3,820 search results for “leiden bio science paul” in the Public website
D'Erman, Schure & Verdun, Economic and Financial Governance in the European Union after a Decade of Economic and Political Crises
Introducing five papers about of the impact of crises on the governance, decision-making, and institutional design of the Euro Area, political scientists Valerie D'Erman (University of Victoria, Canada), Paul Schure (University of Victoria, Canada) and Amy Verdun (Leiden University) summarise the 'lessons…
Read about science & research
Scientific research is the main focus of our program. We expect new students to understand what it is and how it works.
Biomedical Sciences Education
In the Biomedical Sciences Education specialisation you gain knowledge and skills in the area of teaching in biology. The education specialisation is for students who want to work as a first-grade teacher Biology at secondary education or for those who want to specialize in education in general. Since…
Events at Leiden Science
The We Are Science Week, inspiring lectures, and enjoyable gatherings. This year, we frequently came together to inspire and connect with one another. Our biggest event took place at the start of the academic year in September: the official opening of our new Gorlaeus building.
Computer Science & Economics (BSc)
Met de bachelorspecialisatie Informatica & Economie aan de Universiteit Leiden leer je waardevolle inzichten in de economie te combineren met (programmeer)vaardigheden en kennis uit de informatica.
Computational Network Science Lab
The Leiden Computational Network Science Lab (CNS Lab) researches methods for knowledge discovery from real-world network data.
Archaeological Science (MSc)
Archaeological Science at Leiden University is an MSc specialisation that delves into the specifics of archaeological methods and techniques. The combination of hands-on field experience and laboratory work offers a challenging and rewarding research environment.
Sculptures in Leiden exhibition is intriguing and endearing
Art and science: are they polar opposites? The theme of this year’s Sculptures in Leiden open air exhibition is ‘life sciences’. It has resulted in many intriguing sculptures, including one that is especially endearing.
Quantum Information Science & Technology
Quantum Information Science & Technology is a new joint degree master programme by Leiden University and TU Delft. Below you can find a video of the campus of the Science Faculty of Leiden University where a part of the lectures will take place. A video about the programme's content and structure…
Health Data Science
Health research, medical practice and consequently the whole population is increasingly affected by digitization, data science and AI.
Paul Abels in NRC about the role of Dutch Intelligence Services (AIVD) in the fight against drug trafficking
Minister Grapperhaus wants to use intelligence services in the investigation of drug crime. There are many doubts about this wish in the intelligence world. Paul Abels, Professor by Special Appointment Governance of Intelligence and Security Services at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA),…
Faculty of Science
Information on contract teaching at the Faculty of Science.
- Faculty of Science
We are Science
Curiosity and a passion for science - that’s what connects the people at FWN. Our Faculty is international and diverse, and together we create a great place to work. Check out this site to see what we do and how you can get involved.
Biomedical Sciences Research
The Biomedical Sciences research specialisation aims to provide you with a theoretical background and academic competences in multidisciplinary research in Biomedical Sciences. The entire programme is taught in English.
- Science for Sustainable Societies
Statistics and Data Science
Are you thinking about studying Statistics and Data Science? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Life Science and Technology
Are you thinking about studying Life Science and Technology? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Political Science (MSc)
Choice is at the very heart of politics. War or peace, left or right, liberty or security, sovereignty or integration, consensus or conflict—choices matter. Choice is also key to your education. Choose an intellectually challenging programme in which you develop your knowledge and expertise in the study…
Towards Open and Reproducible Terrorism Studies: Current Trends and Next Steps
In recent years, the use of primary data in terrorism research has increased. In order to maximise the benefits of this trend, we want to encourage terrorism scholars to implement open science practices more systematically. This article therefore presents different avenues towards open and reproducible…
Neeltje Blankenstein
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Spinoza project Statistical Science
Developing and investigating statistical methods for complex data and models
Science Experience Tours
During the Leiden Science Family Day, you will visit places that are normally closed to the public: go backstage at the Faculty of Science!
Digiuseppe & Poast, ‘Arms versus Democratic Allies’
In theory, states can gain security by acquiring internal arms or external allies. Yet the empirical literature offers mixed findings: some studies find arms and allies to be substitutes, while others find them to be complements. Political scientists Matthew Digiuseppe (Leiden University) and Paul Poast…
Molecular Science & Technology (BSc)
Chemistry is all around us: from nutrition and smartphones to medicine. The field is developing rapidly, as the world population continues to grow and resources become scarce. MST will educate you on the basics of working towards a clean and healthy world.
Paul Abels in Dutch newspaper NRC about the role of the Dutch Intelligence Service in the Haga issue
In recent months, the Dutch Islamic Haga Lyceum has increasingly come under the suspicion. The school is suspected of spreading a state-threatening version of the Salafist doctrine. This information came from the Dutch Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD).
Nearly all buildings at LBSP open and operating again from Wednesday 24 May
Nearly all university buildings at the Leiden Bio Science Park will be open and operating again as of Wednesday 24 May. Last night a team worked hard to restore the power to the buildings in phases and this was successful. Students and staff can work and study there again.
within Parameters : towards a mature evaluative historiography of science
Historiography of science is in its current self-image a non-evaluative discipline. Its main goal is to understand past processes of knowledge formation on their own terms. In the last few decades this approach has greatly improved our understanding of the phenomenon of science. Yet, something strange…
Jaap-Willem Mink
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Laurens van Gestel
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Science for Society
By carrying out fundamental research and providing excellent education, universities become a breeding ground for innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Teaching Computer Science (MSc)
Capitalising on research to benefit patients
Menzo Havenga, CEO of Batavia Biosciences on the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP), has a favourite hobbyhorse: the Clinical Development Board. The aim of this board is to make sure that high-impact research results in high-value products that will benefit patients.
Journal of Quaternary Science
Scientists, including our faculty colleague Dr. Mike Field, studying an exceptionally well-preserved woolly rhinoceros have revealed details of what Britain's environment was like 42,000 years ago. The beast's remains were discovered in Staffordshire in 2002, buried alongside other preserved organisms…
Ben de Jong and Paul Abels in Dutch Newspaper AD on the Espionage Case between the Netherlands and Russia
Ben de Jong and Paul Abels, both working for ISGA, discuss the Russian claim that espionage equipment was found in Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad (AD). According to the Russians the equipment was found in one of the cars used by their diplomats in The Hague.
Flash interview with alumna and brand new MP Mariëlle Paul
Starting as an MP during the Covid-19 pandemic and after the recent ‘role elsewhere’ debacle during the coalition talks for a new Dutch government, alumna Mariëlle is looking forward to making a real contribution in society.
Living Lab moves: first new ditches dug
Leiden University’s Living Lab is moving to the middle of the Leiden Bio Science Park. In the lab’s new home between the University of Applied Sciences, Mentor and Naturalis Biodiversity Center, the first ditches have now been dug. This new location is more accessible to both researchers and the public.…
Computer Science and Education (MSc)
The master’s specialisation Computer Science and Education at Leiden University prepares students to teach the subject of biology to secondary school students. The programme comprises a one-year Computer Science component, followed by an education component in the second year.
Earth, Energy and Sustainability (BSc Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
At the start of the 20th century there were fewer than 2 billion people. Now at over 7 billion, Earth’s population is on target to reach 8 billion by 2027. How has this dramatic increase in human population impacted Earth’s life support systems and natural resources? How should we understand the meaning…
Astronomy and Data Science (MSc)
The Astronomy and Data Science master’s specialisation at Leiden University combines advanced Astronomy courses with relevant courses from the Computer Science programme at Leiden University.
Educational Science (MSc)
The Master’s specialisation Educational Science offers students cutting-edge insights into how individuals develop and learn and how education can be optimized to include every learner.
LION Science Day
Every year, the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) organises the Science Day. The goal is to highlight the newest research at LION, to socialise, and to welcome first year master students and new PhD candidates to our institute.
The group is involved in training in areas of diagnostic skills, treatment/prevention/intervention, neuropsychological assessment, behavioral observations, clinical interviewing, knowledge of intellectual disability, autism, ADHD, psychosis and aggression.
Biomedical Sciences (BSc)
If you wish to know exactly what is going on in a healthy or sick human body, and at various levels such as molecule, cell, tissue, organ, larger systems and a person as a whole? Do you wish to learn how to do research which contributes to diagnoses, treatment and prevention of diseases? Then the bachelor…
Quantum Information Science & Technology (MSc)
Quantum Information Science & Technology (QIST) encompasses the understanding, design, construction and investigation of quantum information processing systems, such as quantum computers, quantum communication networks, and quantum sensors.
Recap: Leiden Science in 2024
What did we do over the past year? Well, we played quantum games, helped develop an instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope and started a new bachelor's programme. Oh, yeah, and we officially opened our brand new Gorlaeus Building! Warm up the fingers and get ready to click and scroll through…
Sabine van der Asdonk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Chenxiao Zhao
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Robert-jan de Rooij
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
What is Liberal Arts and Sciences?
Perhaps you are completely new to the concept of Liberal Arts and Sciences, or perhaps you are familiar with the Liberal Arts colleges of the United States. So, what actually is Liberal Arts & Sciences, and why has it become so popular in the Netherlands in recent years?