10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Ellipsis licensing beyond syntax
Ellipsis is a frequently used sentence-shortening device. It allows us to leave out material that is evident from the (linguistic) context. Even though the elliptical material is not pronounced, elliptical sentences are not perceived as incomplete.
Agriculture on Loess Soils West of the Rhine
Archaeobotanic research by prof. dr. C. Bakels and students on agriculture.
LUC Experience Day Livestream
Are you interested in Leiden University College The Hague, but unable to travel to our experience day on 16 February? Not to worry! We will offer this event in hybrid format. On this page, you can tune in to the information sessions taking place in our building on February 16th. When the date gets closer,…
Inhibitors and probes targeting mannanases
This thesis describes the synthesis and biochemical evaluation of a variety of cyclophellitol based activity-based probes and inhibitors targeting various endo- and exo-acting retaining glycosidases. In the last two decades a variety of probes and inhibitors for (hemi)cellulose degrading enzymes have…
The Guava Platform
The Guava Platform, which is at the centre of this PhD thesis, was initiated in 2014 as a conceptual framework of my art practice and research. The aim of the Guava Platform is to research and create possible techniques of art-actions that are part of my quest to continue to live in the conflicted landscape,…
Evaluation of the pilot Teen Courts
The effect of the pilot Teen courts will be evaluated by means of a programme, process and effect study based on qualitative research methods.
Career prospects
After graduation you have a lot of opportunities: the field of science communication is very broad. You can also aim for a career in industry or research.
About the program
Many countries and regions face a wide variety of challenges resulting from migration and mobility. Solutions that have been formulated range from policies and regulations for immigration, to education and stimulating social participation, to restructuring the welfare state. These challenges and policies…
Classics (800 BCE−600 CE)
This research cluster aims to analyse and interpret the formation and transmission of Graeco-Roman culture by exploring the relationships between cultural products (texts, objects, practices) and their societal and historical contexts.
Learning by Doing in Journalism
Students at Leiden University College (LUC) gain an understanding of journalism ‘from the inside out’ through innovative teaching methods in the courses Multimedia Journalism, Investigative Journalism and Gender, Media and Conflict. By simulating the actual daily tasks of journalists, they are exposed…
- ICM 2019
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Get the most out of your studies at Leiden University by taking part in our extracurricular activities.
Leiden University was the first university to be established in the Netherlands. William of Orange gave Leiden Academia Lugduno Batava in 1575, it is said in recognition of the city’s courageous resistance against the seige by the Spanish invaders.
Sustainability in Education
Check this page regularly for more information about incorporating sustainability within the education of Leiden University.
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
Sustaining total war: Militarisation, economic mobilisation and social change in Japan and Korea (1931-1953)
This project investigates the effects of the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945) and the Korean War (1950-1953) on the production, distribution, preparation and consumption of food in transwar Japan and Korea.
Information for authors
The Common Market Law Review welcomes contributions from any country. Articles will be subjected to a review procedure by the Editorial Board.
Sustainability Day 2023: The Planetary Boundaries and Spring Podcast Competition
On May 9th 2023, LUGO hosted its big Sustainability Day Event, on the theme: the planetary boundaries! The event, which took place at the Academy Building in Leiden, included an opening talk by Prof.dr.ing. Jan Willem Erisman, among others. At the closing, LUGO also awarded its first place prize for…
Understanding plant transgenesis
How is Pol θ responsible for T-DNA integration, and how do other DNA double-strand break repair pathways interact with Pol θ? How may we manipulate T-DNA integration to stimulate error-free integration at a predetermined genomic site?
The chlorine chain study
A substance flow analysis, covering about 99 % of the flows of chlorinated substances in the Netherlands.
From Data to ACTive lifestyle in Wheelchair users (D-ACT-Wheel)
Making the Virtuagym e-platform suitable for wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury or lower limb amputation.
Grotius Centre
Leiden University has a long and outstanding tradition in the field of public international law.
Microbial Sciences
In the research programme Microbial Sciences we perform state-of-the-art research in the field of biotechnology and microbial sciences.
Revolutie of zinsbegoocheling?
Wordt het nog wat met de Arabische lente?
Minerva in her Study
Following its foundation in 1575, Leiden University was quick to incorporate Roman goddess Minerva in its coat of arms. This explains why Rembrandt’s Minerva from 1635 can be seen on the façade of the Academy Building, which has been in use by the University since 1581. This is where, in the Senate…
In vivo tracking and biodistribution of protein aggregates
Therapeutic proteins have revolutionized the treatment of many severe diseases like multiple sclerosis, haemophilia, diabetes and many more. Unfortunately, even recombinant proteins with structures (almost) identical to those of their endogenous counterparts often induce the formation of anti drug antibodies…
Gender, Sexuality and Identity in Contemporary Sinophone Cinema
This doctoral project, entitled Sinophone as Method: Reimaging Chinese Cinema in the Global Era, aims to explore the intricacies of knowledges and practices with regard to notions of China, Chinese, and Chineseness.
- International Studies Live Webinars and Q&A's
LCA of Printed and E-paper Documents
Comparing the global warming potential (GWP) of the service provided by an iRex Digital Reader to the same service provided by an office printer using a scanning LCA.
Poiesis and the Performance Practice of Physically Polyphonic Notations
This research revolves around the philosophical and linguistic elements that naturally belong to the process of learning music scores, including complex contemporary repertoire distinguished by physically decoupled notations or physical polyphonic notations.
New University Sports Centre
Leiden University began the construction of a new University Sports Centre in collaboration with the construction and design firm Binx Smartility. The current sports center no longer meets sustainability requirements and is also becoming too cramped. The building will also serve as an examination ce…
Reference management software
Reference management software is software that enables scholars, researchers, and academics of all types to capture and use citations when creating their bibliography. These programs allow you to import citations from various databases and websites, create and organize bibliographies, and format article…
The Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic: origin and accentuation
This dissertation provides a thorough review of the words belonging to the oldest layer of Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic and answers the question of how these words were adapted to the Proto-Slavic accentual system.
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of the Faculty of Science with the Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute in Ethiopia.
About us
The Human Origins group at Leiden University studies the archaeology of hunter-gatherers, from the earliest stone tools in East Africa, more than three million years old, to the origin of sedentary societies towards the end of the last ice age.
The Active Learning Network & Saltswat Pilot Program
2 joint initiatives began in 2019 which attempt to connect the various efforts around active learning at Leiden University: the active learning network, and the Saltswat project.
Sustainability in education
The university aims to expose all students to sustainability topics and issues that are relevant to their field during their time studying here. Students are educated to become academic professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to the sustainability transition.
Thalia Hoffman
Thalia Hoffman is a visual artist and researcher working in film, video, performance, and public interventions in the area she lives in, east of the Mediterranean. In 2020 she graduated from the Leiden University PhDArts programme, with the thesis Guava, a conceptual platform for art-actions.
I will maintain, enforce and uphold. Exploration into pluralization of policing functions.
The Directorate-General Police, Sanctions, and Protection has initiated this research project in order to gain insight in the nature and, if possible, the extent of the developments with regards to the pluralization of policing functions in the Netherlands in support of future policies for the benefit…
FluidKnowledge – How evaluation shapes ocean science. A multi-scale ethnography of fluid knowledge
FluidKnowledge will investigate the past, present and future of evaluating ocean science. Regarding the past, it will ask how research priorities in ocean science evolved until now. Which lines of inquiry became hot topics, and which died out? Who became global players, who ended up in the periphery?…
Teaching in The Hague is firmly based on research. Alongside bachelor’s and master’s programmes, the University provides school children, professionals and others with an interest the opportunity to develop.
The Advanced LLM programme has been taught since 2000.
Challenging the Buddha's Authority: How Buddhist Narrative Traditions Negotiate Religious Authority
Channi Li defended her thesis on 15 October 2019.
Rethinking Crime and Punishment
In his lecture, Professor Platt discussed some of the main arguments from his latest book entitled “Beyond these Walls: Rethinking Crime and Punishment in the United States”
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1500 - Now
The key subject of the research programme Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence 1500 - Now (CMGI) is Inequality (at local, national and global levels).
Building Blocks for the Rule of Law
Legal education initiative of the Leiden University, the University of Groningen and Universitas Indonesia.
Adaptive Semi-Strong Ecosystem Dynamics
Developing methodes to understand the evolution of patches in natural ecosystems
Information for employers
Are you an employer and do you want to know more about the Honours College? On this page you will find information on the educational principles, the number of participants and the certificate.