10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Ariane Briegel: 'AI literally opens new worlds for the life sciences'
Bacteria caught red-handed, deeply frozen just as they were about to cause Lyme’s disease. Ariane Briegel is wildly enthusiastic about the wonders she observes thanks to three elements: a freezing technique, a camera-equipped microscope, and AI. ‘It’s fascinating. Every single cell is different.’
UN Sanctions and International Law
Are UN sanctions regimes in need of further formalization in terms of substantive design, procedural architecture and with a view to regulating and governing the interplay with other regimes?
Current PhD candidates
You have chosen to do a PhD track at Leiden University. What do you need to know when you start conducting your PhD research?
Exposed to events that never happen: Genaralized unsafety and prolonged psysiological stress responses
The aims of the project are to: further clarify 'inhibition by safety'; explore and describe all possible sagety factors, with a special focus on the primary human safety source: social connectedness; reviewing prolonged stress responses without stressors.
Young Faculty and Interfaculty Lunches
YAL organises young faculty lunches at all Leiden University faculties. Additionally, we organise young interfaculty lunches to bring together young academics from across the university.
Registration is now closed. Registration for Speech Prosody 2024 included two steps:
COMMUNICATE HEAL-TH. A Virtual Reality training tool for optimizing expectancy effects in patient-provider interaction.
We aim to create an innovative e-learning and virtual reality training that helps healthcare providers to optimize placebo effects and minimizes nocebo effects via their communication.
Langegracht 70, Leiden
Johan Huizinga
Doelensteeg 16, Leiden
Arsenaalstraat 1, Leiden
Visiting Researchers
LIAS hosts Visiting Researchers from around the world. The programme provides Visitors access to LIAS facilities (including Leiden University Library) so that they can conduct research on an approved topic. As an academic institution committed to international cooperation and exchange, LIAS welcomes…
Research Handbook on Cross-Border Bank Resolution
This week has seen the publication of the Research Handbook on Cross-border Bank Resolution.
Prediction of the potency of mammalian cyclooxygenase inhibitors with ensemble proteochemometric modeling
Source: J Cheminform, Volume 7, Issue 1 (2015)
If you want to find out more about Leiden University, you can read our publications online or request a printed copy.
Transformation through Destruction
A monumental and extraordinary Early Iron Age Hallstatt C barrow from the ritual landscape of Oss-Zevenbergen
The Hybrid Intelligence Centre
Hybrid Intelligence (HI) is the combination of human and machine intelligence, expanding human intellect instead of replacing it. HI takes human expertise and intentionality into account when making meaningful decisions and perform appropriate actions, together with ethical, legal and societal values.…
Werken bij het ISSC
Werken bij een topuniversiteit? Met uitstekende carrièremogelijkheden? Ontdek de mogelijkheden bij de Universiteit Leiden.
Stoepplantjes (Pavement plants)
In our lives we often have little attention or appreciation for plants, let alone the ones we commonly call weeds. This inattention for plants has been described as plant blindness. The Stoepplantjes project aspires to decrease plant blindness by changing the image of weeds and using citizen science.…
The symposium is open to all registered participants and consists of a two-day programme and a poster session.
Placing Changes
What does site patterning reveal about the social landscape dynamics across the historical divide?
Determine your entry level
Before you enroll in one of our courses, it is important to determine your current level of proficiency.
Excavating Fossilized Data
A cross-cut analysis of the ties between university research and fossil industries.
Read about our recent research projects below.
Welcome to the Leiden University Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding teaching.
Alice in Wonderland-syndrome
FSW Professor Jan Dirk Blom has written a book on Alice in Wonderland syndrome. This is the first scientific book on this rare disorder, which was first described in 1955 by the British psychiatrist John Todd. Todd was inspired by the famous book by Lewis Carroll, in which Alice experiences all kinds…
Foreign intelligence in the digital age. Navigating a state of 'unpeace'.
The Hague Program for Cyber Norms, a research program at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, published its first policy brief, in which Dennis Broeders, Sergei Boeke and Ilina Georgieva explore the role of intelligence agencies in cyberspace and the (im)possibilities of oversight and regulation…
A mortuary priest
Hieratic Papyrology
Food and drink
Sustainably produced food reduces CO2 emissions during production and promotes the region’s economy. The University is working to increase the number of organic, fair trade, vegetarian and vegan products in its restaurants.
Broadening Youth Participation in STEM Learning
How can we broaden youth participation in STEM Learning
Research projects
An overview of research themes and projects at ABS.
Studies on molecular basics of metabolic syndrome in zebrafish
The research described in this thesis has, using the zebrafish as a model system, shed new light on the intricate relationship between TB and DM2, in particular on the role of leptin, SHP-1 and glucocorticoids.
Student for a day Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives
Study information
Promoting Legal Certainty and Increasing Judicial Skills in Selected Areas
How can the legal and socio-legal research skills of Indonesian jurists be increased in order to promote legal certainty and to strengthen the capacity of the judicial training in the country?
Re-Presented Pasts: Uses and Re-Uses of the Past in Pre-Modern Islam
A platform to research memory and culture in the Muslim world. This programme explores the ways modern memory studies methodologies can be applied to pre-modern Muslim societies to reveal the uses of the past and senses of tradition in diverse contexts of Muslim thought.
Quality Management in Archaeology
The project entails research by international comparison into the effects of commercialisation in heritage management on the academic relevance and quality of the results of work that is essentially applied research. The research is carried out by Prof. dr. W.J.H. Willems and dr. M.H. van den Dries…
Een gedreven buitenstaander: J.H. van 't Hoff de eerste Nobelprijswinnaar voor Scheikunde
This dissertation presents a new perspective on the life, work and character of the Dutch physical chemist Jacobus Henricus van ’t Hoff, first recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and one of the most important and colourful scientists in Dutch history. The image of Van ’t Hoff that emerges from…
Introduction to Ancient Egypt
Do you live in Egypt and have you always wondered about all the pharaonic heritage surrounding you? This fall NVIC organizes a beginner’s level, introductory course in Egyptology. In 6 richly illustrated lessons, the history of ancient Egypt will be brought to life, both chronologically as well as thematically.…
About ATC
The Academic Language Centre is part of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) and provides language services to students and staff of Leiden University and the Leiden University Medical Centre.
About Leadership
To help us shape the future and achieve our vision and ambitions at Leiden University, we need everyone at the university to show leadership.
The relation between communication and violence in the Guéra and Moyen –Chari regions (Chad) from 1940 to 2010
French title: Communication et violences dans le Guéra et le Moyen-Chari (Tchad) de 1940 à 2010. This research investigates the relationship between the introduction of new means of communication and violence experienced by the local populations in the Moyen-Chari and the Guéra regions in Chad from…
The Renaissance Battle for Rome
Competing Claims to an Idealized Past in Humanist Latin Poetry
Understanding Illegal Logging in Ghana
On 14 October 2020, Joseph Boakye defended his thesis 'Understanding Illegal Logging in Ghana'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.M. Otto and prof.dr. J.G. van Erp (Utrecht University).
Municipality Registration
Everyone who is moving to a new address in The Hague will need to register in the Municipal Personal Records Database of The Hague.
Academy Building
Rapenburg 73, Leiden
Old Observatory
Sterrenwachtlaan 11, Leiden
Reuvensplaats 2-4, Leiden
The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Trade around Europe 1300-1600
This book explores the links between maritime trading networks around Europe, from the Mediterranean and the Atlantic to the North and Baltic Seas.
Frontiers of Children's Rights: A Summer School for Professionals
Study information
Experience Day Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Study information
Serious Game: NATO Summit Crisis Simulation
Serious Game