5,313 search results for “alle” in the Staff website
- Apply for the European Student Assembly: deadline 1 December
Diversify ARCHaeology Fund: Call for Applications for 2024-2025
Do you have an Apple ID that uses your university email address? This will change
Former student Aoife in Glasgow: 'I urged Rutte to limit global warming'
Aoife Fleming attended the climate summit in Glasgow as UN Youth Delegate for the Netherlands. She recently graduated with a master’s degree in Financial Law.
Hannah Saberi new assessor at Leiden Law School
Una Europa–Africa Partnership Seed Funding Call: join the launch webinar on 26 October
'Global minimum corporate tax rate: ifs and buts'
More than 130 countries, including the Netherlands, have decided to introduce a minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent. The plan would lead to 125 billion euro in extra tax revenue globally.
Profile picture photoshoot for employees of FSW 2024
Behavioural expertise needed for lifestyle change
The importance of a healthy lifestyle does not receive the attention it deserves, as the coronavirus pandemic made painfully clear. Twelve behavioural scientists, including Professor Behavioral Interventions in Population Health Management Marieke Adriaanse and Professor of Health Psychology Andrea…
- Meijerslezing Meijersprijzen Tirza Cramwinckel, nieuwjaarsreceptie
Bart Custers on successor to DigiD
The Netherlands has DigiD, Portugal ‘de Cartão de Cidadão’, and Ireland MyGovID. Europe now wants one uniform digital identity card - the same for all Member States. For the Dutch government, the European successor to DigiD is a prestige project. State Secretary Van Huffelen wants to roll out an app…
Neurolinguists investigate the brain: not two, but three options for brain functional categories
Based on the results of a language-switching experiment, PhD candidate Fatemeh (Simeen) Tabassi Mofrad MA and Professor Niels Schiller have discovered that the traditional categorisation of brain areas is not sufficient. They published their research findings in the scientific journal NeuroImage.
Anne Meuwese and Bart Custers in Trouw on Covid apps
The more people are vaccinated, the more society can slowly reopen. Technological developments, like the Covid passport and other apps, can play a role in this. Artificial Intelligence could help greatly in developing the vaccine passport and the Covid-19 exposure notification app, Anne Meuwese and…
NWO grant gives way to more sustainable production of antibiotics
The opportunity to explore a new, exciting research topic. That is how Lennart Schada von Borzyskowski describes his successful application for the NWO XS grant. It comprises 50,000 euros, which the researcher from the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) will spend on investigating a more sustainable…
First on-campus event for prospective students: ‘Dr. Black’s seminar was so interactive!’
Touring the campus, meeting current students and taking part in an interactive seminar in the Lipsius building. After 1,5 years of online events due to the corona pandemic, a live Student for a Day took place again on Friday 24 September.
Leiden University seventh in global sustainability ranking
Leiden University has taken seventh place in the UI Green Metric, a global sustainability ranking for universities. Almost 1,000 universities from all over the world participate in the ranking.
Pauline Schuyt: 'Life imprisonment demand ineffective if goal is deterrence'
The number of life sentences in the Netherlands is rising sharply. This is a clear response to the serious drugs violence and brutal attacks on our rule of law. However, criminal justice experts do not believe that this will deter future offenders from carrying out liquidations.
Korean delegation from Ministry of Government Legislation visits IIASL
On 31 August 2022, a delegation from the Korean Ministry of Government Legislation visited the International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) at Leiden University as part of their official visit to the Netherlands. The delegation’s visit was aimed at exchanging knowledge and experience on interaction…
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences publishes advice on dignity and respect in academia
If universities and research institutions want to tackle unacceptable behaviour in academia, they must shift their focus from dealing with complaints to preventing such behaviour in the first place. This is what the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has concluded. It has therefore…
- benoeming Dean Leiden Law Academy
The New Scholar: Let’s Make an Impact!
The New Scholar, an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal at the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University, is launching its first issue, and how? With a double issue!
Olja Karmanova wins Faculty Teaching Prize 2023
The Humanities Faculty Teaching Award has been won by Olja Karmanova. The Russian lecturer was presented with the award during the opening of the faculty year.
Submit your project proposal to the Open Science Fund
Koos Biesmeijer and Claire van Megen nominated for Person of the Year
Koos Biesmeijer, Professor of Natural Capital, and Claire van Megen, an Educational and Child Studies student, are in with a chance of winning Leiden’s Person of the Year title.
- Who would you like to nominate for the Mr. K.J. Cath Award?
NSE campaign week at the faculty
On Monday we welcomed our students to the faculty with hearts, chocolate, and asking them to take the National Student Survey (NSE). A combination of Valentine’s Day and the start of the NSE campaign week – encouraging students to take the online survey.
Child rights activist Graça Machel speaks in Leiden on justice between generations
Mozambican politician and child rights activist Graça Machel speaks October 27 at Leiden University about her work.
Wat ging er mis bij het pleegmeisje uit Vlaardingen?
Hoogleraar Jeugdrecht Mariëlle Bruning vertelde in Met het Oog op Morgen over schadelijke patronen in de pleegzorg.
Learn more about your job satisfaction during Career Week
Human resources
Trade Union Month: join a union now at a discount
Concerns about ties with the fossil fuel industry? Join the meet-ups and debate
Call for submissions: symposium ‘Changing Approaches Towards Restitution and Return of Colonial Heritage’
- loopbaanadviseur spreekuur
Your opinion of the library counts!
What do you think about our libraries, the (digital) collections, services and the library staff? The Leiden University Libraries (UBL) would like to know!
Keep it cool in this warm weather: tips for a cool(er) workplace
Await AND anticipate. How the municipality of Amsterdam manages developments in the digital public domain.
The issue of how to deal with a development such as digitalisation in the public domain raises difficult questions for the municipality: who is responsible and when do you intervene?
Renewal faculty regulations Sociale Wetenschappen
KNIR Calls March 2024
Education, Research
- FGGA and the Outline Agreement
Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities 2023-2024 published
Human resources
Alicia Schrikker wins the Euro Cup prediction competition of the Institute for History
During the summer, a sizzling battle for the first place in the European Championship pool took place at the Institute for History. A total of 63 football fans and other competitive colleagues played along in June and July in the hope of winning a medal.
Yung-Ting Tsou wins Poster Prize at Dutch National Autisme Congres 2022
Developmental psychologist Yung-Ting Tsou's research is part of the Breaking the Cycle project. This project of the Focus on Emotions lab at Leiden University uses sensor technology to capture children’s social networks and dynamics during school breaks. Congratulations, Yung-Ting, with the wonderful…
Leiden Law Cast: Slavery & the Somerset Case with Egbert Koops
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Faculty of Humanities ushers in the new year: 'Build in some low-pressure time'
In a world beset with war, climate problems and skyrocketing energy prices, it is good to have some 'slack time' now and then. That was Dean Mark Rutgers' message at the Faculty of Humanities' New Year reception.
ERA4Health grants for Bram Slütter, Amanda Foks and Ilze Bot
Recently, Bram Slütter, Amanda Foks and Ilze Bot all individually obtained an ERA4Health research grant from the CARDINNOV 2023 program. In this program, which is co-funded by the EU and in the Netherlands by ZonMW, 17 consortia consisting of 3-5 European academic partners were selected for funding…
- Sign up for Happy Holidays Drinks and your Christmas gift before 13 December
Professionals on a course: sound shapes public space
When designing public spaces, noise is often a neglected issue. Architects and urban planners know little about it; noise experts see it mainly as a problem that should be solved simply by reducing the volume. University lecturer Andrea Giolai (LIAS), researcher Kevin Toksöz Fairbairn (ACPA) and Professor…
Switch to Zorg en Zekerheid health insurance before 1 January 2025
Human resources
Windows 11: Last chance to migrate your laptop in The Hague
Register now for the Leiden Science Run!
On Saturday 15 April, we are holding the fifth edition of the Leiden Science Run! Are you a student or employee at Leiden University, do you work at the Leiden Bio Science Park or do you just want to run for charity? Everyone is welcome to register. Registration is open from now!