5,305 search results for “alle” in the Staff website
Tailoring support for refugee students: ‘They are amazed at the number of options’
Many people have fled to the Netherlands since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, including students. But even before this war, students with refugee backgrounds were eager to study at Leiden University. How does the University help young people from various backgrounds find their way around the Dutch…
En de nieuwe assessor is...?
De studentassessor: één student die als lid van het faculteitsbestuur aanschuift bij alle belangrijke overleggen en projecten. Zo wordt de student, een van de belangrijkste doelgroepen, vertegenwoordigd bij bestuurlijke besluitvorming. Assessor Julie Külsen draagt volgend collegejaar per 1 september…
Interview Roxane de Massol Rebetz – ‘Vulnerability doesn’t come out of a vacuum.’
The legal distinction between victims of human trafficking and victims of migrant smuggling is unjust, argues De Massol Rebetz in her PhD thesis. In certain instances, smuggled migrants should be treated the same as victims of human trafficking.
No legal career but a food truck on Bonaire instead
If you study law, you won’t necessarily end up striding round a law firm in tailor-made suits. Alumnus Harrie Schoffelen certainly hasn’t: he made the conscious decision to follow another path in life. Together with his fiancée he runs a successful food truck on the tropical island of Bonaire. ‘Return…
Students HC Law visit neighbourhood centre: 'You think that's bizarre? Welcome to our world'
Do young people trust the law? That is what HC Law students are trying to find out. Regular guest speaker and social worker Carlito Jones invited the students to the Bezuidenhout-West neighbourhood centre in The Hague to talk to youth workers and neighbourhood police officers: what do they run into…
Interdisciplinary research: labour market on the move
Migration, globalisation, technological developments, climate change: the greatest challenges of our time all affect our labour market. But how exactly? And can we influence this? Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet regards it as his job to reveal how things really are. ‘That way, we can work on solutions…
How do you help a child suffering from depression?
What causes depression in a child and how can they get over it? Leiden Professor of Psychology Bernet Elzinga and behavioural scientist Carine Kielstra recently hosted a webinar on the subject of depression in teenagers. The level of interest was overwhelming.
No exams or lectures, but building a radio telescope with empty paint cans
No more lectures and exams for the Radio Astronomy course taught by Michiel Brentjens. The corona crisis is a moment of reflection that has changed his whole way of teaching. Instead of being in front of the class, he lets his students build a radio telescope with paint cans.
Black hole one year later: proof of a persistent shadow
The brightness peak of the ring around M87's supermassive black hole has shifted 30 degrees counterclockwise in a year. This is shown by new images released by the Event Horizon Telescope consortium.
Metals, energy and geopolitics, a complex mix
Lecture, Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
LUCAS “Modern and Contemporary Studies” Research Cluster 3rd annual conference 'Environment as Lens: Rethinking Humanities Research through the
Greedy Supermassive Black Holes
Lecture, Oort lecture
Intimate Legal Interactions Meeting: Legitimacy as lens to study the governance of global citizenship education
- Mindlab on social security
Just Public Algorithmic Systems – What does it take?
The Road to Planetary Defense: Cosmic Collisions, Nuclear Explosions, and the Environmental History of Asteroids and Comets
Lecture, Global Questions Seminar
Tuesday Talks: Science Insights | 3 September 2024
Lecture, Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
LUCDH Pilot Project Symposium 2024
Symposium and Workshops
Symposium in honour of Prof. Harold Linnartz
OSCoffee: Open Science and AI - Synergy or Contradiction
Museumnacht Boerhaave - Adventerous Microbiology
Psychology Science day 2024
Workshop: Leiden Research Support Network Conference 2025 Preparation
Guest lecture Wojciech Wiewiórowski, European Data Protection Supervisor
KVS New Paper Sessions 2023
LACDR Spring symposium 2023
IBL Spotlight - Host-Microbe Interactions
Feedback Session
Lecture, PCNI Research Seminar
PhD theme session: Be the Change
PhD theme session
- Leiden Research Support Network Webinar | Horizon Europe framework programme: what are your experiences?
Moonshots Q&A: Ask questions to a real astronaut
Suriname symposium: focus on diversity and biodiversity
LLM Inaugural Lecture: ‘Strategic Navigation in Troubled Waters: Advancing the Rule of Law on the International Stage’
Inaugural lecture
Continuous Professional Development - Speed Grading
Didactics, Career development
- The Psychic Life of the Welfare State
ChatGPT in our teaching
Coaching & Intervision (early career) lecturers
- Global Questions Seminar
- ELS lab meeting - Lunch & Learn: ELS lab meeting - ELS Resolutions
Anniversary activity: City Pier City Run
450 years
Vitality Week 2023: Get your shot of vitamin resilience
4 - 6 April 2023 - Leiden University Career Event
Course, Online Career Week
- History Institute Council Meeting
- History Institute Council Meeting
- History Institute Council Meeting
History Institute Council Meeting
- History Institute Council Meeting
Bridging the Gap Between Policy Makers and Academia
Career development
Civil Society’s Democratic Potential: Organizational Trade-offs between Participation and Representation
Lecture, Global Questions Seminar
- What's New?! Spring Lecture Series 2024