6,427 search results for “also” in the Staff website
Gianclaudio Malgieri on AI, Privacy and DeepSeek
In a recent interview with Maya Plentz for The Unbrief, Dr Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law & Technology at eLaw, Leiden University, explored the intersection of AI-powered search technologies and privacy rights.
From 15 November onwards, no more disposable cups at the hot beverage machines
Ymre Schuurmans: 'Legislature’s turn in discussion on objection period'
In the aftermath of the childcare benefits affair in the Netherlands, the treatment of citizens by public authorities is more often a subject of discussion. This also applies to the period within which citizens can lodge an objection to a government decision.
Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about resilience and public engagement on Dutch radio
In a one-hour interview on Dutch radio programme Sleutelstad, Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about her research into the role friendships in adolescents' well-being, the resilience paradox and the role of social, hormonal and genetic factors in stress-levels and resilience.
'AIVD loopt risico's door het gebruik van Israëlische hacksoftware'
De AIVD gebruikt omstreden hacksoftware van de Israëlische leverancier NSO Group, meldde de Volkskrant. In 2019 zou de telefoon van topcriminineel Ridouan Taghi er mee gehackt zijn.
- Invitation: Walk-in sessions on financial developments within the faculty
Jos Raaijmakers new member KHMW: ‘Build a bridge between science and society’
The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) has appointed Jos Raaijmakers, professor of Microbial Interactions and diversity, as a new scientific member.
Visit our new faculty webpage Diversity & Inclusion
The webpage Diversity & Inclusion for the Faculty of Law is live. On this page, you will find everything about the faculty activities and plans in the field of diversity and inclusion.
- Take a free Pilates class with your colleagues
Joe Powderly co-edits volume, Heritage Destruction, Human Rights and International Law
The volume, Heritage Destruction, Human Rights and International Law, co-edited by Grotius Centre, Associate Professor Joe Powderly, and Dr Amy Strecker (Associate Professor, UCD), has been published by Brill/Nijhoff.
'If a country is not safe, it will not become wealthy'
Over the past 20 years, levels of common crime throughout the world dropped, except in countries that are plagued by poverty, have large families and have been afflicted by civil wars. This was established in a study that compared safety in 166 countries.
Alexander van Oudenhoven appointed Director of Education of the master Governance of Sustainability
Alexander van Oudenhoven has been appointed as the new Director of Education of the Governance of Sustainability master's programme. Van Oudenhoven has been appointed for a four-year period, from 1 October 2022 to 1 October 2026. The programme is taught in The Hague.
Check out photos of the new bicycle parking, open from the new academic year!
Waarom Rutte de juiste kandidaat is om de cohesie binnen de NAVO te bewaren
Lars Brummel explains in The Conversation that Rutte is a good candidate to counter threats to NATO's cohesion.
Open Sports Week 13 till 19 May
Leiden Legal Technologies Program runner up for Gouden Zandloper
The Leiden Legal Technologies Program is runner up for the Gouden Zandloper (Golden Hourglass) for Legal Education & Research, the prize for the most innovative legal programme.
Consequences of fire and power cut at Leiden Bio Science Park
Open Doors Day: a moment to meet each other
During the Week Against Loneliness, we ask staff to (symbolically) open their doors, especially those such as lecturers and student advisers who work with students.
Obituary: Alumnus and cabaret artist Paul van Vliet (87)
Opening and closing times during the holiday season
Koenraad Schalm new Programme Director of the Physics master
Koenraad Schalm will be the new programme director of the Physics master starting 1 November. He has been appointed for a period of four years. Schalm succeeds Ana Achúcarro who has held the position since 2021.
Wimar Bolhuis: ECB intervention helped prevent euro crisis
Dutch Central Bank President Klaas Knot wants to wind down the European Central Bank’s crisis bond-buying programme this year because the economic outlook is looking increasingly positive.
Spinning marathon and Turkish pizzas: USC raises money for earthquake victims
On Wednesday 15 February, the University Sports Centre raised money for the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. The total currently stands at €2,490.
Luuk van Middelaar in the media on Ukraine’s EU candidacy
At a recent meeting, the leaders of the European Union formally approved Ukraine and Moldova’s candidate status to join the bloc. The message is: you are welcome to join our European family in due course.
Story from the field: Field School in Aruba
Four bachelor’s students in archaeology have embarked on a month-long field school in Aruba. They will work with Harold Kelly, a local archaeologist at the National archaeological museum of Aruba, and with the research team of Island(er)s at the Helm.
Maartje van der Woude member of new Police Academic Advisory Board
Police, administrators and other parties will from now on have access to the advice of the new Academic Advisory Board for the Police. Maartje van der Woude, professor of socio-legal studies, is one of the members of this council.
Sjoerd Lopik in Mr. Online on environmental criminal law
Dutch online news platform Mr. Online interviewed external PhD student Sjoerd Lopik about the development of environmental criminal law in the Netherlands and about his experiences combining his job as a researcher with his work in the legal practice.
‘12-year-olds capable of deciding about vaccination with assistance’
Children aged between 12 and 17 years can decide themselves whether they want to be vaccinated or not. Experts say that children are capable of taking a well-considered decision.
Barbora Budinská speaks on the application of national law by the European Central Bank
On 12 and 13 May, the University of Luxembourg organised a workshop titled ‘The Politics, Law and Political Economy of European Banking Union: The First Decade of Operation.’ Barbora Budinská presented a paper on the application of national law by the European Central Bank (ECB) within the Single Supervisory…
Update Phase 2A - First moves begin and the new main entrance is open from 2 April!
What is your opinion on the design of the teaching spaces? Share your wishes!
Marike Knoef on highest inflation since 2008
Eurostat, the European statistical office, reports that inflation in the Eurozone has increased to 4.1 per cent. What are the implications for your wallet and your savings? And how can consumers respond?
Jump start your grant application process: apply for a Faculty of Archaeology seed fund
Income-based fines coming in the Netherlands?
In many European countries, the amount of a fine is based on the level of your income. This already exists in Finland, Sweden, Germany, France, and Spain. The Dutch Lower House is now contemplating the introduction of such a system.
Nicole van Os wins Academy Kiss
Nicole van Os won the Academy Kiss 2022. Van Os, study coordinator and advisor who also chairs the Delegation of Workers' Organizations in The Local Consultations of the AOb teaching union, won the award because of her commitment to the cause of giving language teachers permanent contracts, over hiring…
Lecture Hall Building closed from 26 June till 30 August 2023
Bert Koenders new chairman of the Foreign Policy Advisory Council
Bert Koenders, professor of Peace, Law and Security at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, has been appointed chairman of the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV), or foreign policy.
Analyse your exam questions in Remindo
Photo Report Cluster South
The renovation of the South Cluster has been in full swing over the recent period. As the completion date approaches, no later than 1 April, we're excited to provide you with a glimpse of the current state of the building.
Update Phase 2A - this is scheduled for February
Thesis on research on the intergenerational transmission of trauma wins FSW thesis prize 2023
With research on the intergenerational transmission of trauma, Tamara Compagner (right) has won the FSW Thesis Prize 2023. The thesis was written as part of the Master's in Education and Child Studies and examines the role of parent-child attachment and child personality in high-risk families.
Israël must alleviate plight of Palestinians now
The International Court of Justice has issued an interim ruling calling on Israel to take immediate action to prevent genocide. South Africa had accused Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention, which both countries are a party to. Professor of Public International Law Larissa…
Jorrit Rijpma on increase of boat refugees crossing Channel
At least 27 migrants died on 24 November after their boat capsized in the Channel between France and England.
Koen de Ceuster on the NKNews Podcast about North Korean art
Koen de Ceuster, university lecturer for Korea Studies at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, was interviewed on the NKNews Podcast about art in North Korea. He speaks about the role of art in North Korean society, art ‘business’, and argues why it is not possible to separate propaganda…
Come to the Meetup AI in Education @ FSW
Education, ICT
Tanja Masson-Zwaan on 'Spraakmakers' about mining the moon
Commercial parties offering space travel, space waste, claiming the moon, potentially exploiting resources ... It’s going to get busy in space in the coming years. But there are no clear agreements about this. Tanja Masson-Zwaan, Assistant Professor of Space Law, talked about the topic in Spraakmakers…
Leiden Marathon: don’t forget your goodie bag!
- Join other students and staff in preparing for the protest in The Hague
Final works for phase 2A Gorlaeus Building
Simone van der Hof in podcast on GDPR and children’s rights
In a podcast of the Netherlands Internet Governance Forum (NL GF) and the Safer Internet Centre Nederland, Simone van der Hof, Professor of Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University and Thijs Hannema, a lawyer at Kennedy van der Laan, discuss online privacy of children.