2,973 search results for “experimental onderzoek near leesontwikkeling” in the Public website
Genetic and environmental factors determining heterogeneity in preservation stress resistance of Aspergillus niger conidia
Fungal food spoilage often starts with a contamination with spores. Experimental data strongly indicate the existence of subpopulations of spores with different levels of resistance to preservation methods.
The use of computational toxicology in hazard assessment of engineered nanomaterials
Assessing the risks of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) solely on the basis of experimental assays is time-consuming, resource intensive, and constrained by ethical considerations (such as the principles of the 3Rs of animal testing). The adoption of computational toxicology in this field is a high p…
Archaeologist Diederik Pomstra subjects himself to wild food experiment
What did our distant ancestors eat and how did they prepare their food? For the length of a month, experimental archaeologist Diederik Pomstra subjects himself to a rigorous palaeodiet. He is vlogging about his experiences to reach a non-academic audience.
Motion of stars near Milky Way's central black hole is only predictable for few hundred years
The orbits of 27 stars orbiting closely around the black hole at the center of our Milky Way are very chaotic. As a result, researchers cannot predict with confidence where they will be in about 462 years. ‘That is astonishingly short,’ says astronomer Simon Portegies Zwart who collaborated on the r…
Who was the owner of the drowned books near Texel? 'It must be someone who travelled a lot'
When hobby divers revisited a nearly 400-year-old shipwreck off the coast of Texel, they discovered more than 1,000 objects in wooden boxes. Eight years later, postdoc Janet Dickinson used recovered books to compile a profile of the mysterious owner.
Leiden Graduate Journal: the first step to a career in academics
Publishing an article as early as during your studies. Master's students of Nanne Timmer and Astrid Weyenberg are doing it. In the new course 'Leiden Graduate Journal Culture and Society' they are creating an academic journal.
GMP facility for innovative drugs (KFT-J10 / IGFL)
The GMP Facility facilitates development and production of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) and chemical (peptide) synthesis.
Twisted light and helical structures
Wolfgang Lüffler
The Anharmonic Infrared Spectra of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
This thesis presents the anharmonic infrared spectra of a series of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Comparisons and characterizations are made based on high-resolution low-temperature gas-phase experimental spectra.
Selectivity and competition between the anodic evolution of oxygen and chlorine
Sustainable energy from wind and solar is most readily available near the sea.
Plasmonic enhancement of single-molecule fluorescence under one- and two-photon excitation
This thesis aims to improve the detection from ultra-weak single emitter by enhancing their emission properties with plasmonic nanostructures. We exploit the wet-chemically synthesized single crystalline gold nanorods (GNRs) as our basic frameworks in the whole studies, simply because of their unique…
Tell Sabi Abyad – The Late Neolithic Settlement
Report on the Excavations of the University of Amsterdam (1988) and the National Museum of Antiquities Leiden (1991-1993) in Syria.
Innovatie in de hepatologie door klinisch en translationeel onderzoek
Valedictory lecture
Over nut en noodzaak van onderzoek naar hoger onderwijs
Inaugural lecture
Veranderend kunstenaarschap - De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken
De positie van kunst en kunstenaars in de westerse samenleving
The speaker in speech – the interdependence of linguistic and indexical information
Which features characterize speakers’ voices, and how are these features determined by what a speaker is saying?
Research schools in chemistry
The Leiden Institute of Chemistry actively participates in several national research schools for MSc and PhD students. These schools are consortia that stimulate collaboration between research groups of the different participating Dutch universities. The research schools also offer advanced training…
The Manichaeans of Kellis: Religion, Community, and Everyday Life
Mattias Brand defended his thesis on 10 April 2019
Behavioural insights for governance and policy: Towards inter- and transdisciplinarity in research and (executive) education
How can interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations between psychology and public administration contribute to the development and application of behavioural insights that improve government functioning and its interaction with citizens?
Youth and safety
Policy studies and interventions in the field of Youth
Project for protection Syrian archaeology on Dutch radio
Olivier Nieuwenhuijse, project leader of the project Focus Raqqa, was hosted by the NOS Radio 1 news broadcast on February 16, 2017.
Iterative tone spreading and experimentally testing tonal spread
Tuberculosis causes 1.5 million deaths yearly and anti-tuberculosis therapies are threatened by emergence of drug resistance. Development of innovative drug combinations should be accelerated with the use of translational pharmacological models. Moreover, host-directed therapies (HDT), which stimulate…
Quantitative Pharmacology
The Quantitative Pharmacology group headed by Coen van Hasselt focusses on the application of state-of-the-art quantitative pharmacometrics and systems pharmacology modeling combined with translational experimental models to develop personalized treatment strategies for antibiotics and to combat antimicrobial…
Why Leiden University?
The Physics and Quantum Matter and Optics specialisation is one of the two programmes Leiden offers in experimental physics. The programme can be tailored to individual needs and interests.
All-gender toilet Herta Mohr
Herta Mohr, Witte Singel 27A, 2311 BG, Leiden
- About the speakers
Evolution & Biodiversity in Microbial Sciences
Microbial Sciences' contribution to the Evolution & Biodiversity research theme focuses on understanding how bacteria sense and respond to their environment, and how bacterial diversity and evolution is influenced by cooperative and antagonistic interactions taking place between microbes.
Ecotox is a stimulating top-facility that provides an integrative research environment around the topic of ecotoxicological testing and experimental research. Research focus: Dose-response modelling Mode-of-actions and mechanism-of-actions Test method development, in view of targets in AOPs (adverse…
Metabolic Relations Increase/reduction
This zine is an experimentation in layering and juxtaposition as bonding relations of care by Federico de Musso.
Anisotropy in cell mechanics
Mechanical interactions between cells and their environment play an important role in many biological processes.
Quantum Emitters
We study the dynamics of individual emitters in micro cavities.
Student projects
We invite you to develop your academic skills by joining our research group and develop your own short term project in the bachelor phase. We offer longer term research projects for master students.
Drug discovery pipeline
The drug discovery pipeline is used to describe the stages in drug discovery. The earliest stage concerns with the identification of potential targets and molecules ('hits') that can modulate their function, while more advanced stages are about developing these hits into viable experimental drugs and…
Jorke Grotenhuis
Faculty of Humanities
Wouter Hofland
More than the Story
Considering Mesoamerican Precolonial books as material objects
Urban ecology and avian acoustics: Function and evolution of birdsong in a changing world
Birds sing to be heard, but how do they cope with increasing noise levels? Which species persist in cities and why? And do they thrive or suffer in the urban soundscape?
About the programme
Dive into the heart of archaeological science: explore the flora and fauna of bygone ages, study human bones and teeth, analyse the cultural biographies of material objects, or become an expert in the use of digital data in archaeological research.
ELS@Leiden research encompasses a wide range of empirical-legal projects carried out within Leiden Law School from the perspective of multiple disciplines and methods. Here you can find the publications of our (former) lab members since the start of the Sector Plan.
Public Event International Day of Women & Girls in Science
This event is in Dutch. De Verenigde Naties hebben 11 februari uitgeroepen tot International Day of Women & Girls in Science. De Universiteit Leiden viert deze dag met een open publieksevenement met vrouwelijke topwetenschappers van haar bètafaculteit. Iedereen is welkom vanaf 13:30 uur in het Kamerlingh…
Insights into the mechanism of electrocatalytic CO2 reduction and concomitant catalyst degradation pathways
This work describes several studies into the electroreduction of carbon dioxide (CO2RR), both regarding mechanistical aspects and catalyst stability considerations. Mechanistic insights into carbon-carbon bond formation on a silver catalyst are described in Ch 2, were we find an acetaldehyde-like surface…
The Belgian epigraphic and archaeological mission at Shanhur
Update : August 2017 Dr Harco Willems
Non-food vending machine Snellius
Snellius, Niels Bohrweg 1, 2333 CA, Leiden
Non-food vending machine Lecture Hall
Lecture Hall, Einsteinweg 57, 2333 CC, Leiden
CPP Colloquium 'Design for Democracy: Deliberation and Experimentation'
Can humans observe a single particle of light? (And what does that say about our brain?)
Hoping to learn something about the human brain, Leiden researchers are creating a setup to shoot single photons, particles of light, into someone’s eye. ‘The eye is a passageway to the brain.’
Linguistics (specialisation) (MA)
In the one-year Linguistics specialisation programme you will be able to focus on a specific thematic or disciplinary route, reflecting the linguistics expertise present at Leiden University.
The CIGR comprises research groups from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR) and the Leiden Institue of Physics (LION).
Quantum dots in microcavities: From single spins to engineered quantum states of light
A single self-assembled semiconductor quantum dot in a high-finesse optical microcavity - the subject of this thesis - is an interesting quantum-mechanical system for future quantum applications. For instance, this system allows trapping of an extra electron and thus can serve as a spin quantum memory,…