10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
China Scholarship Council (CSC)
CSC-Leiden University joint scholarship program
Barbarians at the Gates?
Subproject of
Indigenous adornment in a pan-Caribbean perspective
the production, use and exchange of bodily accoutrements through the lenses of the microscope
Diversity and Inclusion
The Faculty of Science adopted an action plan Diversity and Inclusiveness in 2015. In this action plan, the Faculty commits to a number of actions to further improve diversity and inclusion for staff and students, such as more female full professors at the faculty, and encourages initiatives that foster…
Spaces for Active Teaching and Learning (SALT)
Here you will find an overview of the Spaces for Active Teaching and Learning already implemented at Leiden University and LUMC. These rooms vary in size, location, material affordances, and technological affordances, and thus vary in the forms of pedagogy they best support. You can use this site as…
Retrieving the Past Glory: Social Memory, Transnational Networks and Christianity in Contemporary China
To address the relevance of Christianity to the ideological negotiations with the officially established authority, this research will be conducted by asking how the history enthusiasts negotiate the Christianity-related ideology through reconstructing the Christian past and reproducing religious histories…
Research per university
What follows is a survey of existing programs and current projects for each of the participating universities.
The ANASTASIS project: Reviving Merovingian archaeology in the Netherlands
The goal of the ANASTASIS project is the analysis and publication of early medieval (Merovingian) cemeteries in the Netherlands (c. 500 – 750 AD).
Searching for life in the Universe
Is there extra-terrestrial life out there? It now looks as though we can sketch out an answer to this enduring question. Leiden Observatory is helping to build new instruments to find the most promising exoplanets.
Sustainable travel tips
Looking for ways to travel more sustainably once you've reached your destination? Here, we offer some ideas and helpful links to guide you in becoming a more responsible tourist. Ecotourism, defined as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of…
The Epic Rebirth of Christ: Reciprocal Anchoring in the Italian Renaissance
At the end of the fifteenth century, two intriguing Christian epics were written in Virgilian Latin by the poets Sannazaro and Vida. They did so in accordance with the wishes of the pope. These epics, both praised and criticized by contemporaries, are often seen as innovative for their specific combination…
Aesernia Colonial Landscape Project (Molise)
The Aesernia Colonial Landscape project investigates ancient settlement patterns and dynamics around modern Isernia in Molise (Italy), the Latin colony of Aesernia (founded 263 BC). It consists of intensive systematic field survey in the territory of the colony, combined with remote sensing and geoprospection…
Our team
Researchers from five different discplines work together in this interdisciplinary initiative.
Who are the Squatters? Mapping and documenting squatting in Leiden as a cross-over project between Public History and Academic Research
This project sets out to map, document and analyze instances of squatting in Leiden from 1970 to 1990, in order to set up an online Digital Archive of Squatting in Leiden. This archive will function as an online resource for academic research, as well as a starting point for public activities such as…
Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Dataset on Relative Income Poverty Rates
Leiden LIS Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Dataset on Relative Income Poverty Rates (2019), assembled by Koen Caminada and Jinxian Wang (Version 1, February 2019), presents the disentanglement of relative income poverty measurers and the anti-poverty effects of social transfers and income taxes…
Bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas (BMA) - Pesticide Atlas of Dutch surface waters
Improving environmental risk assessment of pesticides in surface waters
An overview of the research at the Cancer Dug Target Discovery group.
Inclusive education
The Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University values an inclusive learning environment where all students are supported to realize their full potential. We consider diversity of thought, approach, background, and identity essential for high-quality research and learning. We therefore want to facilitate…
Tappino Area Archaeological Project (Molise)
The Tappino Area Archaeological Project aims to map and analyze ancient settlement patterns and dynamics in a small valley in Central-Southern Italy, in modern Molise (province of Campobasso). The first sites in the area date to the Bronze Age. In the Iron Age to Classical period, it was reportedly…
A puzzle of sherds
Past objects offer a wealth of information about life in earlier times. Loe Jacobs is an expert in making earthenware objects, using the same methods and means used in earlier times.
Investigating Institutional Diversity and Innovation: AI adoption and implementation in Taiwan and The Netherlands
(1) What are the institutional factors that influence AI adoption and implementation? and (2) How does AI reshape the exercise of administrative discretion within public organisations, and how do adoption and implementation choices moderate these effects?
You can do a degree in Artificial Intelligence at Leiden University, but its role is also increasing in other degree programmes.
Segments and rules: a comparative study on linguistic rule learning mechanisms
A central and much debated topic in the study of language acquisition concerns the nature of the learning mechanisms that are required. Are the computational and learning mechanisms that guide learning about language structure special and specific to language or humans?
About us
Leiden University has had a campus in The Hague for over 20 years and sees the city as its second hometown.
- Week 7-8: 17-26 February 2019
- Week 1: 6-12 January 2019
Spanish Heroes in the Low Countries. The Experience of War during the First Decade of the Dutch Revolt (1567-1577)
How do first-hand narratives of war of commanders in the front line relate to the official narrative of the Eighty Years’ War?
The research aims at achieving a European consensus on a harmonized LCA approach/framework to be applied in E-mobility sector. The research will focus on needs and gaps in current LCA practices in E-mobility and try to provide solutions for them based on the rich knowledge and experience represented…
Canonical Cultures network
Religion, Philosophy, and the Pre-modern World
Laboratory for Artefact Studies
Commercial enterprises who want to make use of the expertise and facilities are referred to LAB , the commercial unit responsible for specialized laboratory work.
About the Department
The Department of Archaeological Heritage and Society focuses on the relationships between past and present, the role of heritage in society, and how heritage conceived broadly can contribute to improving quality of life.
Resistance and Revolt in Egypt and Babylonia: The Persian Empire (539-330 BC) in the Eyes of its Rebels
The Persian Empire (539-330 BCE) was the first world empire in history. At its height, it united a territory stretching from present-day India to Libya - and it would take 2,000 years before significantly larger empires emerged in early modern Eurasia. Its size and power was revered by some, feared…
Research areas
Within the Graduate School you can conduct your PhD research in a wide range of subjects across the Social and Behavioural Sciences, with five distinct research areas offered by its Institutes.
The Impact of Digital Educational Resources on Teachers and Teaching in Rural China
What are the impacts of digital educational resources on rural teachers and their teaching in China?
Meet the employees of ISSC
No one can tell you what it's like to work for us better than your future colleagues themselves.
Memory before Modernity
This synthesis brings together strands developed in the four studies, sets out memories of the Revolt and presents the Low Countries as a case study.
The Extension of the Historical GIS Friesland
In this project the already developed parcel based historical GIS (HISGIS) for the Dutch province of Friesland (Frisia) will be extended with a series of crucial datasets and map layers.
Replacing fear with something new: Using novelty to unlearn fear.
This project has two main aims: I. Determine when novelty promotes fear extinction. II. Discover the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these effects.
Development & Disease in Plant Sciences
Plant Sciences' contribution to the Development & Disease research theme is to unravel the processes that allow plants to adapt to changing abiotic and biotic environmental conditions or stresses, with the aim to contribute to the sustainable production of food, flowers and bio-based products using…
Alex Brandsen: 'Archaeological search engine adds a new dimension to ‘digging’'
Apps that can precisely identify shards, coins or heel bones: archaeology has embraced artificial intelligence. Alex Brandsen is working on a search engine that scans vast quantities of text from an archaeological viewpoint.
Come and visit us!
As a university, we offer you the best education you can get. Professors, tutors and lecturers are ready to teach and guide you. But we do more than that. Of course, studying is your own responsibility, but we are happy to help if you need support. You decide what and when; online or on campus. These…
Humans of Psychology
For Humans of Psychology, students and staff will be put into the spotlight. At our institute prizes are won, exiting research is conducted, knowledge is harnessed, public meeting are organised and open science is highlighted. Take a look behind the scenes.
Access to Justice in Libya (A2JiL)
This 48-month project is to contribute to a solid, accessible, domestically owned knowledge base for people-centred interventions aimed at strengthening access to justice in Libya (A2JiL), and to disseminate such knowledge among stakeholders, enhancing awareness and the capabilities required to provide…
European Markets, Trade and Digitization
Research on this theme concerns Europe’s position in global markets, its response to the emergence of new international trade and financial actors that challenge institutions where Europe has long had considerable influence.
The Figure of Abraham in the Metrical Homilies of Jacob of Sarug: Its Literary and Theological Context
This project is a close and sensitive contextual study of Jacob of Sarug's (ca. 451-521 AD) metrical homily
Settlement Dynamics and High-Precision 14C Dating
For present purposes, it is important to distinguish between an early period of settlement, about 6800-6200 BC, and a late period, about 6200-5800 BC, at Tell Sabi Abyad.
Tips and resources for lecturers
Discussing or giving a lecture about a war situation is no easy task. Nonetheless – or maybe for this very reason – students or lecturers do feel the need to have such a discussion during classes. We share here a number of tips and sources to steer the conversation or lecture in the right direction.
Thinking about the quantum internet
Quantum computers deserve their own quantum internet. This is a network that dispatches information not in the form of bits - ones and zeros - but rather as qubits, just like in the quantum computer itself. In the view of Dirk Bouwmeester, a professor in Leiden’s Quantum Matter & Optics research group,…
Voices of Asian Modernities: Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Asian Popular Music of the 20th Century
What was the relationship between women and modern media in different parts of Asia in the 20th century? Under what historical and social conditions did women achieve prominence in popular music in Asia?
About the programme
The objective of the Social and Organisational specialisation is to equip students with advanced training in research methods and professional skills that prepare them both for a career involving psychological research as well as for the application of scientific knowledge and methods in various professional…