2,637 search results for “dat or hard hearing” in the Public website
Alumni's experiences
What's it like to participate in the Leiden Leadership Programme? Alumni share their experiences: 'You learn things about leadership and can immediately put them into practice.'
A significant proportion of what will constitute your ‘Leiden University experience’ will be the accommodation that you stay in and the fellow students that you’ll meet there.
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Doctoral Degree Frank Blokland
On Tuesday October 11th, ACPA’s PhD-candidate Frank Blokland will publicly defend his thesis “On the origin of patterning in movable Latin type: Renaissance standardisation, systematisation, and unitisation of textura and roman type”.
‘The linguist’s work is by no means done’
Brain research and statistics are advancing our understanding of language and language acquisition. Linguists are still essential, however, says Professor of Dutch Linguistics Sjef Barbiers. Inaugural lecture on 8 December.
Seminar 'Dievenland: De spelregels van een publieksboek' (online)
Het bredere thema van de bijeenkomst (7 december, 16:00-18:00, online), geleid door Janna Coomans (Utrecht), is: hoe kan je op basis van middeleeuwse bronnen een publieksboek schrijven, en in hoeverre verschilt zo’n werk van een academische studie? We zullen een eerste concept van een boekproject bespreken…
Call for Papers - BM Gelre
Het jaarboek Bijdragen en Mededelingen Gelderland wil jonge afgestudeerde historici graag een plek bieden om hun (scriptie)onderzoek, over een onderwerp dat raakt aan de geschiedenis van Gelre en Gelderland, in de vorm van een artikel aan een geïnteresseerd publiek te presenteren. Interesse? Stuur…
Vacancy Postdoc (Ghent)
In de context van het FWO Project "The Social Life of Early Netherlandish Painting" dat wordt geleid door Frederik Buylaert, Jan Dumolyn (beiden Vakgroep Geschiedenis) en Maximiliaan Martens (Vakgroep Kunst-, Muziek- en Theaterwetenschappen) is een driejarige postdoctorale onderzoekspositie beschikbaar.…
HDC-publiekssymposium (Amsterdam)
Er is dit jaar veel aandacht voor de ‘geboorte van Nederland’ 450 jaar geleden. Minder bekend is dat in 1572 ook de Protestantse Kerk in Nederland in de wieg lag, terwijl de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk voor een paar eeuwen schijndood werd verklaard. In het kader van de Maand van de Geschiedenis brengt het…
Aankondiging promotie van Joanka van der Laan (Groningen)
Promotie van Joanka van der Laan: "Enacting Devotion: Performative Religious Reading in the Low Countries (ca. 1470-1550)" Promotoren: Prof. dr. B.A.M. Ramakers en Prof. dr. S. Corbellini Plaats en datum: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 26 augustus, 16.15 Vanwege de coronamaatregelen is het aantal…
Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology
Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology focuses on the application of scientific psychological knowledge of social processes within and between groups of people and individuals, in organisations, but also during economic and consumer decisions.
Fall of Misinformation Series: Ionica Smeets
Misinformation spreads easily and fast. It gets presented as news, whereas actual news gets dismissed as fake. Conflicting streams of information allows all sides to cherry-pick whatever is most comfortable, boosting degrees of confidence and confusing the deliberation of both politicians and voters.…
Value Congruence in a Multinational Corporation
On 29 June 2017, Doris Dull-Zessner defended her PhD dissertation “Value Congruence in a Multinational Corporation”. The supervisors are Professor J.A.A. Adriaanse and Professor J.I. van der Rest.
Public Administration: Multi-Level Governance
The public sector is increasingly a multi-level system, with interactions between public and private actors on the national, sub-national (provinces, regions) and international level and various public, semi-public and private organisations that perform public tasks. In this minor students pay attention…
Artificial Intelligence (MSc)
The master’s specialisation Artificial Intelligence offers future-oriented topics in computer science with a focus on machine learning, optimization algorithms, and decision support techniques.
Student Life
Leiden and The Hague are real student cities and has everything you’ll need to turn your time as a student into the time of your life.
Sustainability Award
The moment is there: LUGO can finally announce the winner of the Sustainability Award 2020!
Semi-empirical approach to the simulation of molecule-surface reaction dynamics
Catalysis is of extreme relevance in the production of everyday materials and plays a central role in many aspects of our life.
Systems pharmacology of the amyloid cascade
According to the amyloid cascade hypothesis, accumulation of beta-amyloid (Aβ) peptides initiates the pathological cascade in Alzheimer's disease (AD).
Sustainability Award
The moment is there: LUGO can finally announce the winner of the Sustainability Award 2020!
Freedom of expression on 'social media'
Do you have to be able to say everything on Twitter and Facebook? Is Instagram morally obliged to remove photos from attacks? Should we allow the terrorist group to recruit new members on the internet?
- Finalise registration
The High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Unusual Institutional Arrangement of a Non-Authoritarian, Yet Controlled, Democracy
In this article, Gerrit Dijkstra and Jos Raadschelders from the Institute of Public Administration, argue that Bosnia-Herzegovina survives so far on the basis of negative legitimacy.
Attacks on hash functions and applications
Promotores: R. Cramer, A.K. Lenstra, Co-Promotor: B.M.M. de Weger
Refined tautological relations on moduli spaces of curves
Robin de Jong
Merging sociality and robotics through an evolutionary perspective
Robotics, using social mechanisms like hormonal modulation, may accelerate our understanding of core sociality principles. By looking at social robotics through an evolutionary lens, we propose this field as a promising framework to investigate the fundamental bricks of sociality from an evolutionary…
Guidance documents of the European Commission in the Dutch legal order
On 11 February 2020, Clara van Dam defended her thesis 'Guidance documents of the European Commission in the Dutch legal order'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. W. den Ouden and Prof. J.E. van den Brink (UvA).
Modelling the dynamics of the innovation process: a data-driven agent-based approach
Promotor: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Co-promotor: R. Ortt
Two-Prover Bit-Commitments: Classical, Quantum and Non-Signaling
This thesis considers multi-prover commitment schemes whose security is based on restrictions on the communication between the provers.
Steady-State Analysis of Large Scale Systems
Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander Co-Promotor: F.M. Spieksma
Centre for Indigenous Americas Studies
The Centre for Indigenous America Studies (CIAS) at Leiden University is designed to coordinate and promote the teaching and research of Indigenous languages, literatures, cultures and cultural heritage.
- Breda (NL)
Vulnerabilities and Cyberspace: A New Kind of Crises
In this study, Bibi van den Berg and Sanneke Kuipers from ISGA, explore the ways in which cyber-related incidents may lead to crises
When data compression and statistics disagree: two frequentist challenges for the minimum description length principle
Promotor: P.D. Grünwald
Unravelling cell fate decisions through single cell methods and mathematical models
Despite being the object of intense study, embryonic development has been difficult to model due to a number of reasons. First, complex tissues can be comprised of many cell types, of which we probably only know a subset.
Expansions of quantum group invariants
In my research, we developed a method to distinguish knots. A knot is a mathematical depiction of the everyday knot that occurs in ropes and cords.
Classical Ballet advanced
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Student Life
Students in the GMD legal programme will be fully integrated in the student life of the overall GMD master's programme offered at Leiden University, Delft University, and Erasmus University Leiden. Acitivities, such as joint dinners, are regularly organised.
- Meet our staff
Global Ethnography (MSc)
Do you want to carry out your own three-month research project? Then Global Ethnography is the path for you! This Master's specialisation allows you to conduct a customised three-month ethnographic field research, learn how to study global issues at the local level, and develop excellent social scientific…
Classical Ballet intermediate/advanced
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Cryogenics Department
The Cryogenics Department has a liquid helium production unit and an automatic liquid nitrogen filling plant.
Other books
Below you will find a collection of books, other than those in the BLRN book series, to which members of BLRN have contributed.
Elk jaar organiseert het LIBC in samenwerking met de gemeente Leiden een Publieksdag over hersenonderzoek.
NVIC students Embassy visit
On November 9th, the students of NVIC visited the Dutch Embassy. Marwan Khalil and Imane Makouri, two students, share their experience:
Haarlem ontlast
Over poep, pies en de beerput
In our HANDS!Lab for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies, we run projects pertaining to sign language linguistics with a focus on Africa. In addition, we are running projects on sign language teaching, tactile signing, deaf people’s experiences with the legal system, and deaf history.
BLRN Book Series
Recent publications in the BLRN book series can be found below.
- The emerging sign language of Guinea-Bissau (LGG)