10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Wild versus domestic prey in the diet of tigers
A recent study on reintroduced tigers in Panna Tiger Reserve in India reveals that risks from tigers increased more because of human behaviour and people's livestock husbandry practices.
Bioclock: Light therapy for depression
Optimization, mechanisms of action and predictors of the outcome of light therapy in depression: A multicenter randomized trial
As part of your assignment you are required to contribute to teaching in the Bachelor and the Master programs in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences of Leiden University. You will supervise Bachelor and Master students during the research projects of the students in the laboratory.
Mathematics-based strategies for repairing tumour blood vessels
How does the extracellular matrix coordinate endothelial cell behavior during angiogenesis, and how do metabolic waste-products and matrix-degrading enzymes produced by the tumour modify the extracellular matrix so as the change the cellular coordination?
Networks and community
The D&I Expertise Office is in close contact with various student and staff networks regarding diversity and inclusion.
Moving Romans. Migration to Rome in the Principate.
Moving Romans offers an analysis of Roman migration by applying general insights, models and theories from the field of migration history.
Re-inventing the Nineteenth-Century Tools of Unprescribed Modifications of Rhythm and Tempo in Performances of Brahms’s Symphonies and Concertos
Are there elements of the lost performance practice of the nineteenth century that we can rediscover and use to shed new light on the performance of Brahms’ music for orchestra today?
The (un)willingness to reward cooperators and punish non-cooperators
What are the determinants of the willingness to administer rewards for cooperation and punishments for non-cooperation, and how do they influence people’s sanctioning behavior?
Five talks will be given during the Leiden Science Family Day: two children's lectures and three lectures for adults. Will you be there ?
MSc. Specialisation
Do you have a question about the Business Studies Specialisation? Please find our FAQ's here. If you cannot find the answer, feel free to contact us at info@sbb.leidenuniv.nl.
Animal Sciences
We perform multidisciplinary research at molecular, cellular, and organismal levels of animal biology to increase fundamental understanding of health and disease.
Stone Artefact Production and Exchange among the Lesser Antilles
- Contact
SOLID: Solidarity under strain - A legal, criminological and economic analysis of welfare states and free movement in the EU
Analysing the ways in which immigration structurally challenges and changes the organization and conceptual boundaries of national welfare states.
Scanning mutagenesis in a yeast system delineates the role of the NPxxY(x)(5,6)F motif and helix 8 of the adenosine A(2B) receptor in G protein
Source: Biochem Pharmacol, Volume 95, Issue 4, pp. 290-300 (2015)
The Minor Centres Project
This five year research project aimed to investigate the role of minor central places in the economy of Roman Central Italy.
The development and prevention of social anxiety in youth
What are the developmental pathways to social anxiety (disorder), the causal processes and maintaining factors? How do these factors interact in the development of social anxiety disorder? How can this knowledge be used to design and implement effective preventive intervention programs for youth?
Hidden treasures:
Uncovering task solving processes in dynamic testing
Economic value of non-timber forest products among Paser Indigenous People of East Kalimantan
Promotor: G.A. Persoon, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh
United States
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of Leiden University’s Faculty of Medicine with The Wistar Institute in the United States.
High-Throughput Metabolomics
Development of Comprehensive and High-throughput metabolomics techniques and Clinical applications of (pharmaco)metabolomics
Instructions for authors
Submitted manuscripts will be subject to blind peer review.
Making cards: the language of flowers
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
The main focus of our research programme is on adolescence, a key transitional period in human development. The programme puts emphasis on combined experimental behavioural and neural analysis of normative transitions and deviations in adolescent development.
Education for professionals
Each year, Leiden Law Academy welcomes over 2500 course participants. Outstanding lecturers and renowned specialists from the professional field provide legal courses and training.
Research Programme Colonial and Global History
The Colonial and Global History Research Programme of the Leiden University Institute for History combines a deep curiosity of transcultural processes such as imperialism, (de)colonization, and globalization with critical historical research on regional societies in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
The power of positive peers for socially anxious youth
Can positive peer feedback break the cycle of negative self-relevant cognitive processes and reduce self-reported anxiety in early adolescents?
Student for a day Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives
Study information
Metabolic Characterization of Marine Sponge
Which metabolites of sponge are influenced by individual environmental or biological factors?
Extended piano techniques : in theory, history and performance practice
Playing the piano with your forearm, plucking the strings, sawing through the piano: pianist Luk Vaes's doctoral dissertation covers all the techniques of play for which a piano is NOT designed. His defence ceremony will consist of three concerts and a public defence. 'Musicians were using the interior…
Our alumni
Alumni play an important part in building bridges between the University and society. Leiden University therefore works to maintain and strengthen the links with its graduates and to develop an informed and committed network of alumni.
How can we ensure a more resilient and sustainable supply of Rare Earths in the EU in the future?
Research group War, Peace and Justice
The War, Peace and Justice group unites scholars and practitioners to explore war dynamics, peace promotion, and justice’s role in conflict and global affairs.
How can we increase the financial sector’s resilience to cyber attacks? Get inside the mind of a hacker!
The financial sector is an appealing target for hackers. For that reason, lawmakers and regulators are going to great lengths to make the sector more resilient to cyber attacks. One recent measure was the introduction of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). This new EU regulation is extremely…
Standardized and reproducible measurement of decision-making in mice
In science, it is of vital importance that multiple studies corroborate the same result. Researchers therefore need to know all the details of previous experiments in order to implement the procedures as exactly as possible. However, this is becoming a major problem in neuroscience, as animal studies…
About us
eLaw at Leiden University leads Europe in exploring the intersection of law and digital technologies.
Reference management software
Reference management software is software that enables scholars, researchers, and academics of all types to capture and use citations when creating their bibliography. These programs allow you to import citations from various databases and websites, create and organize bibliographies, and format article…
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of the Faculty of Science with the Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute in Ethiopia.
Adaptive Semi-Strong Ecosystem Dynamics
Developing methodes to understand the evolution of patches in natural ecosystems
Teaching in The Hague is firmly based on research. Alongside bachelor’s and master’s programmes, the University provides school children, professionals and others with an interest the opportunity to develop.
The Advanced LLM programme has been taught since 2000.
About us
The Human Origins group at Leiden University studies the archaeology of hunter-gatherers, from the earliest stone tools in East Africa, more than three million years old, to the origin of sedentary societies towards the end of the last ice age.
Challenging the Buddha's Authority: How Buddhist Narrative Traditions Negotiate Religious Authority
Channi Li defended her thesis on 15 October 2019.
FluidKnowledge – How evaluation shapes ocean science. A multi-scale ethnography of fluid knowledge
FluidKnowledge will investigate the past, present and future of evaluating ocean science. Regarding the past, it will ask how research priorities in ocean science evolved until now. Which lines of inquiry became hot topics, and which died out? Who became global players, who ended up in the periphery?…
Intstitute of Security and Global Affairs participation at OSCE
On June 9-10 2016 Dr. E. Devroe of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) was invited as a key-note speaker on ‘Intelligence Led policing and community oriented policing’ at the annual meeting of the ‘Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’ (OSCE), Transnational Threats Department,…
Evolution & Biodiversity in Animal Sciences
Animal Sciences’ contributions to the Evolution & Biodiversity research theme include evo-devo research, the evolution of cognitive and behavioural traits, and the evolutionary mechanisms of stress adaptation. This research involves both indoor and outdoor studies.
WIC-opvarenden (Seafarers of the Dutch West India Company)
Due to the almost complete disappearance of the archive of the Old Dutch West India Company (WIC, 1621-1674) not much is known about the ships and crews of this company. In this project we start the reconstruction of this basic information making use of new digital humanities techniques to extract this…
Measuring science communication impact
What tools can be applied to measure the output, outcome and impact of science communication efficiently and effectively?
I will maintain, enforce and uphold. Exploration into pluralization of policing functions.
The Directorate-General Police, Sanctions, and Protection has initiated this research project in order to gain insight in the nature and, if possible, the extent of the developments with regards to the pluralization of policing functions in the Netherlands in support of future policies for the benefit…
Religion and Trade: Cross-Cultural Exchanges in World History, 1000-1900
This book published by Oxford University Press discusses religion and trade in world history.