10,000 search results for “alle” in the Public website
Lockdowns, lethality, and laissez-faire politics. Public discourses on political authorities in high-trust countries during the COVID-19 pandemic
This study looks at population response to government containment strategies during initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in four high-trust Northern European countries–Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden–with special emphasis on expressions of governmental trust.
More laws, more problems? The role of (Roman) law in society according to Cornelius Tacitus
Whether implicitly or explicitly, we all have ideas about how the law is supposed to function, whose interests it should represent, and what role it should play in society. This project explores the ways in which these questions are addressed in the works of the Roman historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus…
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Systematics, Epidermal defense and Bioprospecting of Wild Orchids
This thesis presents the systematics, epidermal defense, and bioprospecting of wild orchids.
Online Q&A International Relations and Diplomacy (Advanced)
Study information, Online Experience
Cheminformatics: Analyzing small-molecule activity data
While bioinformatics methods deal with the analysis of sequence information (be it proteins or DNA), the field of cheminformatics is concerned with the analysis of small-molecule datasets.
International career
Are you considering starting a master’s programme in Psychology at Leiden University and are you planning on pursuing a career outside of the Netherlands? If so, then before your start your studies, make sure to check if your preferred country has special requirements to work as a psychologist, in…
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
Information activities
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Information activities
Find out what it is like to study at the Faculty of Law. Watch the video below to get an impression of our facilities and our faculty in Leiden and The Hague. Be sure to also take part in our online and on-campus information sessions!
Working in the Netherlands
Many students want to find themselves a job during their studies, to help cover their expenses for example, or they might want to stay and work in the Netherlands after graduating. While there are certainly possibilities in both these areas, you’ll need to bear in mind that there are also restrictio…
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
The Agro Pontino archaeological survey
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
Information activities
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Development of an intradermal tuberculosis vaccine by combining dissolvable microneedle arrays and Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen-containing
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the pathogen causing tuberculosis (TB), is the leader among all pathogens responsible for the most human deaths today and it is considered as one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide. There is an increasing occurrence of multidrug-resistant and even totally drug-resistant…
Information activities
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Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Moscow's Heavy Shadow: The Violent Collapse of the USSR
Moscow's Heavy Shadow tells the story of the collapse of the USSR from the perspective of the many millions of Soviet citizens who experienced it as a period of abjection and violence.
Public Administration: Multi-Level Governance
The public sector is increasingly a multi-level system, with interactions between public and private actors on the national, sub-national (provinces, regions) and international level and various public, semi-public and private organisations that perform public tasks. In this minor students pay attention…
Required documents
Along with your application, you will need to submit the documents below.
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
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Campus square
Over the coming years, the Leiden Bio Science Park will be transformed from a business park into a campus. The campus square will be the vibrant heart of this area. Here, the university, businesses and the city of Leiden get together.
Information activities
Find out what it is like to study at the Faculty of Law. Watch the video below to get an impression of our facilities and our faculty in Leiden and The Hague. Be sure to also take part in our online and on-campus information sessions!
Niels Bohrweg 2, Leiden
Centre for Microbial Cell Biology
The CMCB brings together microbial cell biology expertise in Leiden. It aims at optimal resonance between the groups and maximal exploitation of the available infrastructure and to develop innovative cross-boundary technology platforms.
Immunoproteomic Profiling of Bordetella pertussis Outer Membrane Vesicle Vaccine Reveals Broad and Balanced Humoral Immunogenicity
The current resurgence of whooping cough is alarming, and improved pertussis vaccines are thought to offer a solution. Outer membrane vesicle vaccines (omvPV) are potential vaccine candidates, but omvPV-induced humoral responses have not yet been characterized in detail.
Dies Natalis
The theme of our 450th anniversary, and of this Dies Natalis, is Ahead of the Times. We have, after all, been directing our gaze to the future for centuries now.
Editorial comments
The following editorial comments were recently published in the Common Market Law Review.
Lunchtime Lectures
LUCDH presents a lunchtime talk once a month on recent research in Digital Humanities and AI. All Leiden University staff and students are welcome to attend. And we hope you can join us in person in the Digital Lab, PJ Veth 1.07.
Required documents
Along with your application, you will need to submit the documents below.
Herta Mohr
Witte Singel 27A, Leiden
Master & PhD Thesis Supervision
CWTS staff members regularly supervise PhD theses and act as external Ma-thesis advisors. We offer a range of topics for students from several disciplines interested in science studies, research evaluation, bibliometrics, altmetrics, higher education studies, innovation studies, organizational sociology,…
About us
The Mathematical Institute is one of the eight institutes of the Faculty of Science. The institute operates as a single unit defined by the activities of its members.
Management Team and Daily Board
Daily management at the Institute of Biology Leiden is executed by the Scientific Director, the Director of Education, the Director of Operations and the Management Assistant. Research and education are managed collaboratively, with strategic input from various representatives and gremia, including…
Contact us
We always try to answer questions about the Old Observatory Leiden as well as possible. Choose the subject you have a question about from the dropdown menu below.
- 2024
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Information activities
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Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
LIBC Sylvius Lectures
You are most wellcome to join us for these lectures and gain inspiration for interdisciplinary research! Upcoming events:
Information activities
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About the programme
The specialisation in Global Political Economy provides you with a rigorous understanding of the global political economy and the different approaches to its study.
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