6,427 search results for “also” in the Staff website
Come to the Medical Delta Societies introduction meetings
Grant Elise Mathilde Fund & LUF: Using virus to kill bacteria: design of innovative phage-antibiotic combination treatments to combat antimicrobial
Phage therapy is a novel yet unmatured therapeutic approach in the face of the crisis of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Dr. Tingjie Guo received a grant from the Elise Mathilde Fund and the LUF to develop innovative phage-antibiotic combination treatment strategy for combating AMR.
Arko Ghosh in the Guardian about tappigraphy patterns on our smartphones
The company QuantActions promises that through capturing and analysing the data of smartphones it will be able to “detect important indicators related to mental/neurological health”. Neuroscientist Arko Ghosh is the company’s cofounder and talks in The Guardian about tappigraphy patterns.
Fact sheet on placement of children in care
At the request of the Dutch Parliament, Professor Marielle Bruning, Dr Kartica van der Zon (Dept. of Child Law), Professor Lenneke Alink and Dr Sabine van der Asdonk (Education and Child Studies) have produced a fact sheet on the placement of children in care in the Netherlands.
Russia's escalating hybrid warfare across Europe
Bart Schuurman sheds light on the alarming trend in both the frequence and geographical spread of these incidents with The Parliament Magazine.
Interview Anne-Grete Märtson
Anne-Grete Märtson
Bart Schermer on how to negotiate with cybercriminals
Hackers have got their hands on data from the Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB). Lockbit, a collective of cybercriminals, is after the money. What now?
EUniWell Summer School on the impact of covid on health and well-being
Bachelor's and master's students and PhD candidates came together from 10 to 13 July at Campus The Hague for the EUniWell Summer School ‘COVID-19: Impact on European health & well-being’. The participants attended lectures and workshops on the impact of the pandemic on public health. They also discussed…
New Cluster South building progresses steadily
The new Cluster Zuid building is progressing steadily. The glass roof over the atrium has been installed and the window frames are being fitted. The future locations of the offices and classrooms are also becoming increasingly visible. See Stijn Poelstra's photo report below.
Driven by curiosity: master student Linde Schoenmaker publishes review paper about COVID-19 vaccine stability
During her search for a subject for the literature study of the Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences master programme, Linde Schoenmaker read a press release about the ultra-low storage temperatures of the COVID-19 vaccines. She wondered why these vaccines must be stored at such cold conditions. Her question…
Information about ABP pensions: download the presentation or sign up soon
Finance, Human resources
Court case of 15-year-old anorexia patient: force-feed or right to self-determination?
Via expedited proceedings at Leeuwarden Court of Appeal, a mother is trying to impose a relatively new treatment for her 15-year-old daughter’s eating disorder. The girl is suffering from anorexia nervosa and if she does not receive urgent treatment which the girl herself supports, there is a chance…
Reopening Pieter de la Court and Willem Einthoven buildings
Marielle Bruning in Binnenlands Bestuur: ‘Geef kinderen met een maatregel voorrang in de jeugdzorg'
‘Om de problemen in de jeugdbescherming op te kunnen lossen heb ik de gemeenten nodig’, zei minister Weerwind van Rechtsbescherming onlangs in de Tweede Kamer. Maar volgens hoogleraar jeugdrecht Mariëlle Bruning moet het rijk stoppen met het verwijzen naar andere partijen en zélf nu zorgen dat de boel…
Empower your PhD and join this new research project
Nederlandse gepromoveerden voelen zich onvoldoende voorbereid op een baan. In een nieuw onderzoek ontwikkelen Leidse promovendi nu alvast hun competenties met behulp van een zelfevaluatietool, persoonlijke coaching en groepsinterventie. Doe mee met dit onderzoek en Empower your PhD.
Nominate colleagues for the Casimir Prize 2023-2024 before Friday 7 June 2024!
Quiet room at KOG available during Ramadan
Farewell Paul Abels as Professor
On 25 May, Professor Paul Abels retired as professor by special appointment. Abels has been working as Professor by special appointment Governance of Intelligence and Security Services at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs since 2017.
Podcast: Animals have emotions
In this episode, we talk with Mariska Kret about the expressions of emotions in humans and animals. Mariska explores the similarities and differences in emotion expression in humans and primates. Want to learn more about Mariska's research and discover why it's important that we learn more about animal…
Podcast: Prosocial Behaviour and Exclusion
In this episode we talk with Mara van der Meulen about prosocial behaviour and social exclusion in children. Van der Meulen also explores the role of genetics and environment in the development of social behaviour. To find out more about her research on why some children are beter able to develop their…
How Euclid will reveal the dark side of the Universe
ESA’s Euclid mission is to reveal the dark side of the Universe. But how? Professor of Observational cosmology Henk Hoekstra explains it in his interview with Space Team Europe and Horizon Magazine. He uses enlightening examples such as… a swimming pool! Listen to Henk Hoekstra to understand how Euclid…
Suspects in Mallorca case hear sentence demands
The nine suspects from Hilversum accused of beating Carlo Heuvelman so badly on the night of 14 July last year that he later died will hear their sentences on Friday. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) had demanded that one of the suspects be sentenced to 10 years in prison, and two others eight ye…
Throwback to the successful LANCE internship and job market
On December 1, the Faculty of Archaeology hosted the LANCE internship and job market 2022 for our BA2 and BA3 students. No less than 14 Dutch commercial archaeology firms and 13 faculty staff members informed some 170 students about the archaeological research projects they are carrying out.
Faculty of Archaeology ranks 7th in QS World University Ranking
It is the sixth year in a row that the Faculty of Archaeology is placed in the top ten of archaeological institutes worldwide. The QS World University Rankings by Subject looks at criteria like academic reputation and citation ratios.
Round-table discussion 'International Law in Motion'
The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies is pleased to invite you to the round-table discussion 'International Law in Motion: Some New Insights - A Tribute to Late Professor François Rigaux'. The round-table will feature presentations from Professors Pierre d’Argent and Mohsen Mohebi, and…
Exhibition on 50 years of archaeological fieldwork in Oss celebrates an archaeological 'Walhalla'
In 1974 Professor Modderman (founder of the Institute for Prehistory Leiden; predecessor of the present Faculty of Archaeology) executed a small excavation in the city of Oss. The Middle Iron Age cemetery, built over by Roman Period farmhouses, proved to be the start of a unique archaeological regional…
Update Gorlaeus Builing - phase 2A
Looking at toxicodynamic variation in the human population to address chemical safety
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has awarded a €1.6M contract to an LACDR-led consortium to assess how sensitivity to toxicity caused by chemicals varies among individual people. Currently these toxicodynamic differences are an unknown source of uncertainty when carrying out risk assessment…
- Submit proposals for the NWO Open Science Fund
Call for citizen science project at primary schools
NRC on Federica Casano’s research into European tax havens
In Europe, citizens have a right of access to government information. The European Commission, however, has various methods to prevent this. For example, destroying all e-mails, invoking state security and protection of privacy, and not taking minutes. As a result, it is almost impossible to review…
Simone van der Hof in online talk show about Behavioral Design in Video Games
On 7 October 2021 Simone van der Hof participated in an online talk show as part of the Dutch Media Week. The theme was the research project she is working on with Tony van Rooij of the Trimbos Institute and Max Birk of TU Eindhoven: Behavioral Design in Video Games.
Five questions about the symposium: The role of Gender Stereotypes in Secundary Education
Laura Doornkamp, PhD candidate at FGGA, is organizing a symposium on the role of gender representation and gender stereotypes in Dutch secondary education. The symposium will take place on 23 November from 19.00 – 21.30 hours at Wijnhaven. Five questions about the symposium.
- Kernvisie taskforce themaborrel
Joanne van der Leun appointed as Academic Lead International Affairs
The Executive Board is delighted to announce that Joanne van der Leun took up the position of the university’s Academic Lead International Affairs as of 1 January 2025.
The P&D interview is changing to GROW:
From 1 September, the annual Performance & Development (P&D) interview will have a new format and also a new name. With the acronym GROW (Gesprekken over Resultaat, Ontwikkeling en Welzijn), it will be changing to Conversations on Performance, Development and Well-being.
HC Law students receive certificate at awards ceremony
After three years of hard work, the students of the Honours College Law received their certificates on 22 November at an awards ceremony held at Scheltema.
Nico Schrijver appointed Interim Chair of Netherlands Institute for Human Rights
Nico Schrijver, Professor Emeritus of Public International Law, has been appointed Interim Chair of the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights. He will take up the position on 1 July 2024.
Purple Friday 2023: join us and wear purple
2015 Roberta D'Alessandro elected Member of the ICSU Committee
As of this October, linguist Roberta D'Alessandro is appointed as Member of the International Council for Science (ICSU) Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science (CFRS).
AI Policy Leaders Academia Award for Gianclaudio Malgieri
Dr Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law at eLaw, will receive the AI Policy Leaders Academia Award from CAIDP Europe (Center for AI and Digital Policy Europe) alongside Professor Alessandro Mantelero from the Politecnico di Torino. The award is 'for their collective call on EU policymakers…
Camille Lefebvre selected as one of the 30 finalists vying for a spot in scholarship of The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation
Camille Lefebvre has been selected as one of the 30 finalists vying for a spot in the 2022–2025 scholarship of The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation.
Herta Mohr Building officially handed over to the Faculty of Humanities
On Tuesday 19 March, Chris Suijker (Director of Real Estate) handed over the key of the Herta Mohr Building to Saskia Goedhard (Executive Director of the Faculty of Humanities), officially transferring the management of this building to the Faculty of Humanities.
- inloopsessie faculteitsbestuur Global Lounge
Interdisciplinary Collaboration Explores Substance P in Health and Disease
A team of LACDR scientists from three different divisions (SPP, BT, MC) contributed to a book on "Substance P in Health and Disease," which will be published by Elsevier. The project was a collaboration with Hannover Medical School (Germany) and was coordinated by Alireza Mashaghi. Master students Ehsan…
Eric De Brabandere: 'Ruling against Shell will inspire other cases'
For the first time, a court has ordered a company to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions. Lawyers see it as a landmark ruling that will have far-reaching consequences for Shell and possibly also other similar companies.
- bezoek aanmelden LU-Card check entree
Peter Rodrigues ‘The boundaries for discrimination have shifted’
The judicial authorities are looking into the possibilities for prosecution for the slogans that were projected on the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam on New Year’s Eve. Not an easy task, according to legal experts. When do we consider something to be ‘discrimination’?
Leiden math trail renewed
Updated walking instructions, and refreshed texts and questions. After six years, the Leiden math trail has been revamped. From high school students to mathematicians: everyone can walk the route to their heart's content again.
Join the Healthy University Week from 13 to 17 May