3,787 search results for “russian and sociale linguistics” in the Public website
Lab facilities Social and Organisational Psychology
Observational, cognitive and physiological measurements in social contexts.
EU H2020 RISE Social Media Analytics
LIACS is a partner in RISE_SMA, an interdisciplinary, international network combining excellent scholars and practitioners to enable vigorous knowledge sharing and to develop solutions for contemporary challenges for Social Media Analytics (SMA).
Arend Quak
Faculty of Humanities
Enrico Odelli
Faculty of Humanities
Colin Ewen
Faculty of Humanities
Astrid Vandendaele
Faculty of Humanities
Saskia Dunn
Faculty of Humanities
Xuan Tang
Faculty of Humanities
Anikó Lipták
Faculty of Humanities
Tian Yang
Faculty of Humanities
Maria del Carmen Parafita Couto
Faculty of Humanities
Tina Cambier-Langeveld
Faculty of Humanities
Nancy Kula
Faculty of Humanities
Jenneke van der Wal
Faculty of Humanities
Social Anxiety and Specific Phobia in Youth
From basic science to real-world interventions
European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2025
Languages of The Hague
Languages of The Hague is a collection of columns on languages and language which were published between 2016 and 2018 in the weekly newspaper Den Haag Centraal.
Alanna O'Malley in The Irish Times about the risk of expelling the Russian ambassador in Ireland
Alanna O'Malley, Associate Professor at Leiden University Institute for History, talks about the possible expelling of the Russian ambassador Yuriy Filatov and the risks that come with the decision.
The Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic: origin and accentuation
This dissertation provides a thorough review of the words belonging to the oldest layer of Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic and answers the question of how these words were adapted to the Proto-Slavic accentual system.
Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
A warm welcome to the Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University.
Historical sociolinguistics
When researching languages in historical context, our goal is to understand the nature of linguistic variation in the past, and explain the extent to which the socio-cultural context of bygone times contributed to shaping linguistic variation and change.
The syntax of verbal pseudo-coordination in English and Afrikaans
This dissertation provides a systematic description of English and Afrikaans verbal pseudo-coordination and a formal analysis couched in the Minimalist program.
A Web of Relations: A grammar of rGyalrong Jiăomùzú (Kyom-kyo) dialects
This dissertation is a comprehensive description of the Jiăomùzú dialects. These dialects belong to the Tibetan-Birmese language of the rGyalrong spoken in the province Sìchuā, China.
The Tocharian subjunctive (2004-2010)
In this study, the formation of the Tocharian subjunctive is described, its use and meaning are analysed and its origins are investigated.
Analyzability and semantic associations in referring expressions: A study in comparative lexicology
This thesis is a sample-based typological study of formal and semantic patterns in terms for a selection of referring (
Unknown 18th-century Dutch: language variation in private letters
How did common people write in the late eighteenth century? Little is yet known on this topic, since our knowledge is mainly based on printed texts written by a small part of the (male) elite population. This dissertation – written from a sociolinguistic point of view – gives us new insights into late-…
Social safety and confidential advisors
LIACS is committed to inclusive work and study experiences, respectful of all students and staff, and free of discrimination, harassment, bullying, or retaliation. An inclusive and respectful atmosphere is vital to free expression and the open exchange of ideas.
Social Dimensions of Privacy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Written by a select international group of leading privacy scholars, Social Dimensions of Privacy endorses and develops an innovative approach to privacy.
Olga Lundysheva
Faculty of Humanities
The Social World of Babylonian Priests
This thesis, conducted in the framework of ERC Starting grant project BABYLON (PI: Caroline Waerzeggers), presents an investigation into Babylonian society, focusing on the city of Borsippa during Neo-Babylonian and early Persian rule (c. 620-484 BCE).
Episcopal social networks and patronage in late antique Egypt: Bishops of the Theban region at work
The proposed research project examines the social role of two monk-bishops in seventh-century Egypt, Abraham of Hermonthis and Pesynthios of Koptos, by reconstructing their social networks on the basis of their archival documents.
Threat and Challenge in Social Contexts
How can cardiovascular responses index challenge and threat motivational states? How do challenge and threat states shape, and are shaped by, social relations?
2012 Publication 'Stemmen op berkenbast'
Jos Schaeken has just published a book entitled 'Stemmen op berkenbast. Berichten uit middeleeuws Rusland: dagelijks leven en communicatie'.
Royal distinction for linguist Ingrid Tieken
Professor of Sociohistorical Linguistics Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade was appointed Knight in the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands on 11 September in her home city of The Hague. Deputy Mayor Bert van Alphen presented her with the decoration.
Trends in social assistance, minimum income benefits and income polarization in an international perspective
Social assistance and minimum income benefits are important instruments as a safeguard against low income and poverty. There have been major developments in minimum income benefits both in developed and developing countries over the last decades. Our study collects several empirical studies regarding…
Evania Lina Fasya
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Van der Heijden Chair Social Justice
On the occasion of prof Paul van der Heijden’s stepping down as Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board of Leiden University in 2013 the Chair bearing his name on Social Justice was established. It was a “farewell present” of the Leiden University to it’s Rector.
Tracing Prehistoric Social Networks through Technology
A Diachronic Perspective on the Aegean
- Social Sciences and Humanities Education: Religious Studies
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn
Faculty of Humanities
Changing minds in social anxiety: A developmental network approach to neurocognitive bias modification
Which adolescents are more at risk of developing social anxiety disorder later in life?
Resumptive Prolepsis. A Study in Indirect A'-Dependencies
This dissertation investigates A'-dependencies in Standard German, Zurich German and Dutch where the dislocated constituent is indirectly, i.e. not transformationally, related to the position where it is interpreted. The analysis is carried out within the Principles & Parameters framework.
Yes/no question-marking in Italian dialects - A typological, theoretical and experimental approach
This dissertation provides an account of polar questions in Italian dialects from a typological, theoretical and empirical perspective.
Word order and information structure in Makhuwa-Enahara
This dissertation investigates the grammar of Makhuwa-Enahara, a Bantu language spoken in the north of Mozambique. The information structure is an influential factor in this language, determining the word order and the use of special conjugations known as conjoint and disjoint verb forms.
The Syntax of Object Marking in Sambaa: A comparative Bantu perspective
This thesis investigates the syntax of object marking in Sambaa and the Bantu languages in general, with particular focus on Swahili and Haya, as points of comparison.
Temporal Construals of Bare Predicates in Mandarin Chinese
This study presents the first systematic investigation and detailed theoretical analysis of the temporal interpretations of sentences with bare (aspectually unmarked) predicates in Mandarin.
Irina Morozova
Faculty of Humanities
Material Culture, Consumption and Social Change
New Approaches to Understanding the Eastern Mediterranean during Byzantine and Ottoman Times
Politiques, Education et Identités Linguistiques, le collège des Frères des écoles chrétiennes de Jérusalem (1922-1939)
This dissertation sheds light on politics, education and linguistic identity by studying the case of the College of Jerusalem, founded by the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
After Orientalism
Critical Perspectives on Western Agency and Eastern Re-appropriations