10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Legitimiteit en rechtswaarborgen bij gesloten plaatsing van kinderen
On 7 March 2019, Maria de Jong-de Kruijf defended her thesis 'Legitimiteit en rechtswaarborgen bij gesloten plaatsing van kinderen'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. mr. M.R. Bruning en Prof. mr. T. Liefaard.
Effects of heavy fields on inflationary cosmology
Promotor: Prof.dr. A. Achucarro, Co-Promotor: J.W. van Holten
Four Coptic homilies attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria
This research studies the authenticity of the texts and tries to find an accurate dating to them using other parallel texts (Sahidic and Arabic), and aims to find out how the people of this age viewed their hero, the founder of orthodoxy, Athanasius.
The cognitive continuum of electronic music
How do we experience electronic music? How does electronic music operate on perceptual, cognitive and affective levels? What are the common concepts activated in the listener’s mind when listening to electronic music? Why and how are these concepts activated?
About us
Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is one of Europe’s leading international research universities. It has seven faculties in the arts, humanities and sciences, spread over locations in Leiden and The Hague. The University has over 6,700 staff members and 29,520 students. The motto of the University…
Modulation of leukocyte homeostasis in atherosclerosis
Promotores: Prof.dr. E.A.L. Biessen, Prof.dr. T.J.C. van Berkel
Creativity in science and innovation
How to stimulate novel research in science and innovation
- Online catalogue
Beyond the Pale: Dutch Extreme Violence in the Indonesian War of Independence, 1945-1949
On 17 August 1945, two days after the Japanese surrender that also brought an end to the Second World War in Asia, Indonesia declared its independence. The declaration was not recognized by the Netherlands, which resorted to force in its attempt to take control of the inevitable process of decolonization.…
Aspects of Jewish life in Roermond and Central Limburg 1275-2018
On the 28th of October Hein van der Bruggen successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Novel factors modulating AGC kinase signaling-controlled polar auxin transport
The PID-directed shift in PIN polarity has been broadly accepted as one of the essential mechanisms for the regulation of auxin transport polarity.
Early Jaina epistemology: a study of the philosophical chapters of the Tattvārthādhigama; With an English translation of the Tattvārthādhigamabhāṣya
Lucas den Boer defended his thesis on 23 April 2020
The Three Dimensions of Archaeology
Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain). Volume 7/Sessions A4b and A12
Promoting Accountability for War Crimes: Should UN Peacekeepers be involved?
Tom Buitelaar is an Assistant Professor in the War, Peace & Justice programme of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. This paper discusses four important challenges to the involvement of UN peace operations in international criminal justice: its effects on host state relations, peace and justice…
Sustaining the unsustainable? The political sustainability of pensions in Finland and the Netherlands
What makes a pension scheme sustainable? Most answers to this question have revolved around expert assessments of pension schemes’ affordability or adequacy. This study shifts focus from the financial or social sustainability of pension scheme designs to their political sustainability. The key question…
The Cosmopolitan Medieval Arabic World
Did you know that Arabic was for centuries the lingua franca in an area stretching from the south of Spain to the Chinese border? And that the Middle East under Muslim rule was the world’s beating heart of trade, but also of science and scholarship?
Acta Politica
Acta Politica is the official journal of the Dutch Political Science Association.
The Agro Pontino archaeological survey
Quantitative uncertainty in LCI
Overall dispersion in LCA as result of inherent uncertainties, spread and unrepresentativeness.
The political effects of intra-EU migration: Evidence from national and European elections in seven countries
This article examines how immigration from Central and Eastern Europe influences political support for Eurosceptic parties.
Writing Novels under the New Order
On the 31 March 2022 Mr. Taufiq Hanafi successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Essayisation in contemporary Chinese emigration literature
This project proposes to connect two discourses highly present in contemporary literary criticism in China, as well as on the world literary scene and academic circles: the discussion on emigration literature and the concept of ‘essayness’ derived mainly from (post)modern Western theories of the ess…
Lava worlds: characterising atmospheres of impossible nature
Over the last three decades, the discovery of exoplanets has revealed the boundless variety of worlds beyond our own Solar System. Majority of planetary systems contain short-period planets that are larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune.
- Leiden Observatory
Control processes in children’s word productions
How does task context affect children’s word productions?
Marking the Default. Auxiliary selection in Southern Italian dialects
This dissertation focuses on the overt marking of φ features encoded on perfective active auxiliaries in a group of Southern Italian dialects.
Taking Place: Parrhesiastic Theater as a model for artistic practice
This research project adresses the question how local and traditional European forms of parrhesiastic theater— events, actions, and performances staged by characters who courageously speak their minds through scenes of excess and laughter, that take place in public view and incite the spectator’s agency…
- Former conferences
Frontex and Human Rights
Melanie Fink, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Europa Institute of Leiden University, has published her book Frontex and Human Rights, Responsibility in 'Multi-Actor Situations' under the ECHR and EU Public Liability Law. This work is based on her doctoral dissertation, which she defended in December…
Methods of contract interpretation
On 20 June, Anne Hendrikx defended the thesis 'Methods of contract interpretation: a model for the interpretation of a contract'. The doctoral research was supervised by Henk Snijders.
The Sociolinguistics of Rhotacization in the Beijing Speech Community
On 21 September 2022 H. Hu successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
In vivo modelling of Ewing sarcoma in zebrafish
Promotores: Prof.dr. P.C.W. Hogendoorn & Prof.dr. H.P. Spaink, Co-promotor: Dr. B.E. Snaar-Jagalska
The editorial board of Inter-Section happily invites contributions from ambitious archaeology students, or recent graduates, of Leiden University’s Faculty of Archaeology. We welcome all sorts of article submissions, as long as they are based on the original work of the author and contribute to the…
- Meet our staff
Research at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) focuses on linguistic variation and diversity. In order to create more awareness and scientific understanding of this topic, research activities are clustered around six (overlapping) umbrella programmes. Many of our researchers are active…
Sincerely believing in freedom
On 30 November, Florian Theissen defended the thesis 'Sincerely believing in freedom: a reconstruction and comparison of the interpretation of the freedom of religion and belief on the Canadian Supreme Court, the South African Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights'. The doctoral…
Lipid bilayers decorated with photosensitive ruthenium complexes
Promotor: E. Bouwman, Co-promotor: S. Bonnet
Application deadlines
Now that you are aware of the admission requirements, it's time to check the application deadlines.
Biomedical Sciences Education
In the Biomedical Sciences Education specialisation you gain knowledge and skills in the area of teaching in biology. The education specialisation is for students who want to work as a first-grade teacher Biology at secondary education or for those who want to specialize in education in general. Since…
Information activities
Come and meet us at the Leiden University!
Neoliberalism and the Transforming Left in India: A Contradictory Manifesto
In contemporary India, the regional state of West Bengal has often been perceived as somewhat of an aberration in the wider context of a rather chaotic democracy, as the Left Front (spearheaded by the Communist Party of India-Marxist, CPIM) demonstrated a rare instance of political stability, decisively…
Shaping Cultural Landscapes
Connecting Agriculture, Crafts, Construction, Transport, and Resilience Strategies
Tunen syntax and information structure
On the 4th of September, Elisabeth J. Kerr successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Elisabeth on this achievement!
Targeted Informed consent: empowering young participants in medical-scientific research
Promotor: J.M. van den Broek Co-promotor: M.C. de Vries
Assessing Legislation for Libya’s Reconstruction
An assessment of Libyan legislation
Taking control of charge transfer: strategic design for solar cells
Promotor: Huub J.M. de Groot, Co-promotor: Francesco Buda
Cancer Drug Target Discovery
In this research group, headed by Prof. Erik Danen, the aim is to unravel cellular signaling mechanisms in normal and diseased cells, with a long-standing interest in cell adhesion signaling. In complex multicellular organisms such as ourselves, a division of labor emerges where different tissues and…
Synthetic model microswimmers near walls
Synthetic microswimmers take an important place within the interdisciplinary field of active soft matter.
The First Horse Herders and the Impact of Early Bronze Age Steppe Expansions into Asia
The article investigates the origins of Indo-European languages in Asia by 65 coupling ancient genomics to archaeology and linguistics.
Essays on trends in income distribution and redistribution in affluent countries and China
Over the last decades, income inequality has increased globally. How do social policies affect this increasing trend? How do international trade and technological progress affect inequality? What is the profile of income inequality in China?