter: ‘LGBT+ identities are not a burden but a source of inspiration’
Even as a teenager Asa Splinter was determined to study Japanese in Leiden. A HAVO diploma and a change in legislation threatened to throw a spanner in the works, but Asa persevered. After ten years of studying, Asa obtained a master’s degree in Japanese and was nominated for the IHLIA thesis award…
Six NWO grants for FGW researchers: this is what the scientists are going to do
Six projects from the Faculty of Humanities recently received grants of up to 750,000 euros from the NWO Open Competition. Researchers involved tell how they will spend this money.
Why we need to look underwater to understand our past
Traces of the past remain hidden in rivers, lakes and seas. In his inaugural lecture Martijn Manders will explain why underwater archaeology is important to understanding our history.
Sarah Cramsey appointed professor: ‘I want to uncover the underrepresented stories in history’
Sarah Cramsey was appointed professor by special appointment of Central European Studies at the Institute of History on 14 September. 'I am keen to incorporate different scholarly approaches into my work and raise the profile of Central European Studies in Leiden.'
Introducing: Hannelore Braeken
Hannelore Braeken recently joined the Institute for History as a PhD candidate, as part of Paul van Trigt's NWO project 'Collaborative learning from loneliness' (COLLELO). Below she introduces herself.
NUFFIC awards Van Vollenhoven Institute grant to train Indonesian law lecturers in socio-legal approaches
NUFFIC’s Orange Knowledge programme, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, awarded a grant to the proposal of Jacqueline Vel, Adriaan Bedner and Leiden alumnus Fachrizal Afandi just before the Christmas holidays.
Leiden University extends collaboration with Asian Development Bank
Leiden University will set up further activities with the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law proud of Sarah Deaney and Eline van Slijpe
On Tuesday 12 January 2021, the Leiden Law School thesis prizes were awarded at the New Year’s event.
Network analysis library igraph receives two grants
igraph, an important open source network analysis library, will receive two grants of $400,000 (approximately €340,000) over the course of the next two years.
Call for contributions: UNA supported activities Johannesburg
Leiden University supports the Caribbean Center for Children’s Rights
Prof. Ton Liefaard and Chrisje Sandelowsky-Bosman visited Curaçao to launch de Caribbean Center for Children’s Rights and present research.
'How is the faculty more than the sum of its parts?'
As Head of Academic Affairs, Pieter Schipper is the dean's right-hand man. It was therefore Jasper Knoester who asked Pieter to join the core group: a group of colleagues from all parts of the faculty that shapes the strategy process. 'I really enjoy playing a role in this,' says Schipper. 'It's a great…
From tunnel vision towards an open view. Lessons from the North/South metro line on compensation of damages
An article by Georgina Kuipers has been published this month in Dutch journal Overheid & Aansprakelijkheid (Government and Accountability). It deals with policy introduced in response to damage caused by the construction of the Amsterdam North/South metro line and its aim to rebuild trust. The title…
Statistics for the benefit of the patient
Marta Fiocco has been appointed as of 1 April as professor of applied mathematics, in particular medical statistics. Fiocco's appointment is at the Faculty of Science and at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC). She conducts research into 'personalised medicine', tailor-made medicines for cancer…
Why do we like winners so much?
Hardly anyone in the Netherlands ever watches skeleton racing. But we’ll soon be glued to our TV sets when ‘our’ Kimberley Bos slides down the track at the Olympic Games. All because she stands a good chance of winning a medal. Why do we like winners so much?
A healthy start for all
Many children have an unhealthy diet and do not get enough exercise. Sanne de Vries wants to help everyone get a healthy start in life.
Academia in Motion: the University is making headway towards better academic practice
Leiden University is pressing ahead with Open Science and Recognition & Rewards! This is the key message of the new Academia in Motion steering group.
Leiden researchers predict seller success on dark web markets
Researchers from Leiden University have developed a method to predict which sellers will be successful in illegal online marketplaces. This could help the police track down big players on the dark web, the hidden part of the internet.
Ask students to fill in the NSE in your class
Education, Organisation
Stappenplan helpt studieverenigingen op het gebied van D&I
De Declaration of equity helpt studieverenigingen op het gebied van diversiteit en inclusie.
Jonathan Silk receives Guggenheim Fellowship
The Guggenheim Fellowship is a prestigious award for US nationals. There are more than 3,000 applications every year, and this year only 188 were honoured. Professor Jonathan Silk is one of these 188, the first ever at Leiden University, and he tells us more about the fellowship and what he will do…
Judi Mesman appointed as distinguished professor.
The Executive Board has appointed Judi Mesman as third Leiden University professor.
Leiden University 17th in global sustainability ranking
Leiden University has taken 17th place in the UI Green Metric, a global sustainability ranking for universities. Over 1,400 universities from all around the world took part in the ranking.
CADS Alumna Eva Schouten in Duurzame Jonge 100 (Sustainable Young 100)
The Duurzame Jonge 100 (Sustainable Young 100) is an annual election for young entrepreneurs, young professionals and students who show that a sustainable future is possible. The 100 most inspiring people in the field of sustainability are chosen from all participants and appear on the list. This year,…
Subsidie voor onderzoek naar meer duidelijkheid over bedrijfswaarderingen in de rechtszaal
Marc Broekema from the Department of Business Studies has received a grant from the Netherlands Institute of Registered Valuators (NiRV) to conduct research into how the value of a business is assessed in legal proceedings.
Maximum number of Open Access articles in Springer journals reached
Library, Research
Jointly into the quantum future
The second quantum revolution is in full swing, bringing all kinds of new technologies to within reach, and offering many opportunities as well as challenges. Leiden and Delft decided to join forces.
Renovation access bridge Oude Sterrenwacht
Rafal Matuszewski awarded grant for workshop on adolescence and sexual maturity in historical and cross-cultural perspectives
When are you (sexually) mature? A KNAW grant will enable associate professor Rafal Matuszewski to organise an interdisciplinary workshop on this question.
Sarah Giest Vice-Chair of the Young Acadamy Leiden
As every academic year, the leadership team of the Young Academy Leiden (YAL) is changing. Sarah Giest, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, will be the new Vice-Chair. Annemarie Samuels, Asssociate Professor at Social Sciences, will be the new Chair. The Young Academy Leiden…
Emeriti professors organise symposium: 'it’s a shame if our knowledge goes to waste'
When professors become emeriti, it usually does not mean they stop working. The Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) will therefore soon have a first: a symposium is going to be organised where all the speakers are emeriti professors. 'Science will always be part of you are.'
Helping students with micro-macro thinking in chemistry
How do classroom demonstration experiments help students learn chemical reasoning? Marie-Jetta den Otter, PhD student at ICLON, researched this. She defends her thesis on 6 December.
Het succes van de Scriptiewerkplaats slotbijeenkomsten
The final meeting which took place on Wednesday 6 September marked the end of the third cohort of master students’ time participating in the The Hague Southwest Thesis Workshop. During this last meeting, master students presented their research results to residents and stakeholders from The Hague So…
Uitspraak over transferregels FIFA kan grote gevolgen hebben
Volgens het Europese Hof van Justitie zijn de regels van de FIFA die de basis vormen voor miljoenentransfers in het wereldwijde profvoetbal in strijd met de Europese wetgeving. Stefaan Van den Bogaert, hoogleraar Europees Recht, sprak met het AD en RTL over de mogelijke gevolgen.
Master’s thesis about Children’s Rights? Win the Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award 2021
The Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award is an annual award for the best thesis in the field of Children’s Rights granted by Defence for Children and the Department of Child Law of Leiden Law School.
New Research Support Portal: all information about research support in one place
Offering all information about available research support in one place is why the new Research Support Portal was built. Policy officer research Marcel Belderbos talks about the recently launched platform.
Wood formation further explored by NWO-XL grant
Leiden researchers, Professor Remko Offringa and co-applicants Salma Balazadeh and Frederic Lens received an NWO-XL grant (2.5 million euros). Together with researchers in Wageningen and Groningen, they will study the genetic and environmental drivers of woodiness. From plant to molecule, the groups…
Parental role self-regulation in Western and non-Western context
PhD candidate at the Parenting, Child Care and Development programme group Wei Li examined longitudinally the role of parents in self-regulation of young children in the Netherlands and China during their first two years of life. Li also specifically focused on the role of grandparents in China. This…